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Hello there, people. I am the Superspy, probably not the original, but I am proud to call myself The Superspy. Bellow, I will be listing my video game history, video games I play, and other info.

My History


I began playing video games long ago, on the PlayStation 2. The first video game I had was ATV:Off-road Fury, a very old game. I was always good at racing games, so the few next games were, of coarse, racing. But a few years later, my cousin introduced me to Star Wars:The Clone Wars, the video game. After that, I was hooked on military video games. Instead of buying games, I rented them at the local video game shop, so I had a lot of experience, I guess.

A couple of years later, I was able to buy a X-Box. The first game I played on it was Amped 2, I believe. While creating my soundtrack in it, I created my first-ever "user name", Bob Dude. I stuck with that name for a while, but never really stuck on, since I didn't even have Internet yet, so it was quickly lost.

Then, in 2007, I received a X-Box 360 for my birthday. My first game on it was Halo 3. A year after that, on Valentine's Day of 2008, I bought X-Box Live. That evening, Superspy was born.



I came up with this name simply because of my sneaky habit of easdropping and being able to hang around a certain place without being spotted. Yeah, I could've made another username, but I was anxious to play online. I began my online career on Halo 3, making friends fast. At first, I was nervous about talking to others, being new to the online experience, and I wasn't very social to begin with. But after a while, I got the hang of things, and now I have a lot of good friends on XBL that I've had ever since 2008. After a few months, my selection of games expanded to include Call of Duty 4, DiRT, PGR 4, and a lot of other games.

I have considered changing my Gamertag before, actually many times. Honestly, I disliked the way it sounded, the way I capped all letters, and the fact that most adults were assuming I was a young player because of the "99". I have considered many names, like UrbanMarine5, SeniorSmiley, or just a different variation of Superspy. But after I told my friends online, they began to protest, saying, "It's better how it already is." and , "Just stick with it. It suits you." So, here I am now, 2 years later with the same Gamertag.

I'm usually quiet online, on any game. I don't really talk to anyone unless they sound nice, are appealing, or if I get bored and begin a conversation. I've made many good friends online, ranging from the UK to Canada, even Australia once. The majority of my friends are young, from 11-15. I have a few adults in my friend's list. If I'm in a game with my friends, I will be talking non-stop. I get very angry very fast, getting angry at anything that messed me up. I know it's foolish getting angry at a video game, but I'm only human. To calm myself down, I scream non-sense and laugh, which is the reason why I am always quiet:I have my mic turned off. When it comes to online arguments, I stay quiet, even if I'm involved. I don't see why I should get angry if some idiot is calling me names. But if it's a random argument, I enjoy listening in.

Honestly, I miss the old XBL. I'm not a big fan of the NXE because it just looks confusing. I remember that big update... it was the same day I first played Call of Duty:World at War. The old XBL was more customizable, with even the Guide being able to change colors. Now, everything is dull. I currently have a Halo background, but hope to buy a Gunslinger Girl theme. I don't really care about my Avatar, but I do dress him up well, with the best clothes I have.

Top Military Games


These are the main video games I play online:

Halo 3


The first online game I played, I was good at it from the start. Well, not the beginning, but now I am pretty good at the game. Currently, I am a Colonel, Grade 3 in the game, with the skill of 41. I don't plan to level up, and go to play it from time to time. I used to be very competitive at the game, getting angry when I was spawn-killed or if someone stole my kill. Things got so bad, I even criticized Bungie. But that was the past, when I didn't know any better. Now, every time I go on Halo 3, I'm relaxed an ready to spend some time with my best friends. I'm not too good at long-ranged combat, but I prefer the Sniper Rifle instead of the Particle Beam Rifle. Also, I always prefer the Battle Rifle over anything, because I've grown to love the way it is used. But if I don't have a BR available, I will use the Magnum. I'm not too aggressive at the game, sometimes waiting out in one spot till an enemy stumbles by. I'm pretty patient, too. I'm okay at the game overall, having a 1.1 k/d. I prefer the Social Playlists, because they're more fun, and are easier to talk to people.

Call of Duty 4


This was my second video game that I played online on, so I know a lot about it. Sadly, this is the only CoD where I have a k/d less than 1. This was one of the few games where I can actually snipe. When I sniped, I loved using the Dragunov with an ACOG Scope, M21 Sniper Weapon System, and M40A1 the best. The R700 was okay, about the same as the M40, but I was always terrible with the Barrett 50 cal.. Since I expected the enemy to go down in one shot, I would keep shooting furiously, alerting nearby enemies and snipers. My other top guns were M4A1, M16A4, G3A3, G36, MP5, and FN P90. I've gotten the Red Tiger camouflage for the M4 and G36 before. Those were the only two guns I was really good at.

I was very aggressive at this game too. If my target ran away, I would chase after them, 80% of the time getting myself killed by their teammates or by the target themselves. If I was sniping, I would keep shooting at the target, always missing and never getting the kill after the effort. But things changed when I was close to a killstreak. If I was going to get helicopter support, I would go off and hide somewhere, waiting for wandering enemies. If I got impatient, I would go off and get lucky, usually succeeding.

Overall, I'd say I was okay. I had my moments. I'm not the worst out there, but I'm not much competition either.

CoD:World at War


With my prior experience with CoD4, I thought I would've been great at this new game. Man, was i wrong... Everything was different:the combat style, weapons, tactics, and environment. The first few weeks, I was regretting ever playing online on it(the story was awesome by the way). But after slowly leveling up and getting new weapons, I grew to get used to it. It is the game where I am actually good at. My favorite weapons were SVT-40, STG-44, M1 Garand, Kar 98k, and PPsh(?). I wasn't too good with the shotguns, but I prefer the Winchester Model 1897 over the Double-Barreled Shotgun. i loved using the tanks the most. Knowing you're one of the most powerful player at that time gives you a fuzzy feeling inside.

Same as CoD4, I was very aggressive. I basically did the same as I did with the last, only with tanks. I used Satchel Charges excessively in this game. Overall, I was pretty good at the game, my k/d going to 1.5. It was one of the few games I actually did good in.

Modern Warfare 2


This is my most recent game, and the only game I'm usually on(the second being Rainbow 6:Vegas 2). Just like WaW, I had to get used to the new stuff, like weapons and environment. I thought I would never get used to the game, but after a while, I loved being on it. Eventually, I stopped playing all other video games and played this. I didn't play it non-stop like most people, but I did stay on it, if that makes sense. That's why after a couple of months after the game's release, I went Prestige. My favorite weapons in the game are M4A1, SCAR-H, TAR-21, FN FAL, ACR, UMP 45, M16A4, TDI Vector, RPD, and M21 EBR. I thought I'd never like the shotguns, but I fell in love with the SPAS-12. After the update, the Model 1887 wasn't too good, so I didn't like it. The AK47 was good after you had an attachable sight on it.

Just like the last CoD games, I'm very aggressive. I keep shooting in anger when my target runs away. I get very frustrated in this game a lot, even more than Halo 3. Connection is sometimes bad, I'm always matched up with players much better than me, and I lag out of games when my brother's on the computer(I never did on the other games). But I calm myself down by shouting a lot of non-sense and other junk that makes me laugh and forget about what's making me mad. I've never gotten a nuke yet in the game, but I have gotten an EMP recently. I've used the AC-130 and Chopper Gunner before. I prefer the AC-130 most, because of the splash damage of the cannons.