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Talk:David Hafler

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Also founded Hafler


After he parted ways with Dynaco, he founded Hafler which made kits and assembled units in the Dynaco model. Mulp (talk) 17:40, 13 October 2009 (UTC) he partnered with a company called "sound choice in Dublin ohioin the early 90s .sound choice bought up all the remainder of the dynaco parts inventory.they developed more modern amplifiers, including a 300+300 watt mosfet amp.[reply]

An earlier system was invented in New Zealand in 1965, but did NOT use two REAR speakers. Just one.


Very little is known (and obviously very little is attributed to, a young New Zealand audiophile, "KEITH CLARE", who was just 12 yrs old in 1965 when he accidentally discovered a far better natural system that can be expanded exponentially (as many different times as one desires) into ANY NUMBER of additional channels, which is a system different to and thus is not a later labeled "Quadrophonic" four speaker system, nor a so-called 1970's Haffler system, nor a 1969 invented Dynaquad matrix (4-channel quadraphonic) 1 front, 2 sides and 1 rear "4 speaker" system (developed by Dynaco in 1969), but by a fully ALL_AROUND©™(1965) analogue NATURAL SOUNDING system (which is actually pure electrical, not an electronic system) utilizing any NORMAL commercially produced 2ch stereo format, but decodes using a unique, 2 : 2 : 9 "multiple channel" surround sound, discrete system - which was created by using NINE semi-independent speakers, separated by way of a variant on the standard electrical power generation & distribution system, that the New Zealand Electricity Corporation was then using, for it's Hydro Electric "power" stations AND for it's long distant distribution grid, at that time (with just a slight variation being used, on the basic 3 phase electrical wiring principle, as it's core audio playback - "system of operation"). His ONLY technical manual - available for his use, was copy of the "Handbook to the New Zealand Electrical Wiring Regulations 1961", that a relative (who was an "Electrical technician", with the NZ Postal & Telecommunications Service) had given to him.

Anyone can still reference information about that old (NZ Govt. produced) Electrical Regulations "wiring" handbook. https://books.google.co.nz/books/about/Handbook_to_the_Electrical_Wiring_Regula.html?id=_xHoPAAACAAJ&redir_esc=y Whereas Keith "still has" (and frequently references) his original "book".

Thus - sadly, NONE of the Northern Hemisphere Inventors, (well known, and yet commercialized failures) - ever developed a reliable surround sound, the way the microphones ACTUALLY recorded the original performance of that "recorded" sound. Instead, the audio engineers, (in the Northern Hemisphere) appear to have attempted to "place" the speakers in a room first BEFORE then trying to figure out a system, on how to MAKE the sound fit (into a few speakers), situated in that room. They apparently never understood, HOW the microphones recorded ALL the sounds that were recorded, nor understood that any 2 channel stereo DOWN-MIX, could be easily (electrically) RE-UP-MIXED - to re-create the actual entire "original sound" area, where the original performance was recorded (by thus decoding the recorded 2ch stereo, into not just the same number of channels as the number of microphones used for the original master, but into an infinitely GREATER number of discrete "speaker" surrounding channels, for the recreated playback). Hence in 1965 there existed a NEW ZEALAND version of a fully immersive surround sound ANALOGUE system that (if they'd have ever known about) anyone with extra speakers, could simply have WIRED THEM IN, (without electronic components needed), to convert ANY standard 2ch stereo system into however many speaker channels, they desired to actively "run".

Hence why very few people world-wide (to this day), attribute a far better (successful) audio surround "sounding" system, to a 1965 inventor, who has installed this basic system and all of it's variants, into many private/domestic homes, as well many commercial AND industrial premises, (for nigh-on 52 years), and which is a uniquely expandable system which continues to be further developed (all the time) by it's original 1965 inventor.

Such as a "small" 88 speaker (64 cabinet) 25.7 channel ANALOGUE system, that was assembled ad-hoc (using a variety of impedance speakers of many different makes), JUST because the inventor could, - that was also "recorded" on a MONO Nokia Classic 6120 cellphone's video recorder function - to place upon YouTube, to let others around the world see.. just what is "possible" with a successful (analogue surround sound) 2 : 2 : 25 system. But don't add that info to Wikipedia eh? As - all the other well known NORTHEN HEMISPHERE (innovative) technicians, & registered entities, won't WANT to lose the value of being the "so-called" first people to find surround sound (electronically) .. who didn't actually invent ANY successful (lower order) systems, other than a digitally altered time delayed stereo 2ch (2.1+2 = 5.1) format systems, such as that digitally altered time-delayed system "licensed" by DOLBY ... (sold via license - to all - whom NEVER want to bother with discovering real surround sound, the natural "electrical" way). !!!! (talk) 23:49, 3 January 2017 (UTC) QUIX4U[reply]