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Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Hot/Suggestions for non-inclusion

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As we finish pages in the hotlist, there will be some items that people are suggesting we not have articles on. These suggestions are stored on this page for a while, to give others a chance to check them out.

From /A

  1. A:install ()
  2. Abelene () - misspelling of Abilene
  3. Absolute reference () - dicdef
  4. Absolute vector () - dicdef
  5. Access line () - dicdef
  6. Access number () - dicdef
  7. Active Cell () Active cell - dicdef
  8. ActiveX-enabled browser () Activex-enabled browser - dicdef (A web browser that can run ActiveX components?) (Only IE natively supports ActiveX--there is/was at least one plugin for Mozilla)
  9. Aerial and satellite photography () - we have aerial photography and satellite photography
  10. Age grade and age set () - we have age grade and age set
  11. Aggragator () - misspelling of aggregator
  12. Aireal density (), Airial density () - misspellings of Areal density, covered at Computer storage density.
  13. Aerial density () - see above
  14. Akick () - IRC command, unencylopedic
  15. Akomy () - Encyclopedia of Computer Terms redirect to Akamai, no explanation why
  16. Ak'osu () - ? no interesting search hits
  17. Aleks- () - dicdef, see [1]
  18. Anae- () - alt spelling info at co.
  19. Aerial and satellite photography - we have Aerial photography and Satellite imagery.
  20. American literary and philosophical movement transcendentalism () - prob. malformed entry; not useful redirect
  21. Analytic and Linguistic Philosophy () Analytic and linguistic philosophy see comment at GeneralxHotlist - Double check?
  22. Annette Elisabeth () - parsing error for Annette von Droste-Hülshoff
  23. Anshar and Kishar () Anshar and kishar - we have separate articles on Anshar and Kishar
  24. Antoine François ()- parse error, missing surname
  25. Ars Antiqua, Ars Nova () Ars antiqua, ars nova - We have separate entries for Ars antiqua and Ars nova
  26. Asian drama () - Columbia has long article with sections on Sanskrit drama, Chinese drama, and Noh/Kabuki--a somewhat arbitary selection. We need more on this topic (Indonesian drama, for example), but this term is probably too dated and broad to be a useful article.
  27. Atomic structure and spectra () - We have articles on each separately
  28. Atresia and Stenosis () Atresia and stenosis -- Atresia and Stenosis
  29. Autocracy, and Nationality Orthodoxy () Autocracy, and nationality orthodoxy -- parsing error for Autocracy, Orthodoxy, and National Character
  30. Auto baud detect () - dicdef (computers)
  31. Auto line feed () - dicdef (computers)
  32. Auto logon () - dicdef (computers)
  33. Auto redial () - dicdef (computers)
  34. Auto refresh () - dicdef (computers)
  35. Auto restart () - dicdef (computers)
  36. Auto resume () - dicdef (computers)
  37. Auto scroll () - dicdef (computers)
  38. Auto start () - dicdef (computers)
  39. Auto trace () - dicdef (computers) - double check?
  40. Auto-responder () - dicdef (computers)
  41. Autorestart () - dicdef (computers)
  42. Autosizing () - dicdef (computers)
  43. Autostart routine () - dicdef (computers)
  44. Autostart () - dicdef (computers)

From /B

  1. Bad font () - bad title
  2. Badr-ar-Jamalki () - Spelling mistake in A History of Africa for Badr al-Jamali father of Al-Afdal Shahanshah, currently a redirect to the son
  3. Balkan Jewry - Bad title? includes Jews in Greece and see Jews by country: Table for other Balkan countries ()
  4. Bandwidth junkie () - neologism
  5. Bandwidth Smearing () - neologism
  6. Bdzin () - aparently accentless Będzin
  7. Beam--Clamped at Both Ends () - bad title
  8. Beer (Bible) () - non-notable
  9. Bengt Heine () - Spelling mistake in A History of Africa for Bernd Heine
  10. Benoni (Bible) () - original name of Benjamin, bad title
  1. Billary Beer () Nonnotable novelty beer brewed only in 1994. NawlinWiki 22:06, 15 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Blenheim shows () Summary term for trade shows organized by the Blenheim company, acquired by Miller Freeman in 1996 [2]
  1. Bolshevism and Menshevism () - treated separately at Bolshevik and Menshevik
  2. Broadcast fax () - Summary term for a telefax message transmitted alike to a multitude of receivers; see also [3]
  3. Byzantine and Portuguese rulers Emmanuel ()-redirects in place for Emmanuel to Manuel of Portugal; not sure about Byzantine.
  4. Building for Christian worship church () Appears to have been generated by Columbia Encyclopedia article title "Church (building for Christian worship)". Covered by Church (building); unlikely redirect. NawlinWiki 21:35, 15 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  1. BusinessQuery for Excel This is just a product, why should it be included? Sounds like spam to me. Nczempin 20:32, 28 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Please do not generalise the use of the word "spam" too much - if you know how this list was created, the entries are clearly not spam. And of course we include many many entries on "just products". Insignificant products need not be included. I have no idea whether this particular product is significant or not. Pcb21 Pete 08:09, 29 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
As far as I understand, this list was created by listing entries from other encyclopedias. This particular entry sure didn't come from the EB of 1911, and I couldn't find any encyclopedia where the entry might have come from. I'd be interested to find out where it did come from, if only to check if there are other potential problems with that source. I strongly suggest that this particular product is insignificant: It's merely a non-essential add-on to one of the most widely used proprietary products (which itself is of course very significant). I'd be interested in hearing contrary opinions why this product would be significant. Note also that I didn't say "it is spam", only "it sounds like spam to me". Nczempin 08:54, 29 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Comes from PC Mag's Encyclopedia of Computing Terms. I agree with non-inclusion in this case, and with lots of other entries from the EoCT. However I do have a real dislike of comments that appear to suggest the editor wants things excluded in general merely because they are commercial (talk about encouraging systematic POV!). Apologies if I misunderstood your first comment Pcb21 Pete 12:58, 29 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I will try to be more careful in the future, because I am far from anti-commercial. I will be especially careful regarding the use of the word spam; in this particular case, I should have said "IMHO this is a non-significant commercial product". Thanks for the clarification. Nczempin 13:58, 29 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

From /C


The following are non-notable products once sold by Computer Associates:

