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Draft:Meir Simcha Feldblum

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Meir Simcha Feldblum (1926-2002) was professor of Talmud at Yeshiva University in New York and Bar Ilan University. A noted Talmudic scholar, both in the traditional and academic sense, he also put forth suggestions to solve the agunah[1]h problem.[1] [2]



Meir Simcha Feldblum was born in Lithuania and studied at the Telshe Yeshiva. During WWII, Feldblum hid in the forest. Following the war, Feldblum moved to the U.S. and received rabbinical ordination and a Ph.D. from Yeshiva University, where he continued teaching for over 20 years. A student of Professor Abraham Weiss, Feldblum continued his mentor's work in the academic study of Talmud.[3] He then made Aliyah to Israel and taught at Bar Ilan University for over 18 years. Feldblum was the author of two books on Talmudic research, as well as numerous articles and presentations.

Feldblum married Esther Feldblum (née Yoles), was the daughter of Rabbi Ephraim Eliezer Yolles, a Hasidic Rebbe (the Samborer Rebbe) of Philadelphia. Esther Feldblum received her Ph.D. in Jewish history from Columbia University and taught for one year at Brooklyn College before dying in a car accident at the age of 41.[4] Feldblum then married Ayala Levy. His daughter Chai Feldblum is a noted legal scholar and activist for disability and LGBT rights.



Known for his work on Tractate Gittin, Feldblum wrote a critical commentary on the tractate and, continuing Raphael Nathan Nota Rabinovicz's incomplete project of Dikdukei Soferim, wrote the volume for the tractate. Feldblum also attempted to solve the Agunah problem by suggesting couples enter into Derekh Kiddushin, or quasi-marriage.[5]

Dikdukei Soferim: Mesekhet Gittin (via Otzar HaHochma)

Perushim u-Mekhkarim be-Talmud: Mesekhet Gittin (via Otzar HaHochma)

מאיר שמחה פלדבלום,״ בעיית עגונות וממזרים - הצעת פתרון מקיפה וכוללת,״ דיני ישראל כרך יט תשנז-תשנח עמ' רג-רטז


  2. ^ "Critiquing and Rethinking Kiddushin". AJS Perspectives. 2014-05-18. Retrieved 2024-10-15.
  3. ^ Feldblum, M.S. (1964). "Feldblum, M.S. "Prof. Abraham Weiss: His Approach and Contributions to Talmudic Scholarship"". The Abraham Weiss Jubilee Volume: 1–36.
  4. ^ "Out in front". web.archive.org. 2018-06-13. Retrieved 2024-10-15.
  5. ^ "Critiquing and Rethinking Kiddushin". AJS Perspectives. 2014-05-18. Retrieved 2024-10-15.