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Talk:Recurrent corneal erosion

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February 2006


Suggest removing the item about room ventilation during sleep, unless someone can find a source (I couldn't). --BWDuncan 18:44, 24 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Its in keeping with advice I received from ophthalmologists re trying to minimise recurrences, ie not to be dehydrate pre-bed (so fluids, but not too much alcohol), and humidified air to help reduce drying out (so any comments that have effect on room air humidity valid). Not sure we are going to find a link on this, as just not exciting topic to research into :-( This may cause a problem of being able to WP:Cite, somethings are known without finding their way into research. Example we all know that all Family Doctors see virtually every surgery cases of sore throat or common cold, but one may be hard pressed to find documented evidence to prove this (sure plenty articles on how GPs treat these conditions, but I ventuire few/none proving that they see such cases several times each day).

Only definite solution might be to ask opinion of a group of ophthalmologists, but my $0.02 would be to keep info for now. David Ruben Talk 02:44, 25 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Only point I might debate is that re applying drops on awakening if eyes feel stuck before ever having opened the eyelids. Whilst I agree most attacks occur in mornings, this is normally shortly after awakening when the onset of blinking rubs away the epithelial layer that has deteriorated overnight. ie one has to blink a few times before symptoms occur and therefore the eyelids will not feel stuck prior to opening & closing a few times - quick application of drops at this point often/sometimes minimises discomfort & severity of an attack (personal experience and that reported by several patients I have seen with condition). David Ruben Talk 02:51, 25 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Fair enough, I'm happy enough to leave it in, although you might like to remove the 'personal experience' notes since I think they detract from the article's credibility. Cheers! --BWDuncan 15:51, 27 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I am new to Wikipedia, but it seems to me that if a solution to a medical problem is based on one's personal experience rather than an authoritative source, it would be appropriate to note that. I don't think it detracts from the article's overall credibility. As someone who consulted Wikipedia to find out possible solutions to my own recurrent corneal erosion problem, I welcome any and all suggestions that might be of some benefit. However, I do want to know if this solution is based on professional opinion or the personal experience of another sufferer. (In fact, I might actually value the personal experience information more than that of a professional who's never actually experienced the problem.)
re "In fact, I might actually value the personal experience information more than that of a professional who's never actually experienced the problem" - personally I'ld rather be treated by an ophthalmologist who has treated hundreds of cases even if they have never had themselves, than follow the advice of a friend who has had the condition themselves and has the sum total of experience of just their one example.David Ruben Talk 21:17, 8 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
BTW, I added my own personal experience suggestion under the one about eye drops in the morning as something that has been useful for me and might be for others. In response to the comment above about eyes not feeling stuck until blinking happens, I'll say that I usually CAN tell that my eyes are stuck before I blink, and the gentle rubbing helps to unstick them before blinking rips away the cornea and causes pain. Bethfly 03:44, 16 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Moved from the article

I suffer from this condition and If I don't follow some of the preventative actions my eye will take between 7-8 days to heal(personal experience). From our family history I feel this condition can be linked with stress/excitement, causing the rapid eye movement and opening upon waking. --User:

wear glasses (sunglasses, prescription glasses or even "fake" glasses) especially when engaging in activities like gardening or playing with children. (personal experience)[citation needed] this DOES NOT WORK I wear glasses and my Cornea was damaged to the point that two weeks after it heals it restarts all over again --chasemarc —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:00, 18 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Recurrent Erosion


I have recurrent erosion syndrome - I have yet to find any dr that agrees on how to handle this. I would say from personal experience - that lieing in bed with a fan near the bed, has caused me greater difficulties with my eyes. I was sleeping with a fairly strong fan near my bed and had constant trouble, to the point all the drops and ointments I was previously using were not working. I had since stopped having the fan near my face and night and have had no new episodes. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Elizabethdmcc (talkcontribs) 02:24, 12 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Under "Symptoms", someone should add how long the episodes typically last, and what's the typical frequency (though I understand both can vary widely). (talk) 16:28, 30 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

can recurrent corneal erosion syndrom recure due to stress?? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:25, 17 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]

corneal erosion syndrom


i was hit in the eye with a peice of wire, it cut into my cornia. i visited three hospitals eight times before i was referred to an eye clinic, it was at the clinic i was diogosed with corneal erosion syndrom where i was told to use a clorosig eye cream every four hours everyday and in the hope this would help heal my eye. i have been applying the cream everyday for six months now and this syndrom keeps recurrering, once you get this syndrom do you have it for life? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 22:16, 6 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Tie a robe belt around your head? This must be a joke.


From the Revision as of 03:35, 18 March 2013, by Ecrtpp

I have much experience with recurrent corneal erosion over the years, have had both excellent ophthalmologists and really neglectful incompetent ones, but have *never* had any suggestion that rings anything like that paragraph about "tie a belt around your head that has tissues taped to it before you sleep." In fact, if a person has concretions and does this, it may well *worsen* the condition by causing deep corneal abrasions.

I suggest if wikipedia wants to keep that paragraph, they find someone who can cite a source--preferably one from a medical journal published within the past 30 years--because as it reads, it sounds more like someone having a laugh, perhaps at the expense of less savvy users who may be suffering and on a limited budget, who may well be put in a much worse condition, were they to follow that "advice."

Lubrication, "bandage" contacts; having lubrication ready to go at the bedside upon waking, and lifting the eyelid whilst adding the drops. Those will afford some relief. Sleeping with a belt around your head to which you've taped folded-up tissues? 1st, I hope you don't have concretions; 2nd, I hope you're a deep sleeper, who doesn't move; 3rd, dry-eye is not the result of sleeping with eyes open, further indicating the "method" as nothing more than an exercise in futility; 4th, be aware if anyone sees you they are likely to laugh hard.

From my experience--over a collective 6 years, but spanning more than 25 years, and having had contact with more than a dozen ophthalmologists (there was a bad accident; surgery; most recently concretions that had to be surgically removed)--if a medical doctor tells a patient to tie a belt with tissues on it around the head as a remedy, it is very much time to seek a second opinion, as the doctor is most likely either a quack, or takes the patient to be a hypochondriac and/or otherwise not in need of true medical treatment. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 22:46, 24 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]