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Wikipedia:WikiProject Christianity/Baptist work group/Library

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The following is a list of public domain reference sources included in the bibliographies of works related to topics relevant to this work group. Where possible, the works are listed by the title of the article in whose bibliography they are included. Otherwise, they are listed according to the formatting of the reference work in question.

Historical Dictionary of the Baptists


Historical Dictionary of the Baptists, 2nd edition, by William H. Brackney, Scarecrow, 2009, ISBN 9780810856226; ISBN 9780810862821

General Reference

  • Free Baptist Encyclopedia, by G. A. Burgess and T. Ward;
  • The Baptist Encyclopedia, by William Cathcart;
  • Annals of the American Baptist Pulpit, by William B. Sprague;
  • A Baptist Bibliography, by William T. Whitley;

Primary Source Materials

  • Baptist Confessions of Faith, by William T. McGlothin;
  • Confessions of Faith and Other Public Documents, by Edward Bean Underhill;
  • Minutes of the General Assembly of General Baptist Churches in England, by William T. Whitley;
  • The Works of John Smyth, by William T. Whitley;

Backgrounds to Baptist History

  • The Early English Dissenters in Light of Historical Research, by Champlin Burrage;
  • A Concise History of Foreign Baptists, by G. H. Orchard;
  • 'Continental Anabaptists and Early English Baptists,' by William T. Whitley, Baptist Quarterly 2 (1924-25);

Baptist History, General Studies


Baptist Groups – Geographical – Africa

  • The Story of a Hundred Years, 1820-1920 by H. J. Batts;

Baptist Groups – Geographical – Asia, Australia, & New Zealand

  • From Darkness to Light, by John E. Clough;
  • China Mission, by William Dean;

Baptist Groups – Geographical – Canada

  • Fifty Years with the Baptist Ministers and Churches..., by I. E. Bill;
  • History of the Baptists of the Maritime Provinces, by Edward Manning Saunders;

Baptist Groups – Geographical – Europe

  • Geschichte der deutschen Baptisten, by Joseph Lehman;

Baptist Groups – Geographical – Great Britain and Ireland

  • History of the Baptists, by Thomas Crosby;
  • Early English Baptists, by Benjamin Evans;
  • History of the Baptists, by Joseph Irving;
  • History of the General Baptists, by Adam Taylor;
  • History of British Baptists, by William T. Whitley;

Baptist Groups – Geographical – Latin America

  • Actas de la Union Bautista de Chile, 1921.

Baptist Groups – Geographical – United States

  • A History of New England, by Isaac Backus;
  • A General History of the Baptist Denomination, by David Benedict;
  • A Manual of the Northern Baptist Convention, 1908-1918 by W. C. Bitting;
  • A Concise History of the Kehukee Baptist Association..., by Lemuel Burkitt & Jesse Read;
  • History of the Church of God, Gilbert Beebe's Sons, 1886.
  • General Baptist History, ed. D. B. Montgomery;
  • A History of Baptist Churches in the United States, by Albert H. Newman;
  • An Outline of Baptist History, by Nathaniel H. Pius;
  • '”The Rogerenes, by John B. Rogers;
  • '”The German Sectarians of Pennsylvania, by Julius F. Sachse;

Baptist Missions

  • Pioneers of Light, ed. Lemuel C. Barnes;
  • An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians..., by William Carey;
  • History of the English Baptist Missionary Society, by F. A. Cox;
  • A History of American Baptist Missions, by William Cummell;
  • The Story of Baptist Missions, by G. L. Henry;
  • '”Travels in Southeastern Asia, by Howard Malcolm;
  • '”Brief Memoir Relative to the Operations..., by Joshua Marshman;
  • A Tour of the Missions, by Augustus H. Strong;
  • A Century of Baptist Foreign Missions, by Sophie B. Titterington;
  • The Tragedy at Morant Bay, by Edward R. Underhill;
  • The Moral Dignity of the Missionary Enterprise, by Francis Wayland;
  • The Missionary Work of the Southern Baptist Convention, by Mary E. Wright;

Baptist Theology and Beliefs

  • Outline of Theology for Chinese Students, by William Ashmore;
  • Abstract of Systematic Theology, by James P. Boyce;
  • Natural and Revealed Theology, by John J. Butler;
  • An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians, by William Carey;
  • An Outline of Christian Theology, by William N. Clarke;
  • A Manual of Theology, by J. L. Dagg;
  • The Finality of the Christian Religion, by George B. Foster;
  • The Gospel of Christ Worthy of All Acceptance, by Andrew Fuller;
  • A Complete Body of Doctrinal and Practical Divinity, by John Gill;
  • Christianismus Primitivus, by Thomas Grantham;
  • Help to Zion's Travellers, by Robert Hall;
  • A Short and Plaine Proofe by the Word and Workes..., by Thomas Helwys;
  • Christian Theology, by Alvah Hovey;
  • Baptist Doctrines, by Charles A. Jenkins;
  • Outline of Systematic Theology, by Elias H. Johnson;
  • The Institutional Church, by Edward Judson;
  • Bibelus grundlalor..., by Carl G. Lagergran;
  • Theology as an Empirical Science, by Douglas C. Mackintosh;
  • The Faith of Modernism, by Shailer Mathews;
  • Baptist Confessions of Faith, by William J. McGlothlin;
  • The Christian Religion on Its Doctrinal Expression, by Edgar Y. Mullins;
  • Christian Doctrines, by James M. Pendleton;
  • A Theology for the Social Gospel, by Walter Rauschenbusch;
  • Christian Theology, by Ezekiel G. Robinson;
  • Social Idealism and the Changing Theology, by Gerald B. Smith;
  • Differences in the Churches of the Separation, by John Smyth;
  • Systematic Theology: A Compendium, by Augustus H. Strong;
  • Fundamentals of Religion in Faith and Practice, by Dan Taylor;
  • Compendium of Theology, by Americus V. Timpany;
  • Elements of Moral Science, by Francis Wayland;

