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User:Sir Sputnik/spihelper update.js

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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// <nowiki>
// @ts-check
// GeneralNotability's rewrite of Tim's SPI helper script
// With contributions from 0xDeadbeef, DatGuy, Dreamy Jazz, L235, Tamzin, TheresNoTime, and Xiplus
// v2.9.1 "No sorcery threats"

/* global mw, $, importStylesheet, importScript, displayMessage, spiHelperCustomOpts */

// Adapted from [[User:Mr.Z-man/closeAFD]]
if(mw.config.get('skin') == 'minerva')
	importStylesheet('User:Sir Sputnik/spihelper-minerva.css')
importScript('User:Timotheus Canens/displaymessage.js')
// Typedefs
 * @typedef SelectOption
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {string} label Text to display in the drop-down
 * @property {string} value Value to return if this option is selected
 * @property {boolean} selected Whether this item should be selected by default
 * @property {boolean=} disabled Whether this item should be disabled

 * @typedef BlockEntry
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {string} username Username to block
 * @property {string} duration Duration of block
 * @property {boolean} acb If set, account creation is blocked
 * @property {boolean} ab Whether autoblock is enabled (for registered users)/
 *     logged-in users are blocked (for IPs)
 * @property {boolean} ntp If set, talk page access is blocked
 * @property {boolean} nem If set, email access is blocked
 * @property {string} tpn Type of talk page notice to apply on block

 * @typedef TagEntry
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {string} username Username to tag
 * @property {string} tag Tag to apply to user
 * @property {string} altmasterTag Altmaster tag to apply to user, if relevant
 * @property {boolean} blocking Whether this account is marked for block as well

  * @typedef ParsedArchiveNotice
  * @type {Object}
  * @property {string} username Case username
  * @property {boolean} xwiki Whether the crosswiki flag is set
  * @property {boolean} deny Whether the deny flag is set
  * @property {boolean} notalk Whether the notalk flag is set

// Globals

/* User setting related globals */

// User-configurable settings, these are the defaults but will be updated by
// spiHelperLoadSettings()
const spiHelperSettings = {
  // Choices are 'watch' (unconditionally add to watchlist), 'preferences'
  // (follow default preferences), 'nochange' (don't change the watchlist
  // status of the page), and 'unwatch' (unconditionally remove)
  watchCase: 'preferences',
  watchCaseExpiry: 'indefinite',
  watchArchive: 'nochange',
  watchArchiveExpiry: 'indefinite',
  watchTaggedUser: 'preferences',
  watchTaggedUserExpiry: 'indefinite',
  watchNewCats: 'nochange',
  watchNewCatsExpiry: 'indefinite',
  watchBlockedUser: true,
  watchBlockedUserExpiry: 'indefinite',
  // Lets people disable clerk options if they're not a clerk
  clerk: true,
  // Log all actions to Special:MyPage/spihelper_log
  log: false,
  // Reverse said log, so that the newest actions are at the top.
  reversed_log: false,
  // Enable the "move section" button
  iUnderstandSectionMoves: false,
  // Automatically tick the "Archive case" option if the case is closed
  tickArchiveWhenCaseClosed: true,
  // Use checkuserblock-account when CU blocking. False when not a CU, by default true when a CU
  useCheckuserblockAccount: false,
  // Default IPv6 listings to /64 in the block/tag socks menu
  displayIPv6As64: true,
  // These are for debugging to view as other roles. If you're picking apart the code and
  // decide to set these (especially the CU option), it is YOUR responsibility to make sure
  // you don't do something that violates policy
  debugForceCheckuserState: null,
  debugForceAdminState: null

// Can't set in the spiHelperSettings declaration because spiHelperIsCheckuser itself uses the settings var
spiHelperSettings.useCheckuserblockAccount = spiHelperIsCheckuser()

// Valid options for spiHelperSettings. Prevents invalid setting options being specified in the spioptions user subpage.
// This method only works options with discrete possible values. Settings without discrete possible values are checked for in spiHelperLoadSettings().
const spiHelperValidSettings = {
  watchCase: ['preferences', 'watch', 'nochange', 'unwatch'],
  watchArchive: ['preferences', 'watch', 'nochange', 'unwatch'],
  watchTaggedUser: ['preferences', 'watch', 'nochange', 'unwatch'],
  watchNewCats: ['preferences', 'watch', 'nochange', 'unwatch'],
  watchBlockedUser: [true, false],
  clerk: [true, false],
  log: [true, false],
  reversed_log: [true, false],
  iUnderstandSectionMoves: [true, false],
  tickArchiveWhenCaseClosed: [true, false],
  useCheckuserblockAccount: [true, false],
  debugForceCheckuserState: [null, true, false],
  debugForceAdminState: [null, true, false]

// These user settings must be a valid date as defined by MediaWiki API. This is checked for in spiHelperValidateDate() via spiHelperLoadSettings()
const spiHelperSettingsNeedingValidDate = [

/* Globals to describe the current SPI page */

/** @type {string} Name of the SPI page in wiki title form
 * (e.g. Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/Test) */
let spiHelperPageName = mw.config.get('wgPageName').replace(/_/g, ' ')

/** @type {number} The main page's ID - used to check if the page
 * has been edited since we opened it to prevent edit conflicts
let spiHelperStartingRevID = mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId')

const spiHelperIsThisPageAnArchive = mw.config.get('wgPageName').match('Wikipedia:Sockpuppet_investigations/.*/Archive.*')

/** @type {string} Just the username part of the case */
let spiHelperCaseName

if (spiHelperIsThisPageAnArchive) {
  spiHelperCaseName = spiHelperPageName.replace(/Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations\//g, '').replace(/\/Archive/, '')
} else {
  spiHelperCaseName = spiHelperPageName.replace(/Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations\//g, '')

/** list of section IDs + names corresponding to separate investigations */
let spiHelperCaseSections = []

/** @type {?number} Selected section, "null" means that we're opearting on the entire page */
let spiHelperSectionId = null

/** @type {?string} Selected section's name (e.g. "10 June 2020") */
let spiHelperSectionName = null

/** @type {ParsedArchiveNotice} */
let spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams

/** Map of top-level actions the user has selected */
const spiHelperActionsSelected = {
  Case_act: false,
  Block: false,
  Links: false,
  Note: false,
  Close: false,
  Rename: false,
  Archive: false,
  SpiMgmt: false

/** @type {BlockEntry[]} Requested blocks */
const spiHelperBlocks = []

/** @type {TagEntry[]} Requested tags */
const spiHelperTags = []

/** @type {string[]} Requested global locks */
const spiHelperGlobalLocks = []

// Count of unique users in the case (anything with a checkuser, checkip, user, ip, or vandal template on the page) for the block view
let spiHelperBlockTableUserCount = 0
// Count of unique users in the case (anything with a checkuser, checkip, user, ip, or vandal template on the page) for the link view (seperate needed as extra rows can be added)
let spiHelperLinkTableUserCount = 0

// The current wiki's interwiki prefix
const spiHelperInterwikiPrefix = spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix()

// Map of active operations (used as a "dirty" flag for beforeunload)
// Values are strings representing the state - acceptable values are 'running', 'success', 'failed'
const spiHelperActiveOperations = new Map()

/* Globals to describe possible options for dropdown menus */

/** @type {SelectOption[]} List of possible selections for tagging a user in the block/tag interface
const spiHelperTagOptions = [
  { label: 'None', selected: true, value: '' },
  { label: 'Suspected sock', value: 'blocked', selected: false },
  { label: 'Proven sock', value: 'proven', selected: false },
  { label: 'CU confirmed sock', value: 'confirmed', selected: false },
  { label: 'Blocked master', value: 'master', selected: false },
  { label: 'CU confirmed master', value: 'sockmasterchecked', selected: false },
  { label: '3X banned master', value: 'bannedmaster', selected: false }

/** @type {SelectOption[]} List of possible selections for tagging a user's altmaster in the block/tag interface */
const spiHelperAltMasterTagOptions = [
  { label: 'None', selected: true, value: '' },
  { label: 'Suspected alt master', value: 'suspected', selected: false },
  { label: 'Proven alt master', value: 'proven', selected: false }

/** @type {SelectOption[]} List of templates that CUs might insert */
const spiHelperCUTemplates = [
  { label: 'CU templates', selected: true, value: '', disabled: true },
  { label: 'Confirmed', selected: false, value: '{{confirmed}}' },
  { label: 'Confirmed/No Comment', selected: false, value: '{{confirmed-nc}}' },
  { label: 'Indistinguishable', selected: false, value: '{{tallyho}}' },
  { label: 'Likely', selected: false, value: '{{likely}}' },
  { label: 'Possilikely', selected: false, value: '{{possilikely}}' },
  { label: 'Possible', selected: false, value: '{{possible}}' },
  { label: 'Unlikely', selected: false, value: '{{unlikely}}' },
  { label: 'Unrelated', selected: false, value: '{{unrelated}}' },
  { label: 'Inconclusive', selected: false, value: '{{inconclusive}}' },
  { label: 'Need behavioral eval', selected: false, value: '{{behav}}' },
  { label: 'No sleepers', selected: false, value: '{{nosleepers}}' },
  { label: 'Stale', selected: false, value: '{{IPstale}}' },
  { label: 'No comment (IP)', selected: false, value: '{{ncip}}' }

/** @type {SelectOption[]} Templates that a clerk or admin might insert */
const spiHelperAdminTemplates = [
  { label: 'Admin/clerk templates', selected: true, value: '', disabled: true },
  { label: 'Duck', selected: false, value: '{{duck}}' },
  { label: 'Megaphone Duck', selected: false, value: '{{megaphone duck}}' },
  { label: 'IP blocked', selected: false, value: '{{IPblock}}' },
  { label: 'Blocked and tagged', selected: false, value: '{{bnt}}' },
  { label: 'Blocked, no tags', selected: false, value: '{{bwt}}' },
  { label: 'Blocked, awaiting tags', selected: false, value: '{{sblock}}' },
  { label: 'Blocked, tagged, closed', selected: false, value: '{{btc}}' },
  { label: 'Requested actions completed, closing', selected: false, value: '{{Action and close}}' },
  { label: 'Closing without action', selected: false, value: '{{Closing without action}}' },
  { label: 'Diffs needed', selected: false, value: '{{DiffsNeeded|moreinfo}}' },
  { label: 'Locks requested', selected: false, value: '{{GlobalLocksRequested}}' }

/* Globals for regexes */

// Regex to match the case status, group 1 is the actual status
const spiHelperCaseStatusRegex = /{{\s*SPI case status\s*\|?\s*(\S*?)\s*}}/i
// Regex to match closed case statuses (close or closed)
const spiHelperCaseClosedRegex = /^closed?$/i

const spiHelperClerkStatusRegex = /{{(CURequest|awaitingadmin|clerk ?request|(?:self|requestand|cu)?endorse|inprogress|decline(?:-ip)?|moreinfo|relisted|onhold)}}/i

const spiHelperSockSectionWithNewlineRegex = /====\s*Suspected sockpuppets\s*====\n*/i

const spiHelperAdminSectionWithPrecedingNewlinesRegex = /\n*\s*====\s*<big>Clerk, CheckUser, and\/or patrolling admin comments<\/big>\s*====\s*/i

const spiHelperCUBlockRegex = /{{(checkuserblock(-account|-wide)?|checkuser block)}}/i

const spiHelperArchiveNoticeRegex = /{{\s*SPI\s*archive notice\|(?:1=)?([^|]*?)(\|.*)?}}/i

const spiHelperPriorCasesRegex = /{{spipriorcases}}/i

const spiHelperSectionRegex = /^(?:===[^=]*===|=====[^=]*=====)\s*$/m

// regex to remove hidden characters from form inputs - they mess up some things,
// especially mw.util.isIP
const spiHelperHiddenCharNormRegex = /\u200E/g

/* Other globals */
const spiHelperIsMobile = mw.config.get('skin') == 'minerva'

/** @type{string} Advert to append to the edit summary of edits */
const spihelperAdvert = ' (using [[:w:en:WP:SPIH|spihelper.js]])'

/* Used by the link view */
const spiHelperLinkViewURLFormats = {
  editorInteractionAnalyser: { baseurl: 'https://sigma.toolforge.org/editorinteract.py', appendToQueryString: '', userQueryStringKey: 'users', userQueryStringSeparator: '&', userQueryStringWrapper: '', multipleUserQueryStringKeys: true, name: 'Editor Interaction Anaylser' },
  interactionTimeline: { baseurl: 'https://interaction-timeline.toolforge.org/', appendToQueryString: 'wiki=enwiki', userQueryStringKey: 'user', userQueryStringSeparator: '&', userQueryStringWrapper: '', multipleUserQueryStringKeys: true, name: 'Interaction Timeline' },
  timecardSPITools: { baseurl: 'https://spi-tools.toolforge.org/spi/timecard/' + spiHelperCaseName, appendToQueryString: '', userQueryStringKey: 'users', userQueryStringSeparator: '&', userQueryStringWrapper: '', multipleUserQueryStringKeys: true, name: 'Timecard comparisons' },
  consolidatedTimelineSPITools: { baseurl: 'https://spi-tools.toolforge.org/spi/timecard/' + spiHelperCaseName, appendToQueryString: '', userQueryStringKey: 'users', userQueryStringSeparator: '&', userQueryStringWrapper: '', multipleUserQueryStringKeys: true, name: 'Consolidated Timeline (requires login)' },
  pagesSPITools: { baseurl: 'https://spi-tools.toolforge.org/spi/timeline/' + spiHelperCaseName, appendToQueryString: '', userQueryStringKey: 'users', userQueryStringSeparator: '&', userQueryStringWrapper: '', multipleUserQueryStringKeys: true, name: 'SPI Tools Pages (requires login)' },
  checkUserWikiSearch: { baseurl: 'https://checkuser.wikimedia.org/w/index.php', appendToQueryString: 'ns0=1', userQueryStringKey: 'search', userQueryStringSeparator: ' OR ', userQueryStringWrapper: '"', multipleUserQueryStringKeys: false, name: 'Checkuser wiki search' }

/* Actually put the portlets in place if needed */
if (mw.config.get('wgPageName').includes('Wikipedia:Sockpuppet_investigations/') &&
  !mw.config.get('wgPageName').includes('Wikipedia:Sockpuppet_investigations/SPI/')) {

// Main functions - do the meat of the processing and UI work

const spiHelperTopViewHTML = `
<div id="spiHelper_topViewDiv" class="spiHelper_ViewDiv">
  <h3>Handling SPI case</h3>
  <select id="spiHelper_sectionSelect"></select>
  <h4 id="spiHelper_warning" class="spihelper-errortext" hidden></h4>
    <li id="spiHelper_actionLine"  class="spiHelper_singleCaseOnly spiHelper_notOnArchive">
      <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_Case_Action" id="spiHelper_Case_Action" />
      <label for="spiHelper_Case_Action">Change case status</label>
    <li id="spiHelper_spiMgmtLine"  class="spiHelper_allCasesOnly spiHelper_notOnArchive">
      <input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_SpiMgmt" />
      <label for="spiHelper_SpiMgmt">Change SPI options</label>
    <li id="spiHelper_blockLine" class="spiHelper_adminClerkClass">
      <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_BlockTag" id="spiHelper_BlockTag" />
      <label id="spiHelper_blockLabel" for="spiHelper_BlockTag">Block/tag socks</label>
    <li id="spiHelper_userInfoLine" class="spiHelper_singleCaseOnly">
      <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_userInfo" id="spiHelper_userInfo" />
      <label for="spiHelper_userInfo">Sock links</label>
    <li id="spiHelper_commentLine" class="spiHelper_singleCaseOnly spiHelper_notOnArchive">
      <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_Comment" id="spiHelper_Comment" />
      <label for="spiHelper_Comment">Note/comment</label>
    <li id="spiHelper_closeLine" class="spiHelper_adminClerkClass spiHelper_singleCaseOnly spiHelper_notOnArchive">
      <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_Close" id="spiHelper_Close" />
      <label for="spiHelper_Close">Close case</label>
    <li id="spiHelper_moveLine" class="spiHelper_clerkClass spiHelper_notOnArchive">
      <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_Move" id="spiHelper_Move" />
      <label for="spiHelper_Move" id="spiHelper_moveLabel">Move/merge full case (Clerk only)</label>
    <li id="spiHelper_archiveLine" class="spiHelper_clerkClass spiHelper_notOnArchive">
      <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_Archive" id="spiHelper_Archive"/>
      <label for="spiHelper_Archive">Archive case (Clerk only)</label>
  <input type="button" id="spiHelper_GenerateForm" name="spiHelper_GenerateForm" value="Continue" />

 * Initialization functions for spiHelper, displays the top-level menu
async function spiHelperInit () {
  'use strict'
  spiHelperCaseSections = await spiHelperGetInvestigationSectionIDs()

  // Load archivenotice params
  spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams = await spiHelperParseArchiveNotice(spiHelperPageName.replace(/\/Archive/, ''))

  // First, insert the template text

  // Narrow search scope
  const $topView = $('#spiHelper_topViewDiv', document)

  if (spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams.username === null) {
    // No archive notice was found
    const $warningText = $('#spiHelper_warning', $topView)
    $warningText.append($('<b>').text('Can\'t find archivenotice template! Automatically adding the archive notice to the page.'))
    const newArchiveNotice = spiHelperMakeNewArchiveNotice(spiHelperCaseName, { xwiki: false, deny: false, notalk: false })
    let pagetext = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, false)
    if (spiHelperPriorCasesRegex.exec(pagetext) === null) {
      pagetext = '{{SPIpriorcases}}\n' + pagetext
    pagetext = newArchiveNotice + '\n' + pagetext
    if (pagetext.indexOf('__TOC__') === -1) {
      pagetext = '<noinclude>__TOC__</noinclude>\n' + pagetext
    await spiHelperEditPage(spiHelperPageName, pagetext, 'Adding archive notice', false, spiHelperSettings.watchCase, spiHelperSettings.watchCaseExpiry)

  // Next, modify what's displayed
  // Set the block selection label based on whether or not the user is an admin
  $('#spiHelper_blockLabel', $topView).text(spiHelperIsAdmin() ? 'Block/tag socks' : 'Tag socks')

  // Wire up a couple of onclick handlers
  $('#spiHelper_Move', $topView).on('click', function () {
  $('#spiHelper_Archive', $topView).on('click', function () {

  // Generate the section selector
  const $sectionSelect = $('#spiHelper_sectionSelect', $topView)
  $sectionSelect.on('change', () => {

  // Add the dates to the selector
  for (let i = 0; i < spiHelperCaseSections.length; i++) {
    const s = spiHelperCaseSections[i]
  // All-sections selector...deliberately at the bottom, the default should be the first section
  $('<option>').val('all').text('All Sections').appendTo($sectionSelect)

  // Only show options suitable for the archive subpage when running on the archives
  if (!spiHelperIsThisPageAnArchive) {
    $('.spiHelper_notOnArchive', $topView).show()
  // Set the checkboxes to their default states

  $('#spiHelper_GenerateForm', $topView).one('click', () => {

const spiHelperActionViewHTML = `
<div id="spiHelper_actionViewDiv" class="spiHelper_ViewDiv">
  <small><a id="spiHelper_backLink">Back to top menu</a></small>
  <h3>Handling SPI case</h3>
  <div id="spiHelper_actionView">
    <h4>Changing case status</h4>
    <label for="spiHelper_CaseAction">New status:</label>
    <select id="spiHelper_CaseAction"></select>
  <div id="spiHelper_spiMgmtView">
    <h4>Changing SPI settings</h4>
        <input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_spiMgmt_crosswiki" />
        <label for="spiHelper_spiMgmt_crosswiki">Case is crosswiki</label>
        <input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_spiMgmt_deny" />
        <label for="spiHelper_spiMgmt_deny">Socks should not be tagged per DENY</label>
        <input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_spiMgmt_notalk" />
        <label for="spiHelper_spiMgmt_notalk">Socks should have talk page and email access revoked due to past abuse</label>
  <div id="spiHelper_sockLinksView">
    <h4 id="spiHelper_sockLinksHeader">Useful links for socks</h4>
    <table id="spiHelper_userInfoTable" style="border-collapse:collapse;">
          <span title="Editor interaction analyser" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext user-link-dt">Interaction analyser</span>
          <span title="Editor interaction analyser" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext user-link-mobile">IA</span>
          <span title="Interaction timeline" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext user-link-dt">Interaction timeline</span>
          <span title="Interaction timeline" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext user-link-mobile">IT</span>
          <span title="Timecard comparison - SPI tools" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext user-link-dt">Timecard</span>
          <span title="Timecard comparison - SPI tools" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext user-link-mobile">TC</span>
        <th class="spiHelper_adminClass">
          <span title="Consolidated timeline (login needed) - SPI tools" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext user-link-dt">Consolidated timeline</span>
          <span title="Consolidated timeline (login needed) - SPI tools" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext user-link-mobile">CT</span>
        <th class="spiHelper_adminClass">
          <span title="Pages - SPI tools (login needed)" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext user-link-dt">Pages</span>
          <span title="Pages - SPI tools (login needed)" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext user-link-mobile">PG</span>
        <th class="spiHelper_cuClass">
          <span title="CheckUser wiki search" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext user-link-dt">CU wiki</span>
          <span title="CheckUser wiki search" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext user-link-mobile">CU</span>
      <tr style="border-bottom:2px solid black">
        <td style="text-align:center;">(All users)</td>
        <td style="text-align:center;"><input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_link_editorInteractionAnalyser"/></td>
        <td style="text-align:center;"><input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_link_interactionTimeline"/></td>
        <td style="text-align:center;"><input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_link_timecardSPITools"/></td>
        <td style="text-align:center;" class="spiHelper_adminClass"><input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_link_consolidatedTimelineSPITools"/></td>
        <td style="text-align:center;" class="spiHelper_adminClass"><input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_link_pagesSPITools"/></td>
        <td style="text-align:center;" class="spiHelper_cuClass"><input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_link_checkUserWikiSearch"/></td>
    <span><input type="button" id="moreSerks" value="Add Row" onclick="spiHelperAddBlankUserLine('block');"/></span>
  <div id="spiHelper_blockTagView">
    <h4 id="spiHelper_blockTagHeader">Blocking and tagging socks</h4>
      <li class="spiHelper_adminClass">
        <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_noblock" id="spiHelper_noblock" />
        <label for="spiHelper_noblock">Do not make any blocks (this overrides the individual "Blk" boxes below).</label>
      <li class="spiHelper_adminClass">
        <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_override" id="spiHelper_override" />
        <label for="spiHelper_override">Override any existing blocks.</label>
      <li class="spiHelper_clerkClass">
        <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="spiHelper_tagAccountsWithoutLocalAccount" id="spiHelper_tagAccountsWithoutLocalAccount" />
        <label for="spiHelper_tagAccountsWithoutLocalAccount">Tag accounts without an attached local account.</label>
      <li class="spiHelper_cuClass">
        <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_cublock" id="spiHelper_cublock" />
        <label for="spiHelper_cublock">Mark blocks as Checkuser blocks.</label>
      <li class="spiHelper_cuClass">
        <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_cublockonly" id="spiHelper_cublockonly" />
        <label for="spiHelper_cublockonly">
          Suppress the usual block summary and only use {{checkuserblock-account}} and {{checkuserblock}} (no effect if "mark blocks as CU blocks" is not checked).
      <li class="spiHelper_adminClass">
        <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="spiHelper_blocknoticemaster" id="spiHelper_blocknoticemaster" />
        <label for="spiHelper_blocknoticemaster">Add talk page notice when (re)blocking the sockmaster.</label>
      <li class="spiHelper_adminClass">
        <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="spiHelper_blocknoticesocks" id="spiHelper_blocknoticesocks" />
        <label for="spiHelper_blocknoticesocks">Add talk page notice when blocking socks.</label>
      <li class="spiHelper_adminClass">
        <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_blanktalk" id="spiHelper_blanktalk" />
        <label for="spiHelper_blanktalk">Blank the talk page when adding talk notices.</label>
        <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_hidelocknames" id="spiHelper_hidelocknames" />
        <label for="spiHelper_hidelocknames">Hide usernames when requesting global locks.</label>
    <table id="spiHelper_blockTable" style="border-collapse:collapse;">
          <th class="spiHelper_adminClass"><span title="Block user" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext">Blk?</span></th>
          <th class="spiHelper_adminClass"><span title="Block duration" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext">Duration</span></th>
          <th class="spiHelper_adminClass"><span title="Account creation blocked" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext">ACB</span></th>
          <th class="spiHelper_adminClass"><span title="Autoblock (for logged-in users)/Anonymous-only (for IPs)" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext">AB/AO</span></th>
          <th class="spiHelper_adminClass"><span title="Disable talk page access" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext">NTP</span></th>
          <th class="spiHelper_adminClass"><span title="Disable email" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext">NEM</span></th>
          <th><span title="Tag the user with a suspected alternate master" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext">Alt Master</span></th>
          <th><span title="Request a global lock at Meta:SRG" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext">Req Lock?</span></th>
        <tr id="spiHelper_block_allusers">
          <td style="text-align:center;">(All users)</td>
          <td class="spiHelper_adminClass"><input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_block_doblock"/></td>
          <td class="spiHelper_adminClass"></td>
          <td class="spiHelper_adminClass"><input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_block_acb" checked="checked"/></td>
          <td class="spiHelper_adminClass"><input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_block_ab" checked="checked"/></td>
          <td class="spiHelper_adminClass"><input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_block_tp"/></td>
          <td class="spiHelper_adminClass"><input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_block_email"/></td>
          <td><select id="spiHelper_block_tag"></select></td>
          <td><select id="spiHelper_block_tag_altmaster"></select></td>
         <td><input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_block_lock_all" id="spiHelper_block_lock"/></td>
    <span><input type="button" id="moreSerks" value="Add Row" onclick="spiHelperAddBlankUserLine('block');"/></span>
  <div id="spiHelper_closeView">
    <h4>Marking case as closed</h4>
    <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" id="spiHelper_CloseCase" />
    <label for="spiHelper_CloseCase">Close this SPI case</label>
  <div id="spiHelper_moveView">
    <h4 id="spiHelper_moveHeader">Move section</h4>
    <label for="spiHelper_moveTarget">New sockmaster username: </label>
    <input type="text" name="spiHelper_moveTarget" id="spiHelper_moveTarget" />
  <div id="spiHelper_archiveView">
    <h4>Archiving case</h4>
    <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="spiHelper_ArchiveCase" id="spiHelper_ArchiveCase" />
    <label for="spiHelper_ArchiveCase">Archive this SPI case</label>
  <div id="spiHelper_commentView">
      <select id="spiHelper_noteSelect"></select>
      <select class="spiHelper_adminClerkClass" id="spiHelper_adminSelect"></select>
      <select class="spiHelper_cuClass" id="spiHelper_cuSelect"></select>
      <label for="spiHelper_CommentText">Comment:</label>
      <textarea rows="3" cols="80" id="spiHelper_CommentText">*</textarea>
      <div><a id="spiHelper_previewLink">Preview</a></div>
    <div class="spihelper-previewbox" id="spiHelper_previewBox" hidden></div>
  <input type="button" id="spiHelper_performActions" value="Done" />
 * Big function to generate the SPI form from the top-level menu selections
 * Would fail ESlint no-unused-vars due to only being
 * referenced in an onclick event
 * @return {Promise<void>}
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
async function spiHelperGenerateForm () {
  'use strict'
  spiHelperBlockTableUserCount = 0
  spiHelperLinkTableUserCount = 0
  const $topView = $('#spiHelper_topViewDiv', document)
  spiHelperActionsSelected.Case_act = $('#spiHelper_Case_Action', $topView).prop('checked')
  spiHelperActionsSelected.Block = $('#spiHelper_BlockTag', $topView).prop('checked')
  spiHelperActionsSelected.Link = $('#spiHelper_userInfo', $topView).prop('checked')
  spiHelperActionsSelected.Close = $('#spiHelper_Close', $topView).prop('checked')
  spiHelperActionsSelected.Note = $('#spiHelper_Comment', $topView).prop('checked') || spiHelperActionsSelected.Case_act || spiHelperActionsSelected.Block || spiHelperActionsSelected.Close
  spiHelperActionsSelected.Rename = $('#spiHelper_Move', $topView).prop('checked')
  spiHelperActionsSelected.Archive = $('#spiHelper_Archive', $topView).prop('checked')
  spiHelperActionsSelected.SpiMgmt = $('#spiHelper_SpiMgmt', $topView).prop('checked')
  const pagetext = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, false, spiHelperSectionId)
  if (!(spiHelperActionsSelected.Case_act ||
    spiHelperActionsSelected.Note || spiHelperActionsSelected.Close ||
    spiHelperActionsSelected.Archive || spiHelperActionsSelected.Block || spiHelperActionsSelected.Link ||
    spiHelperActionsSelected.Rename || spiHelperActionsSelected.SpiMgmt)) {


  // Reduce the scope that jquery operates on
  const $actionView = $('#spiHelper_actionViewDiv', document)

  // Wire up the action view
  $('#spiHelper_backLink', $actionView).one('click', () => {
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Case_act) {
    const result = spiHelperCaseStatusRegex.exec(pagetext)
    let casestatus = ''
    if (result) {
      casestatus = result[1]
    const canAddCURequest = (casestatus === '' || /^(?:admin|moreinfo|cumoreinfo|hold|cuhold|clerk|open)$/i.test(casestatus))
    const cuRequested = /^(?:CU|checkuser|CUrequest|request|cumoreinfo)$/i.test(casestatus)
    const cuEndorsed = /^(?:endorse(d)?)$/i.test(casestatus)
    const cuCompleted = /^(?:inprogress|checking|relist(ed)?|checked|completed|declined?|cudeclin(ed)?)$/i.test(casestatus)

    /** @type {SelectOption[]} Generated array of values for the case status select box */
    const selectOpts = [
      { label: 'No action', value: 'noaction', selected: true }
    if (spiHelperCaseClosedRegex.test(casestatus)) {
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Reopen', value: 'reopen', selected: false })
    } else if (spiHelperIsClerk() && casestatus === 'clerk') {
      // Allow clerks to change the status from clerk to open.
      // Used when clerk assistance has been given and the case previously had the status 'open'.
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Mark as open', value: 'open', selected: false })
    } else if (spiHelperIsAdmin() && casestatus === 'admin') {
      // Allow admins to change the status to open from admin
      // Used when admin assistance has been given to the non-admin clerk and the case previously had the status 'open'.
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Mark as open', value: 'open', selected: false })
    if (spiHelperIsCheckuser()) {
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Mark as in progress', value: 'inprogress', selected: false })
    if (spiHelperIsClerk() || spiHelperIsAdmin()) {
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Request more information', value: 'moreinfo', selected: false })
    if (canAddCURequest) {
      // Statuses only available if the case could be moved to "CU requested"
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Request CU', value: 'CUrequest', selected: false })
      if (spiHelperIsClerk()) {
        selectOpts.push({ label: 'Request CU and self-endorse', value: 'selfendorse', selected: false })
    // CU already requested
    if (cuRequested && spiHelperIsClerk()) {
      // Statuses only available if CU has been requested, only clerks + CUs should use these
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Endorse for CU attention', value: 'endorse', selected: false })
      // Switch the decline option depending on whether the user is a checkuser
      if (spiHelperIsCheckuser()) {
        selectOpts.push({ label: 'Endorse CU as a CheckUser', value: 'cuendorse', selected: false })
      if (spiHelperIsCheckuser()) {
        selectOpts.push({ label: 'Decline CU', value: 'cudecline', selected: false })
      } else {
        selectOpts.push({ label: 'Decline CU', value: 'decline', selected: false })
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Request more information for CU', value: 'cumoreinfo', selected: false })
    } else if (cuEndorsed && spiHelperIsCheckuser()) {
      // Let checkusers decline endorsed cases
      if (spiHelperIsCheckuser()) {
        selectOpts.push({ label: 'Decline CU', value: 'cudecline', selected: false })
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Request more information for CU', value: 'cumoreinfo', selected: false })
    // This is mostly a CU function, but let's let clerks and admins set it
    //  in case the CU forgot (or in case we're un-closing))
    if (spiHelperIsAdmin() || spiHelperIsClerk()) {
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Mark as checked', value: 'checked', selected: false })
    if (spiHelperIsClerk() && cuCompleted) {
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Relist for another check', value: 'relist', selected: false })
    if (spiHelperIsCheckuser()) {
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Place case on CU hold', value: 'cuhold', selected: false })
    } else { // I guess it's okay for anyone to have this option
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Place case on hold', value: 'hold', selected: false })
    selectOpts.push({ label: 'Request clerk action', value: 'clerk', selected: false })
    // I think this is only useful for non-admin clerks to ask admins to do stuff
    if (!spiHelperIsAdmin() && spiHelperIsClerk()) {
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Request admin action', value: 'admin', selected: false })
    // Generate the case action options
    spiHelperGenerateSelect('spiHelper_CaseAction', selectOpts)
    // Add the onclick handler to the drop-down
    $('#spiHelper_CaseAction', $actionView).on('change', function (e) {

    $('#spiHelper_actionView', $actionView).show()

  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.SpiMgmt) {
    const $xwikiBox = $('#spiHelper_spiMgmt_crosswiki', $actionView)
    const $denyBox = $('#spiHelper_spiMgmt_deny', $actionView)
    const $notalkBox = $('#spiHelper_spiMgmt_notalk', $actionView)

    $xwikiBox.prop('checked', spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams.xwiki)
    $denyBox.prop('checked', spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams.deny)
    $notalkBox.prop('checked', spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams.notalk)

    $('#spiHelper_spiMgmtView', $actionView).show()

  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Close) {
    $('#spiHelper_closeView', $actionView).show()
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Archive) {
    $('#spiHelper_archiveView', $actionView).show()
  // Only give the option to comment if we selected a specific section and we are not running on an archive subpage
  if (spiHelperSectionId && spiHelperActionsSelected.Note && !spiHelperIsThisPageAnArchive) {
    // generate the note prefixes
    /** @type {SelectOption[]} */
    const spiHelperNoteTemplates = [
      { label: 'Comment templates', selected: true, value: '', disabled: true }
    if (spiHelperIsClerk()) {
      spiHelperNoteTemplates.push({ label: 'Clerk note', selected: false, value: 'clerknote' })
    if (spiHelperIsAdmin()) {
      spiHelperNoteTemplates.push({ label: 'Administrator note', selected: false, value: 'adminnote' })
    if (spiHelperIsCheckuser()) {
      spiHelperNoteTemplates.push({ label: 'CU note', selected: false, value: 'cunote' })
    spiHelperNoteTemplates.push({ label: 'Note', selected: false, value: 'takenote' })

