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2024 in paleomalacology

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List of years in paleomalacology
In science
In paleontology
In paleomammalogy
In paleobotany
In arthropod paleontology
In paleoentomology
In paleoichthyology
In reptile paleontology
In archosaur paleontology

This list of fossil molluscs described in 2024 is a list of new taxa of fossil molluscs that were described during the year 2024, as well as other significant discoveries and events related to molluscan paleontology that occurred in 2024.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Location Notes Image

Acanthodiscus marocanus[1]

Sp. nov

Bryers et al.

Early Cretaceous (Hauterivian)


Afromaenioceras bensaidi[2]

Sp. nov


Bockwinkel & Korn

Devonian (Givetian)


A member of the family Maenioceratidae.

Afromaenioceras brumale[2]

Sp. nov


Bockwinkel & Korn

Devonian (Givetian)


A member of the family Maenioceratidae.

Afromaenioceras hiemale[2]

Sp. nov


Bockwinkel & Korn

Devonian (Givetian)


A member of the family Maenioceratidae.


Gen. et comb. nov



Middle Jurassic (Bathonian)


A member of the family Cardioceratidae belonging to the subfamily Arctocephalitinae. The type species is "Paracadoceras" nageli Mitta (2005); genus also includes "Paracadoceras" keuppi Mitta (2005), "Paracadoceras" efimovi Mitta (2005) and "Cadoceras (Catacadoceras)" infimum Gulyaev & Kiselev (1999).


Gen. et sp. nov


Bert et al.

Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)

Vocontian Basin


A member of the family Olcostephanidae. The type species is A. longicostis.

Bakonyceras transcarpathiensis[5]

Sp. nov


Meister et al.

Early Jurassic

Perechyn Formation


Churkites subungunensis[6]

Sp. nov


Zakharov et al.

Early Triassic (Olenekian)


A member of the family Arctoceratidae.

Churkites ungunensis[6]

Sp. nov


Zakharov et al.

Early Triassic (Olenekian)


A member of the family Arctoceratidae.

Epideroceras inflatum[5]

Sp. nov


Meister et al.

Early Jurassic

Perechyn Formation


Epideroceras kalinichenkoi[5]

Sp. nov


Meister et al.

Early Jurassic

Perechyn Formation


Epideroceras kruglovi[5]

Sp. nov


Meister et al.

Early Jurassic

Perechyn Formation


Epideroceras pliensbachiensis[5]

Sp. nov


Meister et al.

Early Jurassic

Perechyn Formation


Epideroceras sykorai[5]

Sp. nov


Meister et al.

Early Jurassic

Perechyn Formation


Gerhardtia ultima[7]

Sp. nov

Bert & Bersac

Early Cretaceous (Barremian)


A member of the family Pulchelliidae.


Gen. et sp. nov

Mao et al.

Late Triassic (Carnian)

Xiaowa Formation


Genus includes new species G. guanlingensis.


Gen. et sp. nov

Bulot & Pictet in Bryers et al.

Early Cretaceous (Hauterivian)


A member of the family Neocomitidae belonging to the subfamily Endemoceratinae. The type species is H. charcensis.

Maenioceras afroterebratum[2]

Sp. nov


Bockwinkel & Korn

Devonian (Givetian)


A member of the family Maenioceratidae.

Maenioceras beckeri[2]

Sp. nov


Bockwinkel & Korn

Devonian (Givetian)


A member of the family Maenioceratidae.

Maenioceras mzerrebense[2]

Sp. nov


Bockwinkel & Korn

Devonian (Givetian)


A member of the family Maenioceratidae.

Maenioceras oufranense[2]

Sp. nov


Bockwinkel & Korn

Devonian (Givetian)


A member of the family Maenioceratidae.

Mortoniceras (Deiradoceras) aldakor[9]

Sp. nov

López-Horgue & Owen

Early Cretaceous (Albian)


A member of the family Brancoceratidae belonging to the subfamily Mortoniceratinae.

Mortoniceras (Deiradoceras) armintzekalensis[9]

Sp. nov

López-Horgue & Owen

Early Cretaceous (Albian)


A member of the family Brancoceratidae belonging to the subfamily Mortoniceratinae.

Mortoniceras (Mortoniceras) aitzindari[9]

Sp. nov

López-Horgue & Owen

Early Cretaceous (Albian)

Valmaseda Formation


A member of the family Brancoceratidae belonging to the subfamily Mortoniceratinae.

Mortoniceras (Mortoniceras) juleni[9]

Sp. nov

López-Horgue & Owen

Early Cretaceous (Albian)

Valmaseda Formation


A member of the family Brancoceratidae belonging to the subfamily Mortoniceratinae.


Gen et sp. nov

López-Horgue & Owen

Early Cretaceous (Albian)


A member of the family Brancoceratidae belonging to the subfamily Mortoniceratinae. The type species is N. egiarretensis.

Olorizia calandensis[10]

Sp. nov


Late Jurassic


A member of the family Ataxioceratidae.

Tetragonites pusillus[11]

Sp. nov


Shigeta & Maeda

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

( Sakhalin Oblast)

A member of the family Tetragonitidae.

Tornoceras chutense[12]

Sp. nov






Gen. et sp. nov


Meister et al.

Early Jurassic

Perechyn Formation


Genus includes new species T. ukrainiensis.


Gen. et 4 sp. nov


Bockwinkel & Korn

Devonian (Givetian)


A member of the family Maenioceratidae. The type species is T. klugi; genus also includes T. eculeus, T. fuscina and T. paucum.

