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User:Ed Poor/War on Women

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A "War on Women" is what U.S. Democrats say Republican policy amounts to, particularly in regards to women's health.[not verified in body]

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says, "House Republicans have launched an all-out war on women since taking the Speaker's gavel over a year ago"[1] stating for example that they:

  • Proposed limiting the definition of rape to cases of "forcible rape" only in an effort to limit access to health services for women
  • held a "hearing on women's health with five men and no women"
  • voted to defund Planned Parenthood and tried to limit access to health care services for women

and adding that "Republicans are trying to silence women who stand against their radical agenda."

Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) said Republicans "want to take us back to the Dark Ages ... when women were property." [2] Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) said Mitt Romney would "allow big corporations to deny health care options to their female employees." [3]

Brent Bozell said that supporters of contraceptive mandates "have defined anyone who would oppose this mandate as waging" a war against women.[4]


  • George W. Bush and the War on Women by Barbara Finlay of the Department of Sociology at Texas A&M University - The book "takes a devastating look at the actions and policies of the George W. Bush administration in terms of their impact on women in the United States" [5]

See also


