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Child development refers to the process through which human beings typically grow and mature from infancy through adulthood. The different aspects of growth and development that are measured include physical growth, cognitive growth, and social growth. Child development focuses on the changes that take place in humans as they mature from birth to about age 17. Recess refers to a break from doing various types of activities such as work and school.

Within the educational field recess is a necessary asset to a child's development. Not only does recess enhance a child's social skills,but it also offers a lot of cognitive & physical development. According to Stanford research recess can create a more engaging environment for the children, as well as a more positive school setting. Research has shown that schools with a well rounded recess schedule received higher scores on their standardized tests. Schools who neglected to integrate recess in their schedules showed lower tests scores, lack of social skills (unable to work in group settings), and a overall negative environment for a child to be in. Letting children engage in physical activity between classes is known to prove their efficiency while in class. While the children are mindlessly running around it is actually waking up the brain and producing more dopamine. When dopamine is released into the brain it helps children remember and process problems much easier.