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User:Vadmium/Tricky page names

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


  • Roman: proper article
  • Italic: redirect
  • ?Question mark: redirect status or incoming links not investigated

This is a list of pages with incoming links, not listed in Category:Articles with underscores in the title, but where it may be valid to use an underscore in incoming links. In general, AWB (WP:Auto Wiki Browser) removes underscores from links (/General fixes#FixLinks), and this feature is invoked by automatic bots (e.g. User:BG19bot in “stat (system call)” diff 532407377). Discussion: WT:AutoWikiBrowser/Archive 25#Intentional underscores in links, User talk:Bgwhite/Archive 13#Bot removing intentional underscores with odd message.

One workaround is to tag each troublesome page name. The AWB source code appears to be hardcoded to ignore page names matching “size_t” and “mod_”, and on the English Wikipedia it appears that Category:Articles with underscores in the title has been specified for additional page names to ignore. Before this category, AWB appears to have been configured to ignore page names based on the usage of the {{Underscore}} and {{Lowercase and underscore}} templates.

Another workaround is to use piped links and explanatory comments in the markup.

? mod_parrot mod_perl mod_python Shift_JIS Shift_JIS art strongbad_email.exe

See also: