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User talk:2001:1C03:5D18:8C00:6428:DFB6:85A8:41F0

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There is no need for any consensus. This a factual incorrection as stated by both the Oxford dictionary at https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780227679319.001.0001/acref-9780227679319-e-663, the Encyclopaedia Brittanica https://www.britannica.com/topic/Comnenus-family and hundreds if not thousands of other sources - some going back more than five hundred years and one going back nearly one thousand years. Go read the book from Niketas Acominatus Choniates (a Byzantine!): the LXXXVI annorum historia, graece latineque editum, or the Compendium historiarum in tres tomes distinctum from Johannes Zonaras from the year 1557. And if you cant read Latin, go the index. Even the Franks and the Germans knew what we were: go read Chronicka von C. Julio Cesare dem ersten, biss auff Carolum quintum by Johan Cuspinianus from 1541. Go read Christianae religionis, institutionisque Domini Nostri Jesu Christi et apostolicae traditionis, adversus misoliturgorum blasphemias, ac novorum hujus temporis sectariorum imposturas, praecipuè Joannis Calvini & suorum contra sacram Missam, catholica et historica propugnatio by Antonio Monchiaceno Demochare Ressonaeo from 1562 page 60 and Historia Imperatorum Romanorum A Constantino Magno usque ad Constantinum postremum, & Constantinopolim à Turcis occupatam from 1578 by Nicéphore Grégoras (a Byzantine), page 35. Go to page 646 from the De iure status siue De iure diuino et naturali ecclesiasticae libertatis et potestatis auctore Thoma Bozio Eugubino from the year 1600. Finally in compendium: the Corpus Historiae Byzantinae from MDLXVII! Should I continue? This dispute is settled

The correct spelling of this name is Comnenus, which is taken from the combat weapon Comminus. Sure the Commini mixed with Greek aristocratic families, but this is not a Greek dynasty. That the Greeks hellenized it to Komnenos is fine, but do not make false historical assumptions on a public website because of national sentiment. Keep to historical facts please.

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