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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/45

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System-og teknologiudvikling

Journal ISSN
0949-1775 Accreditation and Quality Assurance
1745-2007 Architectural Engineering and Design Management
0217-5959 Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research
1598-1347 Asian Journal of Technology Innovation
1463-7154 Business Process Management Journal
1492-9058 Canadian Biosystems Engineering
1093-9687 Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
0166-3615 Computers in Industry
1063-293X Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications
1471-4175 Construction Innovation
0144-6193 Construction Management and Economics
0963-1690 Creativity and Innovation Management
0160-9327 Endeavour
1350-6307 Engineering Failure Analysis
1042-9247 Engineering Management Journal
0969-9988 Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
0957-4174 Expert Systems with Applications
1936-6582 Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal
0015-7899 Forschung im Ingenieurwesen
1090-8471 Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing
1093-0167 I E E E -V L S I Test Symposium
1077-2618 I E E E Industry Applications Magazine
0278-6648 I E E E Potentials
1521-334X I E E E Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing
1083-4427 I E E E Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems & Humans
1083-4419 I E E E Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics
1094-6977 I E E E Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews
0537-9989 I E T Conference Publication Series
0740-817X I I E Transactions
0315-5986 I N F O R Journal
0019-0578 I S A Transactions
1070-9886 IEEE transactions on components, packaging, and manufacturing technology. Part A (Print)
0019-7858 Industrial and Commercial Training
1542-894X Industrial Engineer
1553-9911 Innovations: World innovations in Engineering Education and Research
1748-006X Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings. Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability
1074-2328 Instrumentation & control systems
0020-4412 Instruments and Experimental Techniques
1538-2893 InTech with Industrial Computing
1550-2287 International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science & Mechanics
1358-8265 International Journal of Crashworthiness
1368-2156 International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management
1477-5360 International Journal of Integrated Supply Management
1327-2314 International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems
0144-3577 International Journal of Operations and Production Management
0973-1318 International Journal of Performability Engineering
0925-5273 International Journal of Production Economics
0218-5393 International Journal of Reliability, Quality & Safety Engineering
1744-2370 International Journal of Services and Operations Management
1740-8849 International Journal of Services and Standards
1741-539X International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics
1460-6720 International Journal of Services Technology and Management
0020-7721 International Journal of Systems Science
1740-2832 International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning
0267-5730 International Journal of Technology Management
1074-6005 International Workshop in Rapid System Prototyping. Proceedings
1028-6276 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A: Science
0748-5492 Issues in Science and Technology
1344-7653 J S M E International Journal. Series C, Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing
0270-5214 Johns Hopkins A P L Technical Digest
1529-7713 Journal of Applied Measurement
0959-6526 Journal of Cleaner Production
0733-9364 Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
0747-9964 Journal of Engineering Technology
1472-5967 Journal of Facilities Management
0950-4230 Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
0742-597X Journal of Management in Engineering
0278-6125 Journal of Manufacturing Systems
1355-2511 Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
0022-4065 Journal of Quality Technology
0022-4456 Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
0892-9912 Journal of Technology Transfer
1931-3357 Journal of Usability Studies
1024-8684 Kuwait Journal of Science & Engineering
1091-0344 Machining Science and Technology
0361-0853 Manufacturing Engineering
1042-6914 Materials & Manufacturing Processes
0263-2241 Measurement
0543-1972 Measurement Techniques
0938-0108 Microgravity -Science and Technology
1044-677X National Institute of Standards and Technology. Journal of Research
0894-069X Naval Research Logistics
0736-2501 Noise Control Engineering Journal
1058-9759 Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation
1874-8368 Open Construction & Building Technology Journal
0453-4514 Operations Research Society of Japan. Journal
0233-1934 Optimization
1055-6788 Optimization Methods and Software
0749-5978 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
0141-6359 Precision Engineering
0176-3377 Proceedings of the CIRP Seminars on Manufacturing Systems
1059-1478 Production and Operations Management
0748-8017 Quality and Reliability Engineering International
0898-2112 Quality Engineering
R & D Magazine
1355-2546 Rapid Prototyping Journal
0149-144X Reliability and Maintainability Symposium. Proceedings
0951-8320 Reliability Engineering & System Safety
0256-2499 Sadhana
0925-7535 Safety Science
0094-2898 Southeastern Symposium on System Theory. Proceedings
1625-8312 Supply Chain Forum
1098-1241 Systems Engineering
1099-274X Technology Review
0166-4972 Technovation
1525-3430 Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge
1006-9275 Zhongguo Kexue. E Ji: Jishu Kexue