Baptist Polity, Practice, and Worship

  • The Baptism of Believers Only..., by Thomas Baldwin;
  • Old Landmarkism: What Is It? by James R. Graves;
  • 'Essay on the Association,' by Benjamin Gottlieb, in Minutes of the Philadelphia Baptist Association, 1851;
  • On Terms of Communion..., by Robert Hall, Jr.;
  • The Standard Manual for Baptist Churches, by Edward T. Hiscox;
  • A Church Covenant..., by Elkanah Holmes;
  • A Treatise on Church Discipline, by Samuel Jones;
  • Church Manual, by James M. Pendleton;
  • The Baprist Principle, by William C. Wilkinson;

Baptists and Other Christians

  • The Early Relation and Separation..., by Erret Gates;
  • Baptists and Quakers in Northamptonshire, 1650-1700, by Joseph Goodby;

Themes in Baptist History

  • Elements in Baptist Development, by Isley Boores;
  • Baptist Martyrs, by J. Nelson Brown;
  • The Political Activities of the Baptists..., by Louise F. Brown;
  • The Baptists and the National Centenary, by Lemuel Moss;
  • A Century of Baptist Achievement, by Albert H. Newman;
  • The Baptists and Slavery, 1840-45, by Mary G. Putnam;
  • '”Baptists and the Liberty of Conscience,by Henry C. Vededer;

Women in Baptist Life

  • The Judson Offering, ed. John Dowling;
  • In Christ's Stead, by Joanna P. Moore;
  • Mary Webb and the Mother Society, by Albert L. Vail;

Select Biographies

  • Fifty Years among the Baptists, by David Benedict;
  • The Hon. Alexander Mackenzie: His Life and Times, by William Buckingham and George W. Ross;
  • John Smyth and the Se-Baptist, Thomas Helwys and the First Baptist Church in England, by Walter H. Burgess;
  • Life of Henry Dunster: First President of Harvard College, by Jeremiah Chaplin;
  • Life of Richard Fuller, D.D., by James H. Cuthbert;
  • Vavasor Powell: The Baptist Evangelist of Wales in the Seventeenth Century, by David Davies;
  • 'George Leile and Andrew Bryan, Pioneer Negto Baptist Preachers,' by John W. Davis, Journal of Negro History 3:2 (1918);
  • isaac Taylor Tichenor: The Home Mission Statesman, by Jacob S. Dill;
  • '”Biographical Memoirs of the Late John Gano of Frankfort, Kentucky, Formerly of the City of New York, by John Gano;
  • Chaplain Smith and the Baptists, by Reuben Guild;
  • Life, Times, and Correspondence of James Manning, by Reuben Guild;
  • Life of J. B. Jeter, D.D., by William E. Hatcher;
  • Memoir of William Knibb, Missionary in Jamaica, by John H. Hinton;
  • Autobiography of Elder Jacob Knapp, by R. Jeffrey;
  • Recollections of a Long Life, by Jeremiah Bell Jeter;
  • Memoir of the Rev. William Staughton, D.D., by S. W. Lynd Lynd;
  • Memoirs of Elder Jesse Mercer, by Charles D. Mallary;
  • John Clifford: Life, Letters, and Reminiscences, by James Marchant;
  • Memoirs of the Life of David Marks, by Marilla Marks;
  • The Life and Labors of Carey, Marshman, & Ward, The Serampore Missionaries, by John C. Marshman;
  • Francis Wayland, by James O. Murray;
  • Modern Baptist Heroes and Martyrs, by J. N. Prestridge;
  • Life and Letters of John Albert Broadus, by Archibald T. Robertson;
  • Alfred Saker, the Pioneer of the Cameroons, by Emily H. Saker;
  • Edward Judson: Interpreter of God, by Charles H. Sears;
  • The Life, Conversion, Preaching, Travels and Suffering of Elias Smith, by Elias Smith;
  • Memoir of the Rev. William Steadman D.D., by Thomas Steadman;
  • William Newton Clarke: A Biography, by W. O. Stearns;
  • Life and Times of James B. Taylor, by George B. Taylor;
  • Benoni Stinson and the General Baptists, by A. D. Williams;