    // Wire up the select boxes
    spiHelperGenerateSelect('spiHelper_noteSelect', spiHelperNoteTemplates)
    $('#spiHelper_noteSelect', $actionView).on('change', function (e) {
    spiHelperGenerateSelect('spiHelper_adminSelect', spiHelperAdminTemplates)
    $('#spiHelper_adminSelect', $actionView).on('change', function (e) {
    spiHelperGenerateSelect('spiHelper_cuSelect', spiHelperCUTemplates)
    $('#spiHelper_cuSelect', $actionView).on('change', function (e) {
    $('#spiHelper_previewLink', $actionView).on('click', function () {
    $('#spiHelper_commentView', $actionView).show()
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Rename) {
    if (spiHelperSectionId) {
      $('#spiHelper_moveHeader', $actionView).text('Move section "' + spiHelperSectionName + '"')
    } else {
      $('#spiHelper_moveHeader', $actionView).text('Move/merge full case')
    $('#spiHelper_moveView', $actionView).show()
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Block || spiHelperActionsSelected.Link) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
    const checkuserRegex = /{{\s*check(?:user|ip)\s*\|\s*(?:1=)?\s*([^\|}]*?)\s*(?:\|master name\s*=\s*.*)?}}/gi
    const results = pagetext.match(checkuserRegex)
    const likelyusers = []
    const likelyips = []
    const possibleusers = []
    const possibleips = []

    let socklist = $(`a[href$="section=${spiHelperSectionId}"]`).parents().not(':has(hr)').nextUntil('hr').find('.cuEntry').find('a:first')
    for(let element of socklist) {
      let username = spiHelperNormalizeUsername($(element).text())
      const isIP = mw.util.isIPAddress(username, true)
        if (!isIP && !likelyusers.includes(username)) {
        } else if (isIP && !likelyips.includes(username)) {
          if (spiHelperSettings.displayIPv6As64 && mw.util.isIPv6Address(username, false)) {
            likelyips.push(username.split(':').slice(0, 4).concat('0', '0', '0', '0').join(':') + '/64')

    // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
    const userRegex = /{{[^\|}{]*?(?:user|vandal|IP|noping)[^\|}{]*?\|\s*(?:1=)?\s*([^\|}]*?)\s*}}/gi
    const userresults = pagetext.match(userRegex)
    if (userresults) {
      for (let i = 0; i < userresults.length; i++) {
        const username = spiHelperNormalizeUsername(userresults[i].replace(userRegex, '$1'))
        const isIP = mw.util.isIPAddress(username, true)
        if (isIP && !possibleips.includes(username) &&
          !likelyips.includes(username)) {
        } else if (!isIP && !possibleusers.includes(username) &&
          !likelyusers.includes(username)) {
    if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Block) {
      // Show generation in progress so not to make people think its broken
      $('#spiHelper_blockTagView', $actionView).show()
      if (spiHelperIsAdmin()) {
        $('#spiHelper_blockTagHeader', $actionView).text('Blocking and tagging socks')
      } else {
        $('#spiHelper_blockTagHeader', $actionView).text('Tagging socks')
      // Wire up the "select all" options
      $('#spiHelper_block_doblock', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
        spiHelperSetAllTableColumnOpts($(e.target), 'block')
      $('#spiHelper_block_acb', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
        spiHelperSetAllTableColumnOpts($(e.target), 'block')
      $('#spiHelper_block_ab', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
        spiHelperSetAllTableColumnOpts($(e.target), 'block')
      $('#spiHelper_block_tp', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
        spiHelperSetAllTableColumnOpts($(e.target), 'block')
      $('#spiHelper_block_email', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
        spiHelperSetAllTableColumnOpts($(e.target), 'block')
      $('#spiHelper_block_lock', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
        spiHelperSetAllTableColumnOpts($(e.target), 'block')
      $('#spiHelper_block_lock', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
        spiHelperSetAllTableColumnOpts($(e.target), 'block')
      spiHelperGenerateSelect('spiHelper_block_tag', spiHelperTagOptions)
      $('#spiHelper_block_tag', $actionView).on('change', function (e) {
        spiHelperSetAllTableColumnOpts($(e.target), 'block')
      spiHelperGenerateSelect('spiHelper_block_tag_altmaster', spiHelperAltMasterTagOptions)
      $('#spiHelper_block_tag_altmaster', $actionView).on('change', function (e) {
        spiHelperSetAllTableColumnOpts($(e.target), 'block')
      $('#spiHelper_block_lock', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
        spiHelperSetAllTableColumnOpts($(e.target), 'block')

      for (let i = 0; i < likelyusers.length; i++) {
        await spiHelperGenerateBlockTableLine(likelyusers[i], true, spiHelperBlockTableUserCount)
      for (let i = 0; i < likelyips.length; i++) {
        await spiHelperGenerateBlockTableLine(likelyips[i], true, spiHelperBlockTableUserCount)
      for (let i = 0; i < possibleusers.length; i++) {
        await spiHelperGenerateBlockTableLine(possibleusers[i], false, spiHelperBlockTableUserCount)
      for (let i = 0; i < possibleips.length; i++) {
        await spiHelperGenerateBlockTableLine(possibleips[i], false, spiHelperBlockTableUserCount)
    if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Link) {
      // Wire up the "select all" options
      $('#spiHelper_link_editorInteractionAnalyser', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
        spiHelperSetAllTableColumnOpts($(e.target), 'link')
      $('#spiHelper_link_interactionTimeline', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
        spiHelperSetAllTableColumnOpts($(e.target), 'link')
      $('#spiHelper_link_timecardSPITools', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
        spiHelperSetAllTableColumnOpts($(e.target), 'link')
      $('#spiHelper_link_consolidatedTimelineSPITools', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
        spiHelperSetAllTableColumnOpts($(e.target), 'link')
      $('#spiHelper_link_pagesSPITools', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
        spiHelperSetAllTableColumnOpts($(e.target), 'link')
      $('#spiHelper_link_checkUserWikiSearch', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
        spiHelperSetAllTableColumnOpts($(e.target), 'link')

      for (let i = 0; i < likelyusers.length; i++) {
        await spiHelperGenerateLinksTableLine(likelyusers[i], spiHelperLinkTableUserCount)
      for (let i = 0; i < likelyips.length; i++) {
        await spiHelperGenerateLinksTableLine(likelyips[i], spiHelperLinkTableUserCount)
      for (let i = 0; i < possibleusers.length; i++) {
        await spiHelperGenerateLinksTableLine(possibleusers[i], spiHelperLinkTableUserCount)
      for (let i = 0; i < possibleips.length; i++) {
        await spiHelperGenerateLinksTableLine(possibleips[i], spiHelperLinkTableUserCount)
      $('#spiHelper_sockLinksView', $actionView).show()
    $('#spiHelper_blockTagView', $actionView).show()
  // Wire up the submit button
  $('#spiHelper_performActions', $actionView).one('click', () => {

 * Update the view for the roles of the person running the script
 * by selectively hiding.
 * view: @type JQuery object representing the class / id for the view
async function updateForRole (view) {
  // Hide items based on role
  if (!spiHelperIsCheckuser()) {
    // Hide CU options from non-CUs
    $('.spiHelper_cuClass', view).hide()
  if (!spiHelperIsAdmin()) {
    // Hide block options from non-admins
    $('.spiHelper_adminClass', view).hide()
  if (!(spiHelperIsAdmin() || spiHelperIsClerk())) {
    $('.spiHelper_adminClerkClass', view).hide()

 * Archives everything on the page that's eligible for archiving
async function spiHelperOneClickArchive () {
  'use strict'  
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set('oneClickArchive', 'running')

  const pagetext = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, false)
  spiHelperCaseSections = await spiHelperGetInvestigationSectionIDs()
  if (!spiHelperSectionRegex.test(pagetext)) {
    alert('Looks like the page has been archived already.')
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set('oneClickArchive', 'successful')
  displayMessage('<ul id="spiHelper_status"/>')
  await spiHelperArchiveCase()
  await spiHelperPurgePage(spiHelperPageName)
  const logMessage = '* [[' + spiHelperPageName + ']]: used one-click archiver ~~~~~'
  if (spiHelperSettings.log) {
  $('#spiHelper_status', document).append($('<li>').text('Done!'))
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set('oneClickArchive', 'successful')

 * Given a tag entry, runs the required logic and tags the user
 * @param {TagEntry} tagEntry Tag entry to run the logic for
 * @param {boolean} tagNonLocalAccounts Whether to tag accounts that don't exist locally
 * @param {string} sockmaster The username of the sockmaster to tag for
 * @param {string} altmaster The username of the alternate master to tag for
 * @return {Promise<boolean>} Whether the tag was successfully applied
async function spiHelperTagUser (tagEntry, tagNonLocalAccounts, sockmaster, altmaster) {
  if (mw.util.isIPAddress(tagEntry.username, true)) {
    return false // do not support tagging IPs
  const existsGlobally = await spiHelperDoesUserExistGlobally(tagEntry.username)
  const existsLocally = await spiHelperDoesUserExistLocally(tagEntry.username)
  if (!existsGlobally && !existsLocally) {
    // Skip, don't tag accounts that don't exist
    const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
    $statusLine.addClass('spihelper-errortext').html('<b>The account ' + tagEntry.username + ' does not exist and so has not been tagged.</b>')
    return false
  if (!tagNonLocalAccounts && existsGlobally && !existsLocally) {
    // Skip as the account does not exist locally and the "tag accounts that exist locally" setting is unchecked.
    return false

  let tagText = ''
  let altmasterName = ''
  let altmasterTag = ''
  if (altmaster !== '' && tagEntry.altmasterTag !== '') {
    altmasterName = altmaster
    altmasterTag = tagEntry.altmasterTag
  let isMaster = false
  let tag = ''
  let checked = ''
  switch (tagEntry.tag) {
    case 'master':
      tag = 'blocked'
      isMaster = true
    case 'sockmasterchecked':
      tag = 'blocked'
      checked = 'yes'
      isMaster = true
    case 'bannedmaster':
      tag = 'banned'
      checked = 'yes'
      isMaster = true
      tag = tagEntry.tag

  const isLocked = await spiHelperIsUserGloballyLocked(tagEntry.username) ? 'yes' : 'no'
  const isNotBlocked = !existsLocally || !(await spiHelperGetUserBlockReason(tagEntry.username))

  if (isMaster) {
    // Not doing SPI or LTA fields for now - those auto-detect right now
    // and I'm not sure if setting them to empty would mess that up
    tagText += `{{sockpuppeteer
| 1 = ${tag}
| checked = ${checked}
| locked = ${isLocked}
  // Not if-else because we tag something as both sock and master if they're a
  // sockmaster and have a suspected altmaster
  if (!isMaster || altmasterName) {
    let sockmasterName = sockmaster
    if (altmasterName && isMaster) {
      // If we have an altmaster and we're the master, swap a few values around
      sockmasterName = altmasterName
      tag = altmasterTag === 'suspected' ? 'blocked' : altmasterTag
      altmasterName = ''
      altmasterTag = ''
      tagText += '\n'
    tagText += `{{sockpuppet
| 1 = ${sockmasterName}
| 2 = ${tag}
| locked = ${isLocked}
| notblocked = ${isNotBlocked ? 'yes' : 'no'}
| altmaster = ${altmasterName}
| altmaster-status = ${altmasterTag}
  spiHelperEditPage('User:' + tagEntry.username, tagText, 'Adding sockpuppetry tag per [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']]',
    false, spiHelperSettings.watchTaggedUser, spiHelperSettings.watchTaggedUserExpiry)
  return true

 * Given a block entry, runs the required logic and blocks the user
 * @param {BlockEntry} blockEntry Block entry to run the logic for
 * @param {boolean} cuBlock Whether to use the {{checkuserblock}} template family
 * @param {boolean} cuBlockOnly Whether to use just {{checkuserblock}} without an additional summary
 * @param {boolean} overrideExisting Whether any existing blocks should be overriden
 * @param {boolean} blankTalk Whether the user's talk page should be blanked before adding the block template
 * @param {string} sockmaster Username of the sockmaster
 * @return {Promise<boolean>} Whether the block succeeded
async function spiHelperBlockUser (blockEntry, cuBlock, cuBlockOnly, overrideExisting, blankTalk, sockmaster) {
  const blockReason = await spiHelperGetUserBlockReason(blockEntry.username)
  if (!spiHelperIsCheckuser() && overrideExisting &&
    spiHelperCUBlockRegex.exec(blockReason)) {
    // If you're not a checkuser, we've asked to overwrite existing blocks, and the block
    // target has a CU block on them, check whether that was intended
    if (!confirm('User ' + blockEntry.username + ' appears to be CheckUser-blocked, are you SURE you want to re-block them?\n' +
      'Current block message:\n' + blockReason
    )) {
      return false
  const isIP = mw.util.isIPAddress(blockEntry.username, true)
  const isIPRange = isIP && !mw.util.isIPAddress(blockEntry.username, false)
  let blockSummary = 'Abusing [[WP:SOCK|multiple accounts]]: Please see: [[' + spiHelperInterwikiPrefix + spiHelperPageName + ']]'
  if (spiHelperIsCheckuser() && cuBlock) {
    const cublockTemplate = isIP ? ('{{checkuserblock}}') : ('{{checkuserblock-account}}')
    if (cuBlockOnly) {
      blockSummary = cublockTemplate
    } else {
      blockSummary = cublockTemplate + ': ' + blockSummary
  } else if (isIPRange) {
    blockSummary = '{{rangeblock|1= ' + blockSummary +
      (blockEntry.acb ? '' : '|create=yes') + '}}'
  const blockSuccess = await spiHelperWikiBlockUser(
    (isIP ? blockEntry.ab : false),
    (isIP ? false : blockEntry.ab),
  if (!blockSuccess) {
    // Don't add a block notice if we failed to block
    if (blockEntry.tpn) {
      // Also warn the user if we were going to post a block notice on their talk page
      const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
      $statusLine.addClass('spihelper-errortext').html('<b>Block failed on ' + blockEntry.username + ', not adding talk page notice</b>')
    return false

  if (isIPRange) {
    // There isn't really a talk page for an IP range, so return here before we reach that section
    return blockSuccess
  // Talk page notice
  if (blockEntry.tpn) {
    let newText = ''
    let isSock = blockEntry.tpn.includes('sock')
    // Hacky workaround for when we didn't make a master tag
    if (isSock && blockEntry.username === spiHelperNormalizeUsername(sockmaster)) {
      isSock = false
    if (isSock) {
      newText = '== Blocked as a sockpuppet ==\n'
    } else {
      newText = '== Blocked for sockpuppetry ==\n'
    const isCheckUserBlockAccount = spiHelperIsCheckuser() && cuBlock && spiHelperSettings.useCheckuserblockAccount
    if (isCheckUserBlockAccount) {
      newText += '{{checkuserblock-account|sig=~~~~'
    } else {
      newText += '{{subst:uw-sockblock|sig=yes'
    newText += '|spi=' + spiHelperCaseName
    if (blockEntry.duration === 'indefinite' || blockEntry.duration === 'infinity') {
      newText += '|indef=yes'
    } else {
      newText += '|time=' + blockEntry.duration
      if (isCheckUserBlockAccount) {
        newText += '|indef=no'
    if (blockEntry.ntp) {
      newText += '|notalk=yes'
    if (isSock) {
      newText += '|master=' + sockmaster
    newText += '}}'

    if (!blankTalk) {
      const oldtext = await spiHelperGetPageText('User talk:' + blockEntry.username, true)
      if (oldtext !== '') {
        newText = oldtext + '\n' + newText
    // Hardcode the watch setting to 'nochange' since we will have either watched or not watched based on the _boolean_
    // watchBlockedUser
    spiHelperEditPage('User talk:' + blockEntry.username,
      newText, 'Adding sockpuppetry block notice per [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']]', false, 'nochange')

  return true

 * Goes through the action selections and executes them meaty
async function spiHelperPerformActions () {
  'use strict'
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set('mainActions', 'running')

  // Again, reduce the search scope
  const $actionView = $('#spiHelper_actionViewDiv', document)

  // set up a few function-scoped vars
  let comment = ''
  let cuBlock = false
  let cuBlockOnly = false
  let newCaseStatus = 'noaction'
  let renameTarget = ''

  /** @type {boolean} */
  const blankTalk = $('#spiHelper_blanktalk', $actionView).prop('checked')
  /** @type {boolean} */
  const overrideExisting = $('#spiHelper_override', $actionView).prop('checked')
  /** @type {boolean} */
  const hideLockNames = $('#spiHelper_hidelocknames', $actionView).prop('checked')