  1. CA-DATACOM/DB () - this database is notable and still used, very fast relational DB for mainframes
  2. CA-Easytrieve () - this is a report writer still sold by CA with some products
  3. CA-Insight ()
  4. CA-Jobtrac ()
  5. CA-KBM ()
  6. CA-Librarian () - this is probably a tape management system by CA
  7. CA-ManMan/X ()
  8. CA-OpenIngres ()
  9. CA-OpenROAD ()
  10. CA-PRMS ()
  11. CA-Quick Response Engine ()
  12. CA-RAMIS ()
  13. CA-Visual Objects () Ca-visual objects
  14. CA-Warehouse BOSS () Ca-warehouse boss
  15. CA-Unicenter () - Unicenter is a former brand of some CA products
  16. CD-ROM audio cable () Cd-rom audio cable - special cable inside a computer from the CD-ROM drive to the sound card, which allows audio CDs to be played back through the computer's sound card
  17. Charles Krama () Charles krama - accentless Karel Kramář
  18. Child menu () - dicdef
  19. Child program () - dicdef
  20. Child window () - dicdef
  21. Changes in English Pronunciation (table) () Changes in english pronunciation (table) - bad title
  22. Character based () - dicdef
  23. Character cell () - dicdef
  24. Character data () - dicdef
  25. Character field () - dicdef
  26. Character mode () - dicdef
  27. Character tag () - dicdef
  28. Chmode () - unix command
  29. Chub (Bible) () Chub (bible) - minor
  30. Clean boot () - dicdef
  31. Clean install () - dicdef
  32. Clear memory () - dicdef
  33. Clear to send () - dicdef
  34. Click potato () - neologism
  35. Click speed () - neologism
  36. Clock tripling () - dicdef
  37. Computer-to-phone ()
  38. Computer-to-press ()
  39. Computer-to-telephone ()
  40. Conversational () - dicdef
  41. Cool stuff ()
  42. Council of ()
  43. CTLIB () Ctlib
  44. Ctrl-S () Ctrl-s
  45. Co-sited () - dicdef
  46. CPU ID () Cpu id - dicdef
  47. CPU second () Cpu second - dicdef
  48. CPU size () Cpu size - dicdef
  49. Crash in Windows () Crash in windows - dicdef
  50. Crushing and pulverizing () - we have separate articles
  51. Cuckoo egg () - we have cuckoo and we have egg; we don't have sparrow egg, robin egg etc. Typo for Cuckoo's egg, a colloquialism (or dictdef) & the title of two books. Probably worth creating a disambiguation page for
  52. Cyberage () - neologism
  53. Cyberagent () - neologism
  54. Cybercrook () - neologism
  55. Cyberhygiene () - neologism
  56. Cyberlibertarianism () - neologism
  57. Cyberlibrarian () - neologism
  58. Cybermarketing () - neologism
  59. Cyberregs () - neologism
  60. Cybersleuth () - neologism
  61. Cybrarian () - neologism

From /D

  1. Donkeys and allies () Only one encyclopedia article with this title, referring to members of the Donkey family; unlikely redirect. NawlinWiki 04:14, 19 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Dale Evan () Dale evan Seems to be a typo for Dale Evans. NawlinWiki (talk) 16:47, 21 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Default directory ()
  4. Default drive ()
  5. Default file ()
  6. Default font ()
  7. Default name ()
  8. Default profile ()
  9. Defoliant and desiccant () - We have defoliant and desiccant although it redirs to desiccation
  10. Deformation and Flow () We have Deformation and flow

From /E

  1. Easy to learn and use ()
  2. E-calling ()
  3. E-centives ()
  4. E-cinema ()
  5. E-commerce engineer ()
  6. E-commerce service provider ()
  7. E-content ()
  8. E-filing ()
  9. E-forms ()
  10. E-hub ()
  11. E-mail address search sites ()
  12. E-mail header ()
  13. E-mail relay () - redirect to open mail relay?
  14. E-mail vs. Internet ()
  15. E-market maker ()
  16. E-nager ()
  17. E-name ()
  18. E-stamp ()
  19. E-tailing ()
  20. E-time ()
  21. ECharge ()
  22. Ecological methods ()
  23. Education & training ()
  24. Electric and magnetic units () - See Template:SI electromagnetism units
  25. E & M ()
  26. Ear & mouth ()
  27. Earth rotation and orbital motion () - we have both topics separately
  28. Electric contact () - dicdef. What's there to say?
  29. Ehrengard Melusina von der () - truncated version of Ehrengard Melusina von der Schulenburg
  30. Electrical units and standards ()
  31. Electron motion in vacuum ()
  32. Electrophilic and nucleophilic reagents () - We have electrophile and nucleophile (both of which are described as reagents)
  33. Elementary Particles (table) ()
  34. Elements, geochemical distribution of ()
  35. Elie, Duke , Duke Af Glucksberg Decazes () - mangled, unrecognizable
  36. Elliptic function and integral () - We have elliptic function and elliptic integral
  37. Email address search sites ()
  38. Embed The Internet ()
  39. Embedded command ()
  40. Embedded language ()
  41. English art and architecture () - We have English art and English architecture.
  42. Entering special characters ()
  43. Executors and administrators () - Related to wills and probate; we have executor (plus at least two subtypes) and Administration of an estate on death which refers back to probate for a fuller explanation
  44. Euphony and Cacophony () - We have euphony and cacophony
  45. Eugene and Maria Jolas () - We have Eugene Jolas and Maria Jolas
  46. Esher and Molesey () - We have Esher and Molesey, both places in the Surrey borough of Elmbridge near the River Mole.
  47. Estimating a programming job ()
  48. ET3000, ET4000 ()
  49. Expand the tree ()
  50. Eyeball driven ()
  51. Eyeball hang time ()
  52. Excel abc's ()
  53. Excel tutorial ()
  54. Exception error 12 ()
  55. Expireware () - neologism
  56. Explicit link () - dicdef
  57. Explicit reference () - dicdef
  58. Ezel (Bible) () Ezel (bible) - name of a minor rock
  59. Ema Ringelblum () Ema ringelblum - no notable female by that name; likely came from a hyphenated Emanuel Ringelblum
  60. Enable () - dicdef
  61. Enabled () - dicdef
  62. Engineering and architectural contracts () - bad title?
  63. Engineering drawing sizes () - bad title?
  64. Enriched ad () - neologism
  65. Ethel- () - dicdef, bad title
  66. Ellipsometric Parameters -- part of Ellipsometry ()
  67. Embedded chip -- embedded microprocessor ()
  68. Eskiehir () - accented letters missing for Eskişehir
  69. Etched Glass -- covered in glass () Etched glass
  70. Ethernet N-way switch -- network switch () Ethernet n-way switch
  71. Early English romance Horn () Early english romance horn - unneeded redirect for King Horn
  72. Edifice of worship temple () - just Temple
  73. Edward Lee Throndike () Edward lee throndike - uncommon spelling mistake for Edward Lee Thorndike
  74. Edward Robert - No notable individual called "Edward Robert" found, although plenty with "Edward Robert" as first name, middle initial.
  75. Edward Rydz-migy () Edward rydz-migy - mangled Edward Rydz-Śmigły
  76. Elblg () - apparently mangled Elbląg

