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User:Mateolechef/Jacqueline Beaujeu-Garnier

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Jacqueline Beaujeu-Garnier
Jacqueline Garnier

1st may 1917 Aiguilhe (Haute-Loire)
Died28 avril 1955 (at 77 years old) 14e arrondissement de Paris
Occupation(s)Geographe, teacher at the university Jean Beaujeu
SpouseJean Beaujeu
HonoursPrix Broquette-Gonin (1966)

Médaille d'argent du CNRS (1967) Van Cleef Memorial Medal (1985) Lauréat d’Honneur de l’UGI (1988) Prix Eugène-Carrière (1994) Grand-croix de l'ordre national du Mérite Officier de la Légion d'honneur‎ Médaille de la Ville de Paris

Commandeur des Palmes académiques

Catégorie:Page utilisant P39 Catégorie:Page utilisant P18 Catégorie:Page utilisant P443 Catégorie:Article utilisant l'infobox Biographie2 Catégorie:Article utilisant une Infobox Jacqueline Beaujeu-Garnier, born the 1st may 1917 in Aiguilhe (Haute-Loire) and died in April 28 1995 in Paris, is a French geographer.

A specialist in urban geography and settlement geography, she is one of the leading French female geographers of the 20th century, with both national and international influence.



Daughter of a constable, Jacqueline Garnier took geography lessons from André Cholley at the Sorbonne at the end of the 1930s. Women's Associate of Historyin 1941, just married to the antiquity historian Jean Beaujeu, she was first an assistant in geography at the Sorbonne during the war. She defended her thesis in 1947 on the geomorphology of the margins of the Morvan (physical geography) as well as on the human and regional geography of a valley in the Austrian Alps, becoming the first female doctor of state in geography in France.



Briefly appointed lecturer in Poitiers, she became a professor of geography in Lille in 1948, becoming the first French woman to achieve this position in the discipline, at the same time as Germaine Veyret-Verner (1913-1973) in Grenoble. In 1960, she was appointed to the University of Paris, where she remained for 25 years, teaching at the Institute of Geography on rue Saint-Jacques.

Jacqueline Beaujeu-Garnier follows a large number of students, French and foreign, and directs more than a hundred theses on various subjects. Jean Demangeot emphasizes "the attention she gave to the careers of her students and collaborators" described as "feminist". She also edited the scientific publication The information Geographic as well as the Annals de la Geographic. Rather conservative, she was reticent with regard to the student movement of 1968 and the quantitative and theoretical New Geography.

Her work in the field of urban planning led her to become a member in 1973 of the Economic and Social Advisory Committee of the Paris Region France, then Vice-President. She then became president of the Île-de-France Region Planning Commission.

Very present in the various commissions of the International Geographical Union, of which she directed the working group "Large metropolises" from 1980 to 1988, she was also president of the Geographical Society from 1983 to 1995.

  • CNRS Silver Medal
  • Medal of the City of Paris
  • Honorary Laureate of the International Geographical Union



His thesis in physical geography, on the geomorphology of the Morvan, is oriented towards human geography. She is a pioneer in population geography and urban geography. From 1948, it specialized in these fields, eventually leading to the publication of the reference works Population Geography and Urban Geography. Jacqueline Beaujeu-Garnier publishes numerous works and regional geography atlases in France and abroad. However, his privileged field of research throughout his career remains Paris and its region.

Very open to methodological and thematic innovations, she explores new themes in geography, such as medical geography or the geography of commerce with Annie Delobez and is a pioneer in applicable geography.

Jacqueline Beaujeu-Garnier developed geography work for urban planning and became director of studies for the Atelier Parisian d'urbanism after its creation in 1967.




  • CNRS Silver Medal
  • Medal of the City of Paris
  • Honorary Laureate of the International Geographical Union


  • Officer of the Legion of Honor
  • Grand Cross of the National Order of Merit
  • Commander of the Order of Academic Palms



Jacqueline Beaujeu-Garnier appears in the comic book The Incredible History of Geography published in 2021.

