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Draft:Four Northern Spirits

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The Four Northern Spirits are the four great spirits that guide all according to the North Clan whom reside in the northern reaches of Wisconsin. These spirits are Mother Earth, Sister Summer, Father Time, and Brother Winter. Each is discussed in detail below.

Mother Earth


Mother Earth is the matriarch of the family. She is the beginning of all things and brings about the great thaw each year. Mother Earth is the season of Spring and she is celebrated from March 21st to April 1st. She is loving, kind, and nurturing. Her sign is the Earth and her element is Earth.

Sister Summer


Sister Summer is the youth and beauty of all things. She brings the rain on the hottest of days and the warmth of sun from behind cloudy skies. Sister Summer is the season of Summer and is celebrated from June 21st to July 1st. She is warmhearted, joyous and carefree. Her sign is the Sun and her element is Water.

Father Time


Father Time is the patriarch of the family. He brings warnings of the end of all things. He is the guardian of the harvest and brings with him our ancestors, riding upon the Autumn wind. Father Time is the season of Autumn (Fall) and is celebrated from September 21st to October 1st. He is patient, watchful and wise. His sign are the Stars, those representing all our ancestors and harvests that have come and gone. His element is the Wind.

Brother Winter


Brother Winter is strength and endurance that lives in us all. He is the protector of all during the long Winter nights. Brother Winter is the season of Winter and is celebrated from December 21st to January 1st. He is the life in our fires and shelter from the cold. Brother Winter brings us bravery, strength and generosity. His sign is the Moon and his element is Fire.

