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Draft:Rachid bouhaddouz

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Rachid bouhaddouz

Rachid Bouhadouz est un militant politique et culturel amazigh marocain, reconnu pour son engagement en faveur des droits linguistiques et culturels des Amazighs au Maroc. Il milite pour la promotion de la langue amazighe et l'intégration de celle-ci dans les sphères publiques [1] et politiques [2]. Parallèlement à ses actions dans le domaine culturel[3], Bouhadouz s’intéresse à la défense des libertés individuelles, à la diffusion des valeurs des Lumières et à la lutte contre l'extrémisme [4] . Il œuvre pour encourager le dialogue interculturel et pour renforcer la participation des Amazighs dans la vie publique, tout en prônant la diversité culturelle et l'ouverture au sein de la société marocaine[5].

Professional and political life


His activity in the movement “Agraw for the Amazighs”


Rachid Bouhaddouz is the national coordinator of the "Agraw for Amazighity" movement within the Authenticity and Modernity Party, a movement that aims to strengthen the rights of the Amazigh language in Morocco[6]. The movement seeks to integrate the Amazigh language into government policies and ensure its constitutional recognition as an official language[7]. Bouhaddouz advocates for the use of the Amazigh language in administration, education, and the media to promote linguistic and cultural equality[8].

In addition to his political commitment, Bouhaddouz holds the position of general manager at "Rifmedical", a company specializing in medical equipment[9]. He is also the manager of "Lybicaprod", a company specializing in digital transformation[10].

Writing the first check in Amazigh


In December 2019, Rachid Bouhaddouz announced that he had issued and cashed the first bank check entirely written in "Tifinagh" characters[11], used in the Amazigh language, as part of the practical activation of the official status of the Amazigh language in Morocco. The check was cashed without any issues by the bank, and Bouhaddouz expressed his satisfaction on social media, emphasizing that this initiative was a first in Morocco[12].

In his media statements, Bouhaddouz emphasized that he did not expect the check to be accepted easily and that he was prepared to take legal action in case of refusal[13]. He also stressed the need for similar initiatives in various sectors to strengthen the presence of the Amazigh language in everyday life, considering that civil society should share the responsibility for the official activation of Amazigh, particularly due to the slow implementation by official institutions.

The trial against the series “Fath Al-Andalus”


In 2022, Rachid Bouhaddouz filed a lawsuit against the Moroccan National Broadcasting Corporation regarding the series "Fath Al-Andalus". Bouhaddouz argued that the series distorted Moroccan history and portrayed the Amazigh leader Tariq bin Ziyad as a Levantine leader, which contributes to erasing Amazigh identity[14]. This issue sparked widespread controversy in Moroccan society regarding the representation of the Amazigh language in artistic and historical works[15].

Cultural and literary contributions


Literary criticism


Rachid Bouhaddouz is not only a political activist but also a writer and a contributor to literary criticism, particularly in the field of Amazigh literature. Through his articles, Bouhaddouz examines the challenges faced by Amazigh literature and strives to promote the development of literary criticism in this area[16].

His literary articles


Rachid Bouhaddouz has written numerous articles in Moroccan newspapers and magazines. Among his famous articles is "The Trap of Statistics"[17], where he examines how statistical classifications affect cultural identity; "A Quarter Century of Tamgrabit"[18], which reveals the obstacles faced by Morocco's mixed identity over the past 25 years; and "The Challenges of Literary Criticism in Amazigh Literature"[19], in which he examines how Amazigh literature can be developed to achieve wider global recognition.

His political and social positions


Rachid Bouhaddouz is one of the prominent voices defending the Amazigh language as an integral part of Moroccan identity. Bouhaddouz seeks to expand the use of the Amazigh language in various government institutions and constantly works to influence public policies ensuring the full integration of the Amazigh language into the daily lives of Moroccans. Bouhaddouz strongly supports the "NNAYER" initiative[20]. He advocates for making the Amazigh New Year an official national holiday and its constitutional recognition in Morocco. This reflects his commitment to expanding the cultural and linguistic rights of the Amazigh people. He is also known for his support of the Enlightenment, the promotion of liberalism, and equality[21], firmly rejecting violence and extremism[22] and promoting intercultural dialogue.

Political interests


In parallel with his cultural commitment, Rachid Bouhaddouz holds an important place on the Moroccan political scene. Through his involvement in the Authenticity and Modernity Party (PAM), he emphasizes political reform and the improvement of youth and women's participation in the public sphere. He criticizes political alliances that he considers incompatible with the ideals of modernity and democracy, particularly those involving Islamist movements[23].

Its impact on Amazigh society


Rachid Bouhaddouz is recognized as a major figure within the Amazigh community, combining his political commitment, literary work, and legal action to promote the rights of the Amazigh people. He embodies the struggle for cultural and linguistic equality in Morocco.

Elected President of the National Authority for the Control of Audiovisual and Artistic Production


On January 4, 2023, Rachid Bouhaddouz was elected president of the National Authority for the Control of Audiovisual and Artistic Production (INCPAA)[24]. This authority is tasked with regulating and improving the quality of audiovisual and artistic productions, while ensuring their compliance with Moroccan identity and culture, linguistic and cultural pluralism, as well as equality. It also aims to guarantee that citizens have access to productions that respect the cultural and legal values of the Kingdom of Morocco.



Rachid Bouhaddouz is one of the public figures actively engaged in defending the rights of the Amazigh people in Morocco, through various political, cultural, and legal activities. Whether it is through writing the first check in Amazigh, filing a lawsuit to protect Amazigh identity, or his critical articles, Bouhaddouz embodies a determined activist seeking justice for Amazigh culture and language in Moroccan society.


  1. ^ "Le PAM : entre avenir et légitimité". Le24.
  2. ^ "بسبب ردة الحزب: أمازيغ المجلس الوطني". Alyaoum24.
  3. ^ "L'enseignement des langues maternelles aux Marocains". Le24.
  4. ^ "J'étais sur le point de devenir un terroriste". Le24.
  5. ^ "Code de la famille : une vision marocaine". Le24.
  6. ^ "Agraw for Amazighity". Agrawpam.
  7. ^ "Contribution to the political document of the Authenticity and Modernity Party". Agrawpam.
  8. ^ "Agraw Roadmap". Hespress.
  9. ^ "Rifmedical".
  10. ^ "Lybicaprod".
  11. ^ "A first in Morocco: a check in Tifinagh cashed at a bank in Nador". Le360.
  12. ^ "CIH Bank: A Trailblazer in Moroccan Banking". Minm.
  13. ^ "Media Interaction with the Amazigh Check Encashment". Chouf TV. Archived from the original on 2024-09-10.
  14. ^ "Fath Al-Andalus Case: The Court Declares Itself Incompetent". Hespress.
  15. ^ "The Fath Al-Andalus series creates controversy in Morocco". Bladi.
  16. ^ "The Challenges of Criticism in Amazigh Literature". Anghmis.
  17. ^ "The Trap of Statistics". Le24.
  18. ^ "A Quarter Century of Tamgrabit". Hespress.
  19. ^ "The Challenges of Criticism in Amazigh Literature". Anghmis.
  20. ^ "Statement: Agraw for Amazighity on the occasion of adopting the Amazigh New Year as a national holiday". Agrawpam.
  21. ^ "The Family Code: A Moroccan Vision". Le24.
  22. ^ "I Was About to Become a Terrorist". Le24.
  23. ^ "The PAM between future and legitimacy". Le24.
  24. ^ "Rachid Bouhaddouz elected president of the National Authority for the Control of Audiovisual Production". Banassa.