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User:Demigod Ron

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Random Thoughts


The amount of underground fight clubs in a country decreases as the price of health insurance increases.

There’s a thin line between careful and paranoid. This line can best be seen at a beach, one guy is worried about being stung by a jellyfish and the other is concerned with naval mines. Also, this beach is not in Normandy.

Businessmen love immigrant labor because most of the socialist pamphlets are written in English.

An outcast whose friends are outcasts, is not an outcast. He is a member of some counterculture group whose members think they’re all unique and to show this uniqueness they have matching outfits.

The idea of a just and honorable politician is more unbelievable than werewolves. At least there are blurry pictures of werewolves.

About Me


Because I haven't bothered to figure out how to make userboxes I'll do this the old fashioned way.

Firstly I'm a socialist of the Trotskyist sort. What Marxism advocates is the only thing that can be called socialism, everyone else is a bourgeois ideologist trying to instill a false consciousness in the proletariat! However, Marx was not perfect and couldn't figure it all out, so Lenin and Trotsky advanced his ideas. Now they make a bit more sense, unless you're a capitalist of course.

I like to think of myself as a philosopher. Like every other wikipedian.

I enjoy weight training regularly, it's really the only productive hobby there is. Besides stilling the class counsciousness in my proletarian brethren of course, but I don't think that can count as a hobby.

Most people think I'm pretty witty. But in reality it's just a defence mechanism, especially useful in dark alleys.

As you could tell from my contributions, I'm spend most of my time fine-tuning articles related to the labour movement, but I do try to help out with other things. Whatever I know, I gladly contribute, it just happens that I've spent most of my life reading Marxist literature.

My Contributions


Click the link... [[1]]

Further Information


I'm too lazy to make my userpage very imppresive. As you might be able to tell.