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The Law of Holy mind 1

The road of rescue to people was opened by Jesus.

There is no road to rescue without going through the words of Jesus.

If you believe the words of Jesus in the Bible and follow the words, certainly you can be rescued.

Jesus said as follows.

[John 16:25] Though I have been speaking figuratively,a time is coming when I will no longer use figure of speech but I will tell you clearly about my Father.

[John 16:12] I have still many things to say to you,but you cannot bear them now.

❧Jesus mentioned that he did not tell us everythingin the Gospels.

When Jesus came, he said that they can not bear it yet even though his disciples followed him after throwing away their everything. so he said that he has many things to say to them yet.

[John 14:26]The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

❧ The Jesus said that he didn't tell us everything in the Gospels, the Holy Spirit will teach us the rest and remind us of the words of Jesus.

Then now, the teaching words of the Holy Spirit should be mentioned in the New Testament after the Gospels. but every writing from the Acts of Apostles to before the book of the Revelation was a epistle. It is right that these were contained the teachings of the Holy Spirit but it was recorded partly.

[1 Corinthians 13:9-10] For we know in part and we prophesy in part but when perfection comes, the imperfection will be done away.

[1 Corinthians 3:2]I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: foryou were not able to bear it, neither yet are you able.

❧ It said that we can't still bear it and the words are not the meat but the milk. Then there is only the milk and not the meatin the Corinthians.

[Ephesians 3:3-4] That it was made me know the secret by revelation, is as I have already written briefly. In reading this, you will be able to understand my insight into these cret of Christ.

[Ephesians 1:13-14] In whom you also believed, after listening to the words of truth, the good news of your rescue, and you were sealed in whom you believed with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is given as a guarantee of our enterprise to glorify his glory(paragon) with the redemption of the purchased possession.

❧ Paul knew these cret and realized it after receiving the revelation, but what we can know from his letter is that only "the fact he realized" the secret by looking atthe "briefly recorded".

Here is another problem. Do you really think that the people who received the letters of Paul knew about the New Testament? That can never be.

Merely what they have heard through apostles is all。

Everything was not written in the Gospels. When they received the letter, there were not all the Epistles after the Gospels, and also there were only partial in the content of the Epistles, then where would be in the Bible the words of truth that the Holy Spirit taught, and apostles delivered that they already knew after hearing?

The Jesus said as follows before the apostles delivered the words receiving the Holy Spirit, before all the Gospels were completed , before the Jesus died on the cross.

[John 5:39] You diligently study the Bible because youknow that you will be possessed eternal life by the Bible. This is the Bible that testify about me. However you do not want to cometo have eternal life to me.

[Luke (after resurrection)]

* They asked each other, " Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us on the road and opened the Bible to us.

* And he said to them, "This is what I told you, while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that was written about me in the law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms." Then he opened their hearts so they could realized the Bible.

❧ What is the Bible that Jesus said? Could it be the New Testament? It can never be. Then what is "this" that left after excepting the law of Moses in Old Testament, the Prophets and the Psalms?These are[the Job, the Proverbs, the Ecclesiastes, the Song of Solomon].

The New Testament is the book that explains the law of God ofthe Old Testament, which has already existed in the Bible, and a guidance book to the place where there is the law of God.

[Romans 8:2] For the law of Holy Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made you free from the law of sin and death.

❧ The law of sin and death means the law of Moses. Then there is another law excepting the law of Moses in Old Testament. By the way,Paul speaks of "the law of Holy Spirit."

Jesus said that what he could not say will be taught by the Holy Spirit, and Paul speaks of it as "the law of Holy Spirit."

Then it means there is the law of Holy Spirit in some where of the Old Testament.

The Pentateuch is the law of deathin the Old Testament, there are no such record about other law from the Joshua to the Esther, the prophecies from the Isaiah to the Malachiare not naturally a law and then it has the Gospels and Epistles.

Then now what would there be left?

There are left 6 books like this:the Job after the Esther, the Psalms, the Proverbs, the Ecclesiastes, the Song of Songs and the Revelations which is the last of New Testament.

Then is it in the Job, the law of God that the Holy Spirit teaches? Also there is no the law in the Song of Songs. There is the words telling the ecclesiae in the Revelations but no law of the God. Then would it be in the Psalms?

[Psalms 1:2] (Blessed is the one) Only enjoys the law of Jehovah, he meditates the law in day and night.

[Psalms 2:12] Make fit to themouth of the son.

❧ There are the words previous noticing the law of the God like that in the Psalms. Now there are left only the Proverbs of Solomon and the Ecclesiastes.

The following are the words from the beginning of the Proverbs and the last of the Ecclesiastes.

