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Hi, this is Keith Bowden's Wiki page.

I trained as an Electrical Engineer (1971-4), then as a Control Engineer (1974-7) at the University of Sheffield. My first real job was in Summer 1972 working for NASA in the Department of Space Physics at Sheffield University, Dept. of Space Physics, under Prof. Grenville Turner, on the electronic hardware for analysis of lunar samples. I once walked into his office smoking a cigarette when he was inspecting a sample. Any evidence that there is nicotine on the moon is largely due to me! :-))

Since then I have worked as a Consultant in Science, particularly Theoretical Physics, Engineering and Computing, both inside and outside academia. I have also worked for the music and video industries in London and as a computing journalist and author. Since 1997 I have held an Associate Research Fellowship with Basil Hiley's group in the Theoretical Physics Research Unit at Birkbeck College, University of London. I am now semiretired and thus largely have the time to think about what I wish to!

My interests are in Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics, Mereology and applications of Higher Algebra. In 1997 I designed the world's first Quantum Computer that you can make at home for the cost of a MacDonald's (see Counterfactual Quantum Computation). I am possibly the world expert (at least still practicing) on the work of Gabriel Kron.

From 1979 to 1997 I was a member of the Council of the Science Fiction Foundation. I was also the British Agent for the Philip K Dick Society (PKDS) throughout its lifetime (1982-1992). More recently I helped set up the Further Adventures of Jerry Cornelius website at www.faojc.com.

I have been proofreading papers, documents, articles and stories in Physics, Engineering, Computing and Science Fiction for the last thirty years.

I think that society's attitudes towards psychedelic drugs are so sad that they make me want to cry.

I have an Erdos Number of 4 (via Clive W. Kilmister).

Disclosure: In 2017 I had a painting "Windsurfing: Close to God" exhibited in the second Codes of Faith exhibition at the Laura I Gallery in East London.

My web page is www.bbk.ac.uk/tpru/KeithBowden.html and my email address is keith.bowden@bbk.ac.uk. I am happy to gas on any topic. Keithbowden (talk) 17:25, 7 February 2008 (UTC)