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I was a wikipedia supporter, and contributor to New_chronology_(Fomenko) for a brief time, until I was brought to Arbitration Enforcement for what was ruled as "straightforward disruptive WP:SPA". Resolution: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Enforcement&oldid=979857763#Cjbaiget

Although I was originally proposed to permanent ban following NOTHERE considerations, I ended being only partially blocked with edit access to the talk page for their "potential to be turned into usable content". Moreover, the sanction came after both resolutions were explicitly found agreeable, something that I will need some time to understand, if I ever can afford it.

Having taking the time to learn about WP:DISRUPT and WP:SPA from Wikipedia, now I know that WP:SPA is more commonly a warning than a veredict, and that WP:DISRUPT is not considered vandalism but a high responsibility to editors to discern, as if this editor "treats situations that are not clearly vandalism as such, that editor may harm the encyclopedia by alienating or driving away potential editors". Being the resolution semantically incompatible with that implied by the vandalism term, I just read an euphemistic message asking me drive away after dropping some knowledge, which is only achievable by effort and constancy.

Moreover, should I continue contributing on the talk page would also mean that I ratify that this was not the case, something that I can't morally do due to the high "intellectual honesty" standards this community explicitly demands.

Knowing this circumstances, and although grateful for the good prospects conceded on the apparently remote potential of some my contributions, I somehow didn't find it really interesting to work in the research for the evidence others may need to turn them with disdain into successful editions on behalf of their own pseudonyms anymore.

As I also was not expecting a change on the perception of my contributions which were systematically ignored and rejected, I understood the ruling as nothing but a corporatist compromise between deactivating me and not feeling too bad after feelings of it being quite unfair after all.

The experience has served me to not resist The Cult of the Amateur conclusions anymore, and reshape my own ideals regarding Wikipedia and its role in society, the people who shape it and the people who don't. And also, of course, to save money to other causes.

Having fulfilled my promise to not betray Wikipedia by not trying to raise awareness about this, I think, misinformative, deeply tendentious, science-incompatible article, I'm freed from the scientific and moral sense of duty that made me spend months understanding what nobody here wants to impartially expose, perhaps because its implications.

I'm not closing my account if not forced to, so as to answer possible inquiries on my past contributions, and/or, my motivations.

Update 1-Sep-2024: I tried to add a new section to the talk page: "Finally, conclusive astronomical proof that the New Chronology is impossible." (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:New_chronology_(Fomenko)&oldid=1243334845). It was censored in less than a hour with the "WP:NOTAFORUM" spell ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Interests: Computing, Astronomy, Mathematics, Scientific Historical Chronology, Science, Philosophy of Science.

Personal motto: "When logic is cruel, victim attacked first"

Here are my favorite quotes from prominent figures in History, Science and Arts:

“I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.”

— Marlene Dietrich, Actress (S. XX)

“Who is Britannica to tell me that George Washington had slaves? If I want to say he didn’t, that’s my right. And now, thanks to Wikipedia, it’s also a fact."

— Stephen Colbert. "The Colbert Report" (2006)

"Understanding the theory of New Chronology by A. T. Fomenko and G. V. Nosovsky requires a lot of work and vast knowledge. At a minimum, you will need to study several modern sections of mathematics, statistics, astronomy and, of course, update all existing knowledge about history."

—Oleg Zharov, businessman and mathematician. (2020)

"Professional dendrochronology is still almost entirely a black-box in-house endeavour, that is, it is still not a great science."

― Dr. Martin Rundkvist, Archeologist (2015)

"Millions and millions of exuberant monkeys are creating an endless digital forest of mediocrity".

― Andrew Keen. "The Cult of the Amateur" (2007)

"Hermes thereupon wrote a very long and elaborate treatise, to prove that his wound ought not to have been heal’d. Zadig, however, never thought it worth his while to peruse his learned lucubrations;"

― Voltaire. "Zadig; o, The Book of Fate" (1747)

"...it suffices to have made merit of it to prove how little confidence we must pay to Egyptian knowledge, and to those zodiacs to which until recently, thousands of years were attributed. Likewise, is has been proved that the thousands of years invented by the Egyptians' vanity, are purely calendar legends. [...] Meanwhile, a dispassionate critic, reading the inscriptions of those monuments, acknowledges that were modern the ones previously believed from extremely remote dates, and from them is deduced that Egyptians continued their primitive studies [...] to the point that posterior times can be attributed to monuments previously judged as very ancient"

― Cesare Cantù, "Universal History Volume 1"(1866).

"He resembles his father in his arrogant tone towards those whom he despises and those whom he hates, and he despises and hates all who differ from him. He is conscious of his power, and not always sufficiently cautious or sufficiently gentle in its exercise. Nor was he always right. He trusted much to his memory, which was occasionally treacherous. His emendations, if frequently happy, were sometimes absurd. In laying the foundations of a science of ancient chronology he relied sometimes upon groundless, sometimes even upon absurd hypotheses, frequently upon an imperfect induction of facts. Sometimes he misunderstood the astronomical science of the ancients, sometimes that of Copernicus and Tycho Brahe. And he was no mathematician."

― Encyclopedia Britannica 1911, entry "Joseph Justus Scaliger".

"Scaliger’s greatest work is the Opus de emendatione tempore (1583; “Study on the Improvement of Time”), a study of previous calendars. In it he compared the computations of time made by the various civilizations of antiquity, corrected their errors, and for the first time placed chronology on a solidly scientific basis."

― Encyclopedia Britannica 2020, entry "Joseph Justus Scaliger".

"Most Holy Father, we know and from the chronicles and books of the ancients we find that among other famous nations our own, the Scots, has been graced with widespread renown. It journeyed from Greater Scythia by way of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Pillars of Hercules, and dwelt for a long course of time in Spain among the most savage peoples, but nowhere could it be subdued by any people, however barbarous."

― Declaration of Arbroath (1320).

"It is becoming perfectly clear that no statements made by Ptolemy can be accepted at face value, unless they are confirmed by independent authors unaffected by Ptolemy’s influence. All the research based on the ‘Syntax’ must be started from scratch once again, be it historical or astronomical."

―Robert Russell Newton, "The Crime of Claudius Ptolemy" (1977)

"And the captivity of this host of the children of Israel, all the places of the Chanaanites even to Sarepta: and the captivity of Jerusalem that is in Bosphorus, shall possess the cities of the south"

―Book of Obadiah, 1:20 (Vulgata Bible, official bible to the Catholic Church as per Council of Trent resolution)

"And the captivity of this host of the children of Israel shall possess that of the Canaanites, even unto Zarephath; and the captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south."

―Book of Obadiah, 1:20 (King James Bible, 1611)

"And the captives of this host of the children of Israel shall possess the land of the Canaanites as far as Zarephath. The captives of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad shall possess the cities of the South"

―Book of Obadiah, 1:20 (New King James Bible, 1982)

"Are these methods demolishing Fomenko's doctrine? No obviously so. No scholarly work addresses the relationship between his theory and the results of scientific dating techniques."

—Florin Diacu, "The Lost Millenium".

“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”

― Max Planck, Scientific Autobiography and Other Papers