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Draft:Kabunda Kunka

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Kabunda Kunka is a Zambian Community Development Expert, and Administrator. He is currently the Deputy Registrar if the University of Kabwe. Kunka was born on 29th March 1980 in Lusaka from Dr. Evaristo Kunka and Moureen Spoon alongside his siblings Mable Kunka, Dr. Evaristo Kunka II, Emeldah Kunka, Gladys Kunka, Munshya Kunka and Mwitwa Kunka.

Kabunda Kunka is Married and has 6 Children- Mwamba, Mable, Margret, Lwipa, Kabunda and Molynchibwe.

Cultural Involvement

Kabunda Kunka is a proud member of the **Lamba Tribe**, which is indigenous to the Copperbelt Province of Zambia. His commitment to his cultural heritage is evident through his active participation in various cultural issues, particularly in traditional ceremonies that celebrate the customs and practices of his community.

Membership and Contributions

-      Lamba-Lima Swaka Association:  Kunka is a dedicated member of this association, which focuses on the promotion and preservation of Lamba culture and traditions.

-      Educational Contributions: He has played a significant role in the development and writing of **Lamba Language educational materials** for both primary and secondary schools. This initiative is crucial for enhancing the accessibility of education in their native language, thereby fostering a deeper understanding of their cultural heritage among younger generations.

Kabunda Kunka's engagement in cultural activities and education underscores his commitment to uplifting his community and preserving the Lamba identity in Zambia. His efforts contribute not only to the educational landscape but also to the overall cultural consciousness of the Lamba people.

Educational Background

Kunka earned his Bachelor of Public Administration from Mulungushi University. Additionally, he holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work Practice and Development Studies from the University of Africa, a Diploma in Social Work from the National College for Management and Development Studies, and a Diploma in Secondary Education from the University of Zambia.

Early career

In his early career, Kunka was a Community Development officer at the Kitwe City Council under the Settlement Improvement Unit (SIU). Kunka was instrumental in many resettlement projects which included the Mufuchani bridge Resettlement Action Plan and the Amco Resettlement action Plan.

Kunka was latter appointed as Chief Settlement Officer at Kitwe City Council a role which involved the upgrading of informal settlements. During his tenure, a number of important informal squatter settlement upgrading projects were initiated. notable among them being the Mwaiseni Upgrading Project, The Robert settlement Improvement Programme, the East of Ganerton improvement Project and the Zamtan upgrading project. By the end of 2015, over 21 informal settlements in Kitwe were officially paced on the upgrading program.

Kunka was later transferred from the Kitwe City Council to Mansa Municipal Council in Luapula Province were he worked as a Social-economic Planner in the Department of Development Planning where he was in charge of Constituency Development Fund Projects in Mansa Central and Bahati Constituencies.

He later progressed to the University of Kabwe in Kabwe Central Province as Deputy Registrar where he was responsible for all Human resource and administration work.



2.   https://documents.worldbank.org/pt/publication/documents-reports/documentdetail/909511468180863084/resettlement-plan-for-the-amco-community-kitwe-copperbelt-province

3.   https://www.zema.org.zm/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Kitwe-District-State-of-Environment-Outlook-report.pdf

4. https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/993051468180861740/pdf/E21740v40P10651i0Resettlement0sites.pdf