Ammonite research

  • A study on the affinities of "Tornoceras" baldisi, based on data from new specimens from the Chigua Formation (Argentina), is published by Allaire et al. (2024), who transfer this species to the genus Epitornoceras, and interpret the uppermost levels of the Chavela Member of the Chigua Formation preserving its fossils as Givetian in age.[13]
  • Piñeiro, Rodao & Núñez Demarco (2024) describe clusters of tiny ammonite shells from the San Gregorio Formation (Uruguay), found in nodules interpreted as reworked from underlying Devonian levels, and interpret this findings as possible evidence that ammonites laid eggs in floating or fixed gelatinous masses and hatched as miniatures of their parents that shared the same habitat with adult ammonites.[14]
  • A study on the origin of the Permian ammonite superfamily Popanoceratoidea is published by Leonova (2024).[15]
  • Mironenko & Smurova (2024) describe ammonite specimens from the Jurassic localities in Russia preserved with the three-dimensional cameral membranes in their phragmocones which differed in their spatial arrangement and complexity from those known in other ammonites, and study the formation of all types of ammonite cameral sheets.[16]
  • Mitta & Mironenko (2024) describe a large-sized upper jaw of a member of the genus Lytoceras from the Bajocian strata from the Kuban basin (Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia), representing the oldest complete jaw of this type and the only upper jaw of a member of Lytoceratina reported to date.[17]
  • Sandoval (2024) describes fossil material of Latiwitchellia evoluta from the Middle Jurassic strata from the Betic Cordillera (Spain), representing the first known record of this species outside Eastern Pacific, and interprets this finding as indicating that westernmost Tethys and Eastern Pacific domains were connected through the Hispanic Corridor during the early Bajocian.[18]
  • The earliest occurrence of genus Macrocephalites known to date is reported from the Bathonian Kachchh Basin (India) by Jain (2024).[19]
  • Description of Late Jurassic ammonites from the Spiti Shale Formation of the Spiti and Zanskar regions of the Himalayas (India) is published by Bhosale et al. (2024).[20]
  • López-Palomino, Villaseñor & Palma-Ramírez (2024) study the affinities of Late Jurassic ammonites from the Santiago Formation (Mexico), providing evidence of biogeographic affinities with ammonites from Cuba, Chile and Argentina, as well as evidence of existence of the connection between the Tethys Ocean and the Pacific throughout the Oxfordian.[21]
  • A study on the relationship between septal complexity and ammonite diversity during the Cretaceous is published by Pérez-Claros (2024), who finds no evidence of a close relationship between oceanic anoxic events throughout the Cretaceous and worldwide evolutionary dynamics of ammonites.[22]
  • A study on changes of conch shape and septal spacing between successive chambers in Cretaceous ammonites from India, Madagascar and Japan throughout their ontogeny, interpreted as indicative of closer phylogenetic relationships between Perisphinctina and Ancyloceratina than with Lytoceratina or Phylloceratina, is published by Nishino et al. (2024).[23]
  • Frau et al. (2024) designate the neotype for the Early Cretaceous ammonite species Ammonites flexisulcatus, and assign this species to the desmoceratid genus Caseyella.[24]
  • A study on the morphological variation of specimens of Placenticeras from the Upper Cretaceous strata of the eastern Gulf Coastal Plain (mostly from Alabama, United States) is published by Mohr, Tobin & Tompkins (2024), who interpret the studied sample as including either a single species or two successive species, find no support for the recognition of Placenticeras and Stantonoceras as distinct genera, and report likely evidence of sexual dimorphism.[25]
  • A study on the diversification dynamics of Late Cretaceous ammonites is published by Flannery-Sutherland et al. (2024), who find evidence of regional differences of diversity trends, but no evidence of a progressive global decline through the Late Cretaceous.[26]

Other cephalopods

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Location Notes Images

Adamsoceras? hanusi[27]

Sp. nov

Turek & Aubrechtová

Ordovician (Katian)

Králův Dvůr Formation

 Czech Republic

A member of Actinocerida belonging to the family Ormoceratidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Mironenko et al.

Eocene (Ypresian)

Monte Bolca Lagerstätte


An octopus belonging to the group Incirrata. The type species is B. pesciaraensis.

Haloites gionyamaensis[29]

Sp. nov




Gionyama Formation


A member of the family Pseudorthoceratidae.

Phragmoteuthis polzbergensis[30]

Sp. nov


Lukeneder, Fuchs & Lukeneder

Late Triassic (Carnian)

Polzberg Lagerstätte



Gen. et sp. nov

Fuchs, Weis & Thuy

Early Jurassic (Toarcian)

Schistes bitumineux


A member of Vampyromorpha belonging to the group Loligosepiina and possibly to the family Loligosepiidae or Geopeltidae. The type species is S. michaelyi.

Sinoeremoceras marywadeae[32]

Sp. nov


Pohle, Jell & Klug

Cambrian (Furongian)

Ninmaroo Formation


A member of the family Plectronoceratidae.

Teudopsinia grossheidei[33]

Sp. nov


Fuchs & Heyng

Late Jurassic (Tithonian)


A member of Teudopseina belonging to the family Teudopsidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Pohle & Klug

Middle Triassic (Anisian)

Besano Formation


A member of Coleoidea of uncertain affinities. The type species is T. chuchichaeschtli.

Trematoceras osawaense[35]

Sp. nov


Niko & Ehiro

Early Triassic (Olenekian)

Osawa Formation


Other cephalopod research

  • A study on the morphological diversity of rhyncholites and rhynchoteuthis from the Triassic to present, providing evidence of previously unrecognized variation in the shape of nautilid beaks and their adaptations to diverse diets, is published by Souquet et al. (2024).[36]
  • Schweigert, Haye & Stössel (2024) report the discovery fossil material of Pictonautilus verciacensis from the upper Bathonian strata of Rotes Erzlager Member of the Wutach Formation (Germany) and upper Bathonian or lower Callovian strata in Poland, expanding known geographical range of the species, and interpret Nautilus (Paracenoceras) wilmae Jeannet (1951) as a junior synonym of "Paracenoceras" calloviense Oppel (1857).[37]
  • New estimates for the body size of Megateuthis, including estimates of full body length of up to 2.17 m in M. suevica and possibly up to 3.11 m in M. elliptica, are presented by Klug et al. (2024).[38]
  • A study on calcite from Early Cretaceous belemnite rostra from the Mahajanga Basin (Madagascar), providing evidence of the Valanginian cooling event in the Southern Hemisphere, is published by Wang et al. (2024).[39]
  • Fossil material of Paraplesioteuthis sagittata and ?Loligosepia sp. indet. from the Toarcian strata of the Causses Basin (France), providing evidence of previously unrecognized diversity of gladius-bearing coleoids in the studied basin, is described by Jattiot et al. (2024), who argue that P. sagittata might have originated in the Mediterranean domain.[40]
  • Serafini et al. (2024) describe nautiloid jaw elements associated with marine reptile carcasses from the strata of the Rosso Ammonitico Veronese (Italy) ranging from the Bajocian to the Kimmeridgian, interpreted as the first unambiguous evidence of nautiloids scavenging Mesozoic marine reptile remains, as well as multiple belemnite specimens associated with the holotype of Neptunidraco ammoniticus, interpreted as likely evidence of mass mortality after spawning.[41]
  • Mironenko et al. (2024) describe an assemblage of cephalopod jaws from the upper Cenomanian–middle Turonian strata in Krasnoyarsk Krai (Russia), interpreted as remains of large-bodied ammonites and octobrachian coleoids.[42]