Publications (non-exhaustive list)

  • Le Morvan et sa bordure : étude morphologique ( (main thesis), 1947, published by PUF in 1950.
  • La Région du Brenner (additional thesis), 1947
  • L'Économie de l'Amérique latine, PUF, 1949. (many updated reissues)
  • Trois milliards d'hommes : treatise on demo-geography, Hachette, 1965 (republished in 1969).
-Broquette-Gonin Prize (literature) from the French Academy 1966
  • L'Homme et la ville dans le monde actuel, Desclée de Brouwer, 1969.
  • Europe et Amérique, Genin, 1969.
  • Géographie de la population, 2 volumes, Génin, 1969-1973.
  • Traité de géographie urbaine, with Georges Chabot, A. Colin, 1970.
  • Les États-Unis : géographie humaine, University Documentation Center, 1970.
  • La Géographie : méthodes et perspectives, Masson et Cie, 1971.
  • Paris et la région parisienne : atlas pour tous, with Jean Bastié, Berger-Levrault, 1972.
  • (in) France, London/New York, Longman, 1975.
  • Atlas et géographie de Paris & la région d'Île-de-France, 2 volumes, Flammarion, 1977.
  • Paris, hasard ou prédestination ?, Hachette, 1993.
- Eugène-Carrière Prize of the French Academy 1994

Participations or direction of collective works:

  • La France des villes (editing of volume 1 on the Paris Basin and direction of all 6 volumes), 1978-1980.
  • Sens et non-sens de l'espace : de la géographie urbaine à la géographie sociale (participation), French Collective of Urban and Social Geography, 1984.
  • Alain Metton (dir.), Le Commerce urbain français (participation), PUF, 1984.
  • (es) Reflexiones sobre la ordenación territorial de las grandes metropolis (codir.), Mexico City, Universidad nacional autonoma, 1988.
  • La grande ville : enjeu du XXIe siècle : mélanges en hommage à Jean Bastié (codir.), PUF, 1991.
  • Les apories du territoire : espaces, couper-coller(participation), Espaces Temps, 1993.






  • (in) Philippe Pinchemel, « Obituaries: Jacqueline Beaujeu-Garnier 1917-1995 », in The Geographical Journal, Flight. 161, No. 3 (Nov., 1995), p. 354–355. (accessible on JSTOR)


  • (in) Hugh Clout, Jacqueline Beaujeu-Garnier, 1917-1995, Continuum, London, 2009, p. 131-146 (reprinted from: Geographers : biobibliographical studies, vol. 28)
  • Nicolas Ginsburger, « Le quart féminin des géographes : dynamiques et limites de la féminisation dans la géographie universitaire française et internationale (1928-1938) », Revue d’histoire des sciences humaines, septembre, No. 29, 2016, 213-248.
  • Nicolas Ginsburger, « Portrait en groupe de femmes-géographes. La féminisation du champ disciplinaire au milieu du XXème siècle, entre effets de contexte et de structure (1938-1960) », Annales de géographie, No.713, 1/2017, p. 107-133.
  • Nicolas Ginsburger, « Femmes en géographie au temps des changements. Féminisation et féminisme dans le champ disciplinaire français et international (1960-1990) », L’Espace géographique, 2017-3, p. 236-263.
  • Nicolas Ginsburger, "Jacqueline Beaujeu-Garnier", Hypergeo, 2020.
  • A. Fischer (dir.), Mélanges offerts to J. Beaujeu-Garnier, National Center for Scientific Research, Paris, 1985, 398 p.
  • Jacqueline Beaujeu-Garnier : une géographe universelle, PRODIG, CNRS, 1996, 98 p. ISBN 2-901560-28-8 (ISBN 2-901560-28-8) (texts delivered on December 9, 1995 during a tribute ceremony at the University of Paris I)
  • Gérard Joly, « Beaujeu-Garnier (Jacqueline) » in Dictionnaire biographique de géographes français du XXe siècle, aujourd'hui disparus, PRODIG, Paris, special issue Grafigéo, 2013, p. 34-35 ISBN 9782901560838
  • Régions, villes et aménagement : mélanges jubilaires offerts à Jacqueline Beaujeu-Garnier, Center for Research and Studies on Paris and Île-de-France Geography Society, 1987, 675 p. + pl. ISBN 2-907123-16-5(ISBN 2-907123-16-5)
  • Marie-Claire Robic, 2009, « Beaujeu-Garnier, J. », in Kitchin, R., Thrift, N. (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Elsevier, p. 275-276.
  • Marie-Claire Robic., 2013, « Beaujeu-Garnier, Jacqueline », in Didier, B., Fouque, A., Calle-Gruber, M. (dir.), The Universal Dictionary of Designers, Paris, Women's Editions, p. 437-438.

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