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Draft:Prioritizing software screens and experiences equally is a fools errand

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  • Comment: Not entirely sure what the topic of this is. Sincerely, Guessitsavis (she/they) (Talk) 22:12, 27 September 2024 (UTC)

Prioritizing software screens and experiences equally is a fools errand - John Ngoi

Similar to the saying When everything is a priority, nothing is a priority, this takes the reader’s attention to how this applies to building software experiences to solve various problems.


Prioritizing the most impactful screens and experiences in software development offers several key benefits:

1. Resource Optimization: Focusing on high-impact areas ensures that limited resources—such as time, budget, and personnel—are allocated efficiently, maximizing return on investment.

2. Enhanced User Experience: Improving the most critical user interactions leads to a more satisfying and seamless experience, increasing user retention and loyalty.

3. Accelerated Time-to-Market: Concentrating on essential features allows for shorter development cycles, enabling products to reach the market faster and gain a competitive edge.

4. Improved Performance and Monitoring: By focusing on key screens, developers can better optimize app performance and set up targeted monitoring, quickly identifying and resolving issues that affect the most users.

5. Better Business Outcomes: Aligning development priorities with business goals can lead to increased revenue, market share, and overall competitive advantage.

Industry Practices and References

This approach aligns with several established industry practices:

- Agile Methodology: Emphasizes iterative development and prioritizing tasks based on customer value and feedback, allowing teams to focus on the most important features first.

- Minimum Viable Product (MVP): Focuses on developing core functionalities needed to satisfy early adopters, enabling validation with minimal resources before investing in less critical features.

- User-Centered Design: Centers the design process around the needs and goals of end-users, ensuring that the most important experiences are prioritized to enhance usability and satisfaction.

- Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule): Suggests that 80% of effects come from 20% of causes, implying that concentrating on the most impactful features can yield significant results with less effort.

- Lean Development: Advocates for eliminating waste by focusing only on value-adding activities, which includes prioritizing essential screens and experiences.

Examples in Mobile Software Development

- E-commerce App:

 - Priority Screens: Product catalog, product details, shopping cart, and checkout process.
 - Rationale: These screens directly influence conversion rates and revenue.
 - Implementation: Streamline the checkout process by reducing steps, optimize load times for product images, and simplify navigation to enhance user flow.
 - Performance and Monitoring: Focus on monitoring load times, transaction success rates, and user drop-off points in the checkout funnel to quickly address performance issues.

- Social Media App:

 - Priority Screens: News feed, content creation interface, and messaging system.
 - Rationale: These features drive user engagement, interaction, and retention.
 - Implementation: Enhance algorithms for personalized content delivery, simplify the process of creating and sharing posts, and improve messaging reliability.
 - Performance and Monitoring: Track engagement metrics, app responsiveness, and message delivery success rates to ensure a smooth user experience.

- Gaming App:

 - Priority Screens: Main gameplay interface, in-app purchase screen, and user progression tracking.
 - Rationale: These elements are critical for user engagement and monetization.
 - Implementation: Optimize graphics performance, simplify the purchasing process, and provide clear indicators of progress to keep users invested.
 - Performance and Monitoring: Monitor frame rates, transaction completion rates, and user session lengths to identify and resolve issues promptly.

- Telemedicine App:

 - Priority Screens: Virtual consultation interface, appointment scheduling, and patient medical records access.
 - Rationale: These are essential for delivering effective remote healthcare services.
 - Implementation: Ensure high-quality, secure video streaming, intuitive scheduling, and easy yet secure access to patient records.
 - Performance and Monitoring: Monitor call quality, appointment booking success rates, and data security compliance to maintain trust and reliability.

- Health Monitoring App:

 - Priority Screens: Real-time health data display, alerts for critical health events, and data sharing with healthcare providers.
 - Rationale: Critical for users managing chronic conditions or tracking important health metrics.
 - Implementation: Provide accurate and timely data visualization, customizable alert settings, and secure communication channels to doctors.
 - Performance and Monitoring: Ensure data accuracy, timely alerts, and compliance with healthcare regulations like HIPAA.

- Medication Management App:

 - Priority Screens: Medication schedule, reminders, and interaction warnings.
 - Rationale: Helps users adhere to their medication regimen safely.
 - Implementation: Simplify input of medication schedules, provide clear reminders, and alert users to potential drug interactions.
 - Performance and Monitoring: Track reminder delivery rates and user adherence patterns to improve efficacy.

- Finance and Banking Apps:

 - Priority Screens: Account overview, transaction history, funds transfer, and bill payment.
 - Rationale: Users need secure and efficient access to their financial activities.
 - Implementation: Enhance security measures, streamline transaction processes, and provide real-time account updates.
 - Performance and Monitoring: Monitor security protocols, transaction success rates, and app responsiveness to prevent fraud and ensure reliability.

- Education Apps:

 - Priority Screens: Course content delivery, progress tracking, and interactive assessments.
 - Rationale: These features are crucial for effective learning experiences.
 - Implementation: Optimize content loading times, provide intuitive navigation, and offer immediate feedback on assessments.
 - Performance and Monitoring: Track engagement levels, assessment completion rates, and content accessibility to improve learning outcomes.

- Travel and Hospitality Apps:

 - Priority Screens: Booking interface, itinerary management, and customer support chat.
 - Rationale: Essential for users planning and managing their travel experiences.
 - Implementation: Simplify the booking process, provide real-time updates on travel plans, and offer immediate support.
 - Performance and Monitoring: Monitor booking success rates, app stability during peak usage times, and responsiveness of customer support features.

Impact on Mobile App Performance and Monitoring

By prioritizing key screens and experiences:

- Targeted Performance Optimization: Developers can allocate resources to optimize load times, responsiveness, and stability where it matters most, leading to a better overall app performance.

- Efficient Monitoring: Focusing on critical user paths allows for setting up specific monitoring and alerting systems, enabling quick detection and resolution of issues that affect the majority of users.

- Data-Driven Decisions: Analytics can be concentrated on high-impact areas, providing clearer insights into user behavior and preferences, which inform future development and enhancements.


Prioritizing software screens and experiences based on their impact is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of development efforts. This strategy aligns with best practices in software development, user experience design, and project management, and it significantly contributes to achieving business objectives.

By concentrating on the most critical aspects of an application—especially when resources are limited—developers can deliver higher value to users and stakeholders. This approach not only enhances user satisfaction and engagement but also improves performance and allows for more effective monitoring of key functionalities.

In various industries, from healthcare to finance and education, prioritizing essential screens and experiences ensures that the most important user needs are met efficiently and effectively. This focus leads to better resource utilization, faster time-to-market, and improved business outcomes, affirming that treating all screens and experiences equally is, indeed, a fool's errand.