From /F

  1. Family of Florentine artists Gaddi () - already have Gaddo Gaddi, Taddeo Gaddi and Agnolo Gaddi
  2. Farudja () - misspelling of Faroudja
  3. Faruja () - misspelling of Faroudja
  4. Fully qualified () Pcb21 Pete 18:40, 17 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  5. Fontware () - a non-notable obsolete app for MS-DOS
  6. Foreground/background () - we have these separately
  7. Foreign format () - dicdef
  8. Foreign language characters () - bad title
  9. Forest and forestry () - We have forest and forestry
  10. Forests and trees () - We have forest and tree
  11. Forestware () - neologism
  12. Fort Boffa () - no information found

From /G

  1. Garden and Landscape Design () Garden Design Garden and landscape design - We have garden, garden design and landscape design
  2. Gas field and gas well () Gas well - Gas field, gas well, oil field, oil well
  3. Gerald Fitzgerald, 14th Earl of Desmond () Gerald Desmond Gerald fitzgerald, 14th earl of desmond - At Earl of Desmond, we have James Fitzgerald, 14th Earl of Desmond and Gerald Fitzgerald, 15th Earl of Desmond
  4. Giovanni Antonio () - forenames without surname
  5. GIS basic question types () - GIS types - Gis basic question types
  6. GIS development strategy () - GIS strategy - Gis development strategy
  7. GIS glossary () - Gis glossary
  8. GIS glossary: a-g () - GIS a-g - Gis glossary: a-g
  9. GIS glossary: h-t () - GIS h-t - Gis glossary: h-t
  10. GIS standards categories () - GIS categories - Gis standards categories
  11. Glossaries in this publication () - Glossaries publication
  12. Gottfried Heinrich () - forenames without surname
  13. Greek family Ypsilanti () - Greek Ypsilanti - we have all four major members as separate articles
  14. Grudzidz () - less an ogonek Grudziądz
  15. Gsta Canal () - strange character substitution through Gšta canal to Göta Canal
  16. GUI accelerator () - Gui accelerator
  17. GUI based () - Gui based
  18. GUI painter () - Gui painter
  19. Good books () -
  20. Gooey builder () -
  21. Global search and replace () - Global replace - dicdef
  22. GNU Economy () - Gnu economy - neologism
  23. God Box () - God box - neologism
  24. Golden stars -- type of flower, Bloomeria crocea () -
  25. Glide-path indicator -- part of any instrument landing approach indicator, like HSI () -

From /H

  1. Hex chart -- any chart of hexidecimal characters, there's one in the hex article for instance
  2. HTML-Lite -- at one time referred to a subset of HTML for e-mail editors, but appears to be unused in this context today, if it was ever a "standard". Term is heavily overused today.
  3. HTML extension file -- files ending in ".html"
  4. HTTP request header, HTTP response header -- parts of HTTP
  5. Hide extensions () -- too triv
  6. Hide file extensions () -- too triv
  7. Half-height drive - older term for hard disk physical format () Then a rd would be appropriate.
  8. Hearing (vertebrate),Heart (invertebrate),Heart (vertebrate) -- none of these seem like useful distinctions
  9. Hard disk configuration, Hard disk parameters, Hard drive capacity -- part of hard disk. Two rd's created, configurationmight go elsewhere though.
  10. Hardware virtual memory -- just virtual memory, Bad name(?), virtual memory is software.
  11. Hard sectored -- older term covered in floppy disk, rd or create article. Sectoring is an issue on all media that stores on circular plates. Hard sectoring trades storage space for access speed.

From /I

  1. In band ()
  2. In hardware ()
  3. In software ()
  4. In the wild ()
  5. Inactive window ()
  6. Information owner ()
  7. Information requirements ()
  8. Information resources ()
  9. Initialization string () - Redirect seems incorrect?
  10. Input area ()
  11. Input stream ()
  12. Install program ()
  13. Internal disk ()
  14. Internal drive ()
  15. Infonesia ()
  16. I/O intensive -- same here, this is a term one might use when talking about something that is I/O bound -- () I/o intensive
  17. I/O statement -- refers to a single instruction of a particular type, would be covered in the ISA or channel controller -- () I/o statement
  18. IBM workstation -- not a real term, maybe IBM RT? -- () - a Google search does bring up some machines.
  19. IBM-Apple alliance -- incorrect name, also includes Motorola, in AIM alliance -- ()
  20. Iconic interface -- see GUI or WIMP, no one uses this term as a term -- ()
  21. Ibero-Maurusian Industry -- spelled wrong Ibero-Maurusian industry, aka Oranian Industry -- () Ibero-maurusian industry
  22. IBM format -- too vague, this could be anything, Floppy disk format perhaps -- () Ibm format
  23. IBM server series -- this is not a real term, but maybe IBM zSeries? -- ()
  24. I750 -- is Intel i750, a redir would be bad ()
  25. Ice manufacture -- ice manufacturing? huh? -- ()
  26. I/O area -- not really a term, referrs to memory set aside for I/O buffering, see Address space -- () I/o area
  27. Internal font ()
  28. Internal interface ()
  29. Internal interrupt ()
  30. Internal modem ()
  31. Internal storage ()
  32. Ivan Gunduli () Ivan gunduli - mangled Ivan Gundulic
  33. Ivan Mstrovi () Ivan mstrovi - mangled Ivan Meštrovic
  34. Ivo Andri () Ivo andri - mangled Ivo Andric
  35. Internet vs. Web () Internet vs. web
  36. IP address lookup utilities () Ip address lookup utilities - list
  37. Ira (Bible) () Ira (bible) - mentioned in one sentence in the Bible; not notable
  38. Invalid directory ()
  39. Invalid drive specification ()
  40. Invalid file name or file not found ()
  41. Invalid media type ()
  42. Invalid parameter ()
  43. Internet-based technology ()
  44. Internet audio ()
  45. Internet directories ()
  46. Internet e-mail service ()
  47. Internet engineer ()
  48. Internet explosion ()
  49. Internet payment service ()
  50. Internet postage ()
  51. Internet utility ()
  52. IP on Everything -- a t-shirt. seriously, a t-shirt
  53. Internet Access Coalition () * Notable in 1997, probably not anymore. Sources: [4][5]
  54. Internet-based payment service () - poorly-defined dicdef
  55. Internet access router () - poorly-defined dicdef
  56. Internet box () - poorly-defined dicdef
  57. Internet cable () - dicdef
  58. Internet calling () - poorly-defined dicdef
  59. Internet computer () - poorly-defined dicdef
  60. Internet PC () Internet pc - poorly-defined dicdef
  61. Internet picture frame () - poorly-defined dicdef
  62. Internet roaming () - poorly-defined dicdef
  63. Internet Usage Policy () Internet usage policy - dicdef
  64. IP over SONET ()
  65. IP port number ()
  66. IP services switch ()
  67. IP space ()
  68. IPlanet Application Server ()
  69. IPlanet Web Server ()
  70. IP/MPLS core ()
  71. IPod compatible ()
  72. IQ/Objects ()
  73. IQ/SmartServer ()
  74. IRQ steering ()
  75. ISDN router ()
  76. ISP-based payment service ()
  77. IUPAC name for formaldehyde methanol ()

