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Events ~ [1]

May, 20th, 2006; Homepage; LJ;





Eventology studies events. It is generated by unbearably easy observations: «matter and mind are only a convenient way of linking events together into a sequence» (Bertrand Russell, 1946; Vorob'ov, 2001), and «mind is appearing there and when, where and then an ability to make a probabilistic choice is arising» (Lefebvre, 2003); mathematical eventology is a Kolmogorov's axiomatics grounded new line of probability theory, which has already shown the efficiency in the mathematical description of uncertainty and the eventological background and improvement of the theory of fuzzy sets (Lotfi Zadeh, 1965), the theory of possibilities (Lotfi Zadeh, 1978), the theory of evidences (Dempster, Shafer, 1976), the prospect theory which united economics and psychology (Kahneman, Tversky, 1979, 1992), and also the theory of supply and demand («Marshall's cross»), the corner-stone of modern economics. Along with philosophical and mathematical issues on event and being eventology studies problems common to economics, sociology and psychology that have been thought over by everyone in the course of life. The book is intended for a wide circle of readers who are interested of eventology and its applications. The book is of peculiar interest for specialists who actively work in this new line and also for teachers, postgraduate students and students of universities who study mathematical modeling, artificial intelligence, probability theory, statistics and applications in humanities, sociological and natural sciences.


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The Hope is the postponed disappointment.
Only new misleadings
rescue us from despair
after loss of old ones

Felix Hvalibug
Man follows only phantoms
Pierre Simon marquis de Laplace
Truths are nothing more than
our irrefutable errors

Friedrich Nietzsche

In Russian:

«Раньше я не понимал, почему не получаю ответа на свой вопрос,

сегодня не понимаю, как мог я думать, что можно спрашивать.

Но ведь я и не думал, я только спрашивал»

In English:
«Earlier I did not understand, why I do not receive the answer to a question,
Today I do not understand, how I could think, that it is possible to ask.
But in fact I also did not think, I only asked».
In French:
«Avant, je ne comprenais pas pourquoi je ne pouvais obtenir de réponse à ma question,
Aujourd'hui, j'arrive pas à comprendre comment j'ai pu penser qu'il était possible de questionner.
Mais d'ailleurs, je n'avais pas pensé, mais juste posé une question».
In Spanish: «???»
In Italian: «???»
In het Nederlands:
«Vroeger begreep ik niet, waarom ik geen antwoord op mijn vraag krijg,
Vandaag begrijp ik niet, hoe ik denken kon, dat ik zoiets kon vragen.
Maar eigenlijk dacht ik niet, ik vroeg alleen maar».

In German:

«Früher begriff ich nicht, warum ich auf meine Frage keine Antwort bekam,
heute begreife ich nicht, wie ich glauben konnte, fragen zu können.
Aber ich glaubte ja gar nicht, ich fragte nur.»

Franz Kafka