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Location Notes Images

Amanocina bujensis[43]

Sp. nov

Hryniewicz et al.



A lucinid bivalve.


Gen. et sp. nov

Guerrini et al.

Early Cretaceous

Romualdo Formation


Genus includes new species A. infirma.


Gen. et sp. nov

Guerrini et al.

Early Cretaceous

Romualdo Formation


Genus includes new species A. juazeiroi.

Brachidontes? amanoi[43]

Sp. nov

Hryniewicz et al.



A mytilid bivalve.

Channelaxinus dinaricus[43]

Sp. nov

Hryniewicz et al.



A thyasirid bivalve.


Gen. et comb. nov





A member of Trigoniida belonging to the family Vaugoniidae. The type species is "Trigonia" hispida Kitchin (1903); genus also includes "Trigonia" exortiva Kitchin (1903), "Trigonia" gracilis Kitchin (1903), "Trigonia" jumarensis Kitchin (1903), "Trigonia" kutchensis Kitchin (1903) and "Myophorella" quennelli Cox (1965).


Gen. et sp. nov

Guerrini et al.

Early Cretaceous

Romualdo Formation


Genus includes new species C. edentulosa.

Coelastarte wardenensis[46]

Sp. nov


Knight, Collins & Morris

Early Jurassic

 United Kingdom

A member of the family Astartidae.

Corbicula belenus[47]

Nom. nov



Pleistocene (Gelasian)


A species of Corbicula; a replacement name for Cyrena fluminalis trigona Tournouër (1866).

Corbulomima delicata[44]

Sp. nov

Guerrini et al.

Early Cretaceous

Romualdo Formation



Gen. et comb. nov


Ayoub-Hannaa et al.

Middle to Late Jurassic (Bajocian to Kimmeridgian)

Cornbrash Formation

 United Kingdom

A member of the family Trigoniidae. The type species is "Trigonia" pullus Sowerby (1826); genus also includes C. distincta (Kitchin, 1903).


Gen. et comb. nov


Ayoub-Hannaa et al.

Early to Late Jurassic (Sinemurian-Kimmeridgian)

Inferior Oolite

 United Kingdom
 United States

A member of the family Trigoniidae. The type species is "Trigonia" hemisphaerica Lycett (1853); genus also includes C. culleni (Lycett, 1877), C. elegantissima (Meek, 1873), C. kidugalloensis (Cox, 1965), C. densestriata (Behrendsen, 1892), C. gadoisi (Cossmann, 1911), C. langrunensis (Bigot, 1893), C. parva (Kitchin, 1903) and C. ranvilliana (Bigot, 1893).

Grammatodon egortinus[49]

Sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


A member of the family Parallelodontidae.

Hecuba mukerjeei[50]

Sp. nov



Miocene (Aquitanian-Burdigalian)

Bagmara Formation


A member of the family Donacidae.


Gen. et sp. nov

Gil et al.

Late Cretaceous (Turonian)

Villaescusa de las Torres Formation


A rudist bivalve belonging to the family Radiolitidae. The type species is H. tozoi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Santelli et al.

Miocene (Burdigalian)

Pirabas Formation


A scallop. The type species is I. monlafertei.


Gen. et sp. nov

Guerrini et al.

Early Cretaceous

Romualdo Formation


Genus includes new species I. cearensis.

Legumen kaririense[44]

Sp. nov

Guerrini et al.

Early Cretaceous

Romualdo Formation


Leptopecten daideleus[52]

Comb. nov



Miocene (Burdigalian)

Pirabas Formation


A scallop; moved from Pecten daideleus Maury (1925).


Gen. et sp. et comb. nov


Ayoub-Hannaa et al.

Early and Middle Jurassic (Hettangian-Bathonian)

Rajabiah Formation


A member of the family Trigoniidae. The type species is M. asymmetrica; genus also includes M. senex (Kobayashi & Mori, 1954), M. brevicostata (Kitchin, 1903) and M. cristagalli (Bigot, 1893).

Modiolus friesenbichlerae[49]

Sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


A species of Modiolus.

Myoconcha busattae[49]

Sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


A member of the family Kalenteridae.


Gen. et comb. nov





A member of Trigoniida belonging to the family Vaugoniidae. The type species is "Trigonia" moutierensis Lycett (1872).

Nipponitrigonia yebisu[53]

Sp. nov


Yoshinaga, Hirose & Maeda


Goshoura Group


A member of the family Trigoniidae.


Gen. et comb. nov




 United States

A member of Trigoniida belonging to the family Vaugoniidae. The type species is "Orthotrigonia" midareta Kobayashi & Mori (1955); genus also includes "Orthotrigonia" corrugata Kobayashi & Mori (1955), "Orthotrigonia" sohli Poulton (1979) and "Scaphotrigonia" somensi Kobayashi & Tamura (1957).

Oxyeurax mickletonensis[46]

Sp. nov


Knight, Collins & Morris

Early Jurassic

 United Kingdom

A member of the family Astartidae.

Oxyeurax thompsoni[46]

Sp. nov


Knight, Collins & Morris

Early Jurassic

 United Kingdom

A member of the family Astartidae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Ayoub-Hannaa et al.



