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User:Hipersons/Asylum Migration and Integration Fund

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The European Commission's Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (previously the Return Fund, the Refugee Fund, and the Integration Fund) is a funding programme managed by the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs which promotes the efficient management of migration flows and the implementation, strengthening and development of a common approach to asylum and immigration in the European Union.[1] All EU Member States except Denmark participate in the implementation of this Fund. Most of the funds are provided the EU Member States for activities addressing previously agreed upon theams. A part of the funding is reserved for emergency assistance. A final part is reserved for Union Actions, which are European Commission managed projects that are developed as either calls for proposals, direct awards, procurements, or delegation agreements.[2]

In addition to providing funding for projects, the programme funds the activities and future development of the European Migration Network.

List of projects funded during 2014-2020


Under the 2014 call for proposals to strengthen and develop all aspects of the Common European Asylum System, including its external dimension:[3][4]

  • Time for Needs: Listening, Healing, Protecting - A Joint Action for an Appropriate Assessment of Special Needs of Victims of Torture and Violence lead by the Italian Council for Refugees.
  • Nouvelle approche pour renforcer l'Intégration Culturelle des jeunes Réfugiés (NICeR) lead by C.I.O.F.S. Formazione Professionale.
  • Common standards for the medical examination in the asylum procedure: Art. 18 Directive 2013/32/EU. A genuine contribution to decision-making lead by Institute for Human Rights and Medical Assessment.[5]
  • TRACKS: Identification of TRafficked Asylum seeKers' Special needs lead by Forum Réfugiés-Cosi.[6]
  • Skills2Work: Valuing Skills of Beneficiaries of International Protection in the European Union lead by the International Organization for Migration.[7]
  • INFORM: Legal and Procedural Information for Asylum Seekers in the European Union lead by Middlesex University Higher Education Corporation.[8]

Action grants to provide emergency assistance:

  • ’’Emergency Assistance - consolidating reception capacities in respect of migratory flows reaching strategic border points of Italian territory - PRAESIDIUM IX Bis’’ lead by The Italian Ministry of Interior.
  • ’’Improved capacity of Italian territory to accept unaccompanied foreign minors, with a particular reference to areas most affected by exceptional migratory flows’’ lead by The Italian Ministry of Interior.
  • ’’Emergency Assistance - addressing the needs related to the mass arrival of third- country nationals that may be in need of international protection, including their initial screening, provision for basic needs on a daily basis, healthcare, interpretation and psychosocial support’’ lead by The Ministry of Interior of Cyprus.
  • ’’Emergency assistance - Establishment of an emergency day accommodation centre for irregular migrants in Calais’’ lead by Préfecture du Pas- de-Calais.
  • ’’Emergency Assistance - Capacity-building of asylum reception and human resources aiming to respond effectively to migration pressure in Hungary’’ lead by The Office of Immigration and Nationality of Hungary.
  • ’’Temporary increase of accommodations for asylum seekers and related services and improvement of asylum procedures’’ lead by The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees of Germany.
  • ’’Emergency Assistance for the deployment of Asylum Units implementing fast track examination of the claims for international protection submitted by Syrian nationals in Greece’’ lead by The Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction - Asylum Service of Greece.
  • ’’Secure appropriate accommodation and extra staff to handle asylum applications as a result of the unforeseen influx of asylum seekers’’ lead by The Ministry of Security and Justice of the Netherlands.
  • ’’Support for Addressing the Migratory Pressure in Bulgaria’’ lead by The State Agency for Refugees with the Council of Ministers of Bulgaria.
  • ’’Emergency measures for the improvement of the Hungarian asylum reception capacity and for the support of public proceedings - 2015’’ lead by The Office of Immigration and Nationality of Hungary.
  • ’’Hébergement d'urgence, réparti sur l'ensemble du territoire français, pour les migrants du Calaisis acceptant de déposer une demande d'asile en France’’ lead by The French Ministry of Interior.
  • ’’Provision of essential sanitary and humanitarian reception conditions to care for the irregular migrants in Calais’’ lead by The French Ministry of Interior.
  • ’’Return of third countries nationals to their country of origin’’ lead by The Hellenic Police HQ.
  • ’’AMIF Soforthilfe 2015 DE/ AMIF Emergency Assistance 2015 DE’’ lead by The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees of Germany.
  • ’’Transportation, Accommodation, Alimentation of TCNs in need of international protection and/or potential asylum seekers to mainland’’ lead by The Secretary General for Co-ordination of Greece.
  • ’’Emergency measures asylum system 2015’’ lead by The Federal Ministry of Interior of Austria.
  • ’’Addressing the needs related to the mass arrival of third country nationals that may be in need of international protection’’ lead by The Ministry of Interior of Croatia.
  • ’’Increase of existing accommodation capacities to cope and manage mass arrival of third country nationals in Slovenia’’ lead by The Ministry of Interior of Spain.
  • ’’Relocation programme from Greece to other EU Member States for beneficiaries in clear need of international protection’’ lead by The IOM.

List of projects funded during 2008-2013


Under the Return fund:

  • Programme for voluntary return of vulnerable persons lead by the International Migration fund.[9]
  • Strengthening consultation with the diplomatic missions of third countries lead by the Romanian Immigration Office.[10]
  • Sustainable voluntary return lead by Asociación de Cooperación Boliva-España.
  • Child exploitation – Cross-national child protection in practice lead by the Council of the Baltic Sea States.[11]
  • Better information for durable solutions and protection lead by National Committee UNICEF Netherlands.

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