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Adolf Hitler


young child


Adolf Hitler is a very recognizable name to many people he was a man that liked to live in the present and always tried to hide his past. On April 20,1889 Adolf was born by his mother klara he was the fourth child his mother got convinced that he was sick when he was little they were afraid he was going to die so his mother showered him with affection as a young boy Hitler wanted to have an artistic career wanted to go to school at the Academy of fine arts in Vienna as he kept trying to get into the school he kept failing all the time then when he turned 18 he finally got into the school and one of the teachers said he was "distinctly talented if in a rather narrow sense but he lacked self discipline being generally regarded as obstinate,high handed,intransigent,and fiery tempered."[1]

middle life


Hitler gave up being an artist in may 1913 for Munich even though he kept painting so eventually he got distracted by war,social disorder,and historical confusion. he turned antisemitism by getting inspired by other antisemitism the world war got Hitler temporarily blinded the doctors were inexperienced in the treatment of gas injuries when he came back from the war he was alone he also went to war alone but the war did not die within him so Hitler was not a bad man to begin with he just gave up hope on something he wanted to do and got distracted by people who he thought was cool and so they were like his leaders that he looked up to.Hitler became a charismatic leader but that was only by his own definition he had good oratorical skills so people wanted to follow him more



adolf hitler died in april,30th,1945 he dicided to kill himself because he did not want to get caught by the cops and get put in jail


  1. ^ stalcup. Adolf Hitler. David l. bender. p. 32.