A member of Trigoniida belonging to the family Myophorellidae. The type species is "Trigonia (Awadia)" lepidomorpha Abdallah & Fahmy (1969).


Gen. et comb. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori



A member of the family Pteriidae. Genus includes "Pteria" margaritata Corazzari & Lucchi-Garavello (1980).

Perapecten tetristriatus[52]

Comb. nov



Miocene (Burdigalian)

Pirabas Formation


A scallop; moved from Chlamys (Argopecten) tetristriata Ferreria (1960).


Gen. et comb. nov


Ayoub-Hannaa et al.

Middle to Late Jurassic (Bathonian-Kimmeridgian)

 United Kingdom

A member of Trigoniida belonging to the family Myophorellidae. The type species is "Trigonia" imbricata Sowerby (1826); genus also includes R. parcinoda (Lycett, 1872).


Gen. et comb. nov



Early Cretaceous (Berriasian)


A member of Trigoniida belonging to the family Vaugoniidae. The type species is "Orthotrigonia" mordvilkoae Yanin (1979).

Thyasira histriaensis[43]

Sp. nov

Hryniewicz et al.



A species of Thyasira.

Transkeia sagaensis[54]

Sp. nov




Kishima Formation


A member of the family Ungulinidae.


Gen. et comb. nov





A member of Pectinida, the type genus of the new family Voluceropectinidae; a new genus for "Aviculopecten" volucer Lutkevich & Lobanova.

Bivalve research

  • Evidence indicative of different dynamics of the rates of origination and net diversification in infaunal and epifaunal bivalves throughout the Phanerozoic is presented by Foote, Edie & Jablonski (2024).[56]
  • A study on the recovery of bivalves in the aftermath of the Permian–Triassic extinction event, providing evidence of an increase in endemicity beginning in the Middle Triassic, is published by Echevarría & Ros-Franch (2024).[57]
  • Moneer et al. (2024) revise Campanian Tethyan oysters from the North Eastern Desert of Egypt, who interpret the studied fossils as indicative of the primary migration pattern of oysters from the Southern Tethys margin towards the East–West direction, as well as indicative of a transition towards deeper environments during the middle-late Campanian.[58]
  • Pérez & Berezovsky (2024) study the phylogenetic affinities of Malarossia from the Eocene of Ukraine, recovering it as an early diverging genus within the carditid subfamily Scalaricarditinae.[59]
  • A study on the evolutionary history of Mediterranean bivalves across the Zanclean-Calabrian interval, providing evidence of less intense and more gradual loss of biodiversity than previously estimated and of more severe loss of biodiversity suspension feeders compared to infaunal deposit feeders, is published by Mondanaro, Dominici & Danise (2024).[60]


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Location Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


A member of the family Pseudozygopleuridae. Genus includes new species A. caprina.

Allopeas agnolini[61]

Sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Chorrillo Formation


A species of Allopeas.

Aplus anatolicus[62]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser & Landau


Týrtar Formation


A species of Aplus.

Aplus hofae[62]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser & Landau


Dej Formation


A species of Aplus.

Aplus raveni[63]

Sp. nov


Landau & Harzhauser



A species of Aplus.

Aristovasum chipolense[64]

Comb. nov




Chipola Formation

 United States
( Florida)

A member of the family Vasidae. Moved from Vasum chipolense Vokes (1966).

Barycypraea macropyga[65]

Sp. nov





A species of Barycypraea.

Biarmeaspira heidelbergerae[66]

Sp. nov


Karapunar, Todd & Nützel

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Lower Limestone Formation

 United Kingdom

A member of the family Eotomariidae.

Bistolida barbieriae[67]

Sp. nov





A species of Bistolida.

Bocourtia leonardodavincii[61]

Sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Chorrillo Formation


A species of Bocourtia.

Bothriembryon pilkiensis[68]

Sp. nov


Ryan et al.

Possibly late Pliocene


A species of Bothriembryon.

Calagrassor viciani[62]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser & Landau


Baden Formation

 Czech Republic

A species of Calagrassor.

Camponaxis ladinica[49]

Sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


A member of the family Cimidae.

Cancellotomaria boninsegnai[69]

Sp. nov


Monari & Dellantonio

Middle Triassic (Anisian)


A member of Pleurotomariida belonging to the family Zygitidae.

Cerithiopsis vilsundensis[70]

Sp. nov


Schnetler et al.



A species of Cerithiopsis.

Codinella? fontanai[69]

Sp. nov


Monari & Dellantonio

Middle Triassic (Anisian)


A member of Pleurotomariida belonging to the superfamily Pleurotomarioidea and the family Stuorellidae.

Coelostemma patagonica[61]

Sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Chorrillo Formation


A member of the family Holospiridae.

Coelostylina civettae[49]

Sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


A member of the family Coelostylinidae.

Colubraria alboranensis[63]

Sp. nov


Landau & Harzhauser



A species of Colubraria.

Conus tsampikaensis[71]

Sp. nov


Psarras et al.


Ladiko-Tsampika Formation


A species of Conus.

Conus ventricosus rhodesensis[71]

Sp. nov


Psarras et al.


Ladiko-Tsampika Formation


A subspecies of Conus ventricosus.

Corrosella arlanzonica[72]

Sp. nov


Talaván-Serna & Talaván-Gómez



Probably a species of Corrosella.

Cortinella stricta[49]

Sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


A member of the family Cortinellidae.

Crossostoma acuta[73]

Sp. nov



Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian)


A member of the family Colloniidae.

Crossostoma? extensa[73]

Sp. nov



Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian)


A member of the family Colloniidae.

Cryptaulax pelsae[49]

Sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


A member of the family Cryptaulacidae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Vermeij



A member of the family Fasciolariidae. The type species is "Fasciolaria" bellardii Hörnes (1854).

Cyclophorus kubarensis[75]

Sp. nov


Hirano & Matsuoka


Korematsu Formation


A species of Cyclophorus.

Cypraea parazoila[76]

Sp. nov





A species of Cypraea.