  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Case_act) {
    newCaseStatus = $('#spiHelper_CaseAction', $actionView).val().toString()
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.SpiMgmt) {
    spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams.deny = $('#spiHelper_spiMgmt_deny', $actionView).prop('checked')
    spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams.xwiki = $('#spiHelper_spiMgmt_crosswiki', $actionView).prop('checked')
    spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams.notalk = $('#spiHelper_spiMgmt_notalk', $actionView).prop('checked')
  if (spiHelperSectionId && !spiHelperIsThisPageAnArchive) {
    comment = $('#spiHelper_CommentText', $actionView).val().toString()
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Block) {
    if (spiHelperIsCheckuser()) {
      cuBlock = $('#spiHelper_cublock', $actionView).prop('checked')
      cuBlockOnly = $('#spiHelper_cublockonly', $actionView).prop('checked')
    if (spiHelperIsAdmin() && !$('#spiHelper_noblock', $actionView).prop('checked')) {
      const masterNotice = $('#spiHelper_blocknoticemaster', $actionView).prop('checked')
      const sockNotice = $('#spiHelper_blocknoticesocks', $actionView).prop('checked')
      for (let i = 1; i <= spiHelperBlockTableUserCount; i++) {
        if ($('#spiHelper_block_doblock' + i, $actionView).prop('checked')) {
          const usernameValue = $('#spiHelper_block_username' + i, $actionView).val()
          if (!usernameValue) {
            // Skip blank usernames, empty string is falsey
          let noticetype = ''

          const username = spiHelperNormalizeUsername(usernameValue.toString())

          if (masterNotice && ($('#spiHelper_block_tag' + i, $actionView).val().toString().includes('master') ||
                spiHelperNormalizeUsername(spiHelperCaseName) === username)) {
            noticetype = 'master'
          } else if (sockNotice) {
            noticetype = 'sock'

          /** @type {BlockEntry} */
          const item = {
            username: username,
            duration: $('#spiHelper_block_duration' + i, $actionView).val().toString(),
            acb: $('#spiHelper_block_acb' + i, $actionView).prop('checked'),
            ab: $('#spiHelper_block_ab' + i, $actionView).prop('checked'),
            ntp: $('#spiHelper_block_tp' + i, $actionView).prop('checked'),
            nem: $('#spiHelper_block_email' + i, $actionView).prop('checked'),
            tpn: noticetype
        if ($('#spiHelper_block_lock' + i, $actionView).prop('checked')) {
          spiHelperGlobalLocks.push($('#spiHelper_block_username' + i, $actionView).val().toString())
        if ($('#spiHelper_block_tag' + i).val() !== '') {
          if (!$('#spiHelper_block_username' + i, $actionView).val().toString()) {
            // Skip blank entries
          const item = {
            username: spiHelperNormalizeUsername($('#spiHelper_block_username' + i, $actionView).val().toString()),
            tag: $('#spiHelper_block_tag' + i, $actionView).val().toString(),
            altmasterTag: $('#spiHelper_block_tag_altmaster' + i, $actionView).val().toString(),
            blocking: $('#spiHelper_block_doblock' + i, $actionView).prop('checked')
    } else {
      for (let i = 1; i <= spiHelperBlockTableUserCount; i++) {
        if (!$('#spiHelper_block_username' + i, $actionView).val().toString()) {
          // Skip blank entries
        if ($('#spiHelper_block_tag' + i, $actionView).val() !== '') {
          const item = {
            username: spiHelperNormalizeUsername($('#spiHelper_block_username' + i, $actionView).val().toString()),
            tag: $('#spiHelper_block_tag' + i, $actionView).val().toString(),
            altmasterTag: $('#spiHelper_block_tag_altmaster' + i, $actionView).val().toString(),
            blocking: false
        if ($('#spiHelper_block_lock' + i, $actionView).prop('checked')) {
          spiHelperGlobalLocks.push(spiHelperNormalizeUsername($('#spiHelper_block_username' + i, $actionView).val().toString()))
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Close) {
    spiHelperActionsSelected.Close = $('#spiHelper_CloseCase', $actionView).prop('checked')
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Rename) {
    renameTarget = spiHelperNormalizeUsername($('#spiHelper_moveTarget', $actionView).val().toString())
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Archive) {
    spiHelperActionsSelected.Archive = $('#spiHelper_ArchiveCase', $actionView).prop('checked')

  displayMessage('<div id="linkViewResults" hidden><h4>Generated links</h4><ul id="linkViewResultsList"></ul></div><h4>Running actions</h4><ul id="spiHelper_status" />')

  const $statusAnchor = $('#spiHelper_status', document)

  let sectionText = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, true, spiHelperSectionId)
  let editsummary = ''
  let logMessage = '* [[' + spiHelperPageName + ']]'
  if (spiHelperSectionId) {
    logMessage += ' (section ' + spiHelperSectionName + ')'
  } else {
    logMessage += ' (full case)'
  logMessage += ' ~~~~~'

  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Link) {
    $('#linkViewResults', document).show()
    const spiHelperUsersForLinks = {
      editorInteractionAnalyser: [],
      interactionTimeline: [],
      timecardSPITools: [],
      consolidatedTimelineSPITools: [],
      pagesSPITools: [],
      checkUserWikiSearch: []
    for (let i = 1; i <= spiHelperLinkTableUserCount; i++) {
      const username = $('#spiHelper_link_username' + i, $actionView).val().toString()
      if (!username) {
        // Skip blank usernames
      if ($('#spiHelper_link_editorInteractionAnalyser' + i, $actionView).prop('checked')) spiHelperUsersForLinks.editorInteractionAnalyser.push(username)
      if ($('#spiHelper_link_interactionTimeline' + i, $actionView).prop('checked')) spiHelperUsersForLinks.interactionTimeline.push(username)
      if ($('#spiHelper_link_timecardSPITools' + i, $actionView).prop('checked')) spiHelperUsersForLinks.timecardSPITools.push(username)
      if ($('#spiHelper_link_consolidatedTimelineSPITools' + i, $actionView).prop('checked')) spiHelperUsersForLinks.consolidatedTimelineSPITools.push(username)
      if ($('#spiHelper_link_pagesSPITools' + i, $actionView).prop('checked')) spiHelperUsersForLinks.pagesSPITools.push(username)
      if ($('#spiHelper_link_checkUserWikiSearch' + i, $actionView).prop('checked')) spiHelperUsersForLinks.checkUserWikiSearch.push(username)

    const $linkViewList = $('#linkViewResultsList', document)
    for (const link in spiHelperUsersForLinks) {
      if (spiHelperUsersForLinks[link].length === 0) continue
      const URLentry = spiHelperLinkViewURLFormats[link]
      let generatedURL = URLentry.baseurl + '?' + (URLentry.multipleUserQueryStringKeys ? '' : URLentry.userQueryStringKey + '=')
      for (let i = 0; i < spiHelperUsersForLinks[link].length; i++) {
        const username = spiHelperUsersForLinks[link][i]
        generatedURL += (i === 0 ? '' : URLentry.userQueryStringSeparator)
        if (URLentry.multipleUserQueryStringKeys) {
          generatedURL += URLentry.userQueryStringKey + '=' + URLentry.userQueryStringWrapper + encodeURIComponent(username) + URLentry.userQueryStringWrapper
        } else {
          generatedURL += URLentry.userQueryStringWrapper + encodeURIComponent(username) + URLentry.userQueryStringWrapper
      generatedURL += (URLentry.appendToQueryString === '' ? '' : '&') + URLentry.appendToQueryString
      const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($linkViewList)
      const $statusLineLink = $('<a>').appendTo($statusLine)
      $statusLineLink.attr('href', generatedURL).attr('target', '_blank').attr('rel', 'noopener noreferrer').text(spiHelperLinkViewURLFormats[link].name)

  if (spiHelperSectionId !== null && !spiHelperIsThisPageAnArchive) {
    let caseStatusResult = spiHelperCaseStatusRegex.exec(sectionText)
    if (caseStatusResult === null) {
      sectionText = sectionText.replace(/^(\s*===.*===[^\S\r\n]*)/, '$1\n{{SPI case status|}}')
      caseStatusResult = spiHelperCaseStatusRegex.exec(sectionText)
    const oldCaseStatus = caseStatusResult[1] || 'open'
    if (newCaseStatus === 'noaction') {
      newCaseStatus = oldCaseStatus

    if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Case_act && newCaseStatus !== 'noaction' && newCaseStatus !== oldCaseStatus) {
      switch (newCaseStatus) {
        case 'reopen':
          newCaseStatus = 'open'
          editsummary = 'Reopening'
        case 'open':
          editsummary = 'Marking request as open'
        case 'CUrequest':
          editsummary = 'Adding checkuser request'
        case 'admin':
          editsummary = 'Requesting admin action'
        case 'clerk':
          editsummary = 'Requesting clerk action'
        case 'selfendorse':
          newCaseStatus = 'endorse'
          editsummary = 'Adding checkuser request (self-endorsed for checkuser attention)'
        case 'checked':
          editsummary = 'Marking request as checked'
        case 'inprogress':
          editsummary = 'Marking request in progress'
        case 'decline':
          editsummary = 'Declining checkuser'
        case 'cudecline':
          editsummary = 'CU declining checkuser'
        case 'endorse':
          editsummary = 'Endorsing for checkuser attention'
        case 'cuendorse':
          editsummary = 'CU endorsing for checkuser attention'
        case 'moreinfo': // Intentional fallthrough
        case 'cumoreinfo':
          editsummary = 'Requesting additional information'
        case 'relist':
          editsummary = 'Relisting case for another check'
        case 'hold':
          editsummary = 'Putting case on hold'
        case 'cuhold':
          editsummary = 'Placing checkuser request on hold'
        case 'noaction':
          // Do nothing
          console.error('Unexpected case status value ' + newCaseStatus)
      logMessage += '\n** changed case status from ' + oldCaseStatus + ' to ' + newCaseStatus

  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.SpiMgmt) {
    const newArchiveNotice = spiHelperMakeNewArchiveNotice(spiHelperCaseName, spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams)
    sectionText = sectionText.replace(spiHelperArchiveNoticeRegex, newArchiveNotice)
    if (editsummary) {
      editsummary += ', update archivenotice'
    } else {
      editsummary = 'Update archivenotice'
    logMessage += '\n** Updated archivenotice'

  let loggingPromise = Promise.all([Promise.resolve()])
  // Possibly build these inside the promises themselves?
  const loggingArrays = {
    blocked: [], tagged: []
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Block) {
    let sockmaster = ''
    let altmaster = ''
    let needsAltmaster = false
    spiHelperTags.forEach(async (tagEntry) => {
      // we do not support tagging IPs
      if (mw.util.isIPAddress(tagEntry.username, true)) {
        // Skip, this is an IP
      if (tagEntry.tag.includes('master')) {
        sockmaster = tagEntry.username
      if (tagEntry.altmasterTag !== '') {
        needsAltmaster = true
    if (sockmaster === '') {
      sockmaster = prompt('Please enter the name of the sockmaster: ', spiHelperCaseName) || spiHelperCaseName
    if (needsAltmaster) {
      altmaster = prompt('Please enter the name of the alternate sockmaster: ', spiHelperCaseName) || spiHelperCaseName
    const tagNonLocalAccounts = $('#spiHelper_tagAccountsWithoutLocalAccount', $actionView).prop('checked')
    let blockingPromises
    if (spiHelperIsAdmin()) {
      // Block, then tag
      blockingPromises = Promise.all(spiHelperBlocks.map(async (blockEntry) => {
        await spiHelperBlockUser(blockEntry, cuBlock, cuBlockOnly, overrideExisting, blankTalk, sockmaster).then(async (success) => {
          if (success) {
            loggingArrays.blocked.push('{{noping|' + blockEntry.username + '}}')

          const tagEntry = spiHelperTags.find((tag) => tag.username === blockEntry.username)
          if (typeof tagEntry !== 'undefined') {
            await spiHelperTagUser(tagEntry, tagNonLocalAccounts, sockmaster, altmaster).then((success) => {
              if (success) {
                loggingArrays.tagged.push('{{noping|' + tagEntry.username + '}}')
    const taggingPromises = Promise.all(spiHelperTags.map(async (tagEntry) => {
      if (tagEntry.blocking) {
      await spiHelperTagUser(tagEntry, tagNonLocalAccounts, sockmaster, altmaster).then((success) => {
        if (success) {
          loggingArrays.tagged.push('{{noping|' + tagEntry.username + '}}')

    if (sockmaster) {
      // Whether we should purge sock pages (needed when we create a category)
      let needsPurge = false
      // True for each we need to check if the respective category (e.g.
      // "Suspected sockpuppets of Test") exists
      const checkConfirmedCat = spiHelperTags.some((tagEntry) => tagEntry.tag === 'proven') || spiHelperTags.some((tagEntry) => tagEntry.tag === 'confirmed')
      const checkSuspectedCat = spiHelperTags.some((tagEntry) => tagEntry.tag === 'blocked')
      const checkAltSuspectedCat = altmaster !== '' ? spiHelperTags.some((tagEntry) => tagEntry.altmasterTag !== '' && tagEntry.altmasterTag === 'suspected') : false
      const checkAltConfirmedCat = altmaster !== '' ? spiHelperTags.some((tagEntry) => tagEntry.altmasterTag !== '' && tagEntry.altmasterTag === 'proven') || spiHelperTags.some((tagEntry) => tagEntry.altmasterTag !== '' && tagEntry.altmasterTag === 'confirmed') : false

      if (checkAltConfirmedCat) {
        const catname = 'Category:Wikipedia sockpuppets of ' + altmaster
        const cattext = await spiHelperGetPageText(catname, false)
        // Empty text means the page doesn't exist - create it
        if (!cattext) {
          await spiHelperEditPage(catname, '{{sockpuppet category}}',
            'Creating sockpuppet category per [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']]',
            true, spiHelperSettings.watchNewCats, spiHelperSettings.watchNewCatsExpiry)
          needsPurge = true
      if (checkAltSuspectedCat) {
        const catname = 'Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of ' + altmaster
        const cattext = await spiHelperGetPageText(catname, false)
        if (!cattext) {
          await spiHelperEditPage(catname, '{{sockpuppet category}}',
            'Creating sockpuppet category per [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']]',
            true, spiHelperSettings.watchNewCats, spiHelperSettings.watchNewCatsExpiry)
          needsPurge = true
      if (checkConfirmedCat) {
        const catname = 'Category:Wikipedia sockpuppets of ' + sockmaster
        const cattext = await spiHelperGetPageText(catname, false)
        if (!cattext) {
          await spiHelperEditPage(catname, '{{sockpuppet category}}',
            'Creating sockpuppet category per [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']]',
            true, spiHelperSettings.watchNewCats, spiHelperSettings.watchNewCatsExpiry)
          needsPurge = true
      if (checkSuspectedCat) {
        const catname = 'Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of ' + sockmaster
        const cattext = await spiHelperGetPageText(catname, false)
        if (!cattext) {
          await spiHelperEditPage(catname, '{{sockpuppet category}}',
            'Creating sockpuppet category per [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']]',
            true, spiHelperSettings.watchNewCats, spiHelperSettings.watchNewCatsExpiry)
          needsPurge = true
      // Purge the sock pages if we created a category (to get rid of
      // the issue where the page says "click here to create category"
      // when the category was created after the page)
      if (needsPurge) {
        spiHelperTags.forEach((tagEntry) => {
          if (mw.util.isIPAddress(tagEntry.username, true)) {
            // Skip, this is an IP
          if (!tagEntry.tag && !tagEntry.altmasterTag) {
            // Skip, not tagged
          // Not bothering with an await, no need for async behavior here
          spiHelperPurgePage('User:' + tagEntry.username)

    if (spiHelperGlobalLocks.length > 0) {
      let locked = ''
      let templateContent = ''
      let matchCount = 0
      spiHelperGlobalLocks.forEach(async (globalLockEntry) => {
        // do not support locking IPs (those are global blocks, not
        // locks, and are handled a bit differently)
        if (mw.util.isIPAddress(globalLockEntry, true)) {
        templateContent += '|' + (matchCount + 1) + '=' + globalLockEntry
        if (locked) {
          locked += ', '
        locked += '{{noping|1=' + globalLockEntry + '}}'

      if (matchCount > 0) {
        if (hideLockNames) {
          // If requested, hide locked names
          templateContent += '|hidename=1'
        // Parts of this code were adapted from https://github.com/Xi-Plus/twinkle-global
        let lockTemplate = ''
        if (matchCount === 1) {
          lockTemplate = '* {{LockHide' + templateContent + '}}'
        } else {
          lockTemplate = '* {{MultiLock' + templateContent + '}}'
        if (!sockmaster) {
          sockmaster = prompt('Please enter the name of the sockmaster: ', spiHelperCaseName) || spiHelperCaseName
        const usePlural = matchCount > 1
        const lockComment = prompt('Please enter a comment for the global lock request (optional):', '') || ''
        const heading = hideLockNames ? (usePlural ? 'sockpuppets' : 'sockpuppet') : '[[Special:CentralAuth/' + sockmaster + '|' + sockmaster + ']] ' + (usePlural ? 'socks' : 'sock')
        let message = '=== Global lock for ' + heading + ' ==='
        message += '\n{{status}}'
        message += '\n' + lockTemplate
        message += '\n' + (usePlural ? 'Sockpuppets' : 'Sockpuppet') + ' found in enwiki sockpuppet investigation, see [[' + spiHelperInterwikiPrefix + spiHelperPageName + ']]. ' + lockComment + ' ~~~~'

