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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/65

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Journal ISSN
1091-5397 A C S M's Health & Fitness Journal
0736-5829 Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly
1603-3280 Agora
0894-9115 American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
0363-5465 American Journal of Sports Medicine
0969-6970 Angiogenesis
0003-6870 Applied Ergonomics
1715-5312 Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
1078-7895 Athletic Therapy Today
1324-1486 Australian Journal of Outdoor Education
0004-9514 Australian Journal of Physiotherapy
1471-2474 B M C Musculoskeletal Disorders
1472-6793 B M C Physiology
0860-021X Biology of Sport
1357-034X Body & Society
1359-107X British Journal of Health Psychology
0306-3674 British Journal of Sports Medicine
1746-1340 Chiropractic and Osteopathy
0268-0033 Clinical Biomechanics
1050-642X Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine
0896-9620 Clinical Kinesiology (Online Edition)
0278-5919 Clinics in Sports Medicine
1752-1882 Coaching
1748-1104 Coaching Psychologist
1537-890X Current Sports Medicine Reports
0344-5925 Deutsche Zeitschrift fuer Sportmedizin
1476-5918 Dynamic Medicine
1545-9055 E-Journal of Teaching and Learning in Diverse Settings
0014-0139 Ergonomics
1613-8171 European Journal for Sport and Society
1439-6319 European Journal of Applied Physiology
1746-1391 European Journal of Sport Science
1356-336X European Physical Education Review
1618-4742 European Sport Management Quarterly
0091-6331 Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews
0891-0278 Exercise Standards and Malpractice Reporter
0958-0670 Experimental Physiology
1071-1007 Foot & Ankle International
1442-3146 Football Studies
0891-5849 Free Radical Biology & Medicine
0966-6362 Gait & Posture
0107-4164 Grundtvig Studier
0167-9457 Human Movement Science
1930-4595 I C H P E R -S D Journal of Research in Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance
1563-3632 I C S S P E Bulletin
0900-8632 Idraetshistorisk Aarbog
1652-7224 idrottsforum.org
1750-2764 International Coaching Psychology Review
1479-5868 International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
1119-7048 International Journal of Emotional Psychology and Sport Ethics
1741-8305 International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring
0973-2152 International Journal of Fitness
0169-8141 International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics
0307-0565 International Journal of Obesity
1474-8185 International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport
0341-8685 International Journal of Physical Education
0342-5282 International Journal of Rehabilitation Research
1612-197X International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
1936-3915 International Journal of Sport Communication
1558-6235 International Journal of Sport Finance
1546-234X International Journal of Sport Management
1526-484X International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism
0047-0767 International Journal of Sport Psychology
1475-8962 International Journal of Sports Management and Marketing
1464-6668 International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship
0172-4622 International Journal of Sports Medicine
1555-0265 International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
0952-3367 International Journal of the History of Sport
1321-0122 International Journal of Transpersonal Studies
1012-6902 International Review for the Sociology of Sport
1528-3356 International SportMed Journal
0959-3020 Isokinetics and Exercise Science
0762-915X Journal de Traumatologie du Sport
1063-8652 Journal of Aging and Physical Activity
1065-8483 Journal of Applied Biomechanics
8750-7587 Journal of Applied Physiology
1041-3200 Journal of Applied Sport Psychology
1062-6050 Journal of Athletic Training
0148-0731 Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
0021-9290 Journal of Biomechanics
1938-7016 Journal of Coaching Education
1050-6411 Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
1097-9751 Journal of Exercise Physiology -Online
1728-869X Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness
1473-8376 Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports & Tourism Education
0306-7297 Journal of Human Movement Studies
0022-1678 Journal of Humanistic Psychology
0263-6352 Journal of Hypertension
1932-0191 Journal of Imagery Research in Sport and Physical Activity
0022-2216 Journal of Leisure Research
1058-2452 Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain
0190-6011 Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy
0736-0266 Journal of Orthopaedic Research
1543-3080 Journal of Physical Activity & Health
0730-3084 Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
1440-2440 Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
0895-2779 Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
0193-7235 Journal of Sport and Social Issues
0162-7341 Journal of Sport Behavior
0094-1700 Journal of Sport History
0888-4773 Journal of Sport Management
1056-6716 Journal of Sport Rehabilitation
1477-5085 Journal of Sport Tourism
1527-0025 Journal of Sports Economics
1558-4313 Journal of Sports Media
0022-4707 Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness
1303-2968 Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
0264-0414 Journal of Sports Sciences
1064-8011 Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
0094-8705 Journal of the Philosophy of Sport
0942-2056 Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy
Larnet: Cyber Journal of Applied Leisure and Recreational Research
0941-5270 Leipziger Sportwissenschaftliche Beitraege
0341-7387 Leistungssport
1492-7713 Leisure
0149-0400 Leisure Sciences
1652-3180 Malmoe Studies in Sport Sciences
1091-367X Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science
0025-7826 Medicina dello Sport
0195-9131 Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
0170-5792 Motorik
0104-754X Movimento (Porto Alegre)
1503-6065 Moving Bodies
0148-639X Muscle & Nerve
0934-8913 Nikephoros
1188-9330 Nine
1930-7381 Obesity
1188-5963 Olympika
1060-1872 Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine
0031-6768 Pfluegers Archiv
1740-8989 Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy
1047-9651 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America
1466-853X Physical Therapy in Sport
0091-3847 Physician and Sportsmedicine
1094-8414 Post Identity
0309-3646 Prosthetics and Orthotics International
1469-0292 Psychology of Sport and Exercise
0033-6297 Quest (Champaign)
1543-8627 Research in Sports Medicine
0270-1367 Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
1645-0523 Revista Portuguesa de Ciencias do Desporto
0905-7188 Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
1937-156X Schole
0765-1597 Science & Sports
1466-0970 Soccer and Society
0741-1235 Sociology of Sport Journal
0147-5231 Somatics
1022-7717 Spectrum der Sportwissenschaften
1087-1659 Sport History Review
1746-0263 Sport in History
1743-0437 Sport in Society
1543-9518 Sport Journal
1061-6934 Sport Marketing Quarterly
0888-4781 Sport Psychologist
1610-3181 Sport und Gesellschaft
1357-3322 Sport, Education and Society
1751-1321 Sport, Ethics and Philosophy
0171-4953 Sportpaedagogik
1476-3141 Sports Biomechanics
1369-7072 Sports Engineering
0112-1642 Sports Medicine
1062-8592 Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review
1041-696X Sports Medicine Standards & Malpractice Reporter
1174-9210 Sportscience
0342-2402 Sportunterricht
0932-0555 Sportverletzung -Sportschaden
0342-2380 Sportwissenschaft
1617-7606 SportZeit
0172-4029 Stadion
1524-1602 Strength and Conditioning Journal
1103-4629 Svensk Idrottsforskning : Organ för Centrum för Idrottsforskning
0039-906X Tairyoku Kagaku
0040-5914 Therapeutic Recreation Journal
1938-1581 Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal (Online Edition)
1819-8570 World Journal of Tourism, Leisure and Sports
1607-8055 World Leisure Journal