Cypraedia mariehelenae[77]

Sp. nov





Diatrypesis agordina[49]

Sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


A member of the family Zygopleuridae.


Gen. et sp. et comb. nov


Monari & Dellantonio

Middle Triassic (Anisian)


A member of Pleurotomariida belonging to the superfamily Pleurotomarioidea and possibly to the family Wortheniellidae. The type species is D. fassaensis; genus also includes "Worthenia (Humiliworthenia)" microstriata Nützel et al. (2018).


Gen. et comb. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Vermeij



A member of the family Dolicholatiridae. The type species is "Fasciolaria" pleurotomoides Hoernes & Auinger (1890).


Gen. et sp. nov


Ordovician (Darriwilian)


A probable member of Archinacelloidea. The type species is E. aariensis.

Erato falsemarginella[79]

Sp. nov


Fehse et al.



A species of Erato.

Erato immanis[79]

Sp. nov


Fehse et al.



A species of Erato.

Euconactaeon volkheimeri[73]

Sp. nov



Middle Jurassic (Aalenian–Bajocian)


A member of Acteonoidea belonging to the family Cylindrobullinidae.

Eucycloscala nitida[49]

Sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


Eucyclus novus[73]

Sp. nov



Early Jurassic (Toarcian)


A member of the family Eucyclidae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Vermeij


 Bosnia and Herzegovina
 Czech Republic

A member of the family Fasciolariidae. The type species is "Fasciolaria" ornata d'Orbigny (1852); genus also includes "Streptochetus" dispar Peyrot (1928) and "Fusus" zahlbruckneri Quenstedt (1884; possibly a synonym of E. ornatus).

Euthria brunettii[62]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser & Landau


Baden Formation

 Czech Republic

A species of Euthria.

Euthria dellabellai[62]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser & Landau


Grund Formation

 Czech Republic

A species of Euthria.

Euthria frausseni[62]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser & Landau


Dej Formation


A species of Euthria.

Euthria iberoadunca[63]

Sp. nov


Landau & Harzhauser



A species of Euthria.

Euthria inflatissima[63]

Sp. nov


Landau & Harzhauser



A species of Euthria.

Euthria lucenica[63]

Sp. nov


Landau & Harzhauser



A species of Euthria.

Euthria obelixi[62]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser & Landau


Brno Sand Formation

 Czech Republic

A species of Euthria.

Euthria odiosa[62]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser & Landau


Baden Formation

 Czech Republic

A species of Euthria.

Euthria onubensis[63]

Sp. nov


Landau & Harzhauser



A species of Euthria.

Euthria pliovirginea[63]

Sp. nov


Landau & Harzhauser



A species of Euthria.

Euthria pouweri[63]

Sp. nov


Landau & Harzhauser



A species of Euthria.

Euthria walaszczyki[62]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser & Landau


Grund Formation


A species of Euthria.

Euthria yesimae[62]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser & Landau


Týrtar Formation


A species of Euthria.

Euthria zachosi[62]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser & Landau


Baden Formation


A species of Euthria.

Euthystylus dincae[49]

Sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


A member of Pseudozygopleuroidea belonging to the family Goniospiridae.


Gen. et comb. et sp. nov


Monari & Dellantonio

Middle Triassic


A member of Pleurotomariida belonging to the superfamily Pleurotomarioidea and the family Stuorellidae. The type species is "Pleurotomaria" leda Kittl (1895); genus also includes "Pleurotomaria" mammiformis Kittl (1895) and "Perotrochus" vasculum Böhm (1895), as well as new species F. pericincta.


Gen. et comb. nov


Monari & Dellantonio

Middle Triassic (Anisian)


A member of Pleurotomariida belonging to the superfamily Pleurotomarioidea and the family Wortheniellidae. The type species is "Worthenia" marmolatae Kittl (1895); genus also includes "Worthenia" esinensis Kittl (1899), "Worthenia" zardini Yin & Yochelson (1983) and possibly "Worthenia" goederti Eckert (1955).


Gen. et comb. et 2 sp. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Vermeij


 Czech Republic

A member of the family Fasciolariidae. The type species is "Fusus" crispoides Kittl (1887); genus also includes new species F. grundensis and F. pseudocrispoides.


Gen. et sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


A member of the family Coelostylinidae. Genus includes new species G. coronata.


Gen. et sp. nov


Harzhauser & Landau


Dej Formation

 Czech Republic

A member of the family Eosiphonidae. The type species is G. paratethyca.

Gourmya magnifica[80]

Sp. nov


Landau, Breitenberger & Harzhauser



A species of Gourmya.


Gen. et sp. nov





A member of the family Fasciolariidae. The type species is I. elvinae.

Islamia arcana[82]

Sp. nov



Neogene (Messinian to Villafranchian)


A species of Islamia.

Janiopsis vindobonensis[62]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser & Landau


Baden Formation

 Bosnia and Herzegovina

A member of the family Pisaniidae.


Gen. et 6 sp. nov





A member of the family Strombidae. The type species is J. praegracilis; genus also includes J. pinguis, J. cylindratus, J. kecil, J. subinermis and J. sondaicus.

Juventigulella saidii[84]

Sp. nov


Rowson et al.



A species of Juventigulella.

Laevitomaria australis[73]

Sp. nov



Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian)


A member of the family Pleurotomariidae.

Laevitomaria? gigas[73]

Sp. nov



Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian)


A member of the family Pleurotomariidae.

Lambis elviae[85]

Sp. nov


Dharma & Liverani



A species of Lambis.

Lambis wakefieldi[85]

Sp. nov


Dharma & Liverani



A species of Lambis.

Lilloiconcha novasi[61]

Sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Chorrillo Formation


A member of the family Charopidae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Vermeij, Raven & Harzhauser

Miocene to Pleistocene


A member of the family Clavilithidae. The type species is "Fusus" tjidamarensis Martin (1879); genus also includes "Fusus (Clavella)" tjaringinensis Martin (1895) and "Fusus (Clavella)" verbeeki Martin (1895).

Metula aliceae[62]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser & Landau


Dej Formation


A species of Metula.

