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Draft:Surmari's trap

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Surmari's trap , the destruction of the Turko-Seljuk army through military cunning . In 1053, the ongoing Turkic raids caused destruction to the country. Gtlmush, who invaded the country, increases the surroundings of Kars , but is unable to capture the citadel of Kars . After this failure, he moves to Surmari, where the Armenians prepare a trap for the newcomers and carry out a massacre through a surprise attack at night, from which the commander Gtlmush manages to escape , together with a small detachment

Surmari's trap
Part of The invations of Seljuk-Turks to Armenia
Result Armenian victory
Seljuk empire Armenians of Surmalu
Commanders and leaders
Gtlmush Mayor minister of Surmari
60000 unknown
Casualties and losses
Almost completly few



The Byzantine Empire continued to watch with indifference how the Seljuk Turks conquered Armenia. In 1045, Byzantine Emperor Constantine IX Monomakhos , seeing that Gagik B, the last king of Bagratids, was trying to strengthen the country, called him to Constantinople to negotiate with him on the issue of Ani . Gagik goes to the capital of Byzantium , where, however, it turns out that Constantine has organized a conspiracy. Gagik B is blocked in the court of Byzantium , after which a series of raids are undertaken to Ani , as a result of which Ani's Bagratun kingdom is in decline .

After all this, such a situation is created in Armenia that the enemy cannot take advantage of it and invades Armenia. The first invasions of the Seljuk-Turks took place in 1047 with an army of 100,000. They continue in the future as well. In 1051-1052, there was relative peace in Armenia.