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Sinyava Village, Ukraine
Mykolaiv Church, ca. 1730. A unique temple of the Trans-Dnieper architectural school of Ukrainian folk architecture.
Mykolaiv Church, ca. 1730. A unique temple of the Trans-Dnieper architectural school of Ukrainian folk architecture.
Flag of Sinyava Village, Ukraine
Coat of arms of Sinyava Village, Ukraine
Coordinates: 49°39′24″N 30°28′10″E / 49.65667°N 30.46944°E / 49.65667; 30.46944
 • Total66.97 km2 (25.86² sq mi)
 • Total3,540
Geocode49°39′24″ N. sh. 30°28′10″ E. d. / 49.65667° N. sh. 30.46944° east. d. / 49.65667; 30.46944

Sinyava village, Uraine (f. 1550) is a village in the Rokytnyan settlement community of the Bila Tserkva Raion district of Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine. Located on the Ros River, the village center is located 3 km southeast from the center of Rokytne village.



The name of the village of Sinyava is uncertain. Some believe that it originated from the word "blue" — over the blue often stood "blue" fogs. Others attribute the name to the city Sinelets, or from the word "strinyava," which translates from the Gothic as "quiet water." Some Polish sources also associate this name with the name of the noble coat of arms "Shrenyava" — it was to this coat of arms that the former owners of the village, the Belotserkovsky elders, the House of Lubomirski, belonged.

The first mention of Sinyava on the Ros River dates back to the mid=17th century. In the inventory description of 1641, the "town of Shrenyava" is indicated — the property of the Polish nobleman Stanislav Lubomirsky from Bila Tserkva. During the Khmelnytsky Uprising, Sineva was mentioned as a hundred-year-old town in 1664, 1674 and 1711–1713. Historians are more accurate in their accounts of the CossackHetmen who visited Sineva, including Bohdan Khmelnitsky,Pyotr Doroshenko, Philip Orlik. In 1661, the Tatars also visited the Dnieper.

During the survey of the right bank of the Rosi River, in the area of Sineva, archaeological excavations were discovered that testify to even more ancient settlements on this land — the Bronze Age, the Early Iron Age and, in particular, the Antes Age. According to popular legend, the leader of the Antes and his elders were executed on "God's Mountain under the blue."





Distribution of the population by native language according to the 2001 census :

Language Percent
Ukrainian 98,61%
Russian 1,39%



The village of Sinyava has both a coat of arms and a flag. The heraldic description and reference image of the coat of arms and flag were approved by the eleventh session of the Sinyava Village Council of the VI convocation by decision No. 208 "On approval of the symbols of the territorial community of the village of Sinyavy" dated March 22, 2012.

Coat of arms


The coat of arms is a square shield with a height-to-width ratio of 8:7.

Color Element Meaning
Blue Ribbon a symbol of the Ros River, on which the village is located.
Blue Sky height, eternity, constancy and reliability
Gray Fog evolution, development and perfection, because it is formed from two vital elements-air and water
Yellow Sun the 16 rising rays, placed in the upper right corner, symbolizes prosperity and prosperity
Green Mountain God's mountain near the village, indicating an irresistible desire for freedom. According to legend, it was on that mountain that the Ants of God was executed in the 3rd century. To honor the event, a memorial sign has been installed in this area.
Gold Field land with ripened grain for peaceful labor and prosperity
Element Image Meaning
Top Above the coat of arms is a yellow-blue ribbon with the inscription "Blue." The combination of yellow and blue colors shows that the village belongs to the state of Ukraine.
Upper right field The oldest wooden church in the Kiev region — St. Nicholas Church, c. 1730, an architectural monument of national significance. Rich natural resources, and the fertile village lands.
Lower right Green oak leaves with two acorns (symbolizing strength, glory, strength, maturity, power, victory and struggle of the villagers in different historical times) Strength, glory, maturity, power, victory and the struggle of the villagers over time.
Upper left field A triangular arch and a water wheel, symbolizing a watermill, an architectural monument of local significance. It was built on the Ros River in the early 19th century, and enlarged in 1904. Historic monuments pay tribute to faith and agricultural labor.
Lower left Dark green viburnum leaves with fruits Loyalty to national traditions and love for the native land.
Sides Two golden spikelets of wheat with seeds in two rows are placed one spikelet on each side of the shield. The total number of grains on spikelets is 22. The 22 spikelets correspond to the number of streets in the village. The ears of corn symbolize the region's rich agricultural traditions.