From /J

  1. J-lead () - dicdef [6]
  2. Japanese PC market () Japanese pc market - PCMag's article is this. Should this be redirect? If so, to where?
  3. Jaanai () in the Bible, mentioned in one verse, non-notable
  4. Jaare-oregim () in the Bible, father of David's man Elhanan. Non-notable.
  5. Jaziz () in the Bible, shepherd of David. Non-notable
  6. Job categories () - not a good encyclopedia article.
  7. Jobs on the Internet () Jobs on the internet - not a good encyclopedia article.
  8. Jelly and jam () - We have jelly and jam
  9. Jehudi () - in the Bible, officer of Jehoiakim’s court. Very minor.
  10. John and George Sanger () John and george sanger - We have John Sanger and a stubby dab for his brother George Sanger
  11. John and Michael Banim () John and michael banim - We have John Banim and Michael Banim
  12. John, Baronet Murray () John, baronet murray - mangled form of either "Sir John Murray, 8th Baronet" or "Sir John Murray of Broughton, 7th Baronet of Stanhope"
  13. John (Milton) Hay () - John Hay
  14. John Denton Pinkstone () John denton pinkstone - apparently mangled John French, 1st Earl of Ypres
  15. John Edward Bernard () John edward bernard - apparently mangled J. E. B. Seely, 1st Baron Mottistone
  16. John Penn (American Revolution) () - unness disambig for John Penn (American Revolution)
  17. Jordan River (Asia) () - unness disambig for Jordan River
  18. Jordan River (United States) () - unness disambig for Jordan River (disambiguation)
  19. Josef apek () - accented letter missing Josef Čapek
  20. Jovan Risti () - bad name for Jovan Ristić

From /K

  1. Krkonoe () - probably accentless Krkonoše
  2. Kromí () - columbia really does not like carons Kroměříž
  3. Kruevac () - probably accentless Kruševac
  4. Kruné Hory () - probably accentless Krušné Hory
  5. Kabre-Losso () Kabre-losso Two separate Togolese ethnic groups, the Kabye and Losso; no encyclopedia hits and only 1 Ghit for the combined term. NawlinWiki 04:28, 6 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

From /L

  1. Langue d'oc and langue d'oïl () - we have them separately: Occitan language and Langue d'oïl.
  2. Leninogor () Leninogor - there is no such city (probably, a misprint). There's Leninogorsk.
  3. LAN-centric () Lan-centric - dicdef
  4. LAN fax () Lan fax - dicdef
  5. Legality of optical storage () - essay title, not encyclopedic
  6. Legacy card () - dicdef
  7. Legacy data () - dicdef
  8. Legacy LAN () Legacy lan - dicdef
  9. Legacy network () - dicdef
  10. Legacy protocol () - dicdef
  11. Left justify () - dicdef
  12. Leszek Koakowski () Leszek koakowski - accentless Leszek Kołakowski
  13. Liamda - Seems to be a spelling mistake in J.D. Fage's A History of Africa for Luanda, Liamda is in the index but Luanda is the only similar word on the indexed pages

From /M

  1. M- () - abbreviation for mobile-
  2. Mainframe analyst ()
  3. Mainframe programmer ()
  4. Mainframe programmer/analyst ()
  5. Mainframe systems analyst ()
  6. Maintenance, industrial and production ()
  7. Major Industrial Polymers () Major industrial polymers
  8. Major Planets of the Solar System (table) () Major planets of the solar system (table)
  9. Macro call () - dicdef
  10. Macro cell () - dicdef
  11. Massa (Bible) () Massa (bible) - extremely minor
  12. Max. () - dicdef
  13. Media rich () - dicdef
  14. Memory based () - dicdef
  15. Memory chip () - dicdef
  16. Memory types () - dicdef
  17. Menu-driven () - dicdef
  18. Menu pane () - dicdef
  19. Menuing software () - dicdef
  20. Message based () - dicdef
  21. Midrange programmer/analyst () - dicdef
  22. Mikhail Dmitreyevich () - forenames missing a last name
  23. Mitja Ribii () - accentless Mitja Ribičič
  24. Moby Dick Armey () - confined to wikipedia
  25. Messaging-oriented middleware () - too specific
  26. Messaging gateway ()
  27. Messaging middleware ()
  28. Messaging switch ()
  29. Meta ad () - neologism
  30. Metal, mechanical properties of () - bad title
  31. Metasearch site () - neologism
  32. Metasite () - neologism
  33. Mineral flint () - bad name for flint
  34. Mini-phone connector () - a type of connector, non-notable
  35. Mirror III () - minor, obsolete program
  36. Missing terms () - bad name
  37. Model and modeling () - we have articles on both
  38. Modem lights () - dicdef
  39. Modem status signals () - dicdef
  40. Modem eliminator () - dicdef
  41. Modem on hold () - feature of V.92 modems, minor
  42. Modem teaming () - neologism?
  43. Microprocessor based () - dicdef
  44. Microsoftie () - neologism
  45. Midrange programmer () - dicdef
  46. Molecular structure and spectra () - should be separate.
  47. Moment of A force () Moment of a force - poor title
  48. Moment of Inertia--Cylinder () Moment of inertia--cylinder - poor title
  49. Moment of Inertia--Earth () Moment of inertia--earth - poor title
  50. Moment of Inertia--Ellipse () Moment of inertia--ellipse - poor title
  51. Moment of Inertia Ratio () Moment of inertia ratio - poor title
  52. Monday Morning Webmaster () Monday morning webmaster - neologism
  53. Monitor calibrator () - dicdef
  54. Monitor profile () - dicdef
  55. Monitor size () - dicdef
  56. Moofed () - neologism
  57. Motherboard tattoo () - neologism
  58. Mouse port () - dicdef
  59. Moved to Atlanta () Moved to atlanta - neologism
  60. Mouse miles () - neologism
  61. Moves-adds-changes () - dicdef
  62. Movie file () - dicdef?
  63. Multi-read drive () - dicdef
  64. Multi-session () - dicdef
  65. Music titles ()
  66. Musical Sound () Musical sound
  67. Mutagens and carcinogens () - We have mutagen and carcinogen

The following (MSW) are functions of Microsoft Word, which should be explained in the main article or left out. Their usage can be explained in a Wikibook.

