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In this section I would like to talk about the origin of cuneiform signs, explain how they have been evaluated to the written syllabic signs from pictograms and how they link to Azerbaijani Turkish language. So:



Where do the cuneiforms which are a very complex system of writing originate from? What do we know about the origin of this profound and astonishingly brilliant writing system? Why do they have so many different names in Azerbaiajani Turkish (it is my native language) such as "Chivi yazilar" (wedge writing), "Mikhi yazilar" (nail writing), "Paz yazilar" (cunei or wedge writing), "Gil yazilar" (Clay writing)? The answer is not very simple, but the data of existing literature on them let us shed light on all of above questions.

Before I answer these questions, we have to notice that I think that chivi is the basis for the word of "civilization" that are being used in almost all of European languages. When so-called Sumerian people - who we are (Azerbaijani Turks) calling as our forefathers spelled the chivi particularly in its verbal form "chivilleshme" (put everything in written) they particularly have had imagined a process that society was transferred into a "written system". Lather perhaps through the Greeks who are were neighbors to the Hittities (they lived in Central and Southern parts of Modern Turkey) and Babylon could transfer the form "Chivi", "Chivilleshme" (Civilizatin" to the others.

Since the answer to the last question is a simple and common one I should answer it first. The cuneiform writing which came into use from everyday human activities, by its anatomy is the reflection of all of the gains of the human society from its thousands of years of experience. In order to create such a difficult system of writing they later of course used the shapes of goods (or belongings) of their everyday life that interfered with them permanently. So in order to create writing our remote past ancestors from Babylon engraved their cuneiform on heavy and arduous material like clay. Is it possible to belive that a smart people like the Babylonians who invented writing first had a narrow outlook in the case of writing? Of course not. It is understandable , however, because we know that the Papyrus was invented much later than the cuneiform written. At the same time it is not understandable that despite the existence of the cuneiform writing system before them the Egypetians ?discovered America anew" for themselves, and continued using pictograms which the Babylonians had abandoned thousands of years ago. I have continued to investigate the origin of "Sumerian" logograms. Where do thes hundreds of difficult writing signs originate? I found that the origins of "Sumergrams" give us a need to speculate. Thus I wood like to present a result of my hard reaserch of the past fifteen years. In the right corner of this figure the origins of the homophones of dar [da-ar], dara [da-ra], and durah [du-ra-ah] homograms are given.

Sorry, since I cannot for a while embedded the pictures in Wikipedia, the article did not completed here yer.

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