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Hi! You can find me also here, here and here, but, if you want me to read soon, you'd better write me on the first or on the second link.

Warning: I often share my I.P. address with some other people; if there's any problem, please contact me.

  • This user is sure humanity has forgotten who it is and can't walk through the way it has to walk through
  • This user knows this page isn't beautiful, but he doesn't have time (and capability) to create a better one
  • This user is Friulian
  • This user comes from Middle Europe
  • This user comes from Udine
  • This user's mother language is Italian
  • This user can speak Friulian and he's studying it
  • This user can speak English
  • This user can speak Latin
  • This user studied ancient Greek and Frech, but now remembers only a little about them (almost nothing about Frech) and wants to study them again (expecially Greek)
  • This user lived for a long time in Udine, after some years in Molin Nuovo of Tavagnacco, and now lives sometimes in Rome, sometimes in Udine, but more often in Rome