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User: 0x69494411

An anonymous user, by another name.

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Prior to 15 February 2008, and until (by coincidence) 15 February 2011, this user edited from the IPv4 address of, and under the signature, Although this IP address was, in theory, dynamically assigned, the size of his ISP was such that it remained effectively static for this period. The use of this signature ceased as soon as changes in this assignment were noticed. All edits originating from the IPv4 address prior to 15 February 2011 may be reasonably assumed to have been the work of this editor.

This account was created, and his signature thus arranged, so that his edits and comments would be upon cursory examination indistinguishable from those of anonymous (unregistered) contributors. This signalled his objection to what he regarded as a frequent failure to assume good faith on the part of anonymous editors by impatient or identity-invested wikipedians. was for some time heavily engaged in the disputation surrounding the content of the 'Wikipedia:Ignore All Rules' page. He advocated for the principle that it should be normative and proper that one might begin to edit the Wikipedia without first having read and understood 'the rules', and against the then-growing trend towards 'Not Encyclopaedic' purges and summary reversion. Although he was originally strongly expansionist with regards to the Wikipedia:Ignore All Rules' content, he came to appreciate the concerns of the originalist faction. If recalled to the talk page of contestation, he would most likely rejoin the discussion as a minimalist, loosely allied to the originalists.



On 15 February 2011 the editor noticed that his IPv4 address was no longer stable, and altered his signature so that it no-longer gave the appearance of being the IPv4 address of an anonymous contributor. The construction 0x69494411 should be viewed as temporary and largely arbitrary, with no purpose other than to serve as a contraction of his otherwise lengthy user name.

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