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Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/American politicians/Executive branch

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a list of various executive-branch officials and departments that do not have articles in Wikipedia. Please help by creating one of the articles below that is redlinked.

Initially, there were 432 missing articles. There are currently 157 remaining, meaning that we are 66.4% done.



State Department




Treasury Department


Defense Department


Cabinet-level officers


Secretary of the Interior


Secretary of Commerce


Secretary of Housing and Urban Development


White House Counsel


Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency


Administrator of the Small Business Administration








Department of State


Senior Staff Positions




Assistant Secretaries


Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor


Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs


Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs


Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security


Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs


Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation


Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs


Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs


Other senior officers


Chiefs of Staff


Counselor of the United States Department of State


Chief Information Officer of the Department of State




Coordinator for Counterterrorism


Director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons


Inspector General


Department of the Treasury


Senior Positions




Top officials


Deputy Secretary of the Treasury


Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence


Assistant Secretaries


Assistant Secretary for Intentional Affairs


Fiscal Assistant Secretary of the Treasury


Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy


Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Legislative Affairs


Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Markets


Fiscal Assistant Secretaries


IRS Commissioner


Department of Defense


Senior positions




Top officials


Deputy Secretary of Defense


Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)


Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics


Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness


Assistant secretaries


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs


Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical & Biological Defense Programs


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict & Interdependent Capabilities


Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Oversight


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas' Security Affairs


Other officials


Commander of the United States Southern Command


Populate list

Commander of the United States Pacific Command


Special Operations Command Commander


Director of Administration and Management


Director, Operational Test and Evaluation


General Counsel


Department of Justice


Senior officials




Top officials


Deputy Attorney General


Associate Attorney General


Assistant Attorney Generals


Many lists are currently partial

Assistant Attorney General


Assistant Attorney General for the Environment and Natural Resources

  • List needs to be made

Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust


Assistant Attorney General Civil Division


Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights


Assistant Attorney General Criminal Division


Assistant Attorney General for National Security


Assistant Attorney General Justice Management Division


Assistant Attorney General for Tax


Assistant Attorney General Office of Justice Programs


Assistant Attorney General Office of Legislative Affairs


Other officials


Director of the United States Marshals Service


No list available right now

Director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons


No list available right now

Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives


United States Parole Commission


Department of the Interior


Senior positions




Assistant secretaries


Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affairs


Includes those with former titles like Commissioner

Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Insular Affairs


Other offices


Director of the U.S. Geological Survey


Source: http://www.usgs.gov/aboutusgs/who_we_are/directors.asp

Director of the Bureau of Land Management


Director of Fish and Wildlife


Department of Agriculture


Senior officials




Top officials


Deputy Secretary of Agriculture


Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services


Position was renamed so some had different titles

Under Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Regulatory Programs


No complete list

Under Secretary of Agriculture for Rural Development


No complete list

Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services


Under Secretary of Agriculture for Natural Resources and Environment


No complete list

Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food Safety


Other officials


Head of the Foreign Agricultural Service


Current key officials


Department of Commerce


Senior officials


Top officials


Deputy Secretary of Commerce


Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security


No complete list

Other officials


Director of the United States Census Bureau


Department of Labor


Senior positions




Top officials


Deputy Secretary of Labor


Includes predecessors with different titles

Deputy Undersecretary for International Affairs


Assistant secretaries


Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training


Assistant Secretary for Veterans' Employment and Training


Other officials


Director of the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs


Department of Health and Human Services


Senior positions


Top officials


Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services


Includes predecessor titles

Assistant secretaries


Assistant Secretary for Health


Other officials


Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Commissioner of Food and Drugs


Department of Housing and Urban Development


Senior positions




Top officials


Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development


Assistant secretaries


Assistant Secretary for Housing


Department of Transportation


Senior positions




Top officials


Inspector General for the Department of Transportation


Populate list

Federal Highway Administrator


Current top officials


Department of Energy



Top positions


Current top officials


Reporting to the Secretary directly






Current office-holders


Reporting to the Under Secretary for Energy, Science & Environment






Current office-holders


Department of Education


Senior positions




Top officials


Under Secretary of Education


Populate the list

Deputy Secretary of Education


Assistant secretaries


Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights


Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education


Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services


Other officials


Director of the Institute of Education Sciences


Department of Veterans Affairs


Senior positions




Top officials


Under Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Health


Populate list

Under Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Benefits


Populate list

Under Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Memorial Affairs


Other officials


Director of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs Police


Current top officials


Department of Homeland Security


Senior positions




Top officials


Under Secretary of Homeland Security for National Protection and Programs


Populate list

Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Science and Technology


Populate list

Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Management


Populate list

Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Intelligence and Analysis


Assistant secretaries


Assistant Secretary for International Affairs


Other officials


Director of the Federal Protective Service


Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration


Federal Emergency Management Agency


Vice Commandant of the United States Coast Guard


Director of the United States Secret Service


Current top office-holders


Independent agencies


Central Intelligence Agency


Deputy Director


Director of the National Clandestine Service


Environmental Protection Agency




Federal Election Commission




Federal Energy Regulatory Commission




Federal Reserve


Board of Governors


Federal Trade Commission




General Services Administration


International Trade Commission






Director of Kennedy Space Center


National Labor Relations Board




National Science Foundation




Securities and Exchange Commission




Selective Service System




Small Business Administration




Social Security Administration




Surface Transportation Board


Board Members


Equal Opportunity Employment Commission