  1. MSW abc's ()
  2. MSW Alignment ()
  3. MSW Arrows and other shapes ()
  4. MSW AutoShapes ()
  5. MSW Bold-italics-underline ()
  6. MSW Centering ()
  7. MSW Copy ()
  8. MSW Create document ()
  9. MSW Cut-copy-paste ()
  10. MSW Find & replace ()
  11. MSW Fonts ()
  12. MSW Headers and footers ()
  13. MSW Inserting Graphics ()
  14. MSW Italics ()
  15. MSW Justification ()
  16. MSW Margins ()
  17. MSW Open document ()
  18. MSW Page breaks ()
  19. MSW Page numbers ()
  20. MSW Paste ()
  21. MSW Print preview ()
  22. MSW Reverse action ()
  23. MSW Ruler ()
  24. MSW Save-close-exit ()
  25. MSW Search & replace ()
  26. MSW Shapes ()
  27. MSW Spell checking ()
  28. MSW Tab stops ()
  29. MSW Tables ()
  30. MSW Templates ()
  31. MSW Thesaurus ()
  32. MSW Underline ()
  33. MSW Undo ()

From /N

  1. NADN () Nadn - (Nearest Active Downstream Neighbor) In a token ring network, the station following this station. Dicdef.
  2. NAUN () Naun - (Nearest Active Upstream Neighbor) - as above.
  3. Nailed up () - not wireless, dicdef, neologism[7]
  4. N-8-1 () - A common set of communications parameters, which mean (N) No parity, (8) eight data bits and (1) one stop bit. Dicdef. [8]
  5. Nedo and Aldo Nadi () Nedo and aldo nadi - We have Nedo Nadi and Aldo Nadi
  6. Negative/positive () - we have Negative and positive
  7. Natively () - dicdef
  8. Nerd bird () - dicdef, neologism[9]
  9. Nerd rustler () - dicdef, neologism
  10. Nerdspeak () - dicdef, neologism
  11. Nested folder () - dicdef
  12. NACCB () Naccb - a trade association for IT services firms, not noteworthy
  13. NACOMEX () Nacomex - National Computer Exchange.[10] not noteworthy
  14. N-Operator () N-operator - dicdef
  15. Narcissus (Bible) () Narcissus (bible) - not notable
  16. Native Element () Native element - we have a category, Category:Native element minerals, but no article. Is this just a dicdef?
  17. Native elements () - same as above.
  18. Native application () - dicdef
  19. Native file () - dicdef
  20. Native format () - dicdef
  21. Near pointer () - dicdef
  22. NEON e-Biz Integrator () Neon e-biz integrator - minor variant of minor software app[11]
  23. Net God () Net god - neologism, dic def
  24. Net.Jet () Net.jet - very minor defunct app
  25. NetBench () Netbench - very minor benchmark software
  26. Nethead () - neologism, dicdef
  27. NETROOM () Netroom - minor DOS memory management software
  28. Netopath () - neologism, dicdef
  29. Netscape plug-in () - dicdef?
  30. Netsourcing () - neologism
  31. Nonsinusoidal waveform () - could never be more than a dicdef
  32. Not ready error reading drive x ()
  33. Not ready writing device PRN () Not ready writing device prn
  34. Note (business) ()
  35. Nitrate and Iodate Minerals () Nitrate and iodate minerals - should be separate Nitrate mineral and Iodate mineral
  36. Nitro and nitroso compounds () - should be Nitro compound and Nitroso compound
  37. NJE () - non-notable, minor protocol
  38. No parity () - dicdef
  39. Non-cacheable content ()
  40. Non-desktop device ()
  41. Non-document mode ()
  42. Non-ECC () Non-ecc
  43. Non-impact printer ()
  44. Non-modal ()
  45. Non-parity ()
  46. Non-parity memory ()
  47. Non-procedural language ()
  48. Non-routable protocol ()
  49. Non-system disk error or disk error ()
  50. Normal Mode--Sphere () Normal mode--sphere - huh?
  51. Not-com () - neologism
  52. Number-average molecular weight () - dicdef
  53. Nutritional type () - non-science nonsense invented by one business

From /O

  1. Ouhan () - seems not to be anything
  2. Opt-in () -dictdef
  3. ODSL () Odsl - ECT redirects to OSDL - pointless
  4. Options menu () - ECT cruft
  5. Ockamy () - CDE redirect to Akamai
  6. Okamie () - CDE redirect to Akamai - how about Okami (disambiguation)
  7. Ordering upgrades ()
  8. Operator training ()
  9. OOoFf () neologism, no-traction
  10. Oculie-Cusai () Oculie-cusai - existings on the web ONLY as being on this page and its derivatives...
    • This may be the Eritrean district of Ocule-Cusai, sometimes listed as Oculé-Cusai. (May also be the same as Acchele Guzai, but I couldn't confirm it.)—RJH (talk)
  11. OEMI () Oemi, minor IBM publication
  12. Off-net ()
  13. Oliver North of Boston () - artefact of generation - Oliver North is sufficient? (that article doesn't mention Boston. The web has no match for "Oliver North of Boston".)
  14. Off site ()
  15. On2Movie () On2movie
  16. OpenAir () Openair - looks like a consulting company [12]. Not notable. - Any of Open air?
  17. ORB gateway () Orb gateway - minimal interest ECT
  18. Out-of-process server ()
  19. Outbound link ()
  20. Output area ()
  21. Output bound ()
  22. Ownership tag ()
  23. Overload server ()
  24. Overflow server ()
  25. Overwrite ()
  26. Open With () Open with
  27. Ones density () - guaranteed proportion of 1s in a digital stream. Dicdef.
  28. On-net () - dicdef
  29. On die () — a dictionary definition meaning circuits that are on the CPU chip, such as L2 cache.[13]
  30. Organic conductor () - any organic compound that conducts electricity (i.e. has low resistance). Dicdef There's more to the subject than just a dictdef.
  31. Object bus () - dicdef
  32. Object computer () -dicdef
  33. Object references () - bad title
  34. Object technology references () - bad title
  35. Object signing () - dicdef
  36. OnNow () Onnow - dicdef
  37. Online coupons () - dicdef
  38. Online industry () - dicdef
  39. Online postage () - dicdef
  40. Online stamps () - dicdef
  41. Online services () - ambiguous, dicdef
  42. Online system () - ambiguous, dicdef
  43. Open Messaging Environment () Open messaging environment - 1994 marketing hype term [14]
  44. Open pipe () - dicdef
  45. Open storage () - dicdef
  46. OpenDoc parts () Opendoc parts - bad name