[Proverbs 1:8] My son, listen to your Father's advice and do not forsake your Mother's law.

[Ecclesiastes 12:10] Whathe wrote was upright and the words of truth.

[Ecclesiastes 12:11] The words of the wise which are given from one shepherd.

In Psalms chapter 2verse 12 said " Make fit to his son's mouth", there are the records like above in the Proverbs and the Ecclesiastes, and there are the following words in the Song of Songs of Solomon chapter1 phrase 2.

[Song of Songs]

"For you want to make fitto my mouth, your love is better than the wine..."

Next is the testimonies of the Acts.

[Acts 7:46-48] David received the blessing before God so asked that he might provide aholy hall of God for the house of Jacob then Solomon built the holy hall for him. However, the Most High does not live in place made with hands.

❧ It has already built but that is not a holy hall builtby hands. The place of God is a holy hall. In the holy hall there must be the law of God. Any place without the law of rescue of God is not a holy hall.

[Hebrews 8:10] Also the Lord says this is the verbal contract that I will make with the house of Israel after that time, I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts.I will be their God, and they will be my people.

❧ My law is the law of Holy Spirit and to write with based on it on their hearts is to inscribe on their heart tablets.

Unlike the wisdom of the world, there is no forgetting in the wisdom realized by the Holy Spirit. because the Holy Spirit inscribes on your heart.

The Proverbs and the Ecclesiastes are just the holy hall of words, which built for the house of Jacob by Solomon.

Is there any other holy hall of words which Solomon built not this? No.

The name that the God gave Jacob was Israel. so the house of Jacob and the house of Israel are the same place.

Then why do not people speak of this?

This is because God is not someone who tells alie. He said it was covered and hidden. So if you ask and turn, it will be shown.

If the Bible were merely something that people could read with their eyes, it would not be something that would behidden and mean that God could tell a lie.

[1 Corinthians 2:7] It speaks the only God'ssecret wisdom in the middle thathas been hidden, which God ordained for our glory(paragon) before all generations.

The Proverbs and the Ecclesiastesare the books thatdeliver the wisdom of the God, called the wisdom of the God in the Bible.

Here are the words of another testimonies.

[Proverbs 1:23] Turn after listening to my reproach, behold, I will pour my god to you, I will make my words known to you.

Next is the part of the testimonies that "my god" is "the Holy Spirit"

[Isaiah 42:1] Behold, my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight. I have put my god on him and he will proclaim public righteousness to the all the surrounding nations except kingdom of God.

It says I have given my god. Now we will see the Gospels that quote this words.

[Matthew 12:17-18] This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah, behold, here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight; I will put my Holy Spirit on him, and he will proclaim judgment to the all the surrounding nations except kingdom of God.

❧Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will reveal of the Father clearly. However, he said that there will beseen the words of the Father in the Proverbs and also make God know in the beginning of the book.

[Acts]This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel. God says "In the last days,I will pour my willing for eternity on all body. Your children will prophesy, your the youth will see reveries, your elders will dream. Then I will pour my willing for eternity to my male servant and female servant in those days, and they will prophesy.

The my god is the wisdom. Next is the words that mentions who the wisdom is.

The following"I" mean the wisdom.


I lead in the road of righteousness, walk in the middle of fairness

This is for those who love me to acquire wealth and to fill the storehouse.

The Jehovah had me in the beginning of his works, before working in the beginning of the world

From before all generations, from ancient times, from before the ground was I was set up

The sea was not formed yet andI was there already even before the big springs were

I was there already before the mountain was built, before the hill was formed.

It is when the God didn't create the ground, nor field, nor the root of world dust yet.

I was there when he was creating the sky, and marking out the air on the surface of the sea,

I was beside him and became the creator when he was fortifying the clouds sky above, strengthening the springs of sea, making water not to rebel against the command by defining the boundary of the sea, and defining the foundation of ground.

I became a rejoicing of God everyday, delighted in front of him always, delighted also on the ground where person will dwell and rejoiced for sons of person.

Now, my sons, listen to me, blessed are those who keep my roads.

Gain wisdom after listening to my advice, Don't throw that away.

❧ This words are the testimonies that the wisdom is one of "us", creator.

Who would it beamong God the Father, the son of God and the Holy Spirit? It is just the Holy Spirit.

Next is the words of God in the part of judgement of the God in the Job which has the same contents as above.

You can know that it is the same contents as above.


"Where were you when I set the foundation of the land? Tell me, If you recognize.

Do you know who set the measure, who stretched out the norm on the above?

On what were the footings set, who laid the cornerstone?

At that time, the stars of dawn sang together and the sons of God shouted happy.

