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NGO Monitor states that it was originally funded by the Wechsler Family Foundation when it was part of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA).[12] NGO Monitor says it receives no governmental support and is currently funded by private donors and foundations. In 2010 NGO Monitor's second largest donor was the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI),[13] which is a quasi-governmental body.[14] NGO Monitor receives significant financial support from Research + Evaluation = Promoting Organizational Responsibility and Transparency (REPORT) (formerly American Friends of NGO Monitor (AFNGOM)), which provided a grant of $500,000 in 2010. Current donors include Peter Simpson, Jerusalem; Jewish Federations of North America and United Jewish Appeal; Orion Foundation; The Jewish Agency for Israel; Matan; and The Center for Jewish Community Studies (part of JCPA).[15][16] Financial reports for 2009 and 2010 are available on their website.[17]

According to a February 2012 article in Haaretz (Hebrew), an examination (of NGO Monitor's finances) reveals that "the organization sought to block the publication of one contributor and to get hundreds of thousands of Shekels from anonymous sources." The donations from the Jewish Agency for Israel and Matan originated with unnamed donors from outside Israel. Jason Edelstein, NGO Monitor's communications director, told Haaretz that "all of our financial information is fully disclosed with the Registrar for Non-Profits as required by law."[18]

Proposed section


NGO Monitor has stated that originally, when it was part of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA), it was funded by the Wechsler Family Foundation.[12] Since its separation from JCPA, and formation as an independent organization in 2007, NGO Monitor has drawn on a wider range of funding sources. NGO Monitor has said it receives no governmental support and is currently funded by private donors and foundations, although they did receive some funds, in 2010, via The Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), a quasi-governmental agency. Other significant donors include ‘Research + Evaluation = Promoting Organizational Responsibility and Transparency’ (REPORT), formerly known as ‘ American Friends of NGO Monitor’ (AFNGOM), who provided a $500,000 grant in 2010. More recent donors have been Peter Simpson of Jerusalem; Jewish Federations of North America and United Jewish Appeal; Orion Foundation; Matan; The Center for Jewish Community Studies (part of JCPA); and the Wechsler Family Foundation. NGOM’s financial reports for 2009 and 2010, which includes all legally mandatory information about any donations above NIS 20,000 (approximately US$5,200.00 as of 2012), are available on their website.[17]

According to a February 2012 article in Haaretz [1] an examination of NGO Monitor's finances revealed that "the organization sought to block the publication of one contributor and to get hundreds of thousands of Shekels from anonymous sources".<cite ref still needed here> The donations in question were from the Jewish Agency for Israel and Matan, and originated with unnamed donors from outside Israel. In the same article, Jason Edelstein, NGO Monitor's communications director, is quoted as saying that "all of our financial information is fully disclosed with the Registrar for Non-Profits as required by law".[18]


  1. ^ This source is in hebrew.