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Identify Changing Nature of War?

There was a time when wars were fought by warriors on the state borders. The military force of the state used to go to the state borders and fight wars to protect the rest of the people. Changes keep happening with the passage of time and this change is also visible in wars. Where victory was achieved by brute force in the past, wars started being fought by using conspiracies. In such wars, the power of the state started depending on the government and administration. The intelligence system started expanding on a large scale.

Where earlier wars were being fought on the battlefield, now wars had started being fought on the basis of information. With the war based on information, a different type of war was seen and that was to subjugate the state after controlling the market of any state. To torture the common people and loot the state by giving the form of laws to the rules imposed forcefully on the subjugated state.

With the passage of time, the nature of war became clearer and wars turned into information revolution. In the name of information technology, the strong states made a relentless effort to acquire technology from the weaker states. From a small needle to the biggest technological assistance, plans were made to acquire the state from within.

The wars that used to take place on the state borders, the same wars have started taking place within the state, that too without entering the state. There was a time when wars were fought with external powers, but now the state is being forced to fight wars within the state with the internal traitors. Proxy wars are also being fought on the state borders.

The most prominent example of this can be seen in the form of the change of power in Bangladesh and the atrocities and misdeeds on the people of other religions including the minority Hindus there after that. How the foreign forceful powers are trying to acquire the entire country by ending the democratically elected government in Bangladesh and installing a puppet chief in a pseudonym.

In the last few years, such incidents are being seen continuously in the countries around India. India's former CDS late General Bipin Rawat had said in one of his speeches that India will need to fight on two and a half fronts. What he meant to say was that we have to know the constantly changing nature of war in time and always be prepared to deal with it.

India has seen every era of war or we can say that every style of war was born in India. With time, India is continuously moving forward by winning all the wars. But India has always been at war and will remain so in the future because India does not tolerate war but also has the ability to fight back and win.

This very capability of India is troubling other violent powers of the world. Illegal occupation of government and vacant lands in India in the name of religion and the terrorist incidents in the last few months and the conspiratorial acts on the Indian railway network are indicating that India is again feeling the need to retaliate.