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Maurice Durand (linguist)

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Copy of a poem in both Chữ Nôm and the Vietnamese alphabet from Durand's collection of manuscripts

Maurice M. Durand (Hanoi, 2 August 1914 – 2 May 1966) was a French-Vietnamese linguist born in Hanoi.[1][2][3]



His father, Gustave Durand, was chief translator of Annamese at the Palais de Justice, Hanoi; Gustave was from Provence and Maurice's mother was from Kien An. He studied in France and married a Belgian violinist named Sylvie Durand. During World War II he was an officer in Cameroon and Chad. In 1946 he returned to Vietnam to teach at and then direct the École française d'Extrême-Orient. On his return to France he taught Vietnamese at the École pratique des Hautes Études.[4]

He died in Paris in 1966 and bequeathed his, and his father's, collection of publications, transliterations, photographs, research notes, and microfilm to Yale University, where they are now held in 121 boxes at the Sterling Memorial Library.[5]


  • Maurice M. Durand et Nguyen Tran Huan Introduction à la littérature vietnamienne. (Paris: G. P. Maisonneuve et Larose, 1969).
  • Les manuscrits de Maurice M. Durand.


  1. ^ Jean Filliozat Maurice Durand. 1914–1966 1969
  2. ^ Maurice M. Durand, Thế giới của "Truyện nôm" École française d'Éxtrême-Orient - 1998 Page 9 "Maurice M. Durand - Sinh ra à Hà Nôi vào thâng 8 nàm 1914, Giào su Maurice Durand là con trai cûa ông Gustave Durand, tnrông phông djch thuât Toà an dông thoï là giâo viên tiéng Trung cûa tri/àng Oai hoc Tong hop và bà Nguyên Thj Binh, nguài tînh Kiën An
  3. ^ Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient École française d'Extrême-Orient 1969 -- Volumes 55 à 56 - Page 19 "MAURICE DURAND (1914–1966) L'École française d'Extrême-Orient et l'École pratique des Hautes Études ont perdu en la funeste année 1966 qui les a éprouvées trois fois l'une et l'autre, le savant qui dirigeait et dominait toutes leurs études ."
  4. ^ Ecole pratique des hautes études - Page 59 "Maurice Durand est né le 2 août 1914 à Hanoi. Son père, Gustave Durand (c. 1888 – 1960), était originaire de cette partie de la Provence entre Brignoles et Saint-Tropez où il avait acquis lui-même une propriété. Sa mère, née Nguyên-Thi-Binh (c. 1903 – 1956), venait de la province de Kiên-An, près de Haiphong. Chef du ..."
  5. ^ [1] "Durand was a well-known scholar of Han and Nom. Han is Chinese language texts written using Chinese characters. Nom is Vietnamese language texts written using Chinese characters. Many texts of the period in which Durand specialized are written in a mixture of Han and Nom."