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Talk:Hispanic Democratic Organization

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Just pecause an article may not follow the guidelines for NPOV does not mean it should be deleted. That said, I, as someone with no prior knowledge of this organization, feel that it may be biased. --Savant13 02:07, 26 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Language is far too biased. That doesn't mean it isn't true, but does not fit wikipedia standards.

As someone who IS familiar with the HDO... it is extremely biased. Certainly PACs in Chicago are suspect because of the nature of Chicago politics but the organization itself is not criminal or "divide and conquer." Members like Angelo Torres have been arrested and there have been connections with mobsters through scandals like Hired Truck, but that is par for the course in the Second City. This article needs extensive revision and should be locked after that is done.

I edited down this article as it was obviously biased and misleading. If anyone has anything useful to add, feel free.

what a bunch of crap! HDO should change it's name to HTDO hispanic, thug, democratic, organization. There is nothing Hispanic or democratic about this group, I am glad to see these clowns like Sanchez and Delvalle go down. it's about time. Also ald. Soliz was intelligent and brave enough to not assoc. himself in anyway shape or form. This edit may sound biased only because i know exactly what kind of character delvalle is. I woonder what kind of job he'll get now? probably nothing like the comfy city job they both had.

If you want to add revelent infromation to the article, by all means feel free, however alot of what im hearing is coming across as just editorializing. Regardless of what clout or allegations do surround them, without any facts its mearly hear say and conjecture.