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Warp engine (technology)



The source of gravitation field in fantastic was named warp engine. It is need for the traveling at  the velocities around speed of light. This technology is useful for the traveling at the Solar system.

Manipulating by the particles of matter and antimatter is possible in theory. Quantum principle of collaps is used there. Consequence from this theory - film, that can to have own gravitation field. The source of this energy is unknown, but in warp engine that meaning that was obtained exist buffers of energy and antienergy. Antienergy can be radiate, that means useful work at displacement of charges and masses inside the bulb made from this material. How  made this film it is question solved and in theory. For the creating of the film thickness of which detemines by the gravitation field and contraverce is needs the light of single line spertrum. Amplitude of the energy oscillation linear dependence on the amplitude of gravitation potential and contraverce. Frequency determines the coefficient proportionality. In theory large velocities less than 212 000 km/s can be reached. After overcoming of this barrier occures the jump in hyperspace where velocity decreases from the infinity to speed of light. Practical using of this technology means the traveling in Solar system at any time less than an hour. Also it is the source of free energy that can be generated with using of dinamo machine(transforming of mechanical energy in electric energy).



To create an antigravity film requires three layers: reflective film, scattering film, reflective film. LEDs of the same wavelength should be located in scattering film. The gradient of the luminosity determines the gradient of gravitation field.

Negative temperature


The solutions of Liuville equations divides on two groups: exp(exp(-E/k/T))-1 and exp(-exp(E/k/T)) the second solution is negative temperature equation.

SpongeBob SquarePants Game


In 2020 year some people created the game SpongeBob SquarePants graphics of that create some chemical effect on sorrounding air of monitor. The plazma and antiplazma(see Negative temperature) of N2O created so game is smells by chemical reagents.



For sending of object necessary to increase potential. For reception of object necessary to decrease potential. Rapidly constanting of potentials leads to teleportation of the object.

Evil and astrology


The nature of galaxy rotation space has nature that leads to evil grow of evil due astrology science. This means that separable subspace in reciprocal space of evil time travel has the same orientation that and gipnon.



This is specter nature of rotation field that creates the velocity of fluid. DNA stucture of diode bridges presents.