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User:GreenC/software/search wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Method to accurately search Wikipedia


Find all articles which contain the string "sportsillustrated.cnn.com" AND a {{dead}} template AND < whatever > .. solving for complicated Wikipedia searches is trivial by downloading the Wikipedia database (dumps.wikimedia.org) and search using whatever tool you prefer. Here are two plug and play solutions.



Awk is probably the simplest language available though with a speed trade-off for lack of a real XML parser. Nevertheless, no additional software is required (awk is a POSIX tool).

To run: awk -f search-wp.awk > out
#!/bin/awk -f
# Search entire Wikipedia database. 
# Download: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Database_download#English-language_Wikipedia


  MySearch = "archive.org/w?e?b?/?[0-9]{1,14}/"
  WPdump = "/f/t/wikipedia-dump/enwiki-20150515-pages-articles.xml"


  while ((getline rawstr < WPdump ) > 0) {

    # Skip blank content
    if(! gensub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/, "", "g", rawstr))    

    # Convert XML formating

    # Get article title
    if ( match(rawstr, "<title>.+</title>", a) ) {
      split(a[0], b, "(<title>|</title>)")
      title = b[2]

    # Get article body
    if ( match(rawstr, "<text xml:space=\"preserve\">.+</text>", a) ) {
      split(a[0], b, "(<text xml:space=\"preserve\">|</text>)")
      body = b[2]

# ---------- Search -----

    if ( match(body, MySearch, matched_text) ) {
      print title 
      # print matched_text[0]    # uncomment to print 

Note: when redirecting large output, send to a different disk (ramdisk or other physical volume) otherwise it could slow reading the XML file.



For a faster solution here is a Nim example. Nim compiles to optimized C code, which then compiles using gcc to an executable binary. In a test between Awk and Nim, it took Awk 3m31s to complete a search, the same in Nim took 0m43s. The code below is pretty much copy-paste compile and run, just add your RegEx Perl compatible regex, or plain text. Example regex strings:

mySearchRe = re"djvu[.]txt"
mySearchRe = re"http[:][^ ]*[^ ]"
(the regex string is wrapped by re"" )

Then download Nim compiler (choosenim method is easiest), and compile the source with nim c -d:release --opt:speed -d:danger --passC:"-flto" --passL:"-flto" search.nim.

# Search wikipedia dump for a string and print the article title (or matched text) if located
#  Credit: Copyright User:Green_Cardamom, April 2016, MIT License 
#  Language: Nim
#  Additional code credits: Rob Speer (https://github.com/rspeer/wiki2text)

import re, options, strutils, os, streams, parsexml

var                     # configuration variables
    mySearchRe = re"djvu[.]txt"
    wpDump = "/mnt/WindowsFdriveTdir/wikipedia-dump/enwiki-20150901-pages-articles.xml"
    maxCount = 0        # Stop searching after X countArticle for speed testing. Set to 0 to find all.

    countAllArticle = 0 # All article count
    countArticle = 0    # Article titles containing a match (any number of matches)
    countHits = 0       # Number of matches of search pattern (running total)

    TagType = enum
    ArticleData = array[TagType, string]

# Search text
proc searchText(article: ArticleData): bool {.discardable.} =
    artcount = 0
    pos = -1
    # matches = newSeq[string](1)

  inc countAllArticle

  while pos < article[TEXT].len:
    pos = find(article[TEXT], mySearchRe, pos + 1)
    if pos == -1: break
    inc artcount

  if artcount > 0:
    inc countArticle      # number of article titles matching
    countHits += artcount # number of matches of search pattern
    echo article[TITLE]
    result = true

  if maxCount > 0:
    if countAllArticle >= maxCount:
      echo ""
      echo "Articles all: ", countAllArticle
      echo "Articles with a match: ", countArticle
      echo "Number of pattern matches: ", countHits

  RELEVANT_XML_TAGS = ["title", "text", "ns"]
  textBuffer = ""
  s = newFileStream(wpDump, fmRead)
  gettingText = false
  gettingAttribute = false
  article: ArticleData
  xml: XmlParser

if s == nil: quit("cannot open the file " & wpDump)
for tag in TITLE..NS: article[tag] = ""
xml.open(s, wpDump, options={reportWhitespace})

while true:
    # Scan through the XML, handling each token as it arrives.
    case xml.kind
    of xmlElementStart, xmlElementOpen:
      if RELEVANT_XML_TAGS.contains(xml.elementName):
        # If this is a "title", "text", or "ns" tag, prepare to get its
        # text content. Move our writing pointer to the beginning of
        # the text buffer, so we can overwrite what was there.
        gettingText = true
      elif xml.elementName == "page":
        # If this is a new instance of the <page> tag that contains all
        # these tags, then reset the value that won't necessarily be
        # overridden, which is the redirect value.
      elif xml.elementName == "redirect":
        # If this is the start of a redirect tag, prepare to get its
        # attribute value.
        gettingAttribute = true
    of xmlAttribute:
      # If we're looking for an attribute value, and we found one, add it
      # to the buffer.
      if gettingAttribute:
    of xmlCharData, xmlWhitespace:
      # If we're looking for text, and we found it, add it to the buffer.
      if gettingText:
    of xmlElementEnd:
      # When we reach the end of an element we care about, take the text
      # we've found and store it in the 'article' data structure. We can
      # accomplish this quickly by simply swapping their references.
      case xml.elementName
      of "title":
        swap article[TITLE], textBuffer
      of "text":
        swap article[TEXT], textBuffer
      of "redirect":
        swap article[REDIRECT], textBuffer
      of "ns":
        swap article[NS], textBuffer
      of "page":
        # When we reach the end of the <page> tag, send the article
        # data to searchText().

      # Now that we've reached the end of an element, stop extracting
      # text. (We'll never need to extract text from elements that can
      # have other XML elements nested inside them.)
      gettingText = false
      gettingAttribute = false

    of xmlEof:


echo "Search Wikipedia completed" 
echo "----" 
echo "Articles all: ", countAllArticle
echo "Articles with a match: ", countArticle
echo "Number of pattern matches: ", countHits

Note: when redirecting large output, send to a different disk (ramdisk or other physical volume) otherwise it could slow reading the XML file.