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Talk:Field Artillery Regiment "a Cavallo"

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The Regiment flag has been awarded 4 Silver Medal (Medaglia d'Argento al Valor Militare), three of them directly to the regiment and one as heir of the 3rd Articelere regiment. See the heraldic insignia (that clearly show just the four silver medals ribbons) and the official Italian Army website (https://www.esercito.difesa.it/organizzazione/capo-di-sme/Comando-Forze-Operative-Nord/brigata-pozzuolo-del-friuli/Reggimento-a-Cavallo/Pagine/Il-Medagliere.aspx). In some unofficial sources are also *wrongly* attributed to the regiment one Gold Medal, another Silver Medal and a Bronze Medal, that were awarded instead to other, unrelated artillery units with "horse artillery" tradition, that are *not* part of the official lineage of the current Field Artillery Regiment "a Cavallo" (with the single exception of the already quoted 3rd Articelere Regiment, whose traditions has been officially inherited by the "a Cavallo" regiment). Please do not arbitrarily include any extra medal to the "voloire" flag: the regiment already have more than honorable traditions by itself, without any need to "steal" medals assigned to other units. Arturolorioli (talk) 10:40, 6 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

If you had had a look at the article history, you would have noticed that I wrote almost the entire article. I also created the stemma with the four silver medals. Every bit of information in this article is sourced and the sources for the Gold Medal and Bronze Medal awarded to the 1° ArtiCelere and the Silver Medal awarded to the 201° reggimento artiglieria motorizzato as being "in temporanea consegna" to the Reggimento Artiglieria "a cavallo" are:
  1. L'Esercito Italiano verso il 2000, Volume Primo - Tomo II, page 238", which is the official history book about the Italian Army's units and has been published by the Stato Maggiore Dell'Esercito - Ufficio Storico
  2. the main entry for the Reggimento Artiglieria Terrestre "a Cavallo" on the Italian Army's website, where it says: "Lo Stendardo è decorato di quattro Medaglie d'Argento al Valor Militare, una d'Oro al Merito della Sanità Pubblica oltre ad aver ricevuto in "temporanea consegna" una Medaglia d'Oro, una di Bronzo ed una d'Argento al Valor Militare, assegnate ai reggimenti 1° celere in Africa Settentrionale e 201° motorizzato in Russia."
  3. the Rivista Militare regimental history of "Il reggimento artiglieria a cavallo e il 2° Celere", which on page 52 depicts the standard of the regiment with all the medals.
As of today the standard of the regiment carries 1× M.O.V.M, 5× M.A.V.M, 1× M.B.V.M, and the Medaglia d'Oro al Merito della Sanità Pubblica. I am backed up by the Italian Army's website, the Italian Army's History Office, and by the Italian Defense Ministry's military publication. Are those the "unofficial sources" you write about? Anyway, I will revert you now. noclador (talk) 19:33, 6 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Split the decorations now in two parts. noclador (talk) 19:41, 6 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Fine, if you split the decoration in this way the entry is acceptable. The important thing is to make it absolutely clear that the Regimental standard is decorated with 4 x MAVM only, and that the MOVM, MBVM and the 5th MAVM are *not* (and never have been) awarded to the Regiment's standard (for a real picture of the Regiment's standard with his medals, as used in public ceremonies, see https://www.flickr.com/photos/giuseppenicoloro/3633551252). About the "temporanea consegna", it is *not* to the standard, but to the Regiment (as clearly stated in your source #1), as the Regiment's commander has by tradition the currently non-official title of "Commander of the Horse Batteries", and the "temporanea consegna" is limited to the medals as material objects, and not even remotely to the legacy of the 1st Articelere and the 201th Regiment, that have *not* been transferred to the current "a Cavallo" rgt (that is heir of the 3rd Articelere only). Best regards Arturolorioli (talk) 10:44, 7 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]