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I love videogames firstly. The Prince of Persia trilogy and Ratchet and Clank games are my favourites, and I have completeted all of both series on the PS2. I alos love the Elder Scrolls series of games, having picked up Morrowind GOTY edition a few months before Oblivion was realeased, I know quite a bit about them. Probably the first videogame I ever played was the original Quake with my dad back in 1999. No storyline, just bits of Shambler flying across the screen.

I also love books, classic fantasy novels particularly, like the Spellsinger series by Alan Dean Foster. Also, anything by Terry Pratchett, one of the funniest authors today in my opinion.

I don't like sport very much, although I do practice karate, and will watch the rugby games on TV if England is playing. By the way, that was totally a try you blind Australian.