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Jenna Deedy is a 16-year old Nashua High North Student who was born in Boston, MA on April 21st, 1991. She currently attending 10th grade at Nashua High North where she will be graduating in 2010. She have both Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis in which she had them both for a few years now and she have on and off been in remission several times.

SeaWorld and Busch Gardens Camp


For the Past two years now, she has done camp programs for SeaWorld and Busch Gardens. More recently with SeaWorld Orlando with the Advanced career camp. During her past few years at SeaWorld and Discovery Cove, she have worked and interacted with dolphins, beluga whales, sea lions, birds, penguins, and seals.

Jenna's first dolphin encounter

 when Jenna was five years old in 1997, SeaWorld Orlando invited her and her family down to go backstage at the Whale and Dolphin Theater(now known as the "Blue Horzions" Stadium) to meet the false killer whales and dolphins. The first dolphin in which who she interactet with was a bottlenose dolphin named Jenny. Jenny came to them from SeaWorld San Diego and she loved it when Jenna tickled her belly. she also got to let Jenny show off some tricks. She was such an amazing dolphin to be around.

Marine Mammal encounters after Jenny


In May 2006, Jenna was invited down to the New England Aqaurium by her pen pal Stacy Hoth, a marine mammal trainer there at the time(Hoth is now a trainer at MarineLand Florida) to go behind the scenes and do training sessions with the harbor seals and the northern fur seals where she had a nice time working and learning about these fun-loving animals and how they care for them everyday and following that July, she did a 2-hour dolphin encounter at Miami Seaquarium where she had a nice hands-on exprience with Ripley, a 19-year-old bottlenose dolphin at the seaquarium.

Other Encounters involving marine mammals


Jenna's other interaction programs she has been part of were at Dolphins Plus with the dolphin and sea lion swims, Theater of the Sea's trainer for a day program, and The Mystic Aquarium's beluga contact programs.

Compaionship with marine mammal trainers


Jenna have been known to write to animal trainers from many zoological facilities in North America asking them about what it is like being an animal trainer and what she can do to get to that ranking when it comes to animal training. Often times, sheave been intived down by these facilities for hands-on animal training sessions.

Heroes and Role Models


Jenna has many role modles and influences who inspire her or give her ideas on marine mammal training and the zoological world. Here are a few examples of her many role modles.

*Ken Peters: Ken "Pete" Peters has been a really big influence to Jenna with his ablility to train killer whales. When ever Jenna is sick, he sometimes emails her to show his support for her and always keeping her spirits up. Jenna and Ken have yet to meet each other in person. Jenny like with she was Jenna first dolphin was also the first dolphin Ken worked with when started to work at SeaWorld San Diego.

*Jennifer Hathaway: Jennifer works as a dolphin trainer at Theater of the sea in Islomorada, FL. When Jenna was doing a trainer for a day program down there. She assited her on handling the most of the animals and served as a good companion there.

Future and Career hopes


Jenna will be heading down to SeaWorld San Antonio to do a ten-day Camp program this year. There she will be doing the career camp program there in which she would do a mock internship for about three days. She might intern at SeaWorld San Diego summer after that in the marine mammal department but so far no word on wheather she plans to or not. Jenna wants to be a killer whale trainer at SeaWorld someday after she finishes college.

Jenna's Sites


Animal_Trainer Studios [http://www.freewebs.com/animaltrainer91/

Jenna's Little Marine World(her personal site)]