        // Write lock request to [[meta:Steward requests/Global]]
        let srgText = await spiHelperGetPageText('meta:Steward requests/Global', false)
        srgText = srgText.replace(/\n+(== See also == *\n)/, '\n\n' + message + '\n\n$1')
        spiHelperEditPage('meta:Steward requests/Global', srgText, 'global lock request for ' + heading, false, 'nochange')
        $statusAnchor.append($('<li>').text('Filing global lock request'))
      if (locked) {
        logMessage += '\n** requested locks for ' + locked

    loggingPromise = Promise.all([blockingPromises, taggingPromises])
  if (spiHelperSectionId && comment && comment !== '*' && !spiHelperIsThisPageAnArchive) {
    if (!sectionText.includes('\n----')) {
      sectionText.replace('<!--- All comments go ABOVE this line, please. -->', '')
      sectionText.replace('<!-- All comments go ABOVE this line, please. -->', '')
      sectionText += '\n----<!-- All comments go ABOVE this line, please. -->'
    if (!/~~~~/.test(comment)) {
      comment += ' ~~~~'
    // Clerks and admins post in the admin section
    if (spiHelperIsClerk() || spiHelperIsAdmin()) {
      // Complicated regex to find the first regex in the admin section
      // The weird (\n|.) is because we can't use /s (dot matches newline) regex mode without ES9,
      // I don't want to go there yet
      sectionText = sectionText.replace(/\n*----(?!(\n|.)*----)/, '\n' + comment + '\n----')
    } else { // Everyone else posts in the "other users" section
      sectionText = sectionText.replace(spiHelperAdminSectionWithPrecedingNewlinesRegex,
        '\n' + comment + '\n====<big>Clerk, CheckUser, and/or patrolling admin comments</big>====\n')
    if (editsummary) {
      editsummary += ', comment'
    } else {
      editsummary = 'Comment'
    logMessage += '\n** commented'

  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Close) {
    newCaseStatus = 'close'
    if (editsummary) {
      editsummary += ', marking case as closed'
    } else {
      editsummary = 'Marking case as closed'
    logMessage += '\n** closed case'
  if (spiHelperSectionId !== null && !spiHelperIsThisPageAnArchive) {
    const caseStatusText = spiHelperCaseStatusRegex.exec(sectionText)[0]
    sectionText = sectionText.replace(caseStatusText, '{{SPI case status|' + newCaseStatus + '}}')

  // Fallback: if we somehow managed to not make an edit summary, add a default one
  if (!editsummary) {
    editsummary = 'Saving page'

  // Make all of the requested edits (synchronous since we might make more changes to the page), unless the page is an archive (as there should be no edits made)
  if (!spiHelperIsThisPageAnArchive) {
    const editResult = await spiHelperEditPage(spiHelperPageName, sectionText, editsummary, false,
      spiHelperSettings.watchCase, spiHelperSettings.watchCaseExpiry, spiHelperStartingRevID, spiHelperSectionId)
    if (!editResult) {
      // Page edit failed (probably an edit conflict), dump the comment if we had one
      if (comment && comment !== '*') {
            .append($('<b>').text('SPI page edit failed! Comment was: ' + comment)))
          .appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  // Update to the latest revision ID
  spiHelperStartingRevID = await spiHelperGetPageRev(spiHelperPageName)
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Archive) {
    // Archive the case
    if (spiHelperSectionId === null) {
      // Archive the whole case
      logMessage += '\n** Archived case'      
      await spiHelperArchiveCase()
    } else {
      // Just archive the selected section
      logMessage += '\n** Archived section'      
      await spiHelperArchiveCaseSection(spiHelperSectionId)
  } else if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Rename && renameTarget) {
    if (spiHelperSectionId === null) {
      // Option 1: we selected "All cases," this is a whole-case move/merge
      logMessage += '\n** moved/merged case to ' + renameTarget
      await spiHelperMoveCase(renameTarget)
    } else {
      // Option 2: this is a single-section case move or merge
      logMessage += '\n** moved section to ' + renameTarget
      await spiHelperMoveCaseSection(renameTarget, spiHelperSectionId)
  if (spiHelperSettings.log) {
    loggingPromise.then(async () => {
      if (loggingArrays.blocked.length > 0) {
        logMessage += '\n** blocked ' + loggingArrays.blocked.join(', ')
      if (loggingArrays.tagged.length > 0) {
        logMessage += '\n** tagged ' + loggingArrays.tagged.join(', ')
      await spiHelperLog(logMessage)

  await spiHelperPurgePage(spiHelperPageName)
  $('#spiHelper_status', document).append($('<li>').text('Done!'))
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set('mainActions', 'successful')

 * Logs SPI actions to userspace a la Twinkle's CSD/prod/etc. logs
 * @param {string} logString String with the changes the user made
async function spiHelperLog (logString) {
  const now = new Date()
  const dateString = now.toLocaleString('en', { month: 'long' }) + ' ' +
    now.toLocaleString('en', { year: 'numeric' })
  const dateHeader = '==\\s*' + dateString + '\\s*=='
  const dateHeaderRe = new RegExp(dateHeader, 'i')
  const dateHeaderReWithAnyDate = /==.*?==/i

  let logPageText = await spiHelperGetPageText('User:' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '/spihelper_log', false)
  if (!logPageText.match(dateHeaderRe)) {
    if (spiHelperSettings.reversed_log) {
      const firstHeaderMatch = logPageText.match(dateHeaderReWithAnyDate)
      logPageText = logPageText.substring(0, firstHeaderMatch.index) + '== ' + dateString + ' ==\n' + logPageText.substring(firstHeaderMatch.index)
    } else {
      logPageText += '\n== ' + dateString + ' =='
  if (spiHelperSettings.reversed_log) {
    const firstHeaderMatch = logPageText.match(dateHeaderReWithAnyDate)
    logPageText = logPageText.substring(0, firstHeaderMatch.index + firstHeaderMatch[0].length) + '\n' + logString + logPageText.substring(firstHeaderMatch.index + firstHeaderMatch[0].length)
  } else {
    logPageText += '\n' + logString
  await spiHelperEditPage('User:' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '/spihelper_log', logPageText, 'Logging spihelper edits', false, 'nochange')

// Major helper functions
 * Cleanups following a rename - update the archive notice, add an archive notice to the
 * old case name, add the original sockmaster to the sock list for reference
 * @param {string} oldCasePage Title of the previous case page
async function spiHelperPostRenameCleanup (oldCasePage) {
  'use strict'
  const replacementArchiveNotice = spiHelperMakeNewArchiveNotice(spiHelperCaseName, spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams)
  const oldCaseName = oldCasePage.replace(/Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations\//g, '')

  // Update previous SPI redirects to this location
  const pagesChecked = []
  const pagesToCheck = [oldCasePage]
  let currentPageToCheck = null
  while (pagesToCheck.length !== 0) {
    currentPageToCheck = pagesToCheck.pop()
    if (currentPageToCheck === spiHelperPageName || currentPageToCheck === oldCasePage) {
    const backlinks = await spiHelperGetSPIBacklinks(currentPageToCheck)
    for (let i = 0; i < backlinks.length; i++) {
      if ((await spiHelperParseArchiveNotice(backlinks[i].title)).username === currentPageToCheck.replace(/Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations\//g, '')) {
        spiHelperEditPage(backlinks[i].title, replacementArchiveNotice, 'Updating case following page move', false, spiHelperSettings.watchCase, spiHelperSettings.watchCaseExpiry)
        if (pagesChecked.indexOf(backlinks[i].title) !== -1) {

  // The old case should just be the archivenotice template and point to the new case
  spiHelperEditPage(oldCasePage, replacementArchiveNotice, 'Updating case following page move', false, spiHelperSettings.watchCase, spiHelperSettings.watchCaseExpiry)

  // The new case's archivenotice should be updated with the new name
  let newPageText = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, true)
  newPageText = newPageText.replace(spiHelperArchiveNoticeRegex, '{{SPIarchive notice|1=' + spiHelperCaseName + '$2}}')
  // We also want to add the previous master to the sock list
  // We use SOCK_SECTION_RE_WITH_NEWLINE to clean up any extraneous whitespace
  newPageText = newPageText.replace(spiHelperSockSectionWithNewlineRegex, '====Suspected sockpuppets====' +
    '\n* {{checkuser|1=' + oldCaseName + '}} ({{clerknote}} original case name)\n')
  // Also remove the new master if they're in the sock list
  // This RE is kind of ugly. The idea is that we find everything from the level 4 heading
  // ending with "sockpuppets" to the level 4 heading beginning with <big> and pull the checkuser
  // template matching the current case name out. This keeps us from accidentally replacing a
  // checkuser entry in the admin section
  const newMasterReString = '(sockpuppets\\s*====.*?)\\n^\\s*\\*\\s*{{checkuser\\|(?:1=)?' + spiHelperCaseName + '(?:\\|master name\\s*=.*?)?}}\\s*$(.*====\\s*<big>)'
  const newMasterRe = new RegExp(newMasterReString, 'sm')
  newPageText = newPageText.replace(newMasterRe, '$1\n$2')

  await spiHelperEditPage(spiHelperPageName, newPageText, 'Updating case following page move', false, spiHelperSettings.watchCase, spiHelperSettings.watchCaseExpiry)
  // Update to the latest revision ID
  spiHelperStartingRevID = await spiHelperGetPageRev(spiHelperPageName)

 * Cleanups following a merge - re-insert the original page text
 * @param {string} originalText Text of the page pre-merge
async function spiHelperPostMergeCleanup (originalText) {
  'use strict'
  let newText = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, false)
  // Remove the SPI header templates from the page
  newText = newText.replace(/\n*<noinclude>__TOC__.*\n/ig, '')
  newText = newText.replace(spiHelperArchiveNoticeRegex, '')
  newText = newText.replace(spiHelperPriorCasesRegex, '')
  newText = originalText + '\n' + newText

  // Write the updated case
  await spiHelperEditPage(spiHelperPageName, newText, 'Re-adding previous cases following merge', false, spiHelperSettings.watchCase, spiHelperSettings.watchCaseExpiry)
  // Update to the latest revision ID
  spiHelperStartingRevID = await spiHelperGetPageRev(spiHelperPageName)

 * Archive all closed sections of a case
async function spiHelperArchiveCase () {  
  'use strict'  
  let i = 0
  let previousRev = 0
  while (i < spiHelperCaseSections.length) {
    const sectionId = spiHelperCaseSections[i].index
    const sectionText = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, false,

    const currentRev = await spiHelperGetPageRev(spiHelperPageName)
    if (previousRev === currentRev && currentRev !== 0) {
      // Our previous archive hasn't gone through yet, wait a bit and retry
      await new Promise((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(resolve, 100)

      // Re-grab the case sections list since the page may have updated
      spiHelperCaseSections = await spiHelperGetInvestigationSectionIDs()
    previousRev = await spiHelperGetPageRev(spiHelperPageName)
    const result = spiHelperCaseStatusRegex.exec(sectionText)
    if (result === null) {
      // Bail out - can't find the case status template in this section
    if (spiHelperCaseClosedRegex.test(result[1])) {
      // A running concern with the SPI archives is whether they exceed the post-expand
      // include size. Calculate what percent of that size the archive will be if we
      // add the current page to it - if >1, we need to archive the archive
      const postExpandPercent =
        (await spiHelperGetPostExpandSize(spiHelperPageName, sectionId) +
        await spiHelperGetPostExpandSize(spiHelperGetArchiveName())) /
      if (postExpandPercent >= 1) {
        // We'd overflow the archive, so move it and then archive the current page
        // Find the first empty archive page
        let archiveId = 1
        while (await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperGetArchiveName() + '/' + archiveId, false) !== '') {
        const newArchiveName = spiHelperGetArchiveName() + '/' + archiveId
        await spiHelperMovePage(spiHelperGetArchiveName(), newArchiveName, 'Moving archive to avoid exceeding post expand size limit', false, false)
        await spiHelperEditPage(spiHelperGetArchiveName(), '', 'Removing redirect', false, 'nochange')
      // Need an await here - if we have multiple sections archiving we don't want
      // to stomp on each other      
      await spiHelperArchiveCaseSection(sectionId)
      // need to re-fetch caseSections since the section numbering probably just changed,
      // also reset our index
      i = 0
      spiHelperCaseSections = await spiHelperGetInvestigationSectionIDs()

 * Archive a specific section of a case
 * @param {!number} sectionId The section number to archive
async function spiHelperArchiveCaseSection (sectionId) {
  'use strict'
  let sectionText = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, true, sectionId)
  sectionText = sectionText.replace(spiHelperCaseStatusRegex, '')
  const newarchivetext = sectionText.substring(sectionText.search(spiHelperSectionRegex))  
  let archivetext = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperGetArchiveName(), true)  

  const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  //Edit conflict check
  if(archivetext.includes(sectionText)) {
    $statusLine.addClass('spihelper-errortext').append('b').text('Looks like the page has been archived already')

  // Update the archive
  if (!archivetext) {
    archivetext = '__TOC__\n{{SPIarchive notice|1=' + spiHelperCaseName + '}}\n{{SPIpriorcases}}'
  } else {
    archivetext = archivetext.replace(/<br\s*\/>\s*{{SPIpriorcases}}/gi, '\n{{SPIpriorcases}}') // fmt fix whenever needed.
  archivetext += '\n' + newarchivetext
  const archiveSuccess = await spiHelperEditPage(spiHelperGetArchiveName(), archivetext,
    'Archiving case section from [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']]',
    false, spiHelperSettings.watchArchive, spiHelperSettings.watchArchiveExpiry)

  if (!archiveSuccess) {    
    $statusLine.addClass('spihelper-errortext').append('b').text('Failed to update archive, not removing section from case page')

  // Blank the section we archived
  await spiHelperEditPage(spiHelperPageName, '', 'Archiving case section to [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperGetArchiveName() + ']]',
    false, spiHelperSettings.watchCase, spiHelperSettings.watchCaseExpiry, spiHelperStartingRevID, sectionId)
  // Update to the latest revision ID
  spiHelperStartingRevID = await spiHelperGetPageRev(spiHelperPageName)

 * Move or merge the selected case into a different case
 * @param {string} target The username portion of the case this section should be merged into
 *                        (should have been normalized before getting passed in)
async function spiHelperMoveCase (target) {
  // Move or merge an entire case
  // Normalize: change underscores to spaces
  // target = target
  const newPageName = spiHelperPageName.replace(spiHelperCaseName, target)
  const targetPageText = await spiHelperGetPageText(newPageName, false)
  if (targetPageText) {
    if (spiHelperIsAdmin()) {
      const proceed = confirm('Target page exists, do you want to histmerge the cases?')
      if (!proceed) {
        // Build out the error line
            .append($('<b>').text('Aborted merge.')))
          .appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
    } else {
          .append($('<b>').text('Target page exists and you are not an admin, aborting merge.')))
        .appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  const oldPageName = spiHelperPageName
  if (newPageName === oldPageName) {
        .append($('<b>').text('Target page is the current page, aborting merge.')))
      .appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  // Housekeeping to update all of the var names following the rename
  const oldArchiveName = spiHelperGetArchiveName()
  spiHelperCaseName = target
  spiHelperPageName = newPageName
  let archivesCopied = false
  if (targetPageText) {
    // There's already a page there, we're going to merge
    // First, check if there's an archive; if so, copy its text over
    const newArchiveName = spiHelperGetArchiveName().replace(spiHelperCaseName, target)
    let sourceArchiveText = await spiHelperGetPageText(oldArchiveName, false)
    let targetArchiveText = await spiHelperGetPageText(newArchiveName, false)
    if (sourceArchiveText && targetArchiveText) {
        .append($('<div>').text('Archive detected on both source and target cases, manually copying archive.'))
        .appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))