Oracle products - SFNI


Submit the whole section to SFNI. These are basically a catalog of Oracle products at one point in time. If we did this for everything, then we would also have to do the same for Microsoft, Lotus, IBM, Symantec, Autodesk, etc. Not reasonable, IMHO. mjuarez 06:27, 5 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Are you arguing against including articles on these topics, or against having redirects for them? What's not reasonable about either of those? Stevage 13:10, 12 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
As individual files, I don't think they would survive the afd process. We could create a List of Oracle applications, with a stubby description of each, and have each title redirect to this list. . . but I don't think it's nessary. I wouldn't call these "missing articles". I just don't think they're that important. – Quadell (talk) (random) 13:40, 12 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  1. Oracle Browser () Oracle browser
  2. Oracle Content Management SDK () Oracle content management sdk
  3. Oracle Data Query () Oracle data query
  4. Oracle Documents () Oracle documents
  5. Oracle Express Server () Oracle express server
  6. Oracle Files () Oracle files
  7. Oracle Files Online () Oracle files online
  8. Oracle Internet File System () Oracle internet file system
  9. Oracle listener ()
  10. Oracle Parallel Server () Oracle parallel server
  11. Oracle Universal Server () Oracle universal server

From /P

  1. Programmability () - same idea as above
  2. Evolution of proteins ()
  3. Pseudonym of Countess Russell Elizabeth () - useless redirect
  4. Piotr Andreyevich () Piotr andreyevich - Usually, only Russian royal family members were referred to with the use of patronimics. No such notable person in Russian history.
  5. Piotr Ivanovich () Piotr ivanovich - Usually, only Russian royal family members were referred to with the use of patronimics. No such notable person in Russian history.

From /Q

  1. Qmodem Pro (). ECT cruft. Pcb21 Pete 12:15, 15 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Query program (). ECT cruft. Pcb21 Pete 12:15, 15 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Query decomposition (). ECT cruft. Pcb21 Pete 12:15, 15 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  4. QppD
  5. Quadiri Fula
  6. QUAM
  7. Quarklmmedia
  8. Quinta - dab page

From /R

  1. Reasonable test () - ECT non-article Pcb21 Pete 10:39, 10 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Recruiter information () - ECT non-article Pcb21 Pete 10:39, 10 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Renovator () - dicdef. Pcb21 Pete 14:29, 10 April 2006 (UTC) - double check?[reply]
  4. Reproducer () - ECT non-article. Pcb21 Pete 21:24, 10 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  5. Read notification () - ECT non-article Pcb21 Pete 07:54, 11 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  6. Requester () - ECT non-article Pcb21 Pete 09:04, 11 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  7. Repetitive brain injury () - one-line joke see [15] Pcb21 Pete 09:22, 11 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  8. Raw Iron () - ECT cruft. Pcb21 Pete 11:41, 11 April 2006 (UTC) - double check redirect?[reply]
  9. Retarded Acceleration () - SW non-article. Pcb21 Pete 13:29, 11 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  10. Related files () ECT cruft. Pcb21 Pete 15:46, 11 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  11. RXD () - ECT cruft. Pcb21 Pete 08:42, 5 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  12. Read notification ()
  13. Real Mode code ()
  14. Real Mode driver ()

From /S

  1. S. Torberg () S. torberg Can't find any references to this. NawlinWiki 16:09, 10 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Saint Cru () Cru Seems to be a misprint of "Saint" in Britannica Online. Only 25 Google hits, none appear to be significant. NawlinWiki 00:22, 11 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Satyr and Silenus () Satyr and silenus - EB explains evolution, comparison; we have Satyr and Silenus
  1. Scott-test one new term ()
  2. Scott-test Q switch ()
  3. Scott-test Q&A ()
  4. Scott-test Q-bus ()
  5. Scott-test Q-server ()
  6. Scott-test Q.7xx ()
  7. Scott-test QA analyst ()
  8. Scott-test QA ()
  9. Scott-test QAM ()
  10. Scott-test two new term ()
  11. Seamount and guyot () - We have seamount and guyot
  12. Selenium Cell () - appears to be just a type of Solar cell. Not sure it needs it's own article.
  13. Sleep and dreaming () - We have sleep and dreaming
  14. Soft font ()
  15. Soft macro ()
  16. Soft patch ()
  17. Software conflict ()
  18. Software RIP ()
  19. Software validation ()
  20. Sopranino () - the highest of any group of instruments--Encarta has dicdef. - dab page
  21. Sort field ()
  22. Sources of energy ()
  23. Space Perception () - EB has 4555 words on this as a general topic. We have a number of articles like Depth perception and Visual perception, but seemingly no general one.
  24. Spam rage () - neologism - deleted, see Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Spam rage
  25. Spanish art and architecture () covered by Spanish art and Spanish architecture
  26. Spice and flavoring () - We have spice and flavoring
  27. Spice and herb () - We have spice and herb
  28. Spreadsheet tutorial ()
  29. SQLWindows ()
  30. SQL engine ()
  31. SQL precompiler ()
  32. SQL Windows ()
  33. Stokes Flow--Cylinder ()
  34. Stokes Flow--Sphere ()
  35. Stone and stone products () - possibly redirect to Rock (geology)
  36. Sumerian and Babylonian art () - should be separate
  37. Sun-Netscape Alliance ()
  38. Super floppy ()
  39. Swamp, marsh, and bog () - We have swamp, marsh and bog; maybe just redirect to landform?
  40. Swiss cheese application ()
  41. Swiss cheese security ()
  42. Synthesis Imaging Aliasing ()
  43. Synthesis Imaging Array ()
  44. Synthesis Imaging Errors ()
  45. Synthesis Imaging Gridding ()
  46. Synthesis Imaging Mapping ()
  47. Synthesis Imaging Noise ()
  48. Syrian and Palestinian Religion () - should be separate
  49. System time/date ()

From /T

  1. Tartan (Bible) () Tartan (bible) - barely mentioned
  2. Target computer ()
  3. Target device ()
  4. Target directory ()
  5. Target disk ()
  6. Target drive ()
  7. Target machine ()
  8. Taish () - accentless Taishō - Google says other things possibly?
  9. Tch- () - from co, says that Tch- names will be listed under Ch-
  10. Ten-foot UI () Ten-foot ui - neologism
  11. Tennessee River (United States) () - unness redirect
  12. Tetoncus () - accentless Teŭtonĭcus
  13. The 3 C's () The 3 c's - dicdef
  14. Thisbe (Bible) () Thisbe (bible) - town mentioned once in the Bible, not notable - Is there a list of towns mentioned in the bible or something to that effect?
  15. Three-tier client/server ()
  16. TIA/EIA-232 () Tia/eia-232
  17. TIA/EIA-569 () Tia/eia-569
  18. TIA/EIA-606 () Tia/eia-606
  19. TIA/EIA-607 () Tia/eia-607
  20. Tîrgovite ()
  21. Triple Alliance and Triple Entente () Triple alliance and triple entente - We have Triple Entente and seven different Triple Alliances
  22. Triple precision ()
  23. Two-wire lines ()
  24. Two-tier client/server ()
  25. Type 1 connector ()
  26. Type A plug () Type a plug
  27. Type B plug () Type b plug
  28. Type Name () Type name - redirects to typename
  29. Type scaler ()

