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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list

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Den bibliometriske forskningsindikator, by Forsknings- og Innovationsstyrelsen




  • 1: Områdestudier i relation til Europa, etc.
  • 2: Områdestudier i relation til Asien, etc.
  • 3: Engelsk, Romansk, Tysk etc.
  • 4: Slavisk og Baltisk, etc.
  • 5: Lingvistik
  • 6: Litteraturvidenskab
  • 7: Dans, Drama, Musik
  • 8: Kunsthistorie og Billedkunst
  • 9: Kulturformidling
  • 10: Medier og Kommunikation
  • 11: Nordisk litteratur og sprog
  • 12: Teologi og Religionsvidenskab
  • 13: Filosofi og Idéhistorie, Videnskabsteori
  • 14: Historie
  • 15: Arkæologi, Konserveringsvidenskab
  • 16: Græsk og Latin
  • 17: Pædagogik, Uddannelse, Didaktik
  • 18: Antropologi, Etnologi, etc.
  • 19: IT og Humaniora
  • 20: Retsvidenskab
  • 21: Sociologi, socialt arbejde
  • 22: Statskundskab
  • 23: Geografi og Udviklingsstudier
  • 24: Samfundsøkonomi
  • 25: Erhvervsøkonomiske fag
  • 26: Psykologi
  • 27: Biblioteks- og informationsvidenskab
  • 28: Geofag og Klima
  • 29: Fysik og Astronomi
  • 30: Matematik, Statistik
  • 31: Kemi
  • 32: Biologi
  • 33: Miljø, Landbrug, skovbrug, fiskeri
  • 34: Molekylær- og cellebiologi
  • 35: Farmaceutisk videnskab
  • 36: Byggeri og anlægsteknik
  • 37: Transport og trafik
  • 38: Datalogi
  • 39: Elektronik, elektroteknik
  • 40: Energi- og miljøteknologi, ressourcer
  • 41: Kemiteknik, Olie-gas, procesteknologi
  • 42: Materialeteknologi
  • 43: Medicinsk teknologi
  • 44: Bioteknologi
  • 45: System- og teknologiudvikling
  • 46: Konstruktion, maskin- og produktion
  • 47: Fødevarevidenskab
  • 48: Medicin
  • 49: Kirurgiske fag
  • 50: Anæstesi, Intensiv, Akut
  • 51: Neurologi, Psykiatri
  • 52: Øre-næse-hals, Øjensygdomme
  • 53: Gynækologi og Obst.
  • 54: Dermatologi og Venerologi
  • 55: Pædiatri
  • 56: Farmakologi og toksikologi
  • 57: Odontologi
  • 58: Sygepleje
  • 59: Folkesundhed
  • 60: Veterinærmedicin
  • 61: Retsmedicin og patologisk anatomi
  • 62: Medicinske basalfag
  • 63: Kønsforskning
  • 64: Arkitektur, design, byplanlægning
  • 65: Idrætsforskning
  • 66: Digital kommunikation
  • 67: Informationssystemer
  • 68: Videnskabsstudier
  • 100: Tværvidenskabelige


  • 1: Area Studies in relation to Europe, etc.
  • 2: Area Studies in relation to Asia, etc.
  • 3: English, Romance, German etc.
  • 4: Slavic and Baltic, etc.
  • 5: Linguistics
  • 6: Literature
  • 7: Dance, Drama, Music
  • 8: Art History and Visual Art
  • 9: Cultural
  • 10: Media and Communications
  • 11: The Nordic Literature and Language
  • 12: Theology and Religion
  • 13: Danish Journal of Management and Business Sciences
  • 14: History
  • 15: Archeology, Preservation Science
  • 16: Danish Journal of law Sciences
  • 17: Pedagogy, Education, Didactics
  • 18: Anthropology, Ethnology, etc.
  • 19: IT and Humanities
  • 20: Forensic
  • 21: Sociology, Social Work
  • 22: Political Science
  • 23: Geography and Development Studies
  • 24: Socio-Economic
  • 25: Danish Journal of Psychology Sciences
  • 26: Psychology
  • 27: Library and information science
  • 28: Danish Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
  • 29: Physics and Astronomy
  • 30: Mathematics, Statistics
  • 68: Danish Journal of Medical and biology Sciences
  • 32: Biology
  • 33: Environment, Agriculture, forestry, fishing
  • 34: Molecular and cellular biology
  • 35: Pharmaceutical Science
  • 36: Building and construction techniques
  • 37: Transport and Traffic
  • 38: Computer Science
  • 39: Electronics, electrotechnology
  • 40: Energy and environmental technology, resources
  • 41: Chemical engineering, Oil-gas, process technology
  • 42: Materials Technology
  • 43: Medical Technology
  • 44: Biotechnology
  • 45: System and technology
  • 46: Construction, engineering and manufacturing
  • 47: Food
  • 48: Danish Journal of Agriculture and Animal Sciences
  • 49: Surgical disciplines
  • 50: Anesthesia, Intensive, Acute
  • 51: Neurology, Psychiatry
  • 52: Ear, nose and throat Eye Disease
  • 53: Gynecology and Obst.
  • 54: Dermatology and venereology
  • 55: Paediatrics
  • 56: Pharmacology and toxicology
  • 57: Odontology
  • 58: Danish Journal of Management and Business Sciences
  • 59: Public Health
  • 60: Veterinary Medicine
  • 61: Forensic and pathological anatomy
  • 62: Medical basalfag
  • 63: Gender Research
  • 64: Architecture, design, urban planning
  • 65: Sport Research
  • 66: Digital Communications
  • 67: Information
  • 68: Educational Research
  • 69: Greek and Latin
  • 70: Science Studies
  • 71: Nursing
  • 72: Sociology, Social Work
  • 73: Philosophy and History, Philosophy
  • 74: Medicine
  • 75: Chemistry
  • 76: Economics and Business subjects
  • 77: Geofag and Climate
  • 100: Interdisciplinary