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Template:New Testament sigla legend

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A guide to the sigla (symbols and abbreviations) most frequently used in the body of this article.[1][2]

General sigla
# beginning with 0: uncial
# not beginning with 0: minuscule
* superscript: original reading
c superscript: scribal correction
ms superscript: individual manuscript
mss superscript: multiple manuscripts
pt superscript: partial attestation
vid superscript: uncertain reading
arab: Arabic versions
arm: Armenian versions
𝔐 or Byz: Byzantine text-type
cop: Coptic versions
sa: Sahidic version
bo: Boharic version
eth: Ethiopic versions
ƒ: Greek manuscripts family
geo: Georgian versions
goth: Gothic versions
it: Italic/Vetus Latina
lat: most Italic and Vulgate
latt: all Italic and Vulgate
𝔓: papyrus
𝑙: individually numbered lectionary
Lect: most or all numbered lectionaries
parenthesized (): approximate reading
rell: all other extant manuscripts
slav: Slavic versions
syr: Syriac versions
vg: Latin Vulgate
ς: Textus Receptus
Uncial sigla
א: Codex Sinaiticus (01)
A: Codex Alexandrinus (02)
B: Codex Vaticanus (03)
C: Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus (04)
Dea: Codex Bezae (05)
Dp: Codex Claromontanus (06)
Ke: Codex Cyprius (017)
Kap: Codex Mosquensis I (018)
Le: Codex Regius (New Testament) (019)
Lap: Codex Angelicus (020)
Papr: Codex Porphyrianus (025)
S: Codex Vaticanus 354 (028)
V: Codex Mosquensis II (031)
W: Codex Washingtonianus (032)
Z: Codex Dublinensis (035)
Γ: Codex Tischendorfianus IV (036)
Δ: Codex Sangallensis 48 (037)
Θ: Codex Koridethi (038)
Ξ: Codex Zacynthius (040)
Π: Codex Petropolitanus (New Testament) (041)
ÎŚ: Codex Beratinus (043)
Ψ: Codex Athous Lavrensis (044)
Ί: Codex Athous Dionysiou (045)
ff1: Codex Corbeiensis I
ff2: Codex Corbeiensis II
g1: Codex Sangermanensis I
k: Codex Bobiensis
  1. ^ Metzger, Bruce Manning; Ehrman, Bart D. (2005). The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration (4th ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 54, 62–86, 102–103. ISBN 0-19-516667-1.
  2. ^ J.P. van de Giessen (2003). "Legenda tekstkritische notities". bijbelaantekeningen.nl (in Dutch). Retrieved 4 May 2022.