      // Normalize the source archive text
      sourceArchiveText = sourceArchiveText.replace(/^\s*__TOC__\s*$\n/gm, '')
      sourceArchiveText = sourceArchiveText.replace(spiHelperArchiveNoticeRegex, '')
      sourceArchiveText = sourceArchiveText.replace(spiHelperPriorCasesRegex, '')
      // Strip leading newlines
      sourceArchiveText = sourceArchiveText.replace(/^\n*/, '')
      targetArchiveText += '\n' + sourceArchiveText
      await spiHelperEditPage(newArchiveName, targetArchiveText, 'Copying archives from [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + oldArchiveName + ']], see page history for attribution',
        false, spiHelperSettings.watchArchive, spiHelperSettings.watchArchiveExpiry)
      await spiHelperDeletePage(oldArchiveName, 'Deleting copied archive')
      archivesCopied = true
    // Now get existing protection levels on the target and existing page.
    const oldPageNameProtection = await spiHelperGetProtectionInformation(oldPageName)
    const newPageNameProtection = await spiHelperGetProtectionInformation(spiHelperPageName)
    const newProtectionValues = []
    const siteProtectionInformation = await spiHelperGetSiteRestrictionInformation()
    // First find if both the old page and new page had the same protection type enabled
    siteProtectionInformation.types.forEach((type) => {
      let oldPageNameEntry = oldPageNameProtection.filter((dict) => { return dict.type === type })
      let newPageNameEntry = newPageNameProtection.filter((dict) => { return dict.type === type })
      if (oldPageNameEntry.length > 0 && newPageNameEntry.length > 0) {
        const newProtectionDict = { type: oldPageNameEntry.type }
        oldPageNameEntry = oldPageNameEntry[0]
        newPageNameEntry = newPageNameEntry[0]
        if (newPageNameEntry.expiry === 'infinity' || oldPageNameEntry.expiry === 'infinity' || newPageNameEntry.expiry === 'infinite' || oldPageNameEntry.expiry === 'infinite') {
          newProtectionDict.push({ expiry: 'infinite' })
        } else if (newPageNameEntry.expiry < oldPageNameEntry.expiry) {
          newProtectionDict.push({ expiry: oldPageNameEntry.expiry })
        } else {
          newProtectionDict.push({ expiry: newPageNameEntry.expiry })
        const oldPageNameEntryLevelIndex = siteProtectionInformation.levels.indexOf(oldPageNameEntry.level)
        const newPageNameEntryLevelIndex = siteProtectionInformation.levels.indexOf(newPageNameEntry.level)
        if (oldPageNameEntryLevelIndex === -1 || newPageNameEntryLevelIndex === -1) {
          console.error('Invalid protection information provided from API')
        } else if (oldPageNameEntryLevelIndex > newPageNameEntryLevelIndex) {
          newProtectionDict.push({ level: oldPageNameEntry.level })
        } else if (oldPageNameEntryLevelIndex <= newPageNameEntryLevelIndex) {
          newProtectionDict.push({ level: newPageNameEntry.level })
      } else if (oldPageNameEntry.length > 0) {
      } else if (newPageNameEntry.length > 0) {
    // Now handle pending changes protection
    const oldPageNameStabilisation = await spiHelperGetStabilisationSettings(oldPageName)
    const newPageNameStabilisation = await spiHelperGetStabilisationSettings(spiHelperPageName)
    let newStabilisationSettings = { protection_level: '' }
    if (oldPageNameStabilisation !== false && newPageNameStabilisation !== false) {
      // Pending changes is used on both pages
      if (newPageNameStabilisation.protection_expiry === 'infinity' || oldPageNameStabilisation.protection_expiry === 'infinity' || newPageNameStabilisation.protection_expiry === 'infinite' || oldPageNameStabilisation.protection_expiry === 'infinite') {
        newStabilisationSettings.push({ protection_expiry: 'infinite' })
      } else if (newPageNameStabilisation.protection_expiry < oldPageNameStabilisation.expiry) {
        newStabilisationSettings.push({ protection_expiry: oldPageNameStabilisation.protection_expiry })
      } else {
        newStabilisationSettings.push({ protection_expiry: newPageNameStabilisation.protection_expiry })
      const oldPageNameEntryLevelIndex = siteProtectionInformation.levels.indexOf(oldPageNameStabilisation.protection_level)
      const newPageNameEntryLevelIndex = siteProtectionInformation.levels.indexOf(newPageNameStabilisation.protection_level)
      if (oldPageNameEntryLevelIndex === -1 || newPageNameEntryLevelIndex === -1) {
        console.error('Invalid protection information provided from API')
      } else if (oldPageNameEntryLevelIndex > newPageNameEntryLevelIndex) {
        newStabilisationSettings.push({ level: oldPageNameStabilisation.protection_level })
      } else if (oldPageNameEntryLevelIndex <= newPageNameEntryLevelIndex) {
        newStabilisationSettings.push({ level: newPageNameStabilisation.protection_level })
    } else if (oldPageNameStabilisation !== false) {
      newStabilisationSettings = oldPageNameStabilisation
    } else if (newPageNameStabilisation !== false) {
      newStabilisationSettings = newPageNameStabilisation
    // Ignore warnings on the move, we're going to get one since we're stomping an existing page
    await spiHelperDeletePage(spiHelperPageName, 'Deleting as part of case merge')
    await spiHelperMovePage(oldPageName, spiHelperPageName, 'Merging case to [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']]', true)
    await spiHelperUndeletePage(spiHelperPageName, 'Restoring page history after merge')
    if (archivesCopied) {
      // Create a redirect
      spiHelperEditPage(oldArchiveName, '#REDIRECT [[' + newArchiveName + ']]', 'Redirecting old archive to new archive',
        false, spiHelperSettings.watchArchive, spiHelperSettings.watchArchiveExpiry)
    // Now to protect both the oldPageName and newPageName with the protection settings in newProtectionDict, unless it is empty (i.e. no protection needed)
    // Also apply any pending changes needed (i.e. if newStabilisationSettings has a non-empty protection_level)
    if (newProtectionValues.length !== 0) {
      spiHelperProtectPage(spiHelperPageName, newProtectionValues)
      spiHelperProtectPage(oldPageName, newProtectionValues)
    if (newStabilisationSettings.protection_level !== '') {
      spiHelperConfigurePendingChanges(spiHelperPageName, newStabilisationSettings)
      spiHelperConfigurePendingChanges(oldPageName, newStabilisationSettings)
  } else {
    await spiHelperMovePage(oldPageName, spiHelperPageName, 'Moving case to [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']]', false)
  spiHelperStartingRevID = await spiHelperGetPageRev(spiHelperPageName)
  await spiHelperPostRenameCleanup(oldPageName)
  if (targetPageText) {
    // If there was a page there before, also need to do post-merge cleanup
    await spiHelperPostMergeCleanup(targetPageText)
  if (archivesCopied) {
    alert('Archives were merged during the case move, please reorder the archive sections')

 * Move or merge a specific section of a case into a different case
 * @param {string} target The username portion of the case this section should be merged into (pre-normalized)
 * @param {!number} sectionId The section ID of this case that should be moved/merged
async function spiHelperMoveCaseSection (target, sectionId) {
  // Move or merge a particular section of a case
  'use strict'
  const newPageName = spiHelperPageName.replace(spiHelperCaseName, target)
  let targetPageText = await spiHelperGetPageText(newPageName, false)
  let sectionText = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, true, sectionId)
  // SOCK_SECTION_RE_WITH_NEWLINE cleans up extraneous whitespace at the top of the section
  // Have to do this transform before concatenating with targetPageText so that the
  // "originally filed" goes in the correct section
  sectionText = sectionText.replace(spiHelperSockSectionWithNewlineRegex, '====Suspected sockpuppets====' +
  '\n* {{checkuser|1=' + spiHelperCaseName + '}} ({{clerknote}} originally filed under this user)\n')

  if (targetPageText === '') {
    // Pre-load the split target with the SPI templates if it's empty
    targetPageText = '<noinclude>__TOC__</noinclude>\n{{SPIarchive notice|' + target + '}}\n{{SPIpriorcases}}'
  targetPageText += '\n' + sectionText

  // Intentionally not async - doesn't matter when this edit finishes
  spiHelperEditPage(newPageName, targetPageText, 'Moving case section from [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']], see page history for attribution',
    false, spiHelperSettings.watchCase, spiHelperSettings.watchCaseExpiry)
  // Blank the section we moved
  await spiHelperEditPage(spiHelperPageName, '', 'Moving case section to [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + newPageName + ']]',
    false, spiHelperSettings.watchCase, spiHelperSettings.watchCaseExpiry, spiHelperStartingRevID, sectionId)
  // Update to the latest revision ID
  spiHelperStartingRevID = await spiHelperGetPageRev(spiHelperPageName)

 * Render a text box's contents and display it in the preview area
async function spiHelperPreviewText () {
  const inputText = $('#spiHelper_CommentText', document).val().toString()
  const renderedText = await spiHelperRenderText(spiHelperPageName, inputText)
  // Fill the preview box with the new text
  const $previewBox = $('#spiHelper_previewBox', document)
  // Unhide it if it was hidden

 * Given a page title, get an API to operate on that page
 * @param {string} title Title of the page we want the API for
 * @return {Object} MediaWiki Api/ForeignAPI for the target page's wiki
function spiHelperGetAPI (title) {
  'use strict'
  if (title.startsWith('m:') || title.startsWith('meta:')) {
    return new mw.ForeignApi('https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/api.php')
  } else {
    return new mw.Api()

 * Removes the interwiki prefix from a page title
 * @param {*} title Page name including interwiki prefix
 * @return {string} Just the page name
function spiHelperStripXWikiPrefix (title) {
  // TODO: This only works with single-colon names, make it more robust
  'use strict'
  if (title.startsWith('m:') || title.startsWith('meta:')) {
    return title.slice(title.indexOf(':') + 1)
  } else {
    return title

 * Get the post-expand include size of a given page
 * @param {string} title Page title to check
 * @param {?number} sectionId Section to check, if null check the whole page
 * @return {Promise<number>} Post-expand include size of the given page/page section
async function spiHelperGetPostExpandSize (title, sectionId = null) {
  // Synchronous method to get a page's post-expand include size given its title
  const finalTitle = spiHelperStripXWikiPrefix(title)

  const request = {
    action: 'parse',
    prop: 'limitreportdata',
    page: finalTitle
  if (sectionId) {
    request.section = sectionId
  const api = spiHelperGetAPI(title)
  try {
    const response = await api.get(request)

    // The page might not exist, so we need to handle that smartly - only get the parse
    // if the page actually parsed
    if ('parse' in response) {
      // Iterate over all properties to find the PEIS
      for (let i = 0; i < response.parse.limitreportdata.length; i++) {
        if (response.parse.limitreportdata[i].name === 'limitreport-postexpandincludesize') {
          return response.parse.limitreportdata[i][0]
  } catch (error) {
    // Something's gone wrong, just return 0

  return 0

 * Get the maximum post-expand size from the wgPageParseReport (it's the same for all pages)
 * @return {number} The max post-expand size in bytes
function spiHelperGetMaxPostExpandSize () {
  'use strict'
  return mw.config.get('wgPageParseReport').limitreport.postexpandincludesize.limit

 * Get the inter-wiki prefix for the current wiki
 * @return {string} The inter-wiki prefix
function spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix () {
  // Mostly copied from https://github.com/Xi-Plus/twinkle-global/blob/master/morebits.js
  // Most of this should be overkill (since most of these wikis don't have checkuser support)
  /** @type {string[]} */ const temp = mw.config.get('wgServer').replace(/^(https?:)?\/\//, '').split('.')
  const wikiLang = temp[0]
  const wikiFamily = temp[1]
  switch (wikiFamily) {
    case 'wikimedia':
      switch (wikiLang) {
        case 'commons':
          return ':commons:'
        case 'meta':
          return ':meta:'
        case 'species:':
          return ':species:'
        case 'incubator':
          return ':incubator:'
          return ''
    case 'mediawiki':
      return 'mw'
    case 'wikidata:':
      switch (wikiLang) {
        case 'test':
          return ':testwikidata:'
        case 'www':
          return ':d:'
          return ''
    case 'wikipedia':
      switch (wikiLang) {
        case 'test':
          return ':testwiki:'
        case 'test2':
          return ':test2wiki:'
          return ':w:' + wikiLang + ':'
    case 'wiktionary':
      return ':wikt:' + wikiLang + ':'
    case 'wikiquote':
      return ':q:' + wikiLang + ':'
    case 'wikibooks':
      return ':b:' + wikiLang + ':'
    case 'wikinews':
      return ':n:' + wikiLang + ':'
    case 'wikisource':
      return ':s:' + wikiLang + ':'
    case 'wikiversity':
      return ':v:' + wikiLang + ':'
    case 'wikivoyage':
      return ':voy:' + wikiLang + ':'
      return ''

// "Building-block" functions to wrap basic API calls
 * Get the text of a page. Not that complicated.
 * @param {string} title Title of the page to get the contents of
 * @param {boolean} show Whether to show page fetch progress on-screen
 * @param {?number} [sectionId=null] Section to retrieve, setting this to null will retrieve the entire page
 * @return {Promise<string>} The text of the page, '' if the page does not exist.
async function spiHelperGetPageText (title, show, sectionId = null) {
  const $statusLine = $('<li>')
  if (show) {
    // Actually display the statusLine
    $('#spiHelper_status', document).append($statusLine)
  // Build the link element (use JQuery so we get escapes and such)
  const $link = $('<a>').attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(title)).attr('title', title).text(title)
  $statusLine.html('Getting page ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))

  const finalTitle = spiHelperStripXWikiPrefix(title)

  const request = {
    action: 'query',
    prop: 'revisions',
    rvprop: 'content',
    rvslots: 'main',
    indexpageids: true,
    titles: finalTitle

  if (sectionId) {
    request.rvsection = sectionId

  try {
    const response = await spiHelperGetAPI(title).get(request)
    const pageid = response.query.pageids[0]

    if (pageid === '-1') {
      $statusLine.html('Page ' + $link.html() + ' does not exist')
      return ''
    $statusLine.html('Got ' + $link.html())
    return response.query.pages[pageid].revisions[0].slots.main['*']
  } catch (error) {
    $statusLine.addClass('spihelper-errortext').html('<b>Failed to get ' + $link.html() + '</b>: ' + error)
    return ''

 * @param {string} title Title of the page to edit
 * @param {string} newtext New content of the page
 * @param {string} summary Edit summary to use for the edit
 * @param {boolean} createonly Only try to create the page - if false,
 *                             will fail if the page already exists
 * @param {string} watch What watchlist setting to use when editing - decides
 *                       whether the edited page will be watched
 * @param {string} watchExpiry Duration to watch the edited page, if unset
 *                             defaults to 'indefinite'
 * @param {?number} baseRevId Base revision ID, used to detect edit conflicts. If null,
 *                           we'll grab the current page ID.
 * @param {?number} [sectionId=null] Section to edit - if null, edits the whole page
 * @return {Promise<boolean>} Whether the edit was successful
async function spiHelperEditPage (title, newtext, summary, createonly, watch, watchExpiry = null, baseRevId = null, sectionId = null) {
  let activeOpKey = 'edit_' + title
  if (sectionId) {
    activeOpKey += '_' + sectionId
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'running')
  const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  const $link = $('<a>').attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(title)).attr('title', title).text(title)

  $statusLine.html('Editing ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))

  const api = spiHelperGetAPI(title)
  const finalTitle = spiHelperStripXWikiPrefix(title)

  const request = {
    action: 'edit',
    watchlist: watch,
    summary: summary + spihelperAdvert,
    text: newtext,
    title: finalTitle,
    createonly: createonly
  if (sectionId) {
    request.section = sectionId
  if (watchExpiry) {
    request.watchlistexpiry = watchExpiry
  if (baseRevId) {
    request.baserevid = baseRevId
  try {
    await api.postWithToken('csrf', request)
    $statusLine.html('Saved ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'success')
    return true
  } catch (error) {
    $statusLine.addClass('spihelper-errortext').html('<b>Edit failed on ' + $link.html() + '</b>: ' + error)
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'failed')
    return false
 * Moves a page. Exactly what it sounds like.
 * @param {string} sourcePage Title of the source page (page we're moving)
 * @param {string} destPage Title of the destination page (page we're moving to)
 * @param {string} summary Edit summary to use for the move
 * @param {boolean} ignoreWarnings Whether to ignore warnings on move (used to force-move one page over another)
async function spiHelperMovePage (sourcePage, destPage, summary, ignoreWarnings, moveSubpages = true) {
  const activeOpKey = 'move_' + sourcePage + '_' + destPage
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'running')

  // Should never be a crosswiki call
  const api = new mw.Api()

  const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  const $sourceLink = $('<a>').attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(sourcePage)).attr('title', sourcePage).text(sourcePage)
  const $destLink = $('<a>').attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(destPage)).attr('title', destPage).text(destPage)

  $statusLine.html('Moving ' + $sourceLink.prop('outerHTML') + ' to ' + $destLink.prop('outerHTML'))

  try {
    await api.postWithToken('csrf', {
      action: 'move',
      from: sourcePage,
      to: destPage,
      reason: summary + spihelperAdvert,
      noredirect: false,
      movesubpages: moveSubpages,
      ignoreWarnings: ignoreWarnings
    $statusLine.html('Moved ' + $sourceLink.prop('outerHTML') + ' to ' + $destLink.prop('outerHTML'))
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'success')
  } catch (error) {
    $statusLine.addClass('spihelper-errortext').html('<b>Failed to move ' + $sourceLink.prop('outerHTML') + ' to ' + $destLink.prop('outerHTML') + '</b>: ' + error)
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'failed')

 * Purges a page's cache
 * @param {string} title Title of the page to purge
async function spiHelperPurgePage (title) {
  // Forces a cache purge on the selected page
  'use strict'
  const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  const $link = $('<a>').attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(title)).attr('title', title).text(title)
  $statusLine.html('Purging ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))
  const strippedTitle = spiHelperStripXWikiPrefix(title)

  const api = spiHelperGetAPI(title)
  try {
    await api.postWithToken('csrf', {
      action: 'purge',
      titles: strippedTitle
    $statusLine.html('Purged ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))
  } catch (error) {
    $statusLine.addClass('spihelper-errortext').html('<b>Failed to purge ' + $link.prop('outerHTML') + '</b>: ' + error)

 * Blocks a user.
 * @param {string} user Username to block
 * @param {string} duration Duration of the block
 * @param {string} reason Reason to log for the block
 * @param {boolean} reblock Whether to reblock - if false, nothing will happen if the target user is already blocked
 * @param {boolean} anononly For IPs, whether this is an anonymous-only block (alternative is
 *                           that logged-in users with the IP are also blocked)
 * @param {boolean} accountcreation Whether to permit the user to create new accounts
 * @param {boolean} autoblock Whether to apply an autoblock to the user's IP
 * @param {boolean} talkpage Whether to revoke talkpage access
 * @param {boolean} email Whether to block email
 * @param {boolean} watchBlockedUser Watchlist setting for whether to watch the newly-blocked user
 * @param {string} watchExpiry Duration to watch the blocked user, if unset
 *                             defaults to 'indefinite'

 * @return {Promise<boolean>} True if the block suceeded, false if not
async function spiHelperWikiBlockUser (user, duration, reason, reblock, anononly, accountcreation,
  autoblock, talkpage, email, watchBlockedUser, watchExpiry) {
  'use strict'
  const activeOpKey = 'block_' + user
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'running')

  if (!watchExpiry) {
    watchExpiry = 'indefinite'
  const userPage = 'User:' + user
  const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  const $link = $('<a>').attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(userPage)).attr('title', userPage).text(user)
  $statusLine.html('Blocking ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))

  // This is not something which should ever be cross-wiki
  const api = new mw.Api()
  try {
    await api.postWithToken('csrf', {
      action: 'block',
      expiry: duration,
      reason: reason,
      reblock: reblock,
      anononly: anononly,
      nocreate: accountcreation,
      autoblock: autoblock,
      allowusertalk: !talkpage,
      noemail: email,
      watchuser: watchBlockedUser,
      watchlistexpiry: watchExpiry,
      user: user
    $statusLine.html('Blocked ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'success')
    return true
  } catch (error) {
    $statusLine.addClass('spihelper-errortext').html('<b>Failed to block ' + $link.prop('outerHTML') + '</b>: ' + error)
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'failed')
    return false

 * Get whether a user is currently blocked
 * @param {string} user Username
 * @return {Promise<string>} Block reason, empty string if not blocked
async function spiHelperGetUserBlockReason (user) {
  'use strict'
  // This is not something which should ever be cross-wiki
  const api = new mw.Api()
  try {
    const response = await api.get({
      action: 'query',
      list: 'blocks',
      bklimit: '1',
      bkusers: user,
      bkprop: 'user|reason'
    if (response.query.blocks.length === 0) {
      // If the length is 0, then the user isn't blocked
      return ''
    return response.query.blocks[0].reason
  } catch (error) {
    return ''

 * Get a user's current block settings
 * @param {string} user Username
 * @return {Promise<BlockEntry>} Current block settings for the user, or null if the user is not blocked
async function spiHelperGetUserBlockSettings (user) {
  'use strict'
  // This is not something which should ever be cross-wiki
  const api = new mw.Api()
  try {
    const response = await api.get({
      action: 'query',
      list: 'blocks',
      bklimit: '1',
      bkusers: user,
      bkprop: 'user|reason|flags|expiry'
    if (response.query.blocks.length === 0) {
      // If the length is 0, then the user isn't blocked
      return null

    /** @type {BlockEntry} */
    const item = {
      username: user,
      duration: response.query.blocks[0].expiry,
      acb: ('nocreate' in response.query.blocks[0] || 'anononly' in response.query.blocks[0]),
      ab: 'autoblock' in response.query.blocks[0],
      ntp: !('allowusertalk' in response.query.blocks[0]),
      nem: 'noemail' in response.query.blocks[0],
      tpn: ''
    return item
  } catch (error) {
    return null

 * Get whether a user is currently globally locked
 * @param {string} user Username
 * @return {Promise<boolean>} Whether the user is globally locked
async function spiHelperIsUserGloballyLocked (user) {
  'use strict'
  // This is not something which should ever be cross-wiki
  const api = new mw.Api()
  try {
    const response = await api.get({
      action: 'query',
      list: 'globalallusers',
      agulimit: '1',
      agufrom: user,
      aguto: user,
      aguprop: 'lockinfo'
    if (response.query.globalallusers.length === 0) {
      // If the length is 0, then we couldn't find the global user
      return false
    // If the 'locked' field is present, then the user is locked
    return 'locked' in response.query.globalallusers[0]
  } catch (error) {
    return false

async function spiHelperDoesUserExistLocally (user) {
  'use strict'
  // This should never be cross-wiki
  const api = new mw.Api()
  try {
    const response = await api.get({
      action: 'query',
      list: 'allusers',
      aulimit: '1',
      aufrom: user,
      auto: user
    if (response.query.allusers.length === 0) {
      // If the length is 0, then we couldn't find the local account so return false
      return false
    // Otherwise a local account exists so return true
    return true
  } catch (error) {
    return false

async function spiHelperDoesUserExistGlobally (user) {
  'use strict'
  const api = new mw.Api()
  try {
    const response = await api.get({
      action: 'query',
      list: 'globalallusers',
      agulimit: '1',
      agufrom: user,
      aguto: user
    if (response.query.globalallusers.length === 0) {
      // If the length is 0, then we couldn't find the global user so return false
      return false
    // Otherwise the global account exists so return true
    return true
  } catch (error) {
    return false

 * Get a page's latest revision ID - useful for preventing edit conflicts
 * @param {string} title Title of the page
 * @return {Promise<number>} Latest revision of a page, 0 if it doesn't exist
async function spiHelperGetPageRev (title) {
  'use strict'

  const finalTitle = spiHelperStripXWikiPrefix(title)
  const request = {
    action: 'query',
    prop: 'revisions',
    rvslots: 'main',
    indexpageids: true,
    titles: finalTitle

  try {
    const response = await spiHelperGetAPI(title).get(request)
    const pageid = response.query.pageids[0]
    if (pageid === '-1') {
      return 0
    return response.query.pages[pageid].revisions[0].revid
  } catch (error) {
    return 0

 * Delete a page. Admin-only function.
 * @param {string} title Title of the page to delete
 * @param {string} reason Reason to log for the page deletion
async function spiHelperDeletePage (title, reason) {
  'use strict'

  const activeOpKey = 'delete_' + title
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'running')

  const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  const $link = $('<a>').attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(title)).attr('title', title).text(title)
  $statusLine.html('Deleting ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))

  const api = spiHelperGetAPI(title)
  try {
    await api.postWithToken('csrf', {
      action: 'delete',
      title: title,
      reason: reason
    $statusLine.html('Deleted ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'success')
  } catch (error) {
    $statusLine.addClass('spihelper-errortext').html('<b>Failed to delete ' + $link.prop('outerHTML') + '</b>: ' + error)
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'failed')

 * Undelete a page (or, if the page exists, undelete deleted revisions). Admin-only function
 * @param {string} title Title of the pgae to undelete
 * @param {string} reason Reason to log for the page undeletion
async function spiHelperUndeletePage (title, reason) {
  'use strict'
  const activeOpKey = 'undelete_' + title
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'running')

  const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  const $link = $('<a>').attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(title)).attr('title', title).text(title)
  $statusLine.html('Undeleting ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))

  const api = spiHelperGetAPI(title)
  try {
    await api.postWithToken('csrf', {
      action: 'undelete',
      title: title,
      reason: reason
    $statusLine.html('Undeleted ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'success')
  } catch (error) {
    $statusLine.addClass('spihelper-errortext').html('<b>Failed to undelete ' + $link.prop('outerHTML') + '</b>: ' + error)
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'failed')

 * Render a snippet of wikitext
 * @param {string} title Page title
 * @param {string} text Text to render
 * @return {Promise<string>} Rendered version of the text
async function spiHelperRenderText (title, text) {
  'use strict'

  const request = {
    action: 'parse',
    prop: 'text',
    pst: 'true',
    text: text,
    title: title

  try {
    const response = await spiHelperGetAPI(title).get(request)
    return response.parse.text['*']
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error rendering text: ' + error)
    return ''

 * Get a list of investigations on the sockpuppet investigation page
 * @return {Promise<Object[]>} An array of section objects, each section is a separate investigation
async function spiHelperGetInvestigationSectionIDs () {
  // Uses the parse API to get page sections, then find the investigation
  // sections (should all be level-3 headers)
  'use strict'

  // Since this only affects the local page, no need to call spiHelper_getAPI()
  const api = new mw.Api()
  const response = await api.get({
    action: 'parse',
    prop: 'sections',
    page: spiHelperPageName
  const dateSections = []
  for (let i = 0; i < response.parse.sections.length; i++) {
    // TODO: also check for presence of spi case status
    if (parseInt(response.parse.sections[i].level) === 3) {
  return dateSections

 * Get SPI page backlinks to this SPI page.
 * Used to fix double redirects when merging cases.
async function spiHelperGetSPIBacklinks (casePageName) {
  // Only looking for enwiki backlinks
  const api = new mw.Api()
  try {
    const response = await api.get({
      action: 'query',
      format: 'json',
      list: 'backlinks',
      bltitle: casePageName,
      blnamespace: '4',
      bldir: 'ascending',
      blfilterredir: 'nonredirects'
    return response.query.backlinks.filter((dictEntry) => {
      return dictEntry.title.startsWith('Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/') && !dictEntry.title.startsWith('Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/SPI/') && !dictEntry.title.match('Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/.*/Archive.*')
  } catch (error) {
    return []

 * Get the page protection level for a SPI page.
 * Used to keep the protection level after a history merge
async function spiHelperGetProtectionInformation (casePageName) {
  // Only looking for enwiki protection information
  const api = new mw.Api()
  try {
    const response = await api.get({
      action: 'query',
      format: 'json',
      prop: 'info',
      titles: casePageName,
      inprop: 'protection'
    return response.query.pages[Object.keys(response.query.pages)[0]].protection
  } catch (error) {
    return []

 * Gets stabilisation settings information for a page. If no pending changes exists then it returns false.
async function spiHelperGetStabilisationSettings (casePageName) {
  // Only looking for enwiki stabilisation information
  const api = new mw.Api()
  try {
    const response = await api.get({
      action: 'query',
      format: 'json',
      prop: 'flagged',
      titles: casePageName
    const entry = response.query.pages[Object.keys(response.query.pages)[0]]
    if ('flagged' in entry) {
      return entry.flagged
    } else {
      return false
  } catch (error) {
    return false

async function spiHelperProtectPage (casePageName, protections) {
  // Only lookint to protect pages on enwiki

  const activeOpKey = 'protect_' + casePageName
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'running')

  const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  const $link = $('<a>').attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(casePageName)).attr('title', casePageName).text(casePageName)
  $statusLine.html('Protecting ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))

  const api = new mw.Api()
  try {
    let protectlevelinfo = ''
    let expiryinfo = ''
    protections.forEach((dict) => {
      if (protectlevelinfo !== '') {
        protectlevelinfo = protectlevelinfo + '|'
        expiryinfo = expiryinfo + '|'
      protectlevelinfo = protectlevelinfo + dict.type + '=' + dict.level
      expiryinfo = expiryinfo + dict.expiry
    await api.postWithToken('csrf', {
      action: 'protect',
      format: 'json',
      title: casePageName,
      protections: protectlevelinfo,
      expiry: expiryinfo,
      reason: 'Restoring protection after history merge'
    $statusLine.html('Protected ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'success')
  } catch (error) {
    $statusLine.addClass('spihelper-errortext').html('<b>Failed to protect ' + $link.prop('outerHTML') + '</b>: ' + error)
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'failed')

async function spiHelperConfigurePendingChanges (casePageName, protectionLevel, protectionExpiry) {
  // Only lookint to protect pages on enwiki

  const activeOpKey = 'stabilize_' + casePageName
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'running')

  const api = new mw.Api()
  try {
    await api.postWithToken('csrf', {
      action: 'stabilize',
      format: 'json',
      titles: casePageName,
      protectlevel: protectionLevel,
      expiry: protectionExpiry,
      reason: 'Restoring pending changes protection after history merge'
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'success')
  } catch (error) {
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'failed')

async function spiHelperGetSiteRestrictionInformation () {
  // For enwiki only as this is it's only use case
  const api = new mw.Api()
  try {
    const response = await api.get({
      action: 'query',
      format: 'json',
      meta: 'siteinfo',
      siprop: 'restrictions'
    return response.query.restrictions
  } catch (error) {
    return []

 * Parse given text as wikitext without it needing to be currently saved onwiki.
async function spiHelperParseWikitext (wikitext) {
  // For enwiki only for now
  const api = new mw.Api()
  try {
    const response = await api.get({
      action: 'parse',
      prop: 'text',
      text: wikitext,
      wrapoutputclass: '',
      disablelimitreport: 1,
      disableeditsection: 1,
      contentmodel: 'wikitext'
    return response.parse.text['*']
  } catch (error) {
    return ''

 * Returns true if the date provided is a valid date for strtotime in PHP (determined by using the time parser function and a parse API call)
async function spiHelperValidateDate (dateInStringFormat) {
  const response = await spiHelperParseWikitext('{{#time:r|' + dateInStringFormat + '}}')
  return !response.includes('Error: Invalid time.')

 * Pretty obvious - gets the name of the archive. This keeps us from having to regen it
 * if we rename the case
 * @return {string} Name of the archive page
function spiHelperGetArchiveName () {
  return spiHelperPageName + '/Archive'

// UI helper functions
 * Generate a line of the block table for a particular user
 * @param {string} name Username for this block line
 * @param {boolean} defaultblock Whether to check the block box by default on this row
 * @param {number} id Index of this line in the block table
async function spiHelperGenerateBlockTableLine (name, defaultblock, id) {
  'use strict'

  let currentBlock = null
  if (name) {
    currentBlock = await spiHelperGetUserBlockSettings(name)

  let block, ab, acb, ntp, nem, duration

  if (currentBlock) {
    block = true
    acb = currentBlock.acb
    ab = currentBlock.ab
    ntp = currentBlock.ntp
    nem = currentBlock.nem
    duration = currentBlock.duration
  } else {
    block = defaultblock
    acb = true
    ab = true
    ntp = spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams.notalk
    nem = spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams.notalk
    duration = mw.util.isIPAddress(name, true) ? '1 week' : 'indefinite'

  const $table = $('#spiHelper_blockTable', document)

  const $row = $('<tr>')
  const $adminRow = spiHelperIsMobile ? $('<tr>').addClass('spiHelper_adminClass') : $row
  // Username
  $('<td>').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'text').attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_username' + id)
  // Block checkbox (only for admins)
  $('<td>').addClass('spiHelper_adminClass').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'checkbox')
    .attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_doblock' + id).prop('checked', block)).appendTo($adminRow)
  // Block duration (only for admins)
  $('<td>').addClass('spiHelper_adminClass').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'text')
    .attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_duration' + id).val(duration)
  // Account creation blocked (only for admins)
  $('<td>').addClass('spiHelper_adminClass').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'checkbox')
    .attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_acb' + id).prop('checked', acb)).appendTo($adminRow)
  // Autoblock (only for admins)
  $('<td>').addClass('spiHelper_adminClass').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'checkbox')
    .attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_ab' + id).prop('checked', ab)).appendTo($adminRow)
  // Revoke talk page access (only for admins)
  $('<td>').addClass('spiHelper_adminClass').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'checkbox')
    .attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_tp' + id).prop('checked', ntp)).appendTo($adminRow)
  // Block email access (only for admins)
  $('<td>').addClass('spiHelper_adminClass').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'checkbox')
    .attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_email' + id).prop('checked', nem)).appendTo($adminRow)
  // Tag select box
  $('<td>').append($('<select>').attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_tag' + id)
  // Altmaster tag select
  $('<td>').append($('<select>').attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_tag_altmaster' + id)
  // Global lock (disabled for IPs since they can't be locked)
  $('<td>').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'checkbox').attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_lock' + id)
    .prop('disabled', mw.util.isIPAddress(name, true))).appendTo($row)
  if(spiHelperIsMobile) {
  	$('#spiHelper_blockTable th.spiHelper_adminClass').each((thIndex,th) => {  		  		

  // Generate the select entries
  spiHelperGenerateSelect('spiHelper_block_tag' + id, spiHelperTagOptions)
  spiHelperGenerateSelect('spiHelper_block_tag_altmaster' + id, spiHelperAltMasterTagOptions)

  // Add onlistener events to update the global lock checkbox if the username is changed between a IP address and username
  $('#spiHelper_block_username' + id).on('change', (event) => {
    const id = $(event.target).attr('id').replace('spiHelper_block_username', '')
    $('#spiHelper_block_lock' + id).prop('disabled', mw.util.isIPAddress($(event.target).val(), true))

async function spiHelperInitMobileBlockTable() {
  'use strict'
    $('#spiHelper_blockTable .spiHelper_adminClass').hide()
  const $allRow=$('#spiHelper_block_allusers')
  const $adminCells=$allRow.find('.spiHelper_adminClass')
  const $allAdminRow=$('<tr/>')
  $('#spiHelper_blockTable th.spiHelper_adminClass').each((thIndex,th) => {  		  		

async function spiHelperInitMobileUserInfoTable() {
  'use strict'


async function spiHelperGenerateLinksTableLine (username, id) {
  'use strict'

  const $table = $('#spiHelper_userInfoTable', document)

  const $row = $('<tr>')
  // Username
  $('<td>').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'text').attr('id', 'spiHelper_link_username' + id)
  // Editor interaction analyser
  $('<td>').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'checkbox')
    .attr('id', 'spiHelper_link_editorInteractionAnalyser' + id)).attr('style', 'text-align:center;').appendTo($row)
  // Interaction timeline
  $('<td>').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'checkbox')
    .attr('id', 'spiHelper_link_interactionTimeline' + id)).attr('style', 'text-align:center;').appendTo($row)
  // SPI tools timecard tool
  $('<td>').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'checkbox')
    .attr('id', 'spiHelper_link_timecardSPITools' + id)).attr('style', 'text-align:center;').appendTo($row)
  // SPI tools consilidated timeline (admin only based on OAUTH requirements)
  $('<td>').addClass('spiHelper_adminClass').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'checkbox')
    .attr('id', 'spiHelper_link_consolidatedTimelineSPITools' + id)).attr('style', 'text-align:center;').appendTo($row)
  // SPI tools pages tool (admin only based on OAUTH requirements)
  $('<td>').addClass('spiHelper_adminClass').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'checkbox')
    .attr('id', 'spiHelper_link_pagesSPITools' + id)).attr('style', 'text-align:center;').appendTo($row)
  // Checkuser wiki search (CU only)
  $('<td>').addClass('spiHelper_cuClass').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'checkbox')
    .attr('id', 'spiHelper_link_checkUserWikiSearch' + id)).attr('style', 'text-align:center;').appendTo($row)

 * Complicated function to decide what checkboxes to enable or disable
 * and which to check by default
async function spiHelperSetCheckboxesBySection () {
  // Displays the top-level SPI menu
  'use strict'

  const $topView = $('#spiHelper_topViewDiv', document)
  // Get the value of the selection box
  if ($('#spiHelper_sectionSelect', $topView).val() === 'all') {
    spiHelperSectionId = null
    spiHelperSectionName = null
  } else {
    spiHelperSectionId = parseInt($('#spiHelper_sectionSelect', $topView).val().toString())
    const $sectionSelect = $('#spiHelper_sectionSelect', $topView)
    spiHelperSectionName = spiHelperCaseSections[$sectionSelect.prop('selectedIndex')].line

  const $warningText = $('#spiHelper_warning', $topView)

  const $archiveBox = $('#spiHelper_Archive', $topView)
  const $closeBox = $('#spiHelper_Close', $topView)
  const $moveBox = $('#spiHelper_Move', $topView)
  const $blockBox = $('#spiHelper_BlockTag', $topView)
  const $commentBox = $('#spiHelper_Comment', $topView)
  const $caseActionBox = $('#spiHelper_Case_Action', $topView)
  const $spiMgmtBox = $('#spiHelper_SpiMgmt', $topView)

  // Start by unchecking everything
  $archiveBox.prop('checked', false)
  $blockBox.prop('checked', false)
  $closeBox.prop('checked', false)
  $commentBox.prop('checked', false)
  $moveBox.prop('checked', false)
  $caseActionBox.prop('checked', false)
  $spiMgmtBox.prop('checked', false)

  // Enable optionally-disabled boxes
  $closeBox.prop('disabled', false)
  $archiveBox.prop('disabled', false)

  // archivenotice sanity check
  const pageText = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, false)

  const result = spiHelperArchiveNoticeRegex.exec(pageText)
  if (!result) {
    $warningText.append($('<b>').text('Can\'t find archivenotice template!'))

  if (spiHelperSectionId === null) {
    // Hide inputs that aren't relevant in the case view
    $('.spiHelper_singleCaseOnly', $topView).hide()
    // Show inputs only visible in all-case mode
    $('.spiHelper_allCasesOnly', $topView).show()
    // Fix the move label
    $('#spiHelper_moveLabel', $topView).text('Move/merge full case (Clerk only)')
    // enable the move box
    $moveBox.prop('disabled', false)
  } else {
    const sectionText = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, false, spiHelperSectionId)
    if (!spiHelperSectionRegex.test(sectionText)) {
      // Nothing to do here.

    // Unhide single-case options
    $('.spiHelper_singleCaseOnly', $topView).show()
    // Hide inputs only visible in all-case mode
    $('.spiHelper_allCasesOnly', $topView).hide()

    const result = spiHelperCaseStatusRegex.exec(sectionText)
    let casestatus = ''
    if (result) {
      casestatus = result[1]
    } else if (!spiHelperIsThisPageAnArchive) {
      $warningText.append($('<b>').text(`Can't find case status in ${spiHelperSectionName}!`))

    // Disable the section move setting if you haven't opted into it
    if (!spiHelperSettings.iUnderstandSectionMoves) {
      $moveBox.prop('disabled', true)
      $moveBox.prop('checked', false)

    const isClosed = spiHelperCaseClosedRegex.test(casestatus)

    if (isClosed) {
      $closeBox.prop('disabled', true)
      $closeBox.prop('checked', false)
      if (spiHelperSettings.tickArchiveWhenCaseClosed) {
        $archiveBox.prop('checked', true)
    } else {
      $archiveBox.prop('disabled', true)
      $archiveBox.prop('checked', false)
      $('#spiHelper_Case_Action', $topView).on('click', function () {
        $('#spiHelper_Close', $topView).prop('disabled', $('#spiHelper_Case_Action', $topView).prop('checked'))
      $('#spiHelper_Close', $topView).on('click', function () {
        $('#spiHelper_Case_Action', $topView).prop('disabled', $('#spiHelper_Close', $topView).prop('checked'))

    // Change the label on the rename button
    $('#spiHelper_moveLabel', $topView).html('Move case section (<span title="You probably want to move the full case, ' +
      'select All Sections instead of a specific date in the drop-down"' +
      'class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext"><b>READ ME FIRST</b></span>)')
  // Only show options suitable for the archive subpage when running on the archives
  if (spiHelperIsThisPageAnArchive) {
    $('.spiHelper_notOnArchive', $topView).hide()

 * Updates whether the 'archive' checkbox is enabled
function spiHelperUpdateArchive () {
  // Archive should only be an option if close is checked or disabled (disabled meaning that
  // the case is closed) and rename is not checked
  'use strict'
  $('#spiHelper_Archive', document).prop('disabled', !($('#spiHelper_Close', document).prop('checked') ||
    $('#spiHelper_Close', document).prop('disabled')) || $('#spiHelper_Move', document).prop('checked'))
  if ($('#spiHelper_Archive', document).prop('disabled')) {
    $('#spiHelper_Archive', document).prop('checked', false)

 * Updates whether the 'move' checkbox is enabled
function spiHelperUpdateMove () {
  // Rename is mutually exclusive with archive
  'use strict'
  $('#spiHelper_Move', document).prop('disabled', $('#spiHelper_Archive', document).prop('checked'))
  if ($('#spiHelper_Move', document).prop('disabled')) {
    $('#spiHelper_Move', document).prop('checked', false)

 * Generate a select input, optionally with an onChange call
 * @param {string} id Name of the input
 * @param {SelectOption[]} options Array of options objects
function spiHelperGenerateSelect (id, options) {
  // Add the dates to the selector
  const $selector = $('#' + id, document)
  for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
    const o = options[i]
      .prop('selected', o.selected)
      .prop('disabled', o.disabled)

 * Given an HTML element, sets that element's value on all block options
 * For example, checking the 'block all' button will check all per-user 'block' elements
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} source The HTML input element that we're matching all selections to
function spiHelperSetAllTableColumnOpts (source, forTable) {
  'use strict'
  for (let i = 1; i <= (forTable === 'link' ? spiHelperLinkTableUserCount : spiHelperBlockTableUserCount); i++) {
    const $target = $('#' + source.attr('id') + i)
    if (source.attr('type') === 'checkbox') {
      // Don't try to set disabled checkboxes
      if (!$target.prop('disabled')) {
        $target.prop('checked', source.prop('checked'))
    } else {

 * Inserts text at the cursor's position
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} source Select box that was changed
 * @param {number?} pos Position to insert text; if null, inserts at the cursor
function spiHelperInsertTextFromSelect (source, pos = null) {
  const $textBox = $('#spiHelper_CommentText', document)
  // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11076975/how-to-insert-text-into-the-textarea-at-the-current-cursor-position
  const selectionStart = parseInt($textBox.attr('selectionStart'))
  const selectionEnd = parseInt($textBox.attr('selectionEnd'))
  const startText = $textBox.val().toString()
  const newText = source.val().toString()
  if (pos === null && (selectionStart || selectionStart === 0)) {
    $textBox.val(startText.substring(0, selectionStart) +
      newText +
      startText.substring(selectionEnd, startText.length))
    $textBox.attr('selectionStart', selectionStart + newText.length)
    $textBox.attr('selectionEnd', selectionEnd + newText.length)
  } else if (pos !== null) {
    $textBox.val(startText.substring(0, pos) +
      source.val() +
      startText.substring(pos, startText.length))
    $textBox.attr('selectionStart', selectionStart + newText.length)
    $textBox.attr('selectionEnd', selectionEnd + newText.length)
  } else {
    $textBox.val(startText + newText)

  // Force the selected element to reset its selection to 0
  source.prop('selectedIndex', 0)

 * Inserts a {{note}} template at the start of the text box
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} source Select box that was changed
function spiHelperInsertNote (source) {
  'use strict'
  const $textBox = $('#spiHelper_CommentText', document)
  let newText = $textBox.val().toString()
  // Match the start of the line, optionally including a '*' with or without whitespace around it,
  // optionally including a template which contains the string "note"
  newText = newText.replace(/^(\s*\*\s*)?({{[\w\s]*note[\w\s]*}}\s*)?/i, '* {{' + source.val() + '}} ')

  // Force the selected element to reset its selection to 0
  source.prop('selectedIndex', 0)

 * Changes the case status in the comment box
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} source Select box that was changed
function spiHelperCaseActionUpdated (source) {
  const $textBox = $('#spiHelper_CommentText', document)
  let newText = $textBox.val().toString()
  let newTemplate = ''
  switch (source.val()) {
    case 'CUrequest':
      newTemplate = '{{CURequest}}'
    case 'admin':
      newTemplate = '{{awaitingadmin}}'
    case 'clerk':
      newTemplate = '{{Clerk Request}}'
    case 'selfendorse':
      newTemplate = '{{Requestandendorse}}'
    case 'inprogress':
      newTemplate = '{{Inprogress}}'
    case 'decline':
      newTemplate = '{{Decline}}'
    case 'cudecline':
      newTemplate = '{{Cudecline}}'
    case 'endorse':
      newTemplate = '{{Endorse}}'
    case 'cuendorse':
      newTemplate = '{{cu-endorsed}}'
    case 'moreinfo': // Intentional fallthrough
    case 'cumoreinfo':
      newTemplate = '{{moreinfo}}'
    case 'relist':
      newTemplate = '{{relisted}}'
    case 'hold':
    case 'cuhold':
      newTemplate = '{{onhold}}'
  if (spiHelperClerkStatusRegex.test(newText)) {
    newText = newText.replace(spiHelperClerkStatusRegex, newTemplate)
    if (!newTemplate) { // If the new template is empty, get rid of the stray ' - '
      newText = newText.replace(/^(\s*\*\s*)? - /, '$1')
  } else if (newTemplate) {
    // Don't try to insert if the "new template" is empty
    // Also remove the leading *
    newText = '*' + newTemplate + ' - ' + newText.replace(/^\s*\*\s*/, '')

 * Fires on page load, adds the SPI portlet and (if the page is categorized as "awaiting
 * archive," meaning that at least one closed template is on the page) the SPI-Archive portlet
async function spiHelperAddLink () {
  'use strict'
  await spiHelperLoadSettings()
  await mw.loader.load('mediawiki.util')
  let portlet = spiHelperIsMobile ? 'p-personal' : 'p-cactions'
  const initLink = mw.util.addPortletLink(portlet , '#', 'SPI', 'ca-spiHelper')
  initLink.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
    return spiHelperInit()
  const $awaitingArchiveCat = $('#mw-normal-catlinks a:contains("SPI cases awaiting archive")')
  if ($awaitingArchiveCat.length > 0 && spiHelperIsClerk()) {
    const oneClickArchiveLink = mw.util.addPortletLink(portlet, '#', 'SPI-Archive', 'ca-spiHelperArchive')
    $(oneClickArchiveLink).one('click', (e) => {
      return spiHelperOneClickArchive()
  window.addEventListener('beforeunload', (e) => {
    const $actionView = $('#spiHelper_actionViewDiv', document)
    if ($actionView.length > 0) {
      // for Chrome
      e.returnValue = ''
      return true

    // Make sure no operations are still in flight
    let isDirty = false
    spiHelperActiveOperations.forEach((value, _0, _1) => {
      if (value === 'running') {
        isDirty = true
    if (isDirty) {
      e.returnValue = ''
      return true

 * Checks for the existence of Special:MyPage/spihelper-options.js, and if it exists,
 * loads the settings from that page.
async function spiHelperLoadSettings () {
  // Dynamically load a user's settings
  // Borrowed from code I wrote for [[User:Headbomb/unreliable.js]]
  try {
    await mw.loader.getScript('/w/index.php?title=Special:MyPage/spihelper-options.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript')
    if (typeof spiHelperCustomOpts !== 'undefined') {
      const keys = Object.keys(spiHelperCustomOpts)
      for (let index = 0; index < keys.length; index++) {
        const k = keys[index]
        const v = spiHelperCustomOpts[k]
        if (k in spiHelperValidSettings) {
          if (spiHelperValidSettings[k].indexOf(v) === -1) {
            mw.log.warn('Invalid option given in spihelper-options.js for the setting ' + k.toString())
        } else if (k in spiHelperSettingsNeedingValidDate) {
          if (!await spiHelperValidateDate(v)) {
            mw.log.warn('Invalid option given in spihelper-options.js for the setting ' + k.toString())
        spiHelperSettings[k] = v
  } catch (error) {
    mw.log.error('Error retrieving your spihelper-options.js')
    // More detailed error in the console
    console.error('Error getting local spihelper-options.js: ' + error)

// User role helper functions
 * Whether the current user has admin permissions, used to determine
 * whether to show block options
 * @return {boolean} Whether the current user is an admin
function spiHelperIsAdmin () {
  if (spiHelperSettings.debugForceAdminState !== null) {
    return spiHelperSettings.debugForceAdminState
  return mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').includes('sysop')

 * Whether the current user has checkuser permissions, used to determine
 * whether to show checkuser options
 * @return {boolean} Whether the current user is a checkuser

function spiHelperIsCheckuser () {
  if (spiHelperSettings.debugForceCheckuserState !== null) {
    return spiHelperSettings.debugForceCheckuserState
  return mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').includes('checkuser')

 * Whether the current user is a clerk, used to determine whether to show
 * clerk options
 * @return {boolean} Whether the current user is a clerk
function spiHelperIsClerk () {
  // Assumption: checkusers should see clerk options. Please don't prove this wrong.
  return spiHelperSettings.clerk || spiHelperIsCheckuser()

 * Common username normalization function
 * @param {string} username Username to normalize
 * @return {string} Normalized username
function spiHelperNormalizeUsername (username) {
  // Get rid of bad hidden characters
  username = username.replace(spiHelperHiddenCharNormRegex, '')
  // Remove leading and trailing spaces
  username = username.trim()
  if (mw.util.isIPAddress(username, true)) {
    // For IP addresses, capitalize them (really only applies to IPv6)
    username = username.toUpperCase()
  } else if (username) {
    // For actual usernames, make sure the first letter is capitalized
    // Ensure consistent case conversions with PHP as per https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T292824
    username = new mw.Title(username).getMainText()
  return username
// </nowiki>

 * Parse key features from an archivenotice
 * @param {string} page Page to parse
 * @return {Promise<ParsedArchiveNotice>} Parsed archivenotice
async function spiHelperParseArchiveNotice (page) {
  const pagetext = await spiHelperGetPageText(page, false)
  const match = spiHelperArchiveNoticeRegex.exec(pagetext)
  if (match === null) {
    console.error('Missing archive notice')
    return { username: null, deny: null, xwiki: null, notalk: null }
  const username = match[1]
  let deny = false
  let xwiki = false
  let notalk = false
  if (match[2]) {
    for (const entry of match[2].split('|')) {
      if (!entry) {
        // split in such a way that it's just a pipe
      const splitEntry = entry.split('=')
      if (splitEntry.length !== 2) {
        console.error('Malformed archivenotice parameter ' + entry)
      const key = splitEntry[0]
      const val = splitEntry[1]
      if (val.toLowerCase() !== 'yes') {
        // Only care if the value is 'yes'
      if (key.toLowerCase() === 'deny') {
        deny = true
      } else if (key.toLowerCase() === 'crosswiki') {
        xwiki = true
      } else if (key.toLowerCase() === 'notalk') {
        notalk = true
  /** @type {ParsedArchiveNotice} */
  return {
    username: username,
    deny: deny,
    xwiki: xwiki,
    notalk: notalk

 * Helper function to make a new archivenotice
 * @param {string} username Username
 * @param {ParsedArchiveNotice} archiveNoticeParams Other archivenotice params
 * @return {string} New archivenotice
function spiHelperMakeNewArchiveNotice (username, archiveNoticeParams) {
  let notice = '{{SPIarchive notice|1=' + username
  if (archiveNoticeParams.xwiki) {
    notice += '|crosswiki=yes'
  if (archiveNoticeParams.deny) {
    notice += '|deny=yes'
  if (archiveNoticeParams.notalk) {
    notice += '|notalk=yes'
  notice += '}}'

  return notice

 * Function to add a blank user line to the block table
 * Would fail ESlint no-unused-vars due to only being
 * referenced in an onclick event
 * @return {Promise<void>}
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
async function spiHelperAddBlankUserLine (tableName) {
  if (tableName === 'block') {
    await spiHelperGenerateBlockTableLine('', true, spiHelperBlockTableUserCount)
  } else {
    await spiHelperGenerateLinksTableLine('', spiHelperLinkTableUserCount)