From /U


Scanning over this list, I recommend we should be at least creating redirects for some of these... what do you think? Pcb21| Pete 20:09, 9 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

  1. U-NNI () Note: this actually referes to U-NII, the Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure radio band regulated by the FCC. (See NII.) The acroynm is an error in the Computer Desktop Encyclopedia which list is based on akaDruid 11:38, 14 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]
  2. UltraCard ()
  3. UltraJava ()
  4. Unimodem () — Legitimate topic. Some Microsoft standard. —R. Koot 19:49, 28 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]
  5. UniSQL ()
  6. Universal client ()
  7. Unix box ()
  8. Unix server ()
  9. Unix/DOS command comparison ()
  10. Unix/X ()
  11. Upgrading this software ()
  12. Uplink port ()
  13. URL mapping ()
  14. URL switch ()
  15. USB modem ()
  16. USB port replicator ()
  17. USB printer ()
  18. USB-to-SCSI adapter ()
  19. Used computers ()
  20. User default profile ()
  21. User defined ()
  22. User management and provisioning ()
  23. User provisioning ()
  24. User session ()
  25. User sessions ()
  26. User support ()
  27. Unbundle () This and the following are computing dictdefs
  28. Uncached speed ()
  29. Unchecked buffer ()
  30. Underwater television ()
  31. Unload ()
  32. Unloader ()
  33. Unmark ()
  34. Unpack ()
  35. Unqualified address ()
  36. Unresolved ()
  37. Untethered ()
  38. Upconvert ()
  39. Unchannelized ()
  40. Unified storage () - dictdef
  41. Ultra-Cirrus Cloud () same as striation (other context) or ash cloud, according to [this] - Further note: The wolfram entry seems to standalone in saying this exists. Yes let's have ash cloud, but this shouldn't redirect there.
  42. Ugly code
  43. Unbundle
  44. Uncached speed
  45. Unchannelized
  46. Unidirectional dicdef at uni-directional?
  47. UniForum
  48. Updated to this database
  49. USRT
  50. UWC-136

==From /V==#Valentine-Fischer Number (

) Valentine-fischer number — Whatever it is, it gets only 1 Google hit, so it's probably not worthy of inclusion. (Looked at recently and now 2.7 million hits Calaka (talk) 16:21, 13 March 2011 (UTC))[reply]

  1. Value PC () Value pc
  2. Variable length field ()
  3. Variable length record ()
  4. Variant spelling of Tayma () Variant spelling of tayma
  5. Varname ()
  6. VBRUNxxx.DLL () Vbrunxxx.dll
  7. Vcache ()
  8. Veesa () (No information seems to exist on this term anywhere.) VEESA is Vehicle e-safety architecture
  9. Vertebrate brain (evolution) ()
  10. Vertebrate Digestive System () Vertebrate digestive system
  11. Verti-port () Verti-port - redirect?
  12. Vertical bandwidth ()
  13. Vertical portal ()
  14. Vertical resolution ()
  15. Vertical scaling ()
  16. Vertical scan frequency ()
  17. Very large instruction word ()
  18. VESA/EISA () Vesa/eisa
  19. VESA/ISA () Vesa/isa
  20. Vester- () says in co: For Swedish place names beginning thus, use Vaster-
  21. Video display terminal/unit ()
  22. Video effects ()
  23. Virtual acoustics ()
  24. Virtual card ()
  25. Virtual desktop services ()
  26. Virtual Device Interface () Virtual device interface
  27. Virtual greeting card ()
  28. Virtual headphone ()
  29. Virtual hypertext ()
  30. Virtual mentoring ()
  31. Virtual printer port ()
  32. Virtual root ()
  33. Virtual route ()
  34. Virtual subnet ()
  35. Virtual telescope ()
  36. Virtual toolkit ()
  37. Virtual voice mail ()
  38. Virtual workgroup ()
  39. Virus signature file ()
  40. Virus, defective ()
  41. Visitation of Our Lady () Visitation of our lady - redirects to Mary in other 'pedias which seems inadequate
  42. VM Channel () Vm channel
  43. VMARK () Vmark
  44. VMRAM () Vmram
  45. VMTP () Vmtp
  46. Voice capable Ethernet switch () Voice capable ethernet switch
  47. Voice menu ()
  48. Voice navigation ()
  49. Voice over IM () Voice over im
  50. Voice processing ()
  51. Voice prompt ()
  52. Voice response ()
  53. Voice store and forward ()
  54. Voice switch ()
  55. Vr Series () Vr series the Vr Series and the individual links below are NEC manufactured MIPS microprocessor chips.
  56. Vr10000 ()
  57. Vr4000 ()
  58. Vr4100 ()
  59. Vr4400 ()
  60. Vr5000 ()
  61. Vr7700 ()
  62. VT200 () Vt200 VTxxx are DEC computer terminals
  63. VT300 () Vt300
  64. Virus infection, latent, persistent, slow ()
  65. Value line () - dicdef There is Value Line?
  66. Value market () - dicdef
  67. Vendor neutral () - dicdef

