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Global Revenue from Smart Wearables and hearables

Wearable Sensors refer to miniature computing devices that subjects (users) wear for various reasons and in different settings. For example, wearable sensors may be used to capture real-time data from patients, employees, clothing, merchandise, and even pets. Together with wireless technologies, ultra-low power and self-power microelectronics, bio-compatible and stretchable fabrics, and business intelligence systems; the wearable technology of the near future will be present everywhere, of great use as well as value regardless of application or setting.



Wearable sensors are capable of doing more than we think, from giving directions to answering calls as well as monitor heartbeats, log daily footsteps and track sleeping patterns. There's quite a lot happening in the wearable sensor arena today but we must first look into the past to better appreciate its future.




The term wearable computing has been around for quite sometime. Since times past, people (users) have been using and wearing sensors in some form or another. For example, eye glasses, wristwatches, hearing aids, and portable radios have been worn as an accessory or as a necessity. However, the term wearable sensors itself does not seem to have a beginning. Yet, many have discussed the idea of using and wearing computing devices (sensors) for one purpose or another (i.e. Ed Thorp & Claude Shannon, 1966; Hubert Uptown, 1967; CC Collins, 1977; Edgar Matias, 1994; DARPA, 1996; Boeing, 1996; and Alex Pentland, 1997).[1]



Today significant advances have been made through the use of electrical active media on flexible rubberlike substrates to obtain countless functions such as high bend-ability, ultra sensitivity, transparency, or well- established human–device interfaces and integration. More recently, e-skins have evolved to become wearable or skin-attachable electronic sensors for motion detection on clothing or as a diagnostic tool to monitor body signals (i.e. vital signs).[2] Wearable technology development is at the forefront and has become increasingly ubiquitous in the electronics industry. For example, fitness trackers, smart watches, and action camcorders are among some of the most prevalent wearable technologies on the market today.

HOT Watch Smart Watch from Kickstarter 01



In the near future polymeric supporting layers will contribute significantly to the mechanical flexibility or stretch-ability of wearable sensors; the devices will be able to bend, stretch, and adapt into arbitrary shapes. In addition, polymer devices will also play key roles in high-sensitivity detection, self-programmable activities, conformal contact on the skin, and biocompatible as well as waterproof sealing for implantable settings. Furthermore, future wearable and skin-attachable devices will seek better adaptability on skin and organ interfaces and as a result users will make use of biocompatible materials in highly integrated systems such as the human body. Finally, researches, scientist, and entrepreneurs are working diligently today so that in the near future (one to three years), wearable sensors (smart-technology) may be integrated into everyday clothing, active wear, and almost anything else that can be worn in any setting.


  • The term '''e-skin''' was created on the basis of its similarity to human skin, which has the ability to sense the spatiotemporal distribution of an external stimulus with a soft substrate.
  • '''Wearable''' or skin-attachable sensors detect complicated human motions and are generally used for in vitro diagnostics on human skin.
  • An implantable device, which can be attached directly to an internal organ, is considered as an alternative clinical system for monitoring electric signals from the inner body, including electrocorticographic signals and epicardial electrogram signals.
  • Wearable Smart Fabric Sensor, is the first and only ultra-thin wearable smart fabric sensor that measures all aspects of physicality, including bend, location, motion, rotation, angle, and torque.





Wearable sensors may be used for in vitro diagnostics, embedded devices for human organs or tissues for surgical applications. Similarly, Alzheimer’s as well as Parkinson’s patients may use a flexible, self-powered piezoelectric sensor discovered by a team of Korean researchers.[3] The team hopes that their devices could help to monitor the instability and gait disturbances common in patients suffering from both diseases. Just as significant, the ever-worrisome conversation surrounding athlete concussions (i.e. American Football), a skullcap wearable sensor could measure and diagnose head trauma. For instance, if the skullcaps were integrated into football helmets, health professionals could easily evaluate not only how many times the athlete was hit, but also where in the head the impact occurred.




