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User:Soulally hanna

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SoulAlly Hanna

SoulAlly Hanna is a "Dark Healer on" Adventure Quest Worlds and is 9 out of 10 times found somewhere in DoomWood, the forest of the undead. She is also known as a Darkside and/or a Mage. Well known in Etherstorm just as well as in DoomWood.
SoulAlly Hanna is also known for her dark and Evil attitude. Thinking mostly of herself, SoulAlly Hanna does sometimes help other heros, but normally has her own reasons.

The Dark Healer writes:


"Following the events in Etherstorm, I have come to see there is a lot in the world of Lore that I have not yet seen. I am trying to become the BEST hero there is, and there for will be hard at work for a while completing the story of AQ Worlds so far. Do not be surprised if you come across me or my friends, for we are not as dark and evasive as we may seem. Yours truly;

The Dark Healer"

Letters from The Dark Healer

"Friend" -if I must call you this-
I have been in Etherstorm as of late, and it seems there is a lot going on. I will not tell you all of this, but I will tell you that it is of great importance for you to head down there as soon as possible. :Etherstorm is in a grave state. The elements are tearing each other apart, and I fear a good ally may be in danger, or be posing a danger to this place.
It may not be before long that I need to write to you again, my great ally. I wish I could say that your assistance was unnecessary; but it seems this statement is no longer valid.
I have much more to tell you, friend. But now is not the time for this. Make hast to

Etherstorm, and I shall meet you there.

The Dark Healer, 31 January 2012

The wedding of J6 and Cinazool went well. Glad I went... saved the cake, the hunnymoon and everything else you can think of. So worth it tho to see them up there on their big day.

:Congrats you two! :The Dark Healer 29 September 2012

"It's been a while since I wrote to my... friends... here. I have got only one thing to say: I am NOT your allie. Why do I work with you? Because I am ordered to. I will assist in the work at the Underground Lab on my OWN reasoning." :The Dark Healer 26 October 2013