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Functional Redundancy and Diversity Outline


This purpose of this post is to outline the contents I will be adding to this page regarding func. diversity and redundancy. To do this, First I will be including the history of the topics of functional diversity and redundancy, and how they shape a functional group (The page I am working on). Next, I will then provides six examples of the evolution of redundancy in species functional traits, and benefits to both the ecosystem and the organisms themselves. Lastly I will provide details on the effect of functional redundancy on conservation, and how we can use functional redundancy and diversity to conserve species as well as ecosystem function.

Effects of Functional Diversity and Redundancy on Ecosystem Processes and Conservation


Functional Diversity


Functional diversity is often referred to as the "value and the range of those species and organismal traits that influence ecosystem functioning”[1]. More broadly, this refers to the traits of an organism that make it unique, for example, in the way it moves, gathers resources, reproduces, or the time of year it is present [2]. The diverse traits of each organism add to the overall diversity of an entire ecosystem, and therefore enhance the overall function, or productivity, of the ecosystem. Species have evolved to be more diverse through each epoch of time[3], with plants and insects having some of the most diverse families of organisms discovered thus far[4]. The unique traits of an organism can allow a new niche to be occupied, allow for better defense against predators, and potentially lead to specialization. It has been shown that ecosystems with greater functional diversity will likely have a greater number of functional niches occupied due to higher functional trait diversity, and therefore be more productive[5] , which is important for conservation efforts, especially in systems used for human consumption[6]. Functional diversity can be difficult to measure accurately, but when done correctly, it provides useful insight to the overall function and stability of an ecosystem [7].

Functional Redundancy


Functional redundancy refers to the phenomenon that species in the same ecosystem fill similar roles, which results in a sort of "insurance" in the ecosystem, in which one species can easily do the job of a similar species from the same functional niche [8]. because similar species have adapted to fill the same niche overtime. The evolution of functional redundancy creates a form of protection in virtually every taxa group, from plants to insects to large mammals. Functional redundancy varies across ecosystems and can vary from year to year depending on multiple factors including habitat, overall species diversity, competition, and anthropogenic influence [9], which leads to a fluctuation in overall ecosystem production. Similar to functional diversity, there is no one clear method for calculating functional redundancy, which can be problematic. One method is to account for the number of species occupying one functional niche, as well as the abundance of each species. This can indicate how many total individuals in an ecosystem are performing one function [10]

Effects on Conservation and Ecosystem Processes


Studies relating to functional diversity and redundancy occur in a large proportion of conservation and ecology research, as the need for ecosystem function increases, habitat destruction and modification increases, and suitable habitat for many species continues to decrease. As the human population continues to expand, and urbanization is on the rise, native and natural landscapes are disappearing, being replaced with modified and managed land for human consumption. Alterations to landscapes are often accompanied with negative side effects including fragmentation, species losses, and nutrient runoff, which can effect the stability of an ecosystem, productivity of an ecosystem, and the functional diversity and functional redundancy.

A recent study demonstrated that intense land use affects both the species diversity, and functional overlap, leaving the ecosystem and organisms in it vulnerable [11]. Specifically, bee species, which we rely on for pollination services, had both lower functional and species diversity in managed landscapes when compared to natural habitats, indicating that anthropogenic change can be detrimental [12]. Additional research demonstrated that the functional redundancy of herbaceous insects in streams varies due to stream velocity, demonstrating that environmental factors can alter functional overlap [13]. When conservation efforts begin, it is still up for debate whether preserving specific species, or functional traits is more beneficial for the preservation of ecosystem function. It is not always known how many species occupy a functional niche, and how much, if any, redundancy occurs in each ecosystem, but it is hypothesized that each important functional niche is filled by multiple species. An example of this was published in a study regarding temperate forest species, which provide insurance for ecosystem services [14]. If this is the case, losing a species (which lowers functional diversity) will not always lower ecosystem function, due to overlap, and thus it is most important to conserve a group, rather than an individua