When the sea over flowed as if it burst forth from the womb who blocked it with the door?

At that time, I made the clothes with the cloud, made the swaddling bands with the darkness,

fixed the boundary for it and devised its doors and bars in place,

when I said ' you may come to here but will not cross, your proud waves will halt here.

"Have you journeyed to the fountain of the sea or walked in the recesses of the deep water?

Have the gates of death been shown to you? Have you seen the gates of the shadow of death?

Have you measured the vast expanses of the ground? Tell me, if you know all this.

"Where is the way to the place of light? And where is the place of darkness?

Can you competently take them to the border? Do you know the road of the house?

Also, there are the testimonies in the Gospel according to John.

[John 1 chapter]

1 In the beginning of womb was the Word, and the Word was with God so the Word was God.

2 He was with God in the beginning of womb.

3 All things were made through him, nothing has been made without him.

4 In him was life, and the life was the light of persons.

5 The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness did not perceive it.

The Mother of all those who were born by Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit(Wisdom) said the followingin the Proverbs.


My son, observe my words and cherish my commands within you.

Live under my commands, observe my law like your pupil.

Bind these on your fingers, engrave these on the tablet of your heart.

I will speak to you about the most good, I will open my lips to say what is upright.

My mouth speaks what is true, my lips detest the bad.

❧The law of Holy Spirit that Paul speaks of means just the words of Proverbs. so in the Proverbs, there are full of the words dividing good and bad. because the law is the standard to divide good and bad.

There is no words treating ethics of people in the Proverbs. the ethics of people is non-truth which can change anytime.

You should look not with the eyes of the body but with the eyes of the heart. because giving life is not the body but the heart.

These arewords of the testimonies.

[John 8:31-32] If you follow my words, you becomes really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."

[Proverbs 16:6] Through the truth and the son of person sin and bad will beatoned for, through awe of Jehovah a person will be leave from the bad.

[John 16:13-15] When the Holy Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you to the middle of all truth. He will not speak on his own and he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what the future will bring. He will showmy glory and make it known to you with what is mine. In general, all that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said he will tell with what is mine and make it known to you.

[Proverbs22:21] Is it to make you realize definite words of truth and to make you reply with words of truth to those who sent you?

[Proverbs8:7] My mouth speaks what is truth, my lips detest the bad.

[Ecclesiastes 12:10] What is recorded(Proverbs and Ecclesiastes) are upright thus these are the words of truth.

[John 16:8] When he(the Holy Spirit) comes, he will reproach the world of sin, righteousness, judgment.

[1 John2:27] As the pouring oil that you received from the Lord remains in you, no one needs to teach you, only hispouring oil teaches you about all things and it will be truthand without any lies thus remain in the Lord who has taught you as you are.

[Proverbs 1:23] Turn after listening to my reproach, I will pour my god to you, I will make my words known to you.

[John 7:16]My instruction is not mine. It comes from him who sent me.

[Proverbs 1:25-26]:As you despised my instruction and would not receive my reproach, when you meet disaster I will laugh and when fear overtakes you I will mock.

[Matthew 5:17]Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish them but to complete them.

[Proverbs 3:21]My son, keep complete wisdom and soberness and do not let these get out of your sight.

[James 1:25]Person who looks into the complete law that gives freedom is not forgetting what he has heard but doing it, the person will be blessed in what he does.

❧ The original meaning of words in the James is that the belief without action is dead. It tells us what is the belief that has action. You will think that it is different from what you have known.

[2 Timothy 3:15] The Bible is able to make you wise to be salvation through the faith in Christ Jesus.

[Proverbs 2:5]You will realize in awe of the Jehovah, you will be known the God.

[Proverbs 1:3] To let receive the advice on the deeds to do wisely, righteously, fairly, uprightly.

[Proverbs 1:7] To awe of the Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge knowing about God but fools despise the wisdom and the advice.

❧ In the Gospels, Jesus said figuratively, and the Holy Spirit comes, he will let us knowour future and guide to the truth.

It is said that the Epistles were partial prophesied, and the perfect would come.

Also, It is mentioned that "I will engrave my law on their hearts, and they will be my people" in the Hebrews.

Next is theend of the Ecclesiastes that is the last of the law of Holy Spirit. Please read slowly and in detail.

[Ecclesiastes 12:9-10] Still the evangelist taught knowledge knowing about God to the people with wisdom and made many Proverbs trough meditation and search out and the evangelist searched to find just the word that belongs to the God wholly. Therefore what is recorded is upright, even the words of truth.

[Ecclesiastes 12:13] Heard the conclusion of whole matter,Be in awe of God and keep his commandments, For this is the duty of person.