Nowadays fitness trackers, smart watches, and action camcorders are among the most prevalent wearable technologies on the market. For example, a recently launched business named BeBOP Sensors has developed one-millimeter shoe insoles that provide real-time data to users about running style, pronation, gait, contact order, and fit. According to the firm’s president, a lot of interest in the wearable sensor insole has come from sporting, athletic, and metric groups. Users want to understand movement, extension, and how the soles of your feet impact the ground. Similarly, the footwear company Lechal offers a pair of GPS Bluetooth connected athletic shoes that use haptic feedback technology to notify users about the direction they must take.



Today wearable technology (wearable sensors) is bizarre looking consisting of items that people mostly hang off their clothing or bodies. However, the clothing industry is currently seeking to use and embed wearable technology in stretchable as well as washable fabrics that are well integrated that users don’t even know they are there. Instead, the industry wants users to purchase garments based on color, style, and fit. In other words, users want and expect function along with fashion. Therefore, pioneering companies such as BeBop have introduced the first and only ultra-thin wearable smart fabric sensor that measures all aspects of physicality, including bend, location, motion, rotation, angle, and torque. Yet as stated before, the purpose and function of wearable sensors is not all that matters today but just as BeBop seeks to do, the wearable technology must feel and look good as well.

Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD



According to a Nano Energy published report, the development of a new, stretchable piezoelectric film that could be used as a self-powered motion sensor for a range of biomechanical applications has been in the works for some time. For instance, this stretchable skin can be used on robotics and advanced sensing devices with added features such as transparency, self-power, and self-healing. Similarly, scientists have experimented with printing conductors, resistors, and dielectrics directly onto fabrics and as a result consumer (user) wearable sensors will blend seamlessly into any given environment. Lastly, extensive research has been conducted into the area of eye-care that soon Novartis and in partnership with Google will produce what they are calling "smart-contact lenses" to correct vision and monitor body functions (i.e.blood-sugar levels).



Other than fitness and notification activities, there are bands (wearable sensors) that "think" about our safety. The spotNSave Wristband, for instance, lets you send an SOS to your dear ones or law enforcement authorities. Then, there is Ringly’s “smart” jewelry and accessories with built-in sensors that may be used for communication and to send and/or receive emergency notifications (i.e. alarms).

Big data cartoon - T Gregorius

Business Intelligence


Current wearable sensor technology such as BeBop’s proprietary and patented monolithic design continuously delivers real-time reporting on force, x/y location, bend, twist, size, stretch, and motion of the given subject while being displayed on 3D maps. In addition, said information is accessed from the fabric via Bluetooth technology or downloaded by USB. Just as significant, BeBop's technology will be sold to companies who in turn will put said wearable sensors into shoes, athletic wear, clothing, medical garments, and a number of other applications. As a result, said sensors will provide real-time reporting for the following marketplaces to include: clothing and protective wear, shoes, healthcare devices, athletic equipment, automotive, robotics, aerospace, gaming, biometrics, prosthetics, recycling monitors, and appliance markets.



Careful consideration must be given to the diverse environment where wearable sensors devices are planned to be used: at home, while exercising, in the swimming pool, work, etc. In addition, the size and nature of the targeted population being considered is also an essential consideration: for example a large population monitored to maintain wellness and/or fitness or a smaller more focused group of people having a high risk of cardiac or respiratory events. Furthermore, user competence and motivation are other important factors to keep in mind. For example, people using the device can on the one hand can be skilled professionals such as first responders, ambulance workers, nurses, and physicians but alternatively, they can belong to the general public using the device on their own. Therefore it is important to recognize the present limitations and advantages of currently available wearable sensor devices and their suitability to a given monitoring scenario. This is a very important point as there is a widespread tendency to try to apply the same technology device to all monitoring scenarios, regardless of the needs of the subject and the environment involved. Abraham Maslow has been quoted as saying that “to the man who only has a hammer in the toolkit, every problem looks like a nail.”