This task is often hard to accomplish by conservationists and researchers because the tools with which diversity and redundancy are measured are not equal.  Due to this, recent empirical work most often analyzes the effects of either functional diversity or functional redundancy, but not both. This does not create a complete picture of the factors influencing ecosystem production. For example, a study conducted on similar and diverse vegetation plots concluded that functional diversity is more important for overall ecosystem stability and productivity[16]. Yet, in contrast, a study conducted on the functional diversity of native bee species in highly managed landscape provided evidence for higher functional redundancy leading to higher fruit production, something humans rely heavily on for food consumption [17]. A recent paper has stated that until a more accurate measuring technique is universally used, it is too early to determine which species, or functional groups, are most vulnerable and susceptible to extinction [18]. Overall, understanding how extinction affects ecosystems, and which traits are most vulnerable can protect ecosystems as a whole [19].

  1. ^ Tilman, David (2001). Functional Diversity (3 ed.). New York: Academic Press. p. 109-120. ISBN 9780122268656.
  2. ^ Fetzer, Ingo; Johst, Karin; Schäwe, Robert; Banitz, Thomas; Harms, Hauke; Chatzinotas, Antonis (2015-12-01). "The extent of functional redundancy changes as species' roles shift in different environments". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112 (48): 14888–14893. doi:10.1073/pnas.1505587112. ISSN 0027-8424. PMC 4672811. PMID 26578806.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: PMC format (link)
  4. ^ "Re-thinking plant and insect diversity". ScienceDaily. Retrieved 2018-04-02.
  5. ^ Tilman, David (2001). "Diversity and Productivity in a Long-Term Grassland Experiment". Science. 294 (843): 843–845.
  6. ^ Walker, B (1992). "Biodiversity and ecological redundancy". Conservation Biology. 6 (1): 18-23.
  7. ^ Petchey, O.L; Gaston, K.J (2002). "Functional diversity (FD), species richness and community composition". Ecology Letters. 5: 402-411.
  8. ^ Rosenfeld, Jordan (2002). "Functional redundancy in ecology and conservation". Synthesizing Ecology. 98 (1): 156-162.
  9. ^ Naeem, S (1998). "Species redundancy and ecosystem reliability". Conservation Biology. 12 (1): 39-45.
  10. ^ Ricotta, C.; et al. (2016). "Measuring the functional redundancy of biological communities: A quantitative guide". Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 8: 1-4. {{cite journal}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |first1= (help)
  11. ^ Labierte, E.; et al. (2010). ". Land use intensification reduces functional redundancy and response diversity in plant communities". Ecology letters. 13 (1): 76-86. {{cite journal}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |first1= (help)
  12. ^ Forrest, J.R; Thorp, R. W; Kremen, C; Williams, N.M (2015). "Contrasting patterns in species and functional trait diversity of bees in an agricultural landscape". Journal of Applied Ecology. 52: 706-715.
  13. ^ Poff, N.L; et al. (2002). "Redundancy among three herbivorous insects across an experimental current velocity gradient". Community Ecology. 134 (4): 262-269. {{cite journal}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |first1= (help)
  14. ^ Mori, A.S; et al. (2015). ". Functional redundancy of multiple forest taxa along an elevational gradient: predicting the consequences of non-random species loss". Journal of Biogeography. 42 (8): 1383-1396. {{cite journal}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |first1= (help)
  15. ^ Jaksic, F.M (2003). "How much functional redundancy is out there, or are we willing to do away with potential back up species?". How Landscapes Change. 162: 255-262.
  16. ^ TIlman, David; et al. (1997). "The influence of functional diversity and composition on ecosystem proceeses". Science. 277 (5330): 1300-1302. {{cite journal}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |first1= (help)
  17. ^ Sydenham, M.A; et al. (2016). "The effects of habitat management on the species: phylogenetic and functional diversity of bees are modified by the environmental context". Ecology and Evolution. 6 (4): 961-973. {{cite journal}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |first1= (help)
  18. ^ Mouchet, M.A; Villeger, S; Mason, N.W; Mouillot, D (2010). "Functional diversity measures: an overview of their redundancy and their ability to discriminate community assembly rules". Functional Ecology. 24: 867-876.
  19. ^ Petchey, O.L.; Gaston, K.J (2002). "Extinction and the loss of functional diversity". The Royal Society. 25: 1721-1729.