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Brendan Stacey's Sandbox

Week 2 Assignment: Article Evaluation "Kentucky Coffeetree"

  • To the article i added the average growth of the tree per year as well as the source for where I got my information
  • The article on the Kentucky Coffeetree I felt was very well put together.
    • The information was displayed neatly
      • good headings
      • good content
      • interesting facts
        • I had no idea that a tree could be linked back to the native americans but the Kentucky Coffeetree proved that it could be
          • beans were eaten after roasting
  • I felt that the article was not bias at all
    • I'm not gonna lie... I have no idea what a bias wiki article would look like

Week 3 Assignment:

Discussion: Thinking about sources and plagiarism

  • Blog posts are considered poor sources for reliable information because they are often not backed up by credible sources. Blogs tend to be heavily opinionated and don't give equal view points. They are incredibly bias.
  • Depending on the company they may not frequently update their website. For example, my company does not update it's information everyday because that is not the business we are in. There is no need for us to update it everyday. Instead we have maybe 1 or 2 larger updates per month. The data on our website, before it is updated, is often out of date information.
  • Plagiarism is claiming you have done someone else work or not given credit where credit is due
  • Copyright infringement is using someones work without asking their permission first.
  • A good way to avoid any potential issues is to always cite your work no matter how little you took or how little you gained from a source.

Choose Possible Topics:

  1. Wikipedia has no section on Formar... adding one would be awesome. Having other students update it with more and more information after creation would be great.
  2. The Flint River has a wikipedia page... under the Flint Water Crisis section the most recent information is from roughly a year ago. Much has changed since then and I feel like updating this would benefit others outside our Ecology class.

I am going to be doing Helenia deflexa as my topic.. There is currently a small wiki page on the topic so I will be improving that topic.