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It was a beautiful sunny day on the 4th of May, 1992, in Durham, North Carolina. The air was clear after a May shower. This was the day when I, Kristina Lyn Fredericksen, saw the world around me for the first time. Since the day I was born a loving family has surrounded me. Throughout the years I have developed my personality; and I’m working hard to reach my goals in life.

Everyone smiled when I let out a high laugh as I came into the world, and I still have that same laugh to this day. Ever since I was three years old, living in Florida, I was screaming, “Goal!” I am known to lack in manners, like when I burp frequently. However, in school I am a concentrated, hardworking student with a face of determination. When I was thirteen, I moved to Georgia from Florida. It was not a joyful time, dealing with new friends and loneliness, although the move did teach me how to accept things and move on from the old.

My immediate family consists of a party of five: Mom, Heather; dad, John; brother, John; and sister, Nicole. My dad influenced me by making me independent and hardworking. When I just started school, he showed me a shack. It was moldy and rotten and could easily be blown down by the wind, and he said, “If you don’t get good grades you will live in that.” My mom influenced me by making me responsible. For example, when I was six she started giving me chores to do around the house, and if I did not finish, I would not get money. Nicole taught me how to be the best sister in the world. Ever since she was born, I have had to take care of her, from getting her ready for school to changing her dirty, smelly diapers. I have a tough side; I have my brother to thank for that. He taught me how to punch really hard and how to kill someone if I am really in danger. Furthermore, my Titi taught me an important value: love. She taught me this extraordinary value when I was six weeks old by holding me in her arms and rocking me back and forth while singing a Spanish song. I felt the warmth with her and had an open heart ever since. With me knowing the value of love, I have learned to make good choices on whom I should trust and who really is a true friend. For example, with the value of love, I trust my best friend, Emily, and I know she is a stupendous friend. Overall, my family will impact my future by helping me make wise choices throughout college and who the man of my dream is.

With my family’s words of wisdom, I have set a lot of goals. For example, I want to work for the government. In order for me to reach that goal I must have good grades throughout school and double major. In addition, another goal is to be wealthy, and for me to achieve this goal, I must major in International Studies and Psychology and minor in Arabic and make superior decisions throughout life. These goals will help me enjoy life and not live in a shack. With goals to achieve and reach and words from influential people, I have and will have a great life.

With my family by my side I am the best soccer player I can be and an extraordinary lady. I have outstanding grades and each day I am moving towards to work for the government. Some day, when I am famous, I will have my own shack with indoor plumbing.

This user is interested in the U.S. State of Georgia.
Georgia SouthernThis user attends or attended Georgia Southern University.
Go Eagles!
10This user's favorite number is 10.
♀This user is female.
This user's favourite search engine is Google.
This user loves rainy days.

Wikipedia Contributions


Wikipedia Philosophy


I believe that Wikipedia is almost like Google. However, you get one website instead of several. It is easy to use and to understand.

التكنولوجيا (Technology)


I love technology. Well only when I understand it and as long as it works. Otherwise, I will ask my Dad to fix it before my mind goes crazy.

اللغة (Language)


American English is my language. I speak, write, and text in English. I am learning Arabic at Georgia Southern University. I plan on recieving a minor in Arabic. One day I will be able to add "American English AND Arabic is my language." Ohibbu allughah al arabia أحب اللغة العربية