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Female privilege is the believe that women receive certain benefits simply based on them being women have inherently more rights than that of men. It is believed to have been the basis of the Manosphere. [1]

Arguments Proving Female Privilege


There has been a number of arguments concerning the belief in the existence of female privilege's including (1) winning custody battles (2) less likely to die of suicide (3) higher chances of college acceptance (4) acceptance as being emotional (5) if they don't feel like working they can marry rich (6) under no pressure to provide for a family and (7) recipients of chivalry. [2] Additionally, it included (1) going down the street without people crossing the street away from you due to fear (2) not being labeled creepy (3) getting drunk and having sex without being labeled a rapist (4) being allowed to cry, (5) rarely being mandated to serve in the military (6) less likely to be charged for many crimes (7) less workplace fatalities (8) women initiate more domestic violence. [3] In many fields within STEM, there is a bias towards the hiring of women. [4]

View Point of Men's Rights


There is a belief from some men's rights movement advocates who believe that the concept that male privilege in relation to females is false. This particular movement is primarily two groups. The fist who consider both men and women to be both harmed equally by that of sexism. The second of which is those who view society as endorsing the degradation of men and upholding what they term "female privilege". [5]



There is a belief that white woman enjoy more privilege's than that of black women. [6]

Arguments Against


There has been a number of arguments against the existence of female privilege's including that chivalry doesn't necessarily make a woman's life better. [2]



There is a belief that White Women utilize their female privilege's which serves to be a disadvantage to Transmen. [7] J.K. Rowling on twitter utilized a quote that brought attention on twitter of " “Creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate”." "People who menstruate’, I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?" Rowling would later re-tweet " “TERF wars” – TERF standing for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist." [7] There has been a belief that CIS Women work against Trans-rights, and this has been a problem with feminism.[7]


  1. ^ "Exploring the toxic world of "female privilege"". The Face.
  2. ^ a b Redkar, Nikita; Redkar, Nikita (January 25, 2016). "7 Reasons People Argue That Female Privilege Exists – And Why They're Mistaken". Everyday Feminism.
  3. ^ ago, Emaline Lapinski • 8 years. "A response to "18 Things Females Seem To Not Understand (Because, Female Privilege)"". Feministing.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  4. ^ https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/ladies-check-your-privilege/article33797846/
  5. ^ Clatterbaugh 1997, p. 11: "Indeed the premise of all men's rights literature is that men are not privileged relative to women... Having denied that men are privileged relative to women, this movement divides into those who believe that men and women are equally harmed by sexism and those who believe that society has become a bastion of female privilege and male degradation.
  6. ^ https://hbr.org/2021/08/talk-about-privilege-at-work
  7. ^ a b c Talbot, Words: Hope (June 29, 2020). "Trans Rights: Confronting Cis Female Privilege • BABMAG".

See Also


Men's rights movement
Social privilege
Female chauvinism