The flag has the shape of a rectangular panel, which consists of three vertically placed stripes: green, yellow and blue in a ratio of 1:1:2. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 2:3,

Color/Image Reference Symbolic meaning
Green The village's rich natural resources: forests and meadows. Hope, joy, health.
Yellow Fallow deer in the golden sun, with ripe ears of corn. Loyalty, justice, generosity, respect, mercy and faith
Blue The essence of the village name. According to one version of the origin of the name of the village — it originated from the word "blue", because the village often had "blue" fogs. That is why the blue stripe symbolizes fog, which can often still be observed over the blue, as well as a peaceful and cloudless sky. Kindness, tenderness, beauty, honesty and spiritual greatness.
White Antsky prince with a sword facing to the right. Sinyava is famous for the fact that here, on God's Mountain, around 375 A.D., the leader of the Antov Bozh tribal union was killed in a battle with East German tribes of the Goths. The victory of the East Slavic tribes that lived in the 4th–7th centuries on the territory of the modern village, and played an important role in the history of the region. The sword symbolizes the readiness to defend and defend against the enemies of their native lands.

Historical and architectural monuments

Southeastern Europe in 520 A.D., showing the Byzantine Empire under Justin I and the Ostrogothic kingdom.

St. Nicholas Church, an architectural monument of national significance, was built in 1730, and is one of the oldest churches in Kyiv Oblast. Some accounts claim, however, that the church already existed in 1665–1665, but was destroyed by the Tatars and rebuilt in 1730. The five-domed church is built in the form of an equilateral cross, the Central, Northern and Southern "log cabins" have the form of octagons, and the Western and Eastern ones are hexagons. In the 1960s, the vestry oversaw the completion of the sacristy, the altar, and, in 1878, the bell tower was added.

Monument to the Antes people in the park on "God's Mountain" in Synyava.

Metrical books, clerical data, confessional murals of the Churches of the Resurrection of the Lord, St. Nicholas of the village of Sinyava of the XVIII century-Kiev voivodeship, since 1797, Vasilkovsky uyezd of the Kiev province, XIX century. - Rokitnyansky parish of Vasilkovsky pov. Kiev Province.stored in the CDIAC of Ukraine. http://cdiak.archives.gov.ua/baza_geog_pok/church/syni_002.xml

Another significant architectural monument is the Sinyavskaya Watermill, a three-story building constructed on the Ros River at the beginning of the 19th century, rebuilt in 1904, and today restored and operating as a historical and ethnographic institution of the GRK "Staraya Melnitsa."

  • St. Nicholas Church, main facade
  • St. Nicholas Church
  • Iconostasis

Legend of God

A semi-Ptolemaic map of Europe (Europam sive Celticam Veterem) printed in 1618 and subsequently included in Isaacus Elzevirius and Judocus Hondius's 1619 Theatrum Geographiae Veteris, 35 × 47 cm; ca. 1:15,000,000.

According to Ukrainian historian and politician Mykhailo Hrushevskyi (1866–1934), the name Antiv first appears at the end of the 4th century in the work of Jordanes, a 6th-century Byzantine writer and historian of ancient Romans and Goths, known for his tale of King Vinitharius's war with Antes, an early Slavic tribe. In the 6th c., the name came into general use by such Byzantine writers as scholar and historian Procopius, Agathius, the so-called Mauritius, Meander, 6th c. historian John of Ephesus, and Theophylact.

According to Byzantine historians, writers, philosophers well-acquainted with various aspects of life and customs of the Slavic tribes, Antes was recognized as one of the Slavic-Venedians. Jordanes, who served as the secretary for the Iranic nomadic Alans military leader Guntighis Baza.had the most to say about them. His 551 A.D. work Getica "The Origin and Deeds of the Getae" describes the settlement of the Ante tribe, and the ethnic unity of the Slavs.

Incipit of the Getica from the bottom of folio 49r of Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana MS Pal. lat. 920.