Metula kovacsi[62]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser & Landau


Dej Formation


A species of Metula.

Metula moli[63]

Sp. nov


Landau & Harzhauser



A species of Metula.

Miolyncina margaritaria[87]

Sp. nov


Dovesi & Lorenz

Pliocene (Zanclean)

Kaliwangu Formation


Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) danica[70]

Sp. nov


Schnetler et al.



A species of Mitromorpha.


Gen. et comb. et sp. nov


Monari & Dellantonio

Middle Triassic (Anisian)


A member of Pleurotomariida belonging to the superfamily Murchisonioidea and the family Plethospiridae. The type species is "Worthenia" magna Böhm (1895); genus also includes new species M. crassa.

Napaeus ripkeni[88]

Sp. nov



Probably Quaternary

( Canary Islands)

A species of Napaeus.

Napaeus santanabenitezi[88]

Sp. nov



Probably Quaternary

( Canary Islands)

A species of Napaeus.

Napaeus vanooijeni[88]

Sp. nov



Probably Quaternary

( Canary Islands)

A species of Napaeus.

Napaeus zarzaliensis[88]

Sp. nov



Probably Quaternary

( Canary Islands)

A species of Napaeus.

Neilsonia seussae[66]

Sp. nov


Karapunar, Todd & Nützel

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Lower Limestone Formation

 United Kingdom

A member of the family Eotomariidae.

Neosimnia brevicula[89]

Sp. nov


Celzard & Dovesi



A member of the family Ovulidae.

Neosimnia graniformis[89]

Sp. nov


Celzard & Dovesi



A member of the family Ovulidae.

Neosimnia multilineata[89]

Sp. nov


Celzard & Dovesi



A member of the family Ovulidae.

Neosimnia pseudolaevis[89]

Sp. nov


Celzard & Dovesi



A member of the family Ovulidae.

Neosimnia pulchra[89]

Sp. nov


Celzard & Dovesi



A member of the family Ovulidae.

Nipteraxis transmontanus[90]

Sp. nov



Miocene (Serravallian)

Studienka Formation


A member of the family Architectonicidae.

Nodocingulum ogilvieae[69]

Sp. nov


Monari & Dellantonio

Middle Triassic (Anisian)


A member of Pleurotomariida belonging to the superfamily Pleurotomarioidea and the family Wortheniellidae.

Obornella victoriae[73]

Sp. nov



Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian)


A species of Obornella.

Palaeorissoina hettangiensis[73]

Sp. nov



Early Jurassic (Hettangian)


A member of the family Palaeorissoinidae.

Persististrombus bogoriense[91]

Sp. nov





A species of Persististrombus.

Pleurotomaria? plana[73]

Sp. nov



Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian)


Possibly a species of Pleurotomaria.

Pleurotomaria? trochotomorpha[73]

Sp. nov



Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian)


Possibly a species of Pleurotomaria.

Potamolithus fabiani[61]

Sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Chorrillo Formation


A species of Potamolithus.


Gen. et sp. et comb. nov


Monari & Dellantonio

Middle Triassic (Anisian, possibly also Ladinian[49])


A member of Pleurotomariida possibly belonging to the superfamily Murchisonioidea and the family Plethospiridae. The type species is P. elongata; genus also includes "Cheilotoma" avisii Böhm (1895) and possibly P? monarii Dominici, Danise & Tintori (2024).[49]

Prodotia? wesselyi[62]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser & Landau


Grund Formation


Possibly a species of Prodotia.

Promathildia gracile[49]

Sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


A member of the family Mathildidae.

Pseudofusus balteus[74]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Vermeij


Sámsonháza Formation


A species of Pseudofusus.

Pseudofusus rostratoides[74]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Vermeij


Baden Formation


A species of Pseudofusus.

Pseudofusus? schuberthi[74]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Vermeij


Baden Formation

 Czech Republic

Possibly a species of Pseudofusus.

Pseudofusus stahlschmidti[74]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Vermeij


Baden Formation


A species of Pseudofusus.

Pseudoscalites karapunari[49]

Sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


A member of the family Purpurinidae.

Pseudotorinia pliomarthae[92]

Sp. nov


Brunetti & Della Bella



A species of Pseudotorinia.

Rhinovasum aquitanicum[64]

Comb. nov





A member of the family Vasidae. Moved from Vasum subpugillare mut. aquitanicum Peyrot (1928).

Rhinovasum subpugillare[64]

Comb. nov





A member of the family Vasidae. Moved from Turbinella subpugillaris d'Orbigny (1852).

Rhinovasum tuberculatum[64]

Comb. nov




 Dominican Republic

A member of the family Vasidae. Moved from Vasum tuberculatum Gabb (1873).

Rufilla giacomellii[69]

Sp. nov


Monari & Dellantonio

Middle Triassic (Anisian)


A member of Pleurotomariida belonging to the superfamily Eotomarioidea and the family Rhaphistomellidae.

Rufilla wilckensi[69]

Sp. nov


Monari & Dellantonio

Middle Triassic (Anisian)


A member of Pleurotomariida belonging to the superfamily Eotomarioidea and the family Rhaphistomellidae.

Schizogonium letiziae[49]

Sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


Scurriopsis (Hennocquia) cagnadensis[73]

Sp. nov



Early Jurassic (Toarcian)


Possibly a member of the family Acmaeidae.

Scurriopsis (Hennocquia) sanjuanensis[73]

Sp. nov



Early Jurassic (Toarcian)


Possibly a member of the family Acmaeidae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Vermeij


 Bosnia and Herzegovina

A member of the family Fasciolariidae. The type species is "Fusus" prevosti Hörnes (1853).

Sthenorytis garigor[93]

Nom. nov



Miocene (Langhian to Tortonian)

Upper Globigerina Limestone Formation


A wentletrap; a replacement name for Scalaria melitensis Cowper Reed in Baldacchino (1939).

Striactaeonina ingens[49]

Sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


A member of Acteonoidea belonging to the family Tubiferidae.

Striactaeonina minor[73]

Sp. nov



Middle Jurassic (Aalenian)


A member of the family Tubiferidae.

