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I am a Drake University student. My major is sociology. I want to work with juvenile delinquents after I graduate. I am very interested in studying crime with teens in other countries. I plan on doing some more research on juvenile delinquent rates and information maybe in Brazil. I am now planning on adding some information about juvenile's to Crime in Brazil

I am very interested in juvenile delinquency and crime rates, as I had told you before. I was looking into other countries youth crime and could not necessarily find as interesting information as I had wanted. I then looked into Brazil and found a lot of information. This information was primarily on their gangs and drug usage.

I plan on adding to the crime in Brazil page. I have written on this page to tell anyone that may be watching, about my ideas. I then added a few sentences of information that I found. This was all just for starters, I am not very far into my research at this point, but do plan on getting a lot of it during spring break.

I have some ideas of focus for this topic ranging from different areas of crime. My main ideas are; violent crimes, murder rates, robberies, child prostitution, drug usage, and gang violence. I am looking forward to the feed back that you have because I am really wondering if all of these topics are maybe too much for my one section. I also am unsure if I will be able to find a lot of information on all of those areas anyways.

Potential Sources


Exposure to violence in incarcerated youth from the city of São Paulo [1] Huculak, S., McLennan, J., & Bordin, I. (2011). Exposure to violence in incarcerated youth from the city of São Paulo. Revista Brasileira De Psiquiatria (São Paulo, Brazil: 1999), 33(3), 275-282.

Trafficking among youth in conflict with the law in Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil [2] McLennan, J. D., Bordin, I., Bennett, K., Rigato, F., & Brinkerhoff, M. (2008). Trafficking among youth in conflict with the law in São Paulo, Brazil. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 43(10), 816-823. doi:10.1007/s00127-008-0365-6

Violence in street culture: Cross-cultural comparison of youth groups and criminal gangs. [3] Zdun, S. (2008). Violence in street culture: Cross-cultural comparison of youth groups and criminal gangs. New Directions For Youth Development, 2008(119), 39-54. doi:10.1002/yd.272