From /W


These below are either neologisms, or they're too specific and belong in a Wikibook, or they are of questionable notablity, in my opinion. Someone should check these though. – Quadell (talk) (bounties) 17:51, 8 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Agreed. Addhoc 18:02, 5 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  1. Web-centric ()
  2. Web box ()
  3. Web clipping ()
  4. Web content switch ()
  5. Web converter ()
  6. Web cramming ()
  7. Web hub ()
  8. Web integration specialist ()
  9. Web intermediaries ()
  10. Web monitoring ()
  11. Web objects () redirect to webobjects?
  12. Web player ()
  13. Web rage ()- Deleted per AfD
  14. Web slate ()
  15. Web structure mining ()
  16. Web switch ()
  17. Web switching ()
  18. Web taxonomy () redirect to Web-based taxonomy?
  19. Webhippie ()
  20. Webified ()
  21. Webrudition ()
  22. William Brandeis () Nothing on Google but lots of mistaken references to Louis Brandeis; no internal links. NawlinWiki 16:38, 15 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  23. William Richard () Nothing on Google, no internal links. NawlinWiki 16:33, 15 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  24. Win 32 application ()
  25. Win 9x/3.1 Differences ()
  26. Win 9x interface ()
  27. Win16 application ()
  28. Win32 application ()
  29. Win32 console app ()
  30. Win95J () Japanese version of Windows95, it's the name usually given to it. Pretty sure it's not the official name though, couldn't find any direct reference to it. mjuarez 23:41, 9 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  31. Win98J () Ditto for Win98. mjuarez 23:41, 9 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  32. WinDisk () - redirect to Windisk? Article needs refs in either case
  33. Window spanning ()
  34. Windows-based terminal ()
  35. Windows 3.x modes ()
  36. Windows 4GL ()
  37. Windows 95 interface ()
  38. Windows 95J () See above, Win95J. mjuarez 23:41, 9 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  39. Windows application ()
  40. Windows based ()
  41. Windows basics ()
  42. Windows call ()
  43. Windows configuration settings ()
  44. Windows console app ()
  45. Windows environment ()
  46. Windows error messages ()
  47. Windows evolution ()
  48. Windows file names ()
  49. Windows fundamentals ()
  50. Windows help system ()
  51. Windows How to's () -- Not encyclopedic. — This, that, and the other (talk) 09:47, 30 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  52. Windows Media formats ()
  53. Windows Media streaming formats ()
  54. Windows memory limitation ()
  55. Windows network ()
  56. Windows out of memory ()
  57. Windows requirements ()
  58. Windows scripts ()
  59. Windows settings ()
  60. Windows SNA APIs ()
  61. Windows swap file ()
  62. Windows Telephony ()
  63. Windows terminal ()
  64. Windows tutorial ()
  65. Windows window ()
  67. Worcester ware ()
  68. Word abc's () -- Seems to be a Word tutorial. Not notable in the least. — This, that, and the other (talk) 09:47, 30 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  69. Word addressable () - redirect to word-addressable
  70. Word prediction software ()
  71. Word processing tutorial ()
  72. Word stuffing ()
  73. Word tutorial ()
  74. Word wheel ()
  75. Wireless glossary ()
  76. William Keepers () No such person, I think this was supposed to be William Keepers Maxwell, Jr.
  77. Wrong-reading () - dicdef
  78. Working drive () - dicdef
  79. Windoid ()
  80. World Wild Web () Looked for it, a few hits turned up, nothing significant. mjuarez 23:41, 9 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  1. Winoujcie () - apparently accentless Świnoujście
  2. Wocawek () - apparently accentless Włocławek
  3. Wodzimierz () - apparently accentless Włodzimierz#WinBench ()
  4. Windows Media Packager ()
  5. Windows Media Technologies ()
  6. Windows Options Cabs () -- not meaningful. — This, that, and the other (talk) 09:47, 30 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  7. Windows Powered NAS ()
  8. Web Server Folder Traversal ()
  9. Web enabled ()
  10. Wall humping () - urban slang; not notable
  11. WebBench ()
  12. WebCompass ()
  13. Wardship and Marriage () - Wardship and marriage?
  14. Warehouse BOSS ()
  15. WebExpress ()
  16. WebGain Studio ()
  17. WetPC ()
  18. WinInstall ()
  19. WinJet ()
  20. WinMark ()
  21. WitchDesk ()
  22. Workgroup switch ()
  23. Workgroup system ()
  24. WorldWorx ()
  25. WorldGate () http://www.wgate.com/ brand of videophones

From /X

  1. XML-Data () - is redirect appropriate
  2. XML processor ()
  3. XML repository ()
  4. XML schema library ()
  5. XML schema repository ()
  6. XML Web site ()

All of the above are XML-related articles, which, although could be created just as redirects to the main XML article, they are merely components I believe would be better explained in an XML Wikibook, if one exists. If we include these as "articles", we would also have to include C parser, Python parser, ADA parser, C processor, Python processor, ADA processor, etc, for all programming languages, which is clearly not correct. Marcos Juárez 09:35, 3 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I agree. They'd just be nominated for deletion if we created them. – Quadell (talk) (bounties) 13:53, 8 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  1. X Architecture () Too broad, and after searching, nothing is known specifically as "X Architecture"
  2. X standard () Same as above.
  3. Xbridge () see Wikipedia:Votes for deletion/Xbridge Systems. Not relevant?
  4. Xe file () Nothing found on this topic, except for misspellings.
  5. Xfr () No relevant meaning found.

The above articles are proposed for non-inclusion due to various reasons, shown on each line. Marcos Juárez 12:15, 3 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I agree with each of these. – Quadell (talk) (bounties) 13:53, 8 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  1. X+V
  2. X.400 API Association
  3. XAPIA
  4. XL abc's
  5. XL Adding shapes
  6. XL Adding worksheets
  7. XL Averaging numbers
  8. XL Change row and column dimensions
  9. XL Charts
  10. XL Cut, Copy and Paste
  11. XL Delete data in cells
  12. XL Delete row/column
  13. XL Edit a formula
  14. XL Enter date/time
  15. XL Erase data in cells
  16. XL Insert row/column
  17. XL Loan payments
  18. XL Rename worksheets
  19. XL Sort lists
  20. Xon-xoff
  21. XPress - deleted and locked but there is Xpress

From /Y

  1. Yi Sang-Cha () One of those "unique to Britannica" Korean painters. It might be the same person as Yang P’aeng-son. Their biographies are somewhat similar and both feature the name "Hakp'o". Though EB references 1546, and the other guy appears to have died in 1545.... so am going to put this as a SNFI for now, unless can find some more info from non-Internet sources. Pcb21 Pete 10:42, 30 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Y-Factor () - no clear meaning Pcb21 Pete 21:01, 27 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Y. Rapoport () - maybe Janis Rapoport? - not clear who. Pcb21 Pete 21:01, 27 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  4. Youth-and-old-age () - We have youth and old age
  5. Youth grinder () - appears to be an unused neologism.
  6. Yeil Irmak

From /Z

  1. Zabbud ()
  2. Zabdi () - minor biblical character
  3. Zabdiel ()
  4. Zaga
  5. Zalew Wilany
  6. Zamo
  7. Zara (Bible)
  8. Zatthu
  9. Zebudah redirect
  10. Zeen
  11. Zenix
  12. Zeriah
  13. Zero footprint PC
  14. Zethar
  15. Zhevakin-Naumov Lineshape
  16. Zibeon
  17. Zilthai
  18. Zero administration () 07:37, 15 September 2005 (UTC)
    Including ZAW,ZAK, Zero configuration Pcb21| Pete 21:00, 30 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]
  19. Zankoff () - one spelling of a common Russian surname - no article - artifact of scripting process. Pcb21| Pete 11:05, 30 September 2005 (UTC)Pete 11:29, 30 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]
  20. Zebra strip (). Pcb21| Pete 21:27, 30 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

From /others

  1. 19th-century American educational association lyceum
  2. 1ClickCharge
  3. 3DIF
  4. == signs