Wearable sensors technology stands to gain from existing ubiquitous computing technologies as well as big data processing systems and capabilities. Presently, said combination attracts great interest in the Healthcare domain in light of the ever increasing healthcare costs associated with the management and care of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes and obesity. Therefore the greater deployment of wearable sensor devices in the form of adhesive sensor patches; “Holter-type” systems; body-worn bands and harnesses; smart garments; and embedded systems would provide everyday patient-centered care and reduce the number of costly hospital-based critical monitoring options and interventions. Therefore, the introduction of wearable sensor devices will encourage people to develop self-care habits and monitor their health status as a way to prevent and manage illnesses. Ideally, these innovative systems will be capable of conveniently, discreetly, and reliably monitor patients (users) in the privacy of their homes while performing daily activities without them interfering significantly with their comfort or routines.

Mediamatic Hybrid Wearables



There are hosts of computing devices (smartwatches) available from the stables of Samsung, Sony, Intel, Pebble and LG, among others. However, Google, Apple, Motorola, Microsoft, Nike, and many other businesses and entrepreneurs like Lechal, BeBop, and Novartis are looking into developing wearable sensors that are more than just a wristwatch. Instead, people, fabrics, animals, automobiles, and pretty much anything will sport and use an embedded sensor in the not too distant future.

See Also



  1. ^ A brief history of wearable computing. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.media.mit.edu/wearables/lizzy/timeline.html
  2. ^ Pang, C., Lee, C., & Suh, K. (2013). Recent advances in flexible sensors for wearable and implantable devices. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 130(3), 1429-1441. doi:10.1002/app.39461
  3. ^ Mackinnon, C. D. (2013). New strides in wearable sensor technology. Movement Disorders, 28(8), 1025-1026. doi:10.1002/mds.25468

2. Cheng, R. (2015, January 6). Intel's button-size Curie will power all kinds of wearables - CNET. Retrieved from http://www.cnet.com/news/intels-button-sized-curie-may-power-any-wearable/

3. De Chant, T. (2014, June 18). In Ten Years, You Won’t Even Know You’re Wearing Them — NOVA Next | PBS. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/next/tech/wearable-health-sensors/

4. Duffy, K. (2015). Smart fabric sensors make wearables look good. Product Design & Development, Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.libproxy.db.erau.edu/docview/1650253095?accountid=27203

5. Farr, C. (2015, April 3). Will Smart Clothing Amp Up Your Workout? : Shots - Health News : NPR. Retrieved from http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2015/04/03/397108232/will-smart-clothing-amp-up-your-workout

6. Home | Center for Wearable Sensors. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.jacobsschool.ucsd.edu/wearablesensors/

8. McAdams, E., Krupaviciute, A., Gehin, C., Grenier, E., Massot, B., Dittmar, A., . . . Fayn, J. (2011). Wearable sensor systems: The challenges. Paper presented at the , 2011 3648-3651. doi:10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6090614

9. Morse, A. (2014, July 15). Novartis and Google to Work on Smart Contact Lenses - WSJ. Retrieved from http://www.wsj.com/articles/novatis-google-to-work-on-smart-contact-lenses-1405417127

11. Singal, N. (2015, Mar 29). Wear your attitude. Business Today, Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.libproxy.db.erau.edu/docview/1662352274?accountid=27203

12. Stoppa, M., & Chiolerio, A. (2015). Sensors: Wearable electronics and smart textiles: A critical review. Cellular Polymers, 34(1), 41.

13. Tibken, S. (2015, May 12). Samsung launches Artik chips for the Internet of Things - CNET. Retrieved from http://www.cnet.com/news/samsung-launches-artik-chips-for-internet-of-things/

14. Winkless, L. (2015). Wearable self-powered motion sensor. Materials Today, 18(2), 63-64. doi:10.1016/j.mattod.2015.01.011