Written monuments also name other representatives of the social top of the Ante - kings, lords, princes, elders. Jordan talked about their belonging to noble families, so power eventually became hereditary. Freedom-loving antis did not know slavery, it was limited in time and extended only to captured foreigners. Antis settled in forests, near rivers, swamps and lakes in small dwellings. Their settlements had common fortifications for several villages. Mauritius reports that the industrious Antis had a large number of various livestock, the most - millet, wheat, knew crafts. Men's and women's clothes were decorated with embroidery, girls wore necklaces, wreaths, household items and weapons were decorated with ornaments. At the same time, the antis borrowed cultural values ​​from other peoples, in particular the Byzantines, with whom they waged long wars. The frequent attacks of hostile nomadic tribes taught the Ants to hide their supplies in shelters. However, they were not only able to hide. Hardy warriors easily endured heat, cold, and rain, skilfully fought with enemies in forests and ravines, masterfully set up ambushes, and attacked unexpectedly. The tribes had the experience of overcoming water obstacles, they courageously endured a long stay in the water, lying on the bottom of the river, breathing through tubes made of reeds. Monument to Ants in the park on God's Mountain in the village of bluish In the 4th century, the Anti fought bravely against the Goths, the East Germanic tribes. From Jordan, we also learned about the Antian rex (king) Bozh, perhaps Bus, Boza, Bosa, or, as M. Hrushevsky also called him, Bozhka, Bozhidar - the first Slavic ruler known from historical sources. This glorious name has been preserved in the people's memory since ancient times and has been handed down to our days. Let us recall Bus from "The Word about Igor's Regiment" (1187): "for the Gothic red maidens sang on the shore, by the blue sea, ringing out Russian gold, singing the time of Busovi...". Among the historical and mythical founders of Slavic clans and states, the name of God is in the same row with such names as Ros, Cheh, Kiy, Shchek. Historians attribute to him the role of progenitor and creator of Ukrainian statehood, and the conventional year of the death of the leader of Ante — 375 — is taken as the beginning of its countdown. Until then, examples of the creation of a large intertribal political-military union, which rose above individual leadership, are unknown to science.

Political division in Europe, North Africa and Near East after the end of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD. Romance area added since H. M. Glessegen (dir.), Handbuch der Romanische Sprachgeschichte, Berlin/New York, p. 544-555. Modified Gaëls / Picts / Britons (see discussion file).

Yu. Kasyanenko, one of the researchers of the past of the Rokytnian region, connects the mountain of God near the village of Sinyava with the tragic event that happened to the leader of the Antis. According to legend, it was here that disobedient Ants were executed. According to its author, the historical version has a very real basis. And indeed, the mountain of God is located eighty kilometers from the Dnipro. And finally, Yu. Kasyanenko points out, there are legends, traditions preserved by local residents, who claim that Bozhá Gora is the place of execution of antis.


Famous people

  • Mikhail Grigoryevich Bondarenko (1912-1943) - participant of the Second World War, soldier, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Vakulenko Konstantin Nikolaevich (b. January 22, 1930) is a Ukrainian specialist in the field of electromechanics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor.
  • Klimenko Nikolay Aleksandrovich (b. January 2, 1945 ) is a Ukrainian ecologist.
  • Kovalchuk Nikolay Filippovich (b. October 30, 1947) - Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR of the 11th convocation.
  • Linden (Violin) Tatiana Savovna (1914–1997) - Mother-heroine, outstanding collective farmer, mother of Candidate of Philological Sciences Vera Skripki (Hristenok) and grandmother of Doctor of Historical Sciences Taras Chukhlib.
  • Nechiporenko Gennady Lesevich (b. April 28, 1963) is a Ukrainian cartographer , topographer , Candidate of Geographical Sciences, lecturer at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
  • Sova Anatoly Andreevich ( February 1, 1958 — пом.August 28, 2014) - senior soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, participant of the Russian-Ukrainian war. .
  • Stepanyuk Oksana Anatolyevna (b. June 16, 1977) is a Ukrainian opera singer (lyric-coloratura soprano , bandurista -vocalist. Soloist of Tokyo Fujiwara Opera in Japan . Honored Artist of Ukraine .
  • Khomenko Ignat Stepanovich (March 28, 1914–November 19, 1943) - participant of the Second World War, Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously).
    Slavic archaeological cultures, beginning in the 7th century.

See also

  • List of settlements affected by the Holodomor of 1932-1933 (Kiev region)


  1. Native languages in the united territorial communities of Ukraine -Ukrainian Public Data Center
  • Historical essay "Rakitnyanshchina". - K.: A. P. Shelest. 2008. - 384 p.
  • Malenkov R., chas O. twelve routes in the Kiev region. - K.: Grani-T, 2008.
  • Sineva on the Ukraina Incognita website
  • Wooden churches of Ukraine
  • Sinyava — the place of death of the Ant leader - Prince Bozh, the ruined Branicki manor and the ostrich farm (Russian)
  • Siniawa  // Słownik geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego . - Warszawa : Druk "Wieku", 1889. - T. X.-S. 617. (gender)
  • Sinyava, Rakitnyansky district, Kiev region / / History of cities and villages of the Ukrainian SSR