Stuorella crenulata[69]

Sp. nov


Monari & Dellantonio

Middle Triassic (Anisian)


A member of Pleurotomariida belonging to the superfamily Pleurotomarioidea and the family Stuorellidae.

Sulcoactaeon sabattinae[73]

Sp. nov



Middle Jurassic (Aalenian)


A member of Acteonoidea belonging to the family Bullinidae.

Takashius kantori[74]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Vermeij


Dej Formation


A member of the family Fasciolariidae.

Takashius vinculum[74]

Sp. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Vermeij


Dej Formation

 Czech Republic

A member of the family Fasciolariidae.

Tapinotomaria longstaffae[66]

Sp. nov


Karapunar, Todd & Nützel

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Lower Limestone Formation

 United Kingdom

A member of the family Phymatopleuridae.

Temnotropis maestroettorei[69]

Sp. nov


Monari & Dellantonio

Middle Triassic (Anisian)


A member of Pleurotomariida belonging to the family Temnotropidae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Harzhauser & Landau



A member of the family Prodotiidae. The type species is "Pollia" mariae Hoernes & Auinger (1890); genus also includes "Cantharus (Pollia)" beregovi Kojumdgieva in Kojumdgieva & Strachimirov (1960).


Gen. et comb. nov


Monari & Dellantonio

Middle Triassic (Anisian)


A member of Pleurotomariida belonging to the superfamily Pleurotomarioidea and the family Wortheniellidae. The type species is "Worthenia" supraornata Kittl (1895); genus also includes "Worthenia" tuberculifera Koken (1900) and "Worthenia" ligylirae Yin & Yochelson (1983).

Tibia cluzaudi[94]

Sp. nov


Liverani & Wieneke



A species of Tibia.

Trachynerita tenuicostata[49]

Sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


A member of Neritoidea belonging to the family Neritariidae.

Triadoskenea alpicornu[49]

Sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


A member of the family Cortinellidae.

Tricolnaticopsis elongatus[49]

Sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


Turritella bardhani[95]

Sp. nov

Halder in Mondal et al.

Late Cretaceous (Turonian)

Nodular Limestone Formation


A species of Turritella.

Vermicularia katiae[96]

Sp. nov


Anderson & Allmon


 Dominican Republic

A species of Vermicularia. Published online in 2024, but the issue date is listed as December 2023.

Viennella baluki[97]

Sp. nov



Miocene (Serravallian)

Studienka Formation


A member of the family Turritellidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Monari & Dellantonio

Middle Triassic (Anisian)


A member of Pleurotomariida belonging to the superfamily Eotomarioidea and the family Rhaphistomellidae. The type species is V. ruvida.


Gen. et comb. nov


Harzhauser, Landau & Vermeij



A member of the family Fasciolariidae. The type species is "Fusus" haueri Hoernes (1875).

Zygopleura elongata[49]

Sp. nov

Dominici, Danise & Tintori

Middle Triassic (Ladinian)

Pelsa-Vazzoler Lagerstätte


Gastropod research

  • A study on the phylogenetic relationships of members of Pleurotomariida is published by Karapunar, Höhna & Nützel (2024).[98]
  • Sun et al. (2024) describe fossils of large-bodied members of the genus Toxoconcha from the Middle Triassic Qingyan biota (Guizhou, China), estimating the largest specimen to have original height of around 350 mm.[99]
  • Merle, Goldstein & McKinney (2024) report cases of cannibalism in Crassimurex calcitrapa from the Eocene strata from the Paris Basin (France), representing the earliest occurrence of this behavior in the muricid fossil record.[100]
  • Evidence of preservation of intact polyene pigments in gastropod shells from the Miocene Vienna Basin (Austria and Hungary) is presented by Wolkenstein, Schmidt & Harzhauser (2024).[101]
  • A study on the diversity of Miocene gastropods from the Central Paratethys, providing evidence of a Middle Miocene species richness hotspot resulting from the formation of an archipelago-like landscape and the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum, as well as evidence of subsequent decline in biodiversity related to the Middle Miocene disruption, is published by Harzhauser et al. (2024).[102]
  • Tattersfield et al. (2024) study the ecological associations of extant terrestrial gastropods from the Laetoli-Endulen area (Tanzania) and compare them with Pliocene gastropod assemblages from Laetoli, interpreting gastropods from the Lower Laetolil beds as indicative of semi-arid environment, those from the Upper Laetolil Beds as indicative of a mosaic of forest, woodland and bushland habitats, and gastropods from the Upper Ndolanya Beds as indicative of humid environment.[103]
  • Evidence of coordinated response of endemic Microcolpia and Theodoxus prevostianus from Lake Pețea (Romania) to Late Glacial and Holocene climate changes resulting in lake level changes, thermal water pulses and changes of availability of calcium and magnesium in shell construction is presented by Gulyás & Sümegi (2024).[104]

Other molluscs

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Location Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov




A member of Rostroconchia belonging to the family Bransoniidae. Genus includes new species A. magnifica. Published online in 2024, but the issue date is listed as December 2023.

Arceodomus fredericksi[106]

Sp. nov





A member of Rostroconchia. Published online in 2024, but the issue date is listed as December 2023.


Gen. et sp. nov




A member of Rostroconchia belonging to the family Bransoniidae. Genus includes new species A. rara. Published online in 2024, but the issue date is listed as December 2023.

Hoarepora uralica[105]

Sp. nov




A member of Rostroconchia belonging to the family Bransoniidae. Published online in 2024, but the issue date is listed as December 2023.


Gen. et sp. nov


Sigwart, Wyse Jackson & Parkes

Carboniferous (Tournaisian)

Hook Head Formation


A chiton belonging to the subclass Paleoloricata and to the order Septemchitonida. The type species is H. byrneae.

Lekiskochiton crassus[108]

Sp. nov





A lepidopleurid chiton.

Ochmazochiton uralensis[109]

Sp. nov



Permian (Sakmarian)


A chiton.

Plaxiphora luzanovkae[110]

Sp. nov


Sirenko & Dell'Angelo


Luzanovka Beds


A chiton, a species of Plaxiphora.


Gen. et sp. nov


Zhang et al.

Cambrian Stage 4

Wulongqing Formation


A shell-less stem mollusc. The type species is S. aculeata.

Tritonophon grimsbyensis[112]

Sp. nov


Pratt, Hopkins & Hopkins

Silurian (Llandovery)

Grimsby Formation

( Ontario)

A member of Bellerophontida.

General research

  • Antoine et al. (2024) report the discovery of fossil material from Kourou (French Guiana) providing evidence of the presence of diverse foraminifer, plant and animal communities near the equator in the 130,000-115,000 years ago time interval, including evidence of the presence of a diverse mollusc assemblage indicative of stronger affinities between Guianas and the Caribbean than today.[113]


  1. ^ a b Bryers, O.; Bulot, L. G.; Jeremiah, J.; Reháková, D.; Ettachfini, M.; Masrour, M.; Casson, M.; Frau, C.; Pictet, A.; Redfern, J. (2024). "An integrated stratigraphic framework for the uppermost Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous interval of the Essaouira-Agadir Basin (Moroccan Atlantic margin) based on ammonites, calcareous nannofossils and calpionellids". Journal of African Earth Sciences. 216. 105308. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2024.105308.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h Bockwinkel, J.; Korn, D. (2024). "Ammonoids of the Middle Devonian family Maenioceratidae in the Anti-Atlas of Morocco". European Journal of Taxonomy (921): 1–35. doi:10.5852/ejt.2024.921.2413.
  3. ^ Mitta, V. V. (2024). "The Genus Alatyroceras gen. nov. (Ammonoidea: Cardioceratidae, Arctocephalitinae) from the Upper Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) of the Russian Platform". Paleontological Journal. 58 (2): 160–170. doi:10.1134/S0031030123600294.
  4. ^ Bert, D.; Bersac, S.; Beltran, B.; Canut, L. (2024). "When Abnormality Becomes Perennial in a Reduced Population: The Case of Altudostephanus longicostis gen. et sp. nov. (Valanginian Ammonites, South-Eastern France)". Fossil Studies. 2 (2): 92–109. doi:10.3390/fossils2020004.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g Meister, C.; Schlögl, J.; Tomašovych, A.; Ippolitov, A.; Kogutich, S.; Stalennyi, O. (2024). "Systematics and biostratigraphy of ammonites across the Sinemurian/Pliensbachian boundary in the Ukrainian Carpathians (Pieniny Klippen Belt)". Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen. 311 (1): 1–111. doi:10.1127/njgpa/2024/1185.
  6. ^ a b Zakharov, Y. D.; Borisov, I. V.; Smyshlyaeva, O. P.; Bondarenko, L. G.; Popov, A. M. (2024). "Early Triassic Ammonoids of the Genus Churkites Okuneva, 1990: Phylogenetic Reconstructions and New Finds in South Primorye". Paleontological Journal. 58 (1): 28–43. doi:10.1134/S003103012401009X.
  7. ^ Bert, D.; Bersac, S. (2024). "The ultimate Pulchelliidae (Ammonoidea, upper Barremian)". Annales de Paléontologie. 110 (2). 102663. doi:10.1016/j.annpal.2024.102663.
  8. ^ Mao, K.; Yang, W.; Huang, Y.; Ma, Z. (2024). "A new ammonite genus of the Xiaowa Formation from Guanling Counties, Guizhou Province, China". Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology. doi:10.1080/08912963.2024.2382230.
  9. ^ a b c d e López-Horgue, M. A.; Owen, H. G. (2024). "Mortoniceratinae (Ammonoidea) from the lower upper Albian of the Basque-Cantabrian basin (Western Pyrenees): new records, new taxa and their taxonomic and biostratigraphical value". Cretaceous Research. 158. 105855. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2024.105855.
  10. ^ Moliner, L. (2024). "Update of the dimorphic genus Olorizia (Ataxioceratidae, Ammonitina) and establishment of the species Olorizia calandensis sp. nov". Journal of Iberian Geology. doi:10.1007/s41513-024-00245-x.
  11. ^ Shigeta, Y.; Maeda, H. (2024). "A New Species of Tetragonites (Ammonoidea, Tetragonitidae) from the Maastrichtian of Southern Sakhalin, Russian Far East". Paleontological Research. 28 (4): 1–16. doi:10.2517/PR230022.
  12. ^ Korn, D. (2024). "Late Devonian tornoceratid ammonoids from the Timan region, NW Russia". Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen. 310 (3): 219–228. doi:10.1127/njgpa/2023/1178.
  13. ^ Allaire, N.; Rustán, J. J.; Korn, D.; Vaccari, N. E.; Ezpeleta, M.; Balseiro, D. (2024). "The late Givetian (Middle Devonian) ammonoid Epitornoceras Frech, 1902 from Argentina (southwestern Gondwana)". Geodiversitas. 46 (7): 327–341. doi:10.5252/geodiversitas2024v46a7.
  14. ^ Piñeiro, G.; Rodao, M.; Núñez Demarco, P. (2024). "First Evidence of Reproductive Strategies in Cephalopods Preserved in Phosphate and Siderite Nodules from the Devonian of Uruguay". Fossil Studies. 2 (3): 223–244. doi:10.3390/fossils2030011.
  15. ^ Leonova, T. B. (2024). "Early Phylogeny of the Permian Superfamily Popanoceratoidea Hyatt (Ammonoidea)". Paleontological Journal. 58 (4): 415–425. doi:10.1134/S0031030124600331.
  16. ^ Mironenko, A. A.; Smurova, I. A. (2024). "Cameral membranes in the phragmocones of Jurassic ammonites". PALAIOS. 39 (5): 145–160. doi:10.2110/palo.2023.017.
  17. ^ Mitta, V. V.; Mironenko, A. A. (2024). "An Exceptionally Large Upper Jaw of Lytoceratoidea from the Upper Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) of the Northern Caucasus". Paleontological Journal. 58 (4): 426–433. doi:10.